Pokémon Gold and Silver/Victory Road

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Welcome to Victory Road, one of the easiest dungeons in the game, first go to your right for some items then exit to the North-West.


Here, go up the ledge and go right then up to exit to level 3.


Go left and jump down, go down the ladder for a Full Restore then jump down and go up the ladder again. To the right, there is a hole and a tunnel, fall down the hole for TM26 and a Max Potion on the rock then get back up and go through the tunnel to the North. Prepare for a rival battle and go up to exit.

Pokémon found

Morning Day Night
Golbat Golbat Golbat
Onix Onix Onix
Graveler Graveler Graveler
Rhyhorn Rhyhorn
Rhydon* Rhydon*
Sandslash Sandslash

*Rhydon is very rare Level Range: 32-40



  • Full Heal (Rock to right of entrance, hidden)
  • Max Revive (Far east of F1)
  • Full Heal (Far right of F1)


  • HP UP
  • TM26 (hidden in rock. fall into the hole to the left of the exit. then its in the rock right around you.)
  • Full Restore
  • Max Potion (Hidden in rock)