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(Created stub with some dialog and KotOR templates for now)
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{{Header Nav|game=Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords}}
{{Header Nav|game=Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords}}
When you first speak to Kreia after Handmaiden or Disciple join your party:
Kreia may join your party on Peragus II when you return to the administration level from the dormitories, and you may speak to her briefly then, or at much greater length in the port dormitory aboard the {{s|Hangar Bay|Ebon Hawk}} before traveling to Telos: Citadel Station, but what follows is only unlocked after arrival.
When you first speak to Kreia with [[../Alignment/]] < 30:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You have grown strong in the Force - I can feel its mark upon you.|B=dark}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Be warned - the highest of mysteries cannot be found by falling to the dark side. It is a quick path - and often, a short one. But I sense a disquiet in you, an unrest. Such things will erode your strength.|C=3}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Why do people in our journey trouble me with these... indignities? These fetching missions, this servant work.|W=35%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I am anxious for the chance to test my power against something greater.|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|There is no way to display my strength, when the galaxy is filled with begging fools, unable to solve their own problems.|W=35%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||They sense the trappings of power and decision upon you. Their lives are static, trapped, and they see one who carries no such chains.|C=3}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|This fetch-and-carry, this servant work is beneath me.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|They are fools, and dealing with them is a waste of time.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|We have more important things to do.|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|In begging for aid, they show their weakness and deserve death.|W=30%}}
When you first speak to her with Alignment > 70:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You have grown strong in the Force - I can feel its touch upon you.|B=light}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Do not let the higher mysteries blind you to others. Turning away from that which tempts you or causes you fear is not strength. Facing it is. I have seen you display many acts of mercy - charity, in our journey. Why?|C=3}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Because if I can help, I will.|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|There is enough suffering in the galaxy - if I can alleviate for one person, then I have made a difference.|W=45%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|It is instinct in me, to do what is right.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Even if it weakens those you help? Even if it robs them of the strength needed to grow? You have been chased, hounded, since our first meeting. And it has only made you stronger, more capable.|C=3}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|I fail to see how small acts of mercy can be harmful.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|If you're trying to guilt me out of helping people, you won't succeed.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I think you are wrong.}}
In both cases:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah, then you have learned nothing. From such small things, from such critical points, the universe and its masses may be moved... that is why you must be careful in all that you do, and in every choice you make. Aiding them gives you strength by taking on their challenges but weakens them. If that is your choice, then use their dependency, feed upon it, until you have exhausted them, then leave them. And I would view the ones you travel with much the same way.|C=4}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+4|1.|They are loyal companions - and I will not harm them.|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+4|2.|I will never abandon my friends in such a way.|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+4|3.|I do not turn on my allies like the Jedi turned on their own during the wars.|W=30%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|4.|Then I shall view you as disposable, then.|W=20%}}
!colspan=3| Influence Lost: Kreia
! Influence Gained: Kreia
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||So you may think, but it will be best to strike first - your allies are allies by circumstance, and they will not hesitate to do the same to you, if you continue down your path.|W=80%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah, now you are learning.|W=20%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Do you know why those we meet display such weakness? As I said, their lives are static, untested. It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you. You have seen it, you have felt it within you as you have traveled with me. The growing anger, the rage, and the power it brings. Yet the power does not build without such struggle. Through small cruelties, greater ones are born.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[[../Kreia#Ask|I had other questions.]]|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Never mind. I'll be going now.|W=50%}}
Otherwise, or upon returning:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Yes? Have you come with questions?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|I want you to teach me more about the Force.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well. What is it that drives you?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|This bond we share. I would know more about it.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I confess its nature eludes me as well. But the bond is strong, and its roots run deep. It seems that at times of stress - and pain, if they catch us unawares, then the pain is transmitted between us.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What about when we fight on our journey?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||When battle is upon us, I suspect our minds are prepared enough to shield each other from the pain. I think we shall not have a repeat incident of what happened at Peragus.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Does this bond have any advantages?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||It seems the Force flows easily between us - when one of us manipulates the Force to heal or strengthen ourselves, the other is aided as well.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[You and Kreia possess the {{s|Feats|Force Chain}} special ability. When either of you uses a Force power on yourself, the other gains the benefit as well.]}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||A powerful technique indeed - though, as we have noticed, it has its drawbacks.}}
You can tell her you want to build a lightsaber:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I want to build a lightsaber.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Indeed? A Jedi tool - and a Sith weapon. And why do you need such a thing?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+1|1.|To defend you and my allies.|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+1|2.|Because I feel naked without it.|W=34%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|3.|It represents power - and it can help me slaughter enemies quicker, faster.|W=33%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
! [[../Alignment/]] > 39
! Alignment < 40
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+1|4.|The lightsaber is a symbol of the Jedi. It inspires others, gives them hope.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|4.|A lightsaber is the most powerful weapon a Sith can wield - that is reason enough.|W=50%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Then listen to me. There is much weight, much craving attached to such a tiny thing of light.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||For the male, it seems to have inordinate importance. But we shall leave such male preoccupations for philosophers and cultural historians.|B=male}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||A lightsaber - any weapon - only achieves worth in how it is wielded - in the effort, the struggle of one who holds it. Such a weapon does not make a Jedi or a Sith. And at times it makes much them much, much less than they are.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|But how do I make one?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The knowledge has already been imparted to you. Upon our journey, the pieces shall fall into place.}}
She cannot teach you any [[../Forms#Lightsaber forms|lightsaber forms]], but she can tell you about them once you have them:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Can you teach me any lightsaber forms?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The Jedi practice many forms, many styles of lightsaber combat. It is good to know them, but not to rely on them. You may have already felt the Shii-Cho, the simplest of the forms return to you as your skill and perceptions have returned.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Others may come with time, with experience.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Can you tell me of the [[../Forms#Determination (Shii-Cho)|Shii-Cho]] style?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||It is simple, and its simplicity is strength. It allows focus, a slightly improved chance of connecting with one's opponent. It has no other advantages or disadvantages - it is an effective form to fall back on when no other form will do.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|What do you know of the [[../Forms#Contention (Makashi)|Makashi]] technique?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah - a technique that helps one resist the Force attacks of an enemy - and also is excellent in lightsaber combat. It does more damage, but it leaves you vulnerable to other attacks. Use it against others wielding the Force or lightsabers... but not against anyone else.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Tell me of [[../Forms#Resilience (Soresu)|Soresu]].}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||A... defensive technique. But effective. Use it if you do not wish to be hit, or if you are facing many opponents with blasters. With a lightsaber blade and enough skill in deflection, it is an excellent offense against blasters, but in other situations, it merely delays the inevitable.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|Are you familiar with [[../Forms#Aggression (Ataru)|Ataru]]?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah, one of the techniques you have learned from the masters. This technique is good against a lone opponent, and you will find your critical strikes are more effective. But you will be vulnerable to almost everyone else you are fighting.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||5.|The [[../Forms#Perseverance (Shien)|Shien]] technique?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||An aggressive technique - but it is powerful, effective. It can counter blaster weapons, and add to the damage of your critical.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||6.|What of [[../Forms#Moderation (Niman)|Niman]]?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||A blending of younger forms, and all of them in moderation. In the blending, much of the individuality is lost, but the strengths are spread evenly, and there is little weakness in it. Its great strength is the way it allows the Force to flow through you, revitalizing one even in the middle of combat.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||6.|I have learned [[../Forms#Ferocity (Juyo)|Juyo]].}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Perhaps one of the greatest styles, learned only by the most skilled of Force wielders. Impressive. In many ways, some have described it as a surrender to the Force and to chaos, to strike at an opponent with such speed and angles of attack that they have difficulty countering it. Your number of attacks will increase, and you will notice many more of them shall slip beneath an opponent's guard - critically wounding them. But in surrendering yourself to the Force in such a way reduces your ability to resist its effects should the enemy turn the Force against you. Be on your guard.}}
She also cannot teach you any {{s|Forms|Force forms}}, but she can tell you about them once you have them:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|I wished to know more about the Force forms.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well. Of which did you wish instruction?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|The one that allows me to [[../Forms#Force Channel|focus the Force]].}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||It allows you to recover your strength with the Force more quickly, and it lends strength to your Force powers. It has no other drawbacks - such a form is a gift, preferred of the Jedi Consulars, and effective in combats where you must fight only through the Force.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|[[../Forms#Force Mastery|Force mastery]].}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||It is a great technique that you have learned. Gifted only to the highest of Jedi masters - and the Sith - this technique makes your Force powers more difficult to resist... and they will last longer as well. But it can tire you quickly. Use it only in short combats, where expediency is necessary.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|The stance that gives more [[../Forms#Force Potency|potency to the Force]].}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||With this form, your use of the Force will have more damaging effects, but it will drain you as well. Effective, but only if conventional means are having no effect.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|The one that grants an [[../Forms#Force Affinity|affinity with the Force]].}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Helpful, especially in tandem with other force techniques. This one opens you to the Force, allowing you to recover your strength with the Force rapidly in combat.}}
Once Kreia has reacted to {{s|Kreia|Visas}} joining your party:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|When Visas attacked, she did something to my eyesight.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||She did nothing to your eyes that was not already there. She has forced this upon you, but such crude methods are the markings of the Sith.|C=2}}
|-  id="Eyes"
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Close your eyes.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I'm not ready for this yet.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Close your eyes.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||If that is your belief, so be it.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|All right.}}
! Influence Gained: Kreia
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Feel this ship around you.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Listen to my words. Hear the sound of the Handmaiden's training in the cargo hold, her hands cutting the air.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The welding of the droid as it goes about its work.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
!width=20%| {{s|Skills|Computer Use}} > 0
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Computer Use] Hey, T3 has a stuck motivator.|W=80%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Now stretch out. Hear the rumble of hyperspace, the hum of the hyperdrive.|C=2}}
! {{s|Skills|Repair}} > 0
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Repair] Hey, I can hear a catch in it. It's not fully fixed.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ignore distractions, and focus on my voice.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The breathing of the blinded one as she meditates in the dark. Now listen deeper. Past her breathing, and listen.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Visas|| my feet walk from the ashes of Katarr, I shall not fear, for in fear, lies death, and...|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|I heard her speaking.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|What... what was that?|W=60%}}
!width=20%| {{s|Skills|Awareness}} > 10
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|[Awareness] I heard her thoughts.|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You know what you heard - it is what I hear, constant whispers of wants, desires, lies told to oneself to stave off the darkness around us.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You are strong indeed.... what you heard were surface thoughts only, but it is something that masters have trained for for years and never learned.|C=3}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|But... how did I do that?|W=40%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Can I do that whenever I wish?|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Was I always able to do that?|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||That is not the real question you should ask - is such listening enough to perceive the world around you? It is not. Because to listen to the thoughts of another is much like attempting to see the universe only with your eyes. It is equally limiting. Now leave me be. I must rest.|C=3}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[You have gained +1 {{s|Skills|Awareness}} and recovered some of your connection to the Force.]}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=500|Gained awareness and recovered some of your connection to the Force}}
Maximum Force points increased by 6. When you next speak, you can now ask the following:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|You taught me of sight - is there anything else you can teach me?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||When I spoke of sight before, there is a similar handicap that tends to occur among those strong in the Force. They neglect their skills. Some believe they no longer need them. The greatest wielders of the Force are those that maintain some grounding to the more... physical realities of the universe.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|[[../Kreia#Ask|Forget it. I had other questions.]]}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What do you mean?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Some wielders of the Force have mastered piloting... others the ability to fix and repair and build, from simple moisture vaporators to more complex machines, such as droids and vehicles. One's ability to understand the human body and its ailments, for example, can make your powers within the Force more complete, more powerful when you attempt to repair the cellular damage of another. And others have mastered the more subtle work of politics, persuasion. Do not doubt that a galaxy may be conquered with words, a Republic overthrown, and an empire made. When such skills are honed, one's abilities with the Force become that much stronger. My warning to you is this - do not rely on your companions to compensate for your weaknesses in skill. There will be times they will not be there to help you when needed.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||What skill would you say is your greatest strength?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||9.|I'm not ready for this yet.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well - return when you are, and I shall have more to impart.}}
Otherwise, you can only select the skill(s) in which you've invested the most points:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Awareness] My ability to perceive the environment.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||5.|[Stealth] Relying on not being seen.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|[Treat Injury] Healing others.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||6.|[Computer] My aptitude for computers.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|[Repair] Repairing machines.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||7.|[Persuade] Persuasion, convincing others to do as I ask.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|[Demolitions] Understanding explosives.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||8.|[Security] Convincing stubborn security devices to open.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||And what skill would you say is your greatest weakness?|C=2}}
You can only select the skill(s) in which you've invested the fewest points.
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Then my task before you is this - take your greatest weakness, devote effort to it, strengthen it, and I will show you how it shall strengthen your power in the Force.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Very well. I shall take this lesson to heart.|W=40%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|How do I do that?|R=2|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|That seems... beneath me.|W=30%}}
! Influence Gained: Kreia !! Influence Lost: Kreia
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||As you learn and train and test yourself against the galaxy, all your skills have a chance to improve and grow as well. When you devote some of that training to your weakest skill, you will know.|C=3}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[[../Kreia#Ask|Very well. I have other questions.]]}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I'll think on this, and return when my weakest skill is stronger.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|We'll see. I'll be going now.}}
When you return:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I wish to ask about the lesson related to my skills.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Have you done as I asked?}}
You can only select one of the following, based on your previous choice:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Awareness] I have devoted myself to perceiving the environment.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well. Then know this... your ability to perceive the environment around you extends not only to perceiving dangers, but the awareness of the motivations of others. As there are dangers in your environment all around you, there are similar dangers and threats lurking in the mind of others... to see these things sometimes is enough.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Treat Injury] I have devoted myself healing others.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||That is a skill I know well. To know the knots of muscle, the currents of blood within the veins and flesh... it is a galaxy within the galaxy. The ability to heal is also the ability to harm. And the inability to heal what is damaged can also bring about harm.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Repair] I have devoted myself repairing machines.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Computer] I have devoted myself my aptitude for computers.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well. Then know this... many are the times I meditate in the silence of my chambers. Do you know why I do this? I do this so that I might center myself, listen to the currents of the galaxy. There are others who may achieve this in occupying the mind, in achieving a moving meditation where operating on machinery achieves a similar effect.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Demolitions] I have devoted myself understanding explosives.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well. Then know this... all situations contain within them the potential for violence. To know how to hold that violence in check, to restrain it, and use it to hold the situation to your advantage is the way of any wielder of the Force.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Stealth] I have devoted myself relying on not being seen.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well. Then know this... how some situations play out depend on who is perceiving them... and whether they are being perceived. Your ability to control the perception of others in such situations will allow you to manipulate events, to resolve them peacefully or violently.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Persuade] I have devoted myself persuasion, convincing others to do as I ask.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The ability to persuade others is a powerful weapon... perhaps more so than any lightsaber. It is a strength to defeat an opponent without combat, to convince them that your will is right, or just... or will simply benefit them in a way that they had not perceived. Examine their actions, and the why of how they do them. And when you achieve such understanding, more truths may be revealed.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Security] I have devoted myself convincing stubborn security devices to open.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||There are many secrets that the Force may not unlock, for they are not things of life... to uncover such secrets can allow you to see events more clearly. It can grant you more weapons, more wealth, and allow you access to places and their secrets that can often turn the tide of a battle or change events.}}
In every case:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Skill does not always draw from the Force, but it is a measure of power nonetheless. It can grant knowledge, help steady oneself when one's thoughts are in chaos, or grant enlightenment. Much can be achieved without the Force... as you know. Life continues, persists, and may be helped or harmed as a result. Now, I am tired - leave me to my meditations.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[You have gained a bonus to your weakest and strongest skills, and you have also recovered some of your connection to the Force.]}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=1000|Recovered some of your connection to the Force}}
Maximum Force points increased by 6, but you may not actually gain skill bonuses unless playing on Xbox. You can also continue the listening lesson:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Before, when you taught me to listen - I wish to continue that lesson.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well, sit with me.}}
! Influence Gained: Kreia
