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Evolution stones[edit | edit source]

A Pokémon that can evolve with the help of an evolution stone will evolve the instant the stone is used. Be careful doing this, since most Pokémon stop learning new moves after this kind of evolution, although there are some exceptions.

The second Pokémon listed in parentheses is what your Pokémon will evolve into if this evolution item is used on them.

Item Locations Availability Prices Pokémon affected
R/S/E FR/LG XD Buy Sell
Fire Stone Celadon City Department Store, Mt. Ember, Trade a Red Shard for one at the Treasure Hunter's House on Route 124, Fiery Path, S.S. Libra, Talk to person in Gateon Port. Yes Yes Yes 2,100 1,050
  • Vulpix (Ninetails)
  • Eevee (Flareon)
  • Growlithe (Arcanine)
Leaf Stone Celadon City Department Store, Route 119, Trade a Green Shard for one at the Treasure Hunter's House on Route 124, Safari Zone (Fuchsia City). Yes Yes No 2,100 1,050
  • Exeggcute (Eggecutor)
  • Gloom (Vileplume)
  • Nuzleaf (Shiftry)
  • Weepinbell (Victreebel)
Moon Shard Talk to person in Gateon Port No No Yes None None
  • Eevee (Umbreon)
Moon Stone Mt. Moon, Rocket Hideout, Two Island, Wild Clefairy, Meteor Falls Yes Yes No None None
  • Clefairy (Clefable)
  • Jigglypuff (Wigglytuff)
  • Nidorina (Nidoqueen)
  • Nidorino (Nidoking)
  • Skitty (Delcatty)
Sun Shard Talk to person in Gateon Port No No Yes None None
  • Eevee (Espeon)
Sun Stone Six Island Ruin Valley, Mossdeep City Yes Yes No None None
  • Gloom (Bellossom)
  • Sunkern (Sunflora)
Thunderstone Celadon City Department Store, Power Plant, Trade a Yellow Shard for one at the Treasure Hunter's House on Route 124, New Mauville, Talk to person in Gateon Port Yes Yes Yes 2,100 1,050
  • Eevee (Jolteon)
  • Pikachu (Raichu)
Water Stone Celadon City Department Store, Abandoned Ship, Seafoam Islands, Talk to person in Gateon Port Yes Yes Yes 2,100 None
  • Eevee (Vaporeon)
  • Lombre (Ludicolo)
  • Poliwhirl (Poliwrath)
  • Shellder (Cloyster)
  • Staryu (Starmie)

Hold items that cause evolution[edit | edit source]

Unlike with the evolution stones, trade items require a bit of work before the evolution will happen. To evolve a Pokémon with a hold item, follow these steps:

  1. Have the desired Pokémon hold a trade item that will make it evolve.
  2. Find a friend or extra Game Boy Advance to trade with.
  3. Trade the Pokémon and trade it back (or optionally trade with the intent of giving your friend a Pokémon that will be evolving).

Right after trading the Pokémon, it will evolve and the hold item will be expended (they can only be used once ever).

The second Pokémon listed in parentheses is what your Pokémon will evolve into if this evolution item is used on them.

Item Locations Availability Prices Effect while held Pokémon affected
R/S/E FR/LG XD Buy Sell
Upgrade Five Island Rocket Warehouse, Rocket Warehouse No Yes No None None None
  • Porygon (Porygon 2)
King's Rock Pickup Ability, Seven Island Sevault Canyon, Mossdeep City Yes Yes Yes (PC) 15,000 PokéCoupons 50 May cause flinching when opponent is hit.
  • Slowpoke (Slowking)
  • Poliwhirl (Politoed)
Metal Coat Held by Magneton on XD, wild Pokémon, Five Island Memorial Pillar Yes Yes Yes None None Increases power of steel-type moves
  • Scyther (Scizor)
  • Onix (Steelix)
Deepseatooth Give Mr. Brinney the Scanner (received from the Abandoned Ship) in Slateport City and he will give you one. Yes No No None None Doubles Clampearl's Special Attack.
  • Clampearl (Huntail)
Deepseascale Give Mr. Brinney the Scanner (received from the Abandoned Ship) in Slateport City and he will give you one. Yes No No None None Double's Clampearl's Special Defense
  • Clampearl (Gorebyss)
Dragonscale Wild Pokémon, Six Island Water Path Yes Yes No None None None
  • Seadra (Kingdra)