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Many wild Pokémon hold items, Some Pokémon have a 50% chance of appearing with a common item (C) or a 5% chance of appearing with a rare (R). Wild Vulpix and Numel will always (A) hold a Rawst Berry meaning 100 %, Here is a list of the items:

No. Pokémon Item Rarity Chance in %
039 Abra Twistedspoon R 5%
070 Aron Hard Stone R 5%
187 Bagon Dragon Scale R 5%
147 Banette Spell Tag R 5%
119 Cacnea Poison Barb R 5%
181 Chinchou Yellow Shard R 5%
176 Clamperl Blue Shard R 5%
180 Corsola Red Shard R 5%
093 Dodrio Sharp Beak R 5%
092 Doduo Sharp Beak R 5%
149 Dusclops Spell Tag R 5%
148 Duskull Spell Tag R 5%
057 Geodude Everstone R 5%
164 Girafarig Persim Berry R 5%
058 Graveler Everstone R 5%
106 Grimer Nugget R 5%
095 Gulpin Big Pearl R 5%
049 Hariyama King's Rock R 5%
184 Horsea Dragon Scale R 5%
145 Kecleon Persim Berry R 5%
108 Koffing Smoke Ball R 5%
071 Lairon Hard Stone R 5%
013 Linoone Oran Berry C 50%
013 Linoone Sitrus Berry R 5%
046 Loudred Chesto Berry R 5%
125 Lunatone Moon Stone R 5%
183 Luvdisc Heart Scale C 50%
082 Magnemite Metal Coat R 5%
083 Magneton Metal Coat R 5%
101 Numel Rawst Berry A 100%
156 Pikachu Oran Berry C 50%
156 Pikachu Light Ball R 5%
010 Poochyena Pecha Berry R 5%
179 Relicanth Green Shard R 5%
094 Roselia Poison Barb R 5%
112 Sandshrew Quick Claw R 5%
146 Shuppet Spell Tag R 5%
061 Skitty Leppa Berry R 5%
126 Solrock Sun Stone R 5%
114 Spinda Chesto Berry R 5%
143 Staryu Stardust C 50%
143 Staryu Star Piece R 5%
116 Trapinch Soft Sand R 5%
153 Vulpix Rawst Berry A 100%
045 Whismur Chesto Berry R 5%
012 Zigzagoon Oran Berry R 5%