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You have brushed the surface thoughts of another. It is a start. Calm yourself. This time, silence your own thoughts, keep them still. Imagine the waters of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, each stream suddenly falling silent and still. Imagine the ice of Telos, cold and smooth, as it gathers upon the plateau. Now stretch out, feel the ship around you. Strip away the metal, and see the souls and minds of those that fill its corridors, with more thoughts and dreams and worries than can fill the space of this ship.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Visas|| my feet walk from the ashes of Katarr, I shall not fear, for in fear, lies death, and...}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Mandalore||...if I upped the tibanna gas levels in the carbine that would be enough to punch a hole even in triple-durasteel... and we'll need weapons like that if the Republic discovers the camp on Dxun...}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Disciple|| could the Jedi leave the Republic? Was it because of the Civil War? Is it possible that they...|B=female|R=2|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Handmaiden||...from the first movement flows the second... strike, repeat, circle one's opponent... repeat, faster, quicker... if Father had been faster... if only Father had been faster...|B=male|W=80%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Handmaiden||...if I was faster, I would no longer be the last of my sisters... but does Atris love him? Jedi do not love. Does Atris hate him? Jedi do not hate. This journey is harder than any she has sent me on.|B=male}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Mira||...this place is so quiet. Nothing like Nar Shaddaa... I don't even know why I'm - wonder how much the bounty on the Jedi is now.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Mira||Don't understand how that Jedi keeps in shape like he does; he's barely changed from the holorecords. He just seems to be naturally young.|B=male|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Mira||Don't understand how that Jedi keeps in shape like she does; she's barely changed from the holorecords. She just seems to be naturally beautiful.|B=female|W=50%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Atton||...switch the face of the +1/-1 card, the totals are nine-ten. Switch the face of the +2/-2 card, the total is eight-eleven. Switch...}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Bao-Dur||Your command echoes still, General. And I obey, as I did at Malachor.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|:: That sound in the background - what is it? ::}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Not now. Focus on my voice.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Now do you hear me? Truly hear me.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|::I hear you. This... this is incredible.::}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You have taken the first steps on a much longer road, exile.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What about the droids - and Hanharr?|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|What about the droids - and the Wookiee animal?|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|What about the droids?|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|What about T3?|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The droids cannot be read in such a way - nor the beast, he has little thoughts to speak of. As for the alien who served with you in the war, its thoughts are more difficult, requiring many translations in meaning.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The droids cannot be read in such a way - as for the alien who served with you in the war, its thoughts are more difficult, requiring many translations in meaning.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The droid cannot be read in such a way - as for the alien who served with you in the war, its thoughts are more difficult, requiring many translations in meaning.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Often it is better to read their impulses and images than their spoken thoughts. That is why he is deaf to you - I have found his impulses are cold, like a dead weight, his thoughts are black.|C=4}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|But I did hear something from Bao-Dur.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|[Persuade/Lie] Of course. That would explain why I heard nothing from him.|R=3|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Really? Interesting.|R=3|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Indeed. It is strange that I did not.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Maybe it is because I know him better, I served with him.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Perhaps. I would not put much weight on such things.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Such is the case with primitive minds. It is of no matter.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|There was also something wrong with Atton's thoughts.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Of course there was. It is because Atton was not playing pazaak, yet he counts cards in his head. At times, he will list off engine sequencers, memorize the hyperspace routes on the other side of the galaxy, count the ticking in the power couplings even though they are fixed. At other times... he will imagine certain... base lusts, certain... indignities. It may be Atton is far cleverer than he feigns to be. Or perhaps he is simply a fool.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Perhaps. Maybe I will go see him - and see how his pazaak game is coming.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=500|Recovered some of your connection to the Force}}
Maximum Force points increased by 6. When you next speak, you can now ask the following:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Before, when I heard the thoughts of my companions, I heard something, like an echo.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah. I had wondered if... but your powers are strong indeed.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Now is not the time to speak of this. Wait until you have more of the galaxy within you, and we shall speak again.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What do you mean?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Every step on our journey shall bring with it discoveries - with persistence, you shall grow in the Force. And for every planet we reach, all that we touch with our presence, you shall grow - for you will have no choice.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I will return when I am both more experienced and have travelled to all the planets of the Masters.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Yes, and I need some answers.|C=2}}
|- id="Ask"
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Then ask, and I will do my best to answer.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ask, and I will answer.|W=50%}}
You can ask her what she is:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Kreia, what are you - are you a Jedi, a Sith?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole. Know that I am your teacher, and that is enough.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
!colspan=2| 10 < Influence < 90
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I want some answers, not more cryptic words.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|Enough of these lies. Tell me what you are.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Failure] Or what? Shall you kill me? Hurt me? You would only be inflicting harm on yourself. Perhaps you will keep me here on this ship, prisoner, unable to leave.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Is that the way of a Jedi?|B=light}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Or perhaps you will simply cast me out, exile me - it matters not.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|We will speak more of this, I promise you.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||That is enough for today, and I must rest.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
! {{s|Attributes|Intelligence}} > 13
! Intelligence < 14 {{s|Attributes|Wisdom}} > 17
!colspan=2| 11 > Influence > 89
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Intelligence] Then what were you?|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Wisdom] To ally myself with someone without knowing their allegiance is unwise.|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I want some answers, not more cryptic words.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Enough of these lies. Tell me what you are.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Success] What do you wish to hear? That I once believed in the code of the Jedi? That I felt the call of the Sith, that perhaps, once, I held the galaxy by its throat?|C=4}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||That for every good work that I did, I brought equal harm upon the galaxy? That perhaps what the greatest of the Sith Lords knew of evil, they learned from me? What would it matter now? There is only so much comfort in knowing such things, and it is not who I am now.|C=3}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|I still wish to hear the story.|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Then what happened to you?|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|If the past is as important as you claim, then I would hear yours.|W=60%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||There are dark places in the galaxy where few tread. Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge... But I did not walk alone. To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best. But my will was not law. There were disagreements, ambition. And hunger for power. There are techniques within the Force against which there is no defense. I was cast down. Stripped of my power. Exiled. I suffered... indignities. And fell into darkness.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
!width=40%| Alignment < 40
!width=60%| Alignment > 39
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Take what strength you may steal from me, and that is all I need be to you.|B=dark}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Learn from me, my mistakes, and use that knowledge to become greater than I. That is all I ask of you, and that is all I desire.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||In you all my hopes rest, for the future, for the Force.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|I need more than that, Kreia.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|That is not sufficient.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||If it means so much to you, then this I swear to you upon my life... upon our lives... that when your training is complete, I will answer everything. There shall be no more shadows between us, only truth that exists between master... and apprentice.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=1000|Heard Kreia's story}}
You can ask if she knows anything about the Sith who pursue you:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Do you know anything about the Sith who pursue us?|C=2}}
!width=50%| 30 > Influence > 70
!width=50%| 29 < Influence < 71
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Success] I know of them, yes... and how much like beasts they had become.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Failure] Nothing more than we already know - and anything else I know would be useless. There is danger in such knowledge - even if I were certain of the ones who hunt you.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Combined, united against the Jedi, they command legions of Sith. But above these legions, there are three who must be stopped - as long as any one of them lives, then we - and all life are doomed. One bathes in pain, feeds on it for sustenance. The other has ceased being a living being, so consumed by hunger than he has forgotten his own flesh. And the last is a creature of betrayals, for without such things, there is no hope.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|And the one consumed by hunger?|W=40%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|[[../Kreia#Visas|Is the one consumed by hunger Visas' master? I would know more of him.]]|W=60%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The less said of that one, the better - even a stray thought may draw him, and it is possible that he cannot be defeated. He is one who has learned the greatest of the Sith teachings - and it enslaved him. Until you are ready, we must not seek him out.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|The one who bathes in pain - Sion.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Yes... of pain, he has learned much. Of knowledge, of teaching, he knows nothing. Like the others, he was spawned by the horrors of the Mandalorian Wars. He exists solely to spread his pain to all Jedi, everywhere.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Who is the betrayer?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Even now, she is difficult to see. She must remain hidden for now until the time is right - if not, then all our efforts will be for nothing. In this, you must trust me. If she is exposed too soon, then this war will be over before it has begun.}}
Once aboard the Ebon Hawk after leaving Telos, the following options are also unlocked:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|You don't seem to like the Handmaiden. Why?|C=4}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||There are countless reasons, and I have neither the time nor the patience to list them all.|C=4}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+2|1.|I trust her. She is here to help us, and allies should stand together.|W=30%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+2|2.|She has offered to help us, so show her the same respect I show you.|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|We could drop her off on the next planet.|W=15%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-2|4.|Then perhaps we should stop talking about it and simply eliminate her.|W=25%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Do you think to turn her from Atris' will? If so, I hope your arrogance will prove true in time. But I will abide her presence. She may have her uses.|W=60%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||No - she may have her uses. I will abide her presence, and so should you.|W=40%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Why do you say that?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Because Atris is a threat. And as much as she would try to use us against you, so may we use her servants against her. Do not see every enemy as an enemy - see them instead as an ally, whether they realize it or not. This situation may yet work to our advantage.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+1|1.|I do not see the Handmaiden as an enemy, and neither should you.|W=40%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|2.|I will keep in that mind - and watch the Handmaiden carefully.|W=30%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|3.|Agreed. We need every tool we can get if Atris tries anything.|W=30%}}
! Influence Lost: Kreia
!colspan=2| Influence Gained: Kreia
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||If that is your opinion, it is noted. Is that all you wished to speak to me about?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Good. That is the most to be done until events unfold... as I am sure they will, in time.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What's wrong with your eyes?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||There is nothing wrong with my sight, if that is your question. I see all that I need, though the seeing of things flesh and blood has failed me some time ago. They were distractions only.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|There might be a way to heal your sight.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Is it like Visas' eyes? Were you blinded as she was?|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||There is nothing wrong with my eyes - they simply have atrophied from use. They are adequate to distinguish shapes, silhouettes. If need be, I could heal them, restore my sight, but sight can prove a distraction. When one relies on sight to perceive the world, it is like trying to stare at the galaxy through a crack in the door. But that is a lesson for another time. You must learn to see crude matter for what it is before the veil is lifted.|C=2}}
Once Visas has joined your party:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[[../Kreia#Eyes|But how do you get around?]]}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Did you know Atris at all?|C=2}}
! 40 > Influence > 60 !! 39 < Influence < 61
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Success] Atris herself is not as familiar to me as perhaps she should be. Yet I feel I know her, yes.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Failure] I know her as much as I know any Jedi... if you have other questions, you may ask those, but on Atris, I can provide you no answers that you cannot find on your own.|W=50%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What do you mean?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Because Atris' path is one I walked long ago, and it is a chapter of my life that has been read and closed. She has taken the first steps, I think - we shall see. Surely you felt the righteous anger, the spoken judgments, the lack of forgiveness.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|You walked her path?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I was a historian once, gathering the relics of the Jedi, learning the ancient mysteries. Always, there were more questions. One quickly learns that the Jedi code does not give all the answers. If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single idea. That is why Atris and the others blamed me, sentenced me. They believed me responsible for Revan's fall.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|You trained Revan?|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Kreia... were you to blame?|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You have already asked much... I do not wish to speak of this any longer. |C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|I had questions about how Revan amassed such a huge force against the Republic.|C=3}}
{| {{prettytable}}
|- id="Revan"
!colspan=2| 35 > Influence > 65 !! 34 < Influence < 66
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Success] Have you never asked yourself how Revan took the Republic and Jedi beneath him, how he made them his?|B=male|W=37%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Success] Have you never asked yourself how Revan took the Republic and Jedi beneath her, how she made them hers?|B=female|W=38%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Failure] A discussion, perhaps, for another time.|W=25%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Because he was a leader?|B=male|W=13%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|He was a powerful presence - there was little one did not believe when he spoke it with conviction.|B=male|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|War makes bonds, it cannot be denied.|W=14%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|She was a powerful presence - there was little one did not believe when she spoke it with conviction.|B=female|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Because she was a leader?|B=female|W=13%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah, but to make officers turn on their own people, to bomb innocent worlds to make pacts... strong influence, indeed. And where did these Sith teachings come from? And why did Revan embrace them so strongly? So many questions... yet the answers are few.|C=5}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I do not know, and I do not care.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well, then we shall speak no more of this. Leave me - I am tired.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|They came from the Sith empire.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I thought teachings of the Sith came from Korriban.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Oh, did they? No, Revan met no Sith empire, yet he learned their teachings.|B=male}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Oh, did they? No, Revan met no Sith empire, yet she learned their teachings.|B=female}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Many have mistaken the soldiers beneath Revan, the machines that were constructed, to be the "Sith."|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||They are wrong -  the Sith is a belief. And what Revan formed was not an empire, but something else - yet how he did it is curious.|B=male}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||They are wrong -  the Sith is a belief. And what Revan formed was not an empire, but something else - yet how she did it is curious.|B=female}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||And I suspect the answer to that question is tied to another - how was Revan able to corrupt so many, so quickly?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Do you have any ideas?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Not a one. But we shall see where our journey takes us, I think. And see how many answers we come across, yes?|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I've heard enough. Forget this.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||5.|Did you know Revan?|C=2}}
! 10 > Influence > 90 !! 9 < Influence < 91
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Success] Perhaps... I think it is fair to say that few did.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Failure] I misspoke before - and I do not wish to choose my words unwisely again. Leave this be.|W=50%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=500|Influenced Kreia to talk about Revan}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|I had some questions about Revan.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah... and what did you wish to know of Revan?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Where did Revan come from?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Revan had a mother and father, parents, ancestors, like all Jedi do. And when he awakened to his potential, I was there to see it. But where he was born, where he came from, I do not know... anymore than I know where he walks now. Some said that Revan was born in the Outer Regions, beyond the Rim, and that's what called to him during the Mandalorian Wars... and after.|B=male|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Revan had a mother and father, parents, ancestors, like all Jedi do. And when she awakened to her potential, I was there to see it. But where she was born, where she came from, I do not know... anymore than I know where she walks now. Some said that Revan was born in the Outer Regions, beyond the Rim, and that's what called to her during the Mandalorian Wars... and after.|B=female|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||It was the call of home.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What else do you know of Revan?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I know more... but it may not be enough for the answers you seek.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|What caused Revan to fall, to turn on the Republic?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Fall? Ah, already you presume much.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You were there at Malachor. Revan's choices were always his own. It was not teaching, or circumstance, or example. It was him.|B=male|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You were there at Malachor. Revan's choices were always her own. It was not teaching, or circumstance, or example. It was her.|B=female|W=50%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Then what made him turn to the dark side, become a Sith Lord?|B=male|W=40%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|But Revan was a monster, a...|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Then what made her turn to the dark side, become a Sith Lord?|B=female|W=40%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Is that what he was? Or was he always true to himself, no matter what personality he wore?|B=male|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Is that what she was? Or was she always true to herself, no matter what personality she wore?|B=female|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||And there is something that the Council may never understand. That perhaps Revan never fell. The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel that Revan understood that difference, more than anyone knew.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The galaxy would have fallen if Revan had not gone to war. Perhaps he became the dark lord out of necessity, to prevent a greater evil.|B=male}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The galaxy would have fallen if Revan had not gone to war. Perhaps she became the dark lord out of necessity, to prevent a greater evil.|B=female}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I do not believe the Jedi Council changed Revan, as they claimed. They merely stripped away the surface, and allowed the true self to emerge again - someone who was willing to wage war to save others. But that is my belief, since I knew Revan from long ago... as a master knows their apprentice.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|You trained him?|B=male|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|You trained her?|B=female|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||5.|Were you the one who taught Revan?|W=40%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
!colspan=2| 10 > Influence > 90 !! 9 < Influence < 91
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Success] He came to me, yes. Both before and after, before Revan knew himself.|B=male|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Success] She came to me, yes. Both before and after, before Revan knew herself.|B=female|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Failure] I do not wish to discuss this - sometimes there is such a thing as knowing too much of one's teacher. It generates... contempt.|W=40%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
! Influence Gained: Kreia
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=1000|Influenced Kreia to say she trained Revan}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||And after, in the times when Revan was coming into his own and learning he was more than he had been told. At one time, Revan was my Padawan. In times past, long ago. But Revan, when he had learned all he could, had other masters... that fool Zhar, and other Jedi on other planets. He learned from each. But in the end, he turned back to me. When he realized there was nothing more to be learned from the Jedi - except how one could leave them forever.|B=male|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||And after, in the times when Revan was coming into her own and learning she was more than she had been told. At one time, Revan was my Padawan. In times past, long ago. But Revan, when she had learned all she could, had other masters... that fool Zhar, and other Jedi on other planets. She learned from each. But in the end, she turned back to me. When she realized there was nothing more to be learned from the Jedi - except how one could leave them forever.|B=female|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What was Revan like as a student?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul.|B=male}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi she would slay etched on her soul.|B=female}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What do you see when you look at me?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You are different. When I look at you, it is like staring at the death of the Force.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||6.|If the council cast you out, how come Atris and none of the Jedi Masters mentioned you?}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ignorance... and perhaps they do not remember, or care. It is of no consequence to me, or to them.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Are you certain?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Do not let them discover what makes you what you are before you do, or the consequences for the galaxy will be terrible.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Because you learned to live without the Force. And that is something that the galaxy is not ready to accept.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
!width=20%| {{s|Skills|Awareness}} > 10
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Awareness] You're lying.|W=80%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Am I? Then perhaps you should know... there are techniques in the Force, where one can cloud the memory of others, make their presence so small as to be unnoticed. And on the worlds where we have encountered these Jedi... there is much life and death, where sensing such things is difficult. As I said, it is no consequence to me - or to them.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Do you use that technique on me?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||No - but if I did, you would never know, so my words only carry as much worth as you believe them to. But perhaps you will understand this - that perhaps it is important to me that you see me and my actions, uncloaked. It is important that your judgments, whether be good or bad, stem from seeing me as I truly am.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|I accept that - and I trust you, Kreia.|W=40%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I still think you're lying to me - and you haven't told me everything.|W=60%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I did not ask you to trust me - only that you listen to what I have to tell you. But thank you.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Then you are learning quickly. Distrust is an effective shield, and should be carried always.}}
When you first speak to Kreia after the [[../Handmaiden/]] or [[../Disciple/]] join your party:

