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You can capture the three Legendary Pokémon Regirock, Regice and Registeel in one great adventure.

Sealed Chamber

Start Surfing west of Pacifidlog Town; you will notice some strong currents that carry you to Slateport City. Enter these currents from their southern border. You might have to travel two or three times before you notice and finally reach the only dive spot in this route. Dive into it and swim southward; you will notice an inscription in Braille. It says Use Dive here to enter the Sealed Chamber. So, resurface at that spot to enter the Main Chamber.

Main Chamber

Inside, is a cave that has all ABCDEF... written in Braille again. The northernmost inscription reads Dig here. Use the Pokémon that knows the move Dig and a door will open leading to the Inner Chamber.

Inner Chamber

Island Cave

Here is a long message written in this chamber:

  • Second row left: BUT, WE SEALED THE POKÉMON AWAY.
  • Second row right: WE FEARED IT.
  • Third row left: IN THIS CAVE WE HAVE LIVED.
  • Third row right: WE OWE ALL TO THE POKÉMON.

Switch the places of your party Pokémon so that Relicanth is at first place and Wailord is at the sixth place. Then press the northernmost stone.The cave will shake and you will hear three doors open. Now, visit the Ancient Tomb, Desert Ruins and Island Cave to capture the Regi's.

Island Cave

The hardest Regi to catch, Regice, appears at the Island Cave on Route 105. Once you enter the chamber, the first thing you'll probably see is Braille written on the walls. The Braille reads, "Stop and wait for time to pass twice." In order to open the door to Regice, leave the Braille Message open for 2 minutes. Use a luxury ball to catch Regice easily.

Emerald: Walk the perimeter of the room once. The door will open.

Desert Ruins

As you might have noticed, all the chambers have six rocks encircling them. This symbolizes the six "eyes" of each Regi. The Desert Ruins is located in the desert! Regirock is located here. In order to open the door to Regirock, go right two spaces, down two spaces, then use rock smash. And an interesting side note, above the Desert Ruins is a Ruin Maniac named Dusty (for more info on the trainer Dusty look in the Trainers section) who says he's looking for some ancient ruins.

Ancient Tomb

Sort of like the Desert Ruins, the Ancient Tomb has a hiker (but not a trainer) looking for ruins. Even after you open the door, he still is looking! Well, anyway Registeel is here.

The Braille reads, "With new time, hope and love, aim to the sky in the middle." Go to the middle of the cave, and use fly. A door will appear which leads to Registeel.

Emerald: The Braille reads, "There who inherit our will, shine in the middle." Go to the middle of the cave, and use flash. A door will appear which leads to Registeel.

Advantages of the Regis

  • Enhance your Pokedex.
  • They are the only legendaries in Ruby and Sapphire that can enter the Battle Tower.
  • They have pretty good stats and movesets which benefit them in Contests and Battle Tower.
  • You can brag to friends about having them.
  • Can be imported into Pokémon Diamond and Pearl to get the incredibly powerful Regigigas.

Translating Guide

You may use the guide below in translating the Visual Braille.