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New Pokémon
Ruby Sapphire Emerald
Route 120

Gaining Access to Fortree Gym[edit | edit source]

First and foremost, walk past the trainers and tall grass to the wooden bridge, where Steven is. He will use his Devon Scope to reveal a wild Kecleon which immediately attacks. This is a good time to catch one if you haven't already, but don't worry if you don't catch it - they can be found in tall grass on this route (though they are admittedly rare). After the battle ends, he gives the Devon Scope, which will allow you to scare off the Kecleon blocking access to Fortree City's Gym.

After Fortree[edit | edit source]

Upon returning to the area, if you keep to the north, you'll find the interviewers again (see the trainers section for their Pokémon). Additionally, in the westernmost section of the first patch of tall grass, you can find some steps leading down to the lake. However, they are blocked by one of the six hidden Kecleon on this route. After defeating the Kecleon, surfing to the southernmost section of the pond will lead to the entrance to Scorched Slab.

Continuing down the path will eventually lead you through a puddle-filled part of the route with a few trainers, and to the grass maze. The player has two options here: walk straight through the grass and skip most of the trainers (but run the risk of encountering wild Pokémon); or go through the maze properly and skip most Pokémon encounters (but run the risk of battling the trainers).

Either way, the maze has to be traversed to continue down the route. After the maze, there will be two ledges that regulate traffic to and from the maze, and funnel any southward travellers east of the nearby pond. From there, there will be a second bridge to cross. Travelling further south will lead to a fork in the road.

The west fork leads to an elevated path, and multiple soft soil patches (this makes the route an ideal place for farming berries). Near the first set of patches, there will be a lady; talking to her will reward you with rare berries, so make sure to come back frequently. At the very end is a rock formation that looks strangely familiar to one you saw in the Desert (see Capturing the Regis for more details). The east fork leads to the end of the route, and Route 121.

Invisible Kecleon Locations[edit | edit source]

  • On the northern bridge, battled after acquiring the Devon Scope from Steven
  • Behind the route sign in the north of the route
  • Blocking the steps down to the Scorched Slab
  • In the middle of the path, connecting the two Pokémon Rangers in the grass maze
  • By the four plots of soft soil south of the Ancient Tomb, north of the westernmost plot
  • On the north side of the Ancient Tomb

Pokemon Found[edit | edit source]

Ruby & Sapphire Level Encounter Rate Emerald Level Encounter Rate
Linoone 25, 27 30% Mightyena 25, 27 30%
Zigzagoon 25 20% Poochyena 25 20%
Surskit 25 1% Seedot 25 1%
Oddish 25-27 25%
Marill 25, 27 15%
Absol 25, 27 8%
Kecleon 25 1%
Marill 5-35 99%
Surskit 20-30 1% Goldeen 20-30 1%
Old Rod
Magikarp 5-10 70%
Goldeen 5-10 30%
Good Rod
Magikarp 10-30 60%
Goldeen 10-30 20%
Barboach 10-30 20%
Super Rod
Barboach 20-45 100%
Special Pokémon
Kecleon 30 Six (One-time encounters)

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Rare Candy - At the northern end of the route, at the end of the path behind the trees (Requires Cut) (Hidden)
  • Rare Candy - On the small shore on the southwest part of the route (Requires Cut) (Hidden)
  • Revive - In a clear square on the northernmost patch of grass (Hidden)
  • Nest Ball - On the narrow ledge near the northern end of the route (Requires Devon Scope )
  • Devon Scope - From Steven, after battling a Kecleon
  • Revive - In the center of the puddle-laden area
  • Aspear Berry x6 - In the soft soil patch near the puddle-laden area (Requires Cut)
  • Zinc - North part of the grass maze, on the last square of bare path; southwest of the maze's northern entrance (Hidden)
  • Nugget - In the western portion of the grass maze
  • Pecha Berry x6 - In the soft soil patch near the girl giving out Berries
  • Nanab Berry x3 - In the soft soil patch on the shore of the pond in the southwest corner of the route
  • Pinap Berry x3 - In the soft soil patch on the shore of the pond in the southwest corner
  • Wepear Berry x3 - In the soft soil patch on the shore of the pond in the southwest corner
  • Razz Berry x3 - In the soft soil patch on the shore of the pond in the southwest corner
  • Full Heal x3 - On the southern shore of the pond in the southwest corner (Requires Cut)
  • Hyper Potion - Among the long grass near Route 121.

Trainers[edit | edit source]

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Parasol Lady Clarissa
Goldeen (lvl. 29)
Wailmer (lvl. 29)
Interviewers Gabby & Ty
Magneton (lvl. 30)
Loudred (lvl. 30)
Bird Keeper Robert
Swablu (lvl. 30)960
Bird Keeper Colin
Natu (lvl. 29)
Swellow (lvl. 29)
Parasol Lady Angelica
Castform (lvl. 30)30
Ninja Boy Tsunao
Nincada (lvl. 28)
Koffing (lvl. 28)
Ninjask (lvl. 28)
Cool Trainer Jennifer
Milotic (lvl. 31)1488
Pokémon Ranger Jenna
Lotad (lvl. 29)
Lombre (lvl. 29)
Nuzleaf (lvl. 29)
Pokémon Ranger Carlos
Seedot (lvl. 29)
Nuzleaf (lvl. 29)
Lombre (lvl. 29)
Bug Maniac Brandon
Surskit (lvl. 28)
Surskit (lvl. 28)
Surskit (lvl. 28)
Ninja Boy Keigo
Koffing (lvl. 29)
Ninjask (lvl. 29)
Ruin Maniac Chip
Sandshrew (lvl. 28)
Sandshrew (lvl. 28)
Sandslash (lvl. 28)
Picture Pokémon Reward
Parasol Lady Clarissa
Roselia (lvl. 28)
Wailmer (lvl. 28)
Interviewers Gabby & Ty
Magneton (lvl. 30)
Loudred (lvl. 30)
Bird Keeper Robert
Swablu (lvl. 29)928
Bird Keeper Colin
Wingull (lvl. 28)
Natu (lvl. 28)
Cool Trainer Lionel
Manectric (lvl. 30)1440
Parasol Lady Angelica
Castform (lvl. 30)1200
Ninja Boy Riley
Nincada (lvl. 28)
Koffing (lvl. 28)
Battle Girl Callie
Meditite (lvl. 28)
Makuhita (lvl. 28)
Cool Trainer Jennifer
Sableye (lvl. 30)1440
Pokémon Ranger Jenna
Lotad (lvl. 28)
Lombre (lvl. 28)
Nuzleaf (lvl. 28)
Pokémon Ranger Lorenzo
Seedot (lvl. 28)
Nuzleaf (lvl. 28)
Lombre (lvl. 28)
Bug Maniac Jeffrey
Surskit (lvl. 27)
Surskit (lvl. 27)
Surskit (lvl. 27)
Ninja Boy Keigo
Koffing (lvl. 28)
Ninjask (lvl. 28)
Ruin Maniac Chip
Baltoy (lvl. 27)
Sandshrew (lvl. 27)
Sandslash (lvl. 27)