{| {{prettytable}}
{| {{prettytable}}
Line 84: Line 1,107:
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|2.|You have a point. I will reflect upon this.|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|2.|You have a point. I will reflect upon this.|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|2.|I will think upon how my allies may be used, then.|W=25%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|2.|I will think upon how my allies may be used, then.|W=25%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I care not which of the words you use, as long as you make use of that which you forge.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Good - and then act upon it. It is a powerful tool to motivate others.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I care not which of the words you use, as long as you make use of that which you forge.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||That was Revan's way, I believe. It was a strength.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Good - and then act upon it. It is a powerful tool to motivate others.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||That was Revan's way, I believe. It was a strength.|C=3}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[[../Kreia#Revan|What do you mean?]]|C=2}}
When you first speak to Kreia after [[../Visas/]] joins your party:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You have befriended the seer.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Seer? You mean the blind Sith?|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|The Miraluka? Why do you call her a seer?|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I don't understand how she tracked us down.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|How do you think she found us?|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Her species does not see as we do. They perceive the galaxy through the Force... and it is how she found you. It is a rare gift, squandered on her people.|C=4}}
If [[../Alignment/]] < 40:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Despite your... urges, it would be better to deal with her now. Whether you intend salvation or slavery, she is a threat to us.|B=male|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Despite your... intentions, it would be better to deal with her now. Whether you intend salvation or slavery, she is a threat to us.|B=female|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||She serves one of the greatest of the Sith, she is the most trusted... and only apprentice. Yet you spare her. Why?|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+2|1.|There may be a way to help her.|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+1|2.|I don't kill my prisoners.|W=34%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-2|3.|Because there is nothing to be gained by murdering her – yet.|W=33%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||We shall see. There may be value in such a choice to keep her alive - or perhaps not.|C=3}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Whatever your intentions toward her, keep them restrained. Whether mercy or lust, we have time for neither.|B=male}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Whatever your intentions toward her, keep them... restrained. We have no time for mercy.|B=female}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+2|2.|It is the Jedi way to attempt to save those that need our help.}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|My intentions for her are none of your concern.|B=male|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I don't need a lecture from you.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|If she threatens any of us again, I will deal with her, I promise you.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah, so then perhaps I was mistaken in my judgment.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Lectures? I am merely making an observation.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Is that so? Well, perhaps there will be a second chance for her to inflict harm so you may test such a statement.}}
If male:

