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Route 116
Ruby & SapphireEmerald
New Pokémon
Ruby Sapphire Emerald




Follow the Aqua/Magma Grunt here to reach Route 116, which introduces you to new Pokémon to both find and fight.

The Route splits in two to go around a small grove of trees, with tall grass covering the way. Go down the Southern path for now, as there's only tall grass and a trainer up North, while down here is more tall grass, another trainer, and an item.

Heading East after the grove will result in the player finding yet more tall grass, and another trainer. Continue down the route to find a two chances for a double battle, between 3 trainers.

After dispatching the trainers, continue onwards to find a house full of miners, an entrance to Rusturf Tunnel, and an old man, along with an area accessible by Cut and an item. Talking to the man will reveal that his pet Wingull, Peeko, has been taken hostage by the Team Grunt inside the tunnel! Enter it to continue the storyline.

Who keeps putting up these fake trees?[edit | edit source]

The cut-accessible area contains a couple of trainers, some items, and a berry patch. It can also be used to bypass the Route's tall grass patches when travelling from Rusturf Tunnel to Rustboro City.

Trainers[edit | edit source]

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Bug Catcher Jose
Wurmple (lvl. 8)
Silcoon (lvl. 8)
Nincada (lvl. 8)
Youngster Joey
Zigzagoon (lvl. 8)
Machop (lvl. 10)
Lass Janice
Marill (lvl. 10)160
Hiker Clark
Geodude (lvl. 8)
Geodude (lvl. 8)
Geodude (lvl. 8)
School Kid Jerry
Ralts (lvl. 10)200
School Kid Karen
Shroomish (lvl. 9)
Whismur (lvl. 9)
Picture Pokémon Reward
Bug Catcher Jose
Wurmple (lvl. 8)
Nincada (lvl. 8)
Youngster Joey
Machop (lvl. 9)128
School Kid Karen
Shroomish (lvl. 9)180
Youngster Johnson
Shroomish (lvl. 8)
Lotad (lvl. 8)
Hiker Clark
Geodude (lvl. 8)320
Hiker Devan
Geodude (lvl. 8)
Geodude (lvl. 8)
Lady Sarah
Lotad (lvl. 8)
Zigzagoon (lvl. 8)
Rich Boy Dawson
Zigzagoon (lvl. 8)
Poochyena (lvl. 8)
School Kid Jerry
Ralts (lvl. 9)180
Lass Janice
Marill (lvl. 9)144

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Repel - southwest of the Trainer Tips sign by the Rustboro City entrance
  • X Special - on the mountainside, southeast of the tunnel entrance
  • Super Potion - among the trees west of the Rest House, in the Southwest corner (Hidden, Requires Cut)
  • Chesto Berry x4 - among the trees west of the Rest House, in the Northwest corner (requires Cut)
  • Pinap Berry x6 - among the trees west of the Rest House, in the Northwest corner (requires Cut)
  • Ether - among the trees west of the Rest House, on the far west side (requires Cut)
  • Potion (Emerald only) - among the trees west of the Rest House (requires Cut)
  • Repeat Ball - obtained from the Devon researcher, after delivering the Devon Goods to Captain Stern

In the enclosed area in the eastern part of the route (accessed from Rusturf Tunnel):

  • HP Up - on the mountainside
  • Black Glasses - west of the NPC searching for their glasses (Hidden)

Pokémon Found[edit | edit source]

Ruby & Sapphire Level Encounter Rate Emerald Level Encounter Rate
Whismur 6-7 30% Whismur 6 20%
Zigzagoon 6-8 28% Poochyena 6-8 28%
Taillow 6-8 20% Taillow 6-8 20%
Nincada 6-7 20% Nincada 6-7 20%
Skitty 7-8 2% Skitty 7-8 2%
Abra 7 10%

Emerald-only Secrets[edit | edit source]

Route 116 in Emerald, whenever Terra Cave is here.

