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Route 126's surface in Emerald.
Route 126's underwater trenches.

Route 126 is a large, circular area with a dormant volcano at its center, the home of all Sootpolites. There is a multitude of trainers to battle and items to find, but you can do that later - you've got a Region to save! To continue the main story, head to the southern part of the route and use Dive on the dark patch, and enter the cave you find underneath.

Trainers[edit | edit source]

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Swimmer Barry
Gyarados (lvl. 35)280
Swimmer Dean
Carvanha (lvl. 33)
Wingull (lvl. 33)
Carvanha (lvl. 33)
Swimmer Brenda
Goldeen (lvl. 35)280
Swimmer Nikki Requires Dive
Marill (lvl. 32)
Wailmer (lvl. 32)
Spheal (lvl. 32)
Picture Pokémon Reward
Swimmer Leonardo
Carvanha (lvl. 34)272
Swimmer Isobel
Staryu (lvl. 34)1360
Swimmer Dean
Carvanha (lvl. 31)
Wingull (lvl. 31)
Carvanha (lvl. 31)
Swimmer Nikki
Marill (lvl. 33)
Spheal (lvl. 33)
Swimmer Barry
Gyarados (lvl. 34)272
Swimmer Sienna
Luvdisc (lvl. 33)
Luvdisc (lvl. 33)
Triathlete Pablo
Staryu (lvl. 33)
Staryu (lvl. 33)
Swimmer Brenda Requires Dive
Goldeen (lvl. 34)272

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Ultra Ball - In the central northern dive spot (Hidden; Requires Dive)
  • Heart Scale - In the northwest dive spot (Hidden; Requires Dive)
  • Stardust - In the northeast dark spot (Hidden; Requires Dive)
  • Yellow Shard - In a dive spot, in the middle of a small patch of seaweed to the west (Hidden; Requires Dive)
  • Pearl - In a dive spot, in the middle of a small patch of seaweed to the west (Hidden; Requires Dive)
  • Iron - In a dive spot, in the middle of a small patch of seaweed to the west (Hidden; Requires Dive)
  • Big Pearl - In the southeast dive spot, among the seaweed (Hidden; Requires Dive)
  • Blue Shard - In the bare square among the seaweed in the southwest-most dive spot (Hidden; Requires Dive)

Pokémon found[edit | edit source]

Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald Level Encounter Rate
Tentacool 5-35 60%
Wingull 10-30 35%
Pelipper 25-30 5%
Old Rod
Magikarp 5-10 70%
Tentacool 5-10 30%
Good Rod
Magikarp 10-30 60%
Tentacool 10-30 20%
Wailmer 10-30 20%
Super Rod
Wailmer 25-45 60%
Sharpedo 30-35 40%
Clamperl 20-35 65%
Chinchou 20-30 30%
Relicanth 30-35 5%

Relicanth is found underwater in Route 126. Though it is a fish Pokémon, it cannot be caught with a fishing rod. It is slightly tough to catch; 2 or 3 Ultra Ball s might get wasted, and Net Ball s and Dive Ball s do not work well.

Along with Wailord, Relicanth needs to be present in the your team to remove the seals from the hiding places of the Legendary Pokémon, Regirock, Regice and Registeel. To see more detailed information on this, see Capturing the Regis.