{| {{prettytable}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|What do you mean?|C=3}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery... and if that would stir you more. If perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall. Few are the thoughts that can hide in the shadows of your mind, exile... and such passions are not strength, but erosion.|B=male|C=5}}
! 34 < Influence < 66
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|I never felt anything like that.|W=15%}}
!colspan=2| 35 > Influence > 65
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|My feelings for her are nothing like that, and you know it.|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|If you think you know me, you are wrong.|W=15%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||5.|Perhaps - and perhaps not. We shall see.|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Failure] A discussion, perhaps, for another time.|W=25%}}  
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||No? Then perhaps I was simply mistaken. See to it you do not ever think such thoughts. Mating with her will bring more harm than you know.|C=3}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||[Influence: Success] Have you never asked yourself how Revan took the Republic and Jedi beneath him, how he made them his?|B=male|W=38%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I cannot help but hear you at times - and such curious thoughts they are. Not at all like a Jedi. See to it you do not ever act upon your impulses. Mating with her will bring more harm than you know.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia|| [Influence: Success] Have you never asked yourself how Revan took the Republic and Jedi beneath her, how she made them hers?|B=female|W=37%}}
If Alignment > 39:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The Sith carry the battle to you, and you spare them. And as we travel, the empty places of this ship are filled.}}