After defeating the Elite Four and becoming the Champion, the Legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre will retreat to the Terra and Marine caves, respectively. From there, you can catch them. However, only one of the caves is accessible at a time, and their locations rotate. If you don't catch, say, Kyogre before it moves, then Groudon will appear instead. If you do end up catching Kyogre, then Groudon's Terra Cave will always appear (Marine Cave will be locked away forever after this). One of the locations for Terra Cave is on Route 116, past the entrance to Rusturf Tunnel.

New Pokémon[edit | edit source]

#63 Abra #290 Nincada
Abra, the very powerful Psychic Pokémon, gets its late game strength from the fact that it evolves twice. In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, you can also find Abra in the Granite Cave on the island of Dewford.

Abras can seem to be a pain to rookie or impatient trainers, due to the difficulty in capturing them. Abra is very hard to catch, as it will use the psychic move Teleport that lets it escape from battle. Most of the time you'll need to throw a Poké Ball and hope you catch it, although putting it to sleep is a good strategy if you have a Pokémon that can do so. A captured Abra has a five percent chance of holding a TwistedSpoon, so in some cases it is advised for the trainer to catch several Abras.

Abra will only learn begin learning offensive moves at level 16 after it evolves into Kadabra, with the new attack being Confusion. Once Abra evolves into Kadabra, you can immediately evolve it into an Alakazam by trading it with a friend.

The Pokémon with extremely strong defense. A great Pokémon to teach the move Cut to, Nincada's attacks make it a late-game Pokémon as at low levels it learns only weak Normal, Ground and Bug type attacks. At the level of 25, Nincada picks up the attack False Swipe. This attack lets you attack an opponent without it falling below 1Hp, making it very useful for capturing wild Pokémon. Then Nincada learns the Attack Metal Claw (Level 38) and Dig (level 45).

Nincada evolves into a fast bug-flying Pokémon named Ninjask at level 20. If you have a open slot plus an extra Poké Ball when this happens, you will get the little surprise of Shedinja, a Bug-Ghost Pokémon which learns attacks such as Shadow Ball and Grudge. The problem you are faced with is if you evolve your Nincada at Level 20, you will lose out on the attacks Dig, Metal Claw and False Swipe which are replaced with Slash, Baton Pass and Swords Dance.

#293 Whismur #300 Skitty
Whismur the Whisper Pokémon. Again, another Normal type Pokémon with mediocre attacks. The best selection of attacks that Whismur can learn are the attacks Stomp (Level 25) and Hyper Voice (Level 45). Whismur evolves into a Loudred at level 20 and into an Exploud at Level 40, which are not very powerful apart from Exploud's new attack, Hyper Beam (Level 71), only available in the very late game.

The ability of Whismur is Soundproof, which prevents all sound-based moves from hurting your Whismur due to its deafness. Some attacks that are stopped are GrassWhistle, Growl and Perish Song. An issue with this ability is that when two Whismurs, Loudreds or Explouds battle, a number of their attacks are canceled due to Soundproof, like Uproar and Hyper Voice.

Skitty the Kitten Pokémon has the amazing ability Cute Charm, which will infatuate Pokémon that come into contact with them, possibly preventing them from attacking. The only place where this Pokémon can be found is on Route 116.

Skitty's starting attacks are quite ordinary, but once some time has been put into its training, it will learn attacks like DoubleSlap (Level 15). Skitty will learn the powerful attack for double battles Assist (Level 19), the strong Dark attack Faint Attack (Level 27), and the extremely powerful Normal type attack Double-edge (Level 39).

Skitty is best as a mid-to-late game Pokémon, but its disadvantage is that it can only be found at low levels. Skitty evolves into Delcatty while using a Moon Stone, but be warned that once evolved, Delcatty will not learn any new attacks. It would normally be better to use the Pokémon Zigzagoon, which is much stronger and more well-rounded Pokémon compared to Skitty.