Line 105: Line 1,206:

{| {{prettytable}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Because he was a leader?|B=male|W=13%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I hope your thoughts in this matter are clear. In saving her, you may destroy yourself. And do not mate with her. Whatever you may feel, whatever... urges consume you, do not let them control you. Such a union would breed... difficulties.|B=male|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|He was a powerful presence - there was little one did not believe when he spoke it with conviction.|B=male|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I hope your thoughts in this matter are clear. If you take her on as a servant, know that the Sith meet their end at the hands of their apprentices. It is not something I would wish to happen to you.|B=female|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|War makes bonds, it cannot be denied.|W=14%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|She was a powerful presence - there was little one did not believe when she spoke it with conviction.|B=female|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Because she was a leader?|B=female|W=13%}}
If male:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|That's really none of your business.|W=40%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Just because I saved her doesn't mean I was going to charge up her loading ramp.|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|That isn't part of the Jedi Code.|W=15%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|I think we're done talking about this.|W=15%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Oh, I think it is. Our lives are twined - I cannot have it twined with another.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||We shall see. I trust your exile has taught you restraint and discipline in the ways of the flesh.|C=3}}
In every case:
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Like the servant of Atris, this one... has other masters. Though blind, she has ties to darkness.|B=male|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||This one you have saved... has other masters. Though blind, she has ties to darkness.|B=female|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah, but to make officers turn on their own people, to bomb innocent worlds to make pacts... strong influence, indeed. And where did these Sith teachings come from? And why did Revan embrace them so strongly? So many questions... yet the answers are few.|C=5}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Her presence here is a threat to us. To you. Do not underestimate her... or her loyalty.|C=2}}

{| {{prettytable}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I do not know, and I do not care.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Ties to her master, perhaps. And I intend to follow that bond to its source when the opportunity presents itself.|W=35%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-1|4.|Trust me, all I wanted was her lightsaber.|R=2|W=30%}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Light|+2|4.|I think I can help her. She doesn't seem... evil.|R=2|W=35%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Very well, then we shall speak no more of this. Leave me - I am tired.}}
! Influence Gained: Kreia
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Then you are learning.|W=35%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I doubt such acquisitions will prove easy - and they would not help you anyway.|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||To show mercy to a Sith is to invite a blade to your throat. You walk a fool's path, and I will not aid you in helping her.|W=35%}}

Line 123: Line 1,252:

{| {{prettytable}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|They came from the Sith empire.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|If she can see through the Force, maybe she can help us find allies.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I thought teachings of the Sith came from Korriban.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|If she can see through the Force, maybe she can help us find the Lost Jedi.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Oh, did they? No, Revan met no Sith empire, yet he learned their teachings.|B=male}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Perhaps. I am not convinced.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Oh, did they? No, Revan met no Sith empire, yet she learned their teachings.|B=female}}
{| {{prettytable}}
|- id="Homeworld"
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Atton said her planet was wiped out, that it was the only colony of her people in this sector of the galaxy.|R=2|W=25%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|Her entire planet was destroyed. She has no home left.|W=40%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|Do you know why her homeworld was destroyed?|W=35%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Many have mistaken the soldiers beneath Revan, the machines that were constructed, to be the "Sith."|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Ah, without a home. Another exile.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Because it was its time? Perhaps you should ask her - it begs many questions.}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||They are wrong -  the Sith is a belief. And what Revan formed was not an empire, but something else - yet how he did it is curious.|B=male}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Did he? And what do you make of that?}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||They are wrong -  the Sith is a belief. And what Revan formed was not an empire, but something else - yet how she did it is curious.|B=female}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Her people are not prone to violence, war, or hatred - yet their planet is obliterated, scoured from the face of the galaxy, and all that remains is a Sith.|C=2}}
{| {{prettytable}}
! {{s|Attributes|Intelligence}} > 14
! Intelligence < 15 {{s|Skills|Awareness}} > 14
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||And I suspect the answer to that question is tied to another - how was Revan able to corrupt so many, so quickly?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Intelligence] Well, if her people all see through the Force, then maybe someone wanted to blind them.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Awareness] Well, if her people all see through the Force, then maybe someone wanted to blind them.|W=50%}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||The Mandalorians were right to respect you on the field of battle. The Jedi are gone, vanished, now an entire planet of Force Sensitives wiped clean of life. And now this slice of the galaxy is blind. It is no coincidence, the two events are tied.|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|Do you have any ideas?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||1.|[Intelligence] Someone wants this sector of the galaxy blind to the Force. So they can move freely... or strike without warning.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|[Awareness] Someone wants this sector of the galaxy blind to the Force. So they can move freely... or strike without warning.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||Not a one. But we shall see where our journey takes us, I think. And see how many answers we come across, yes?|C=2}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||I fear you are right. And I fear it may prove more than that. War... is a hunger. And there are spirits in the galaxy whose hunger is never satisfied. But there is little to be done about it now. Watch the seer carefully - she may reveal more.|C=2}}

{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|It seems strange a Force Sensitive world was obliterated.|W=50%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I'm not sure yet.|W=20%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|It means we've got problems.|W=30%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog|Kreia||You are right to trust your instincts. Something is wrong... it is only a matter of discovering what. And why. If your instincts lead you to an answer, seek me out. Perhaps we will discuss more.|C=3}}

{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||2.|I had other questions.|W=33%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||3.|I've heard enough. Forget this.|W=34%}}
{{KotORII/Dialog||4.|Never mind. I'll be going now.|W=33%}}

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{{Footer Nav|game=Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords|prevpage=HK-47|nextpage=Mandalore}}

Revision as of 00:03, 5 March 2019

Kreia may join your party on Peragus II when you return to the administration level from the dormitories, and you may speak to her briefly then, or at much greater length in the port dormitory aboard the Ebon Hawk before traveling to Telos: Citadel Station, but what follows is only unlocked after arrival.

When you first speak to Kreia with Alignment < 30:

Kreia: You have grown strong in the Force - I can feel its mark upon you.
Kreia: Be warned - the highest of mysteries cannot be found by falling to the dark side. It is a quick path - and often, a short one. But I sense a disquiet in you, an unrest. Such things will erode your strength.
1. Why do people in our journey trouble me with these... indignities? These fetching missions, this servant work. 2. I am anxious for the chance to test my power against something greater. 3. There is no way to display my strength, when the galaxy is filled with begging fools, unable to solve their own problems.
Kreia: They sense the trappings of power and decision upon you. Their lives are static, trapped, and they see one who carries no such chains.
1. This fetch-and-carry, this servant work is beneath me. 2. They are fools, and dealing with them is a waste of time. 3. We have more important things to do. 4. In begging for aid, they show their weakness and deserve death.

When you first speak to her with Alignment > 70:

Kreia: You have grown strong in the Force - I can feel its touch upon you.
Kreia: Do not let the higher mysteries blind you to others. Turning away from that which tempts you or causes you fear is not strength. Facing it is. I have seen you display many acts of mercy - charity, in our journey. Why?
1. Because if I can help, I will. 2. There is enough suffering in the galaxy - if I can alleviate for one person, then I have made a difference. 3. It is instinct in me, to do what is right.
Kreia: Even if it weakens those you help? Even if it robs them of the strength needed to grow? You have been chased, hounded, since our first meeting. And it has only made you stronger, more capable.
1. I fail to see how small acts of mercy can be harmful. 2. If you're trying to guilt me out of helping people, you won't succeed. 3. I think you are wrong.

In both cases:

Kreia: Ah, then you have learned nothing. From such small things, from such critical points, the universe and its masses may be moved... that is why you must be careful in all that you do, and in every choice you make. Aiding them gives you strength by taking on their challenges but weakens them. If that is your choice, then use their dependency, feed upon it, until you have exhausted them, then leave them. And I would view the ones you travel with much the same way.
Light Side Points Gained: +4
1. They are loyal companions - and I will not harm them.
Light Side Points Gained: +4
2. I will never abandon my friends in such a way.
Light Side Points Gained: +4
3. I do not turn on my allies like the Jedi turned on their own during the wars.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
4. Then I shall view you as disposable, then.
Influence Lost: Kreia Influence Gained: Kreia
Kreia: So you may think, but it will be best to strike first - your allies are allies by circumstance, and they will not hesitate to do the same to you, if you continue down your path. Kreia: Ah, now you are learning.
Kreia: Do you know why those we meet display such weakness? As I said, their lives are static, untested. It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you. You have seen it, you have felt it within you as you have traveled with me. The growing anger, the rage, and the power it brings. Yet the power does not build without such struggle. Through small cruelties, greater ones are born.
1. I had other questions. 2. Never mind. I'll be going now.

Otherwise, or upon returning:

Kreia: Yes? Have you come with questions?


1. I want you to teach me more about the Force.
Kreia: Very well. What is it that drives you?
1. This bond we share. I would know more about it.
Kreia: I confess its nature eludes me as well. But the bond is strong, and its roots run deep. It seems that at times of stress - and pain, if they catch us unawares, then the pain is transmitted between us.
1. What about when we fight on our journey?
Kreia: When battle is upon us, I suspect our minds are prepared enough to shield each other from the pain. I think we shall not have a repeat incident of what happened at Peragus.
2. Does this bond have any advantages?
Kreia: It seems the Force flows easily between us - when one of us manipulates the Force to heal or strengthen ourselves, the other is aided as well.
1. [You and Kreia possess the Force Chain special ability. When either of you uses a Force power on yourself, the other gains the benefit as well.]
Kreia: A powerful technique indeed - though, as we have noticed, it has its drawbacks.

You can tell her you want to build a lightsaber:

2. I want to build a lightsaber.
Kreia: Indeed? A Jedi tool - and a Sith weapon. And why do you need such a thing?
Light Side Points Gained: +1
1. To defend you and my allies.
Light Side Points Gained: +1
2. Because I feel naked without it.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
3. It represents power - and it can help me slaughter enemies quicker, faster.
Alignment > 39 Alignment < 40
Light Side Points Gained: +1
4. The lightsaber is a symbol of the Jedi. It inspires others, gives them hope.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
4. A lightsaber is the most powerful weapon a Sith can wield - that is reason enough.
Kreia: Then listen to me. There is much weight, much craving attached to such a tiny thing of light.
Kreia: For the male, it seems to have inordinate importance. But we shall leave such male preoccupations for philosophers and cultural historians.
Kreia: A lightsaber - any weapon - only achieves worth in how it is wielded - in the effort, the struggle of one who holds it. Such a weapon does not make a Jedi or a Sith. And at times it makes much them much, much less than they are.
1. But how do I make one?
Kreia: The knowledge has already been imparted to you. Upon our journey, the pieces shall fall into place.

She cannot teach you any lightsaber forms, but she can tell you about them once you have them:

3. Can you teach me any lightsaber forms?
Kreia: The Jedi practice many forms, many styles of lightsaber combat. It is good to know them, but not to rely on them. You may have already felt the Shii-Cho, the simplest of the forms return to you as your skill and perceptions have returned.
Kreia: Others may come with time, with experience.
1. Can you tell me of the Shii-Cho style?
Kreia: It is simple, and its simplicity is strength. It allows focus, a slightly improved chance of connecting with one's opponent. It has no other advantages or disadvantages - it is an effective form to fall back on when no other form will do.
2. What do you know of the Makashi technique?
Kreia: Ah - a technique that helps one resist the Force attacks of an enemy - and also is excellent in lightsaber combat. It does more damage, but it leaves you vulnerable to other attacks. Use it against others wielding the Force or lightsabers... but not against anyone else.
3. Tell me of Soresu.
Kreia: A... defensive technique. But effective. Use it if you do not wish to be hit, or if you are facing many opponents with blasters. With a lightsaber blade and enough skill in deflection, it is an excellent offense against blasters, but in other situations, it merely delays the inevitable.
4. Are you familiar with Ataru?
Kreia: Ah, one of the techniques you have learned from the masters. This technique is good against a lone opponent, and you will find your critical strikes are more effective. But you will be vulnerable to almost everyone else you are fighting.
5. The Shien technique?
Kreia: An aggressive technique - but it is powerful, effective. It can counter blaster weapons, and add to the damage of your critical.
6. What of Niman?
Kreia: A blending of younger forms, and all of them in moderation. In the blending, much of the individuality is lost, but the strengths are spread evenly, and there is little weakness in it. Its great strength is the way it allows the Force to flow through you, revitalizing one even in the middle of combat.
6. I have learned Juyo.
Kreia: Perhaps one of the greatest styles, learned only by the most skilled of Force wielders. Impressive. In many ways, some have described it as a surrender to the Force and to chaos, to strike at an opponent with such speed and angles of attack that they have difficulty countering it. Your number of attacks will increase, and you will notice many more of them shall slip beneath an opponent's guard - critically wounding them. But in surrendering yourself to the Force in such a way reduces your ability to resist its effects should the enemy turn the Force against you. Be on your guard.

She also cannot teach you any Force forms, but she can tell you about them once you have them:

4. I wished to know more about the Force forms.
Kreia: Very well. Of which did you wish instruction?
1. The one that allows me to focus the Force.
Kreia: It allows you to recover your strength with the Force more quickly, and it lends strength to your Force powers. It has no other drawbacks - such a form is a gift, preferred of the Jedi Consulars, and effective in combats where you must fight only through the Force.
2. Force mastery.
Kreia: It is a great technique that you have learned. Gifted only to the highest of Jedi masters - and the Sith - this technique makes your Force powers more difficult to resist... and they will last longer as well. But it can tire you quickly. Use it only in short combats, where expediency is necessary.
3. The stance that gives more potency to the Force.
Kreia: With this form, your use of the Force will have more damaging effects, but it will drain you as well. Effective, but only if conventional means are having no effect.
4. The one that grants an affinity with the Force.
Kreia: Helpful, especially in tandem with other force techniques. This one opens you to the Force, allowing you to recover your strength with the Force rapidly in combat.


Once Kreia has reacted to Visas joining your party:

2. When Visas attacked, she did something to my eyesight.
Kreia: She did nothing to your eyes that was not already there. She has forced this upon you, but such crude methods are the markings of the Sith.
Kreia: Close your eyes.
1. What? 3. I'm not ready for this yet.
Kreia: Close your eyes. Kreia: If that is your belief, so be it.
2. All right.
Influence Gained: Kreia
Kreia: Feel this ship around you.
Kreia: Listen to my words. Hear the sound of the Handmaiden's training in the cargo hold, her hands cutting the air.
Kreia: The welding of the droid as it goes about its work.
Computer Use > 0 1. [Computer Use] Hey, T3 has a stuck motivator.
Kreia: Shhhhh.
Kreia: Now stretch out. Hear the rumble of hyperspace, the hum of the hyperdrive.
Repair > 0 1. [Repair] Hey, I can hear a catch in it. It's not fully fixed.
Kreia: Ignore distractions, and focus on my voice.
Kreia: The breathing of the blinded one as she meditates in the dark. Now listen deeper. Past her breathing, and listen.
Visas: my feet walk from the ashes of Katarr, I shall not fear, for in fear, lies death, and...
1. I heard her speaking. 3. What... what was that?
Awareness > 10 2. [Awareness] I heard her thoughts. Kreia: You know what you heard - it is what I hear, constant whispers of wants, desires, lies told to oneself to stave off the darkness around us.
Kreia: You are strong indeed.... what you heard were surface thoughts only, but it is something that masters have trained for for years and never learned.
1. But... how did I do that? 2. Can I do that whenever I wish? 3. Was I always able to do that?
Kreia: That is not the real question you should ask - is such listening enough to perceive the world around you? It is not. Because to listen to the thoughts of another is much like attempting to see the universe only with your eyes. It is equally limiting. Now leave me be. I must rest.
1. [You have gained +1 Awareness and recovered some of your connection to the Force.]
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Gained awareness and recovered some of your connection to the Force

Maximum Force points increased by 6. When you next speak, you can now ask the following:

2. You taught me of sight - is there anything else you can teach me?
Kreia: When I spoke of sight before, there is a similar handicap that tends to occur among those strong in the Force. They neglect their skills. Some believe they no longer need them. The greatest wielders of the Force are those that maintain some grounding to the more... physical realities of the universe.
2. Forget it. I had other questions.


1. What do you mean?
Kreia: Some wielders of the Force have mastered piloting... others the ability to fix and repair and build, from simple moisture vaporators to more complex machines, such as droids and vehicles. One's ability to understand the human body and its ailments, for example, can make your powers within the Force more complete, more powerful when you attempt to repair the cellular damage of another. And others have mastered the more subtle work of politics, persuasion. Do not doubt that a galaxy may be conquered with words, a Republic overthrown, and an empire made. When such skills are honed, one's abilities with the Force become that much stronger. My warning to you is this - do not rely on your companions to compensate for your weaknesses in skill. There will be times they will not be there to help you when needed.
Kreia: What skill would you say is your greatest strength?
9. I'm not ready for this yet.
Kreia: Very well - return when you are, and I shall have more to impart.

Otherwise, you can only select the skill(s) in which you've invested the most points:

1. [Awareness] My ability to perceive the environment. 5. [Stealth] Relying on not being seen.
2. [Treat Injury] Healing others. 6. [Computer] My aptitude for computers.
3. [Repair] Repairing machines. 7. [Persuade] Persuasion, convincing others to do as I ask.
4. [Demolitions] Understanding explosives. 8. [Security] Convincing stubborn security devices to open.
Kreia: And what skill would you say is your greatest weakness?

You can only select the skill(s) in which you've invested the fewest points.

Kreia: Then my task before you is this - take your greatest weakness, devote effort to it, strengthen it, and I will show you how it shall strengthen your power in the Force.
1. Very well. I shall take this lesson to heart. 2. How do I do that? 3. That seems... beneath me.
Influence Gained: Kreia Influence Lost: Kreia
Kreia: As you learn and train and test yourself against the galaxy, all your skills have a chance to improve and grow as well. When you devote some of that training to your weakest skill, you will know.
1. Very well. I have other questions. 2. I'll think on this, and return when my weakest skill is stronger. 3. We'll see. I'll be going now.

When you return:

3. I wish to ask about the lesson related to my skills.
Kreia: Have you done as I asked?

You can only select one of the following, based on your previous choice:

1. [Awareness] I have devoted myself to perceiving the environment.
Kreia: Very well. Then know this... your ability to perceive the environment around you extends not only to perceiving dangers, but the awareness of the motivations of others. As there are dangers in your environment all around you, there are similar dangers and threats lurking in the mind of others... to see these things sometimes is enough.
1. [Treat Injury] I have devoted myself healing others.
Kreia: That is a skill I know well. To know the knots of muscle, the currents of blood within the veins and flesh... it is a galaxy within the galaxy. The ability to heal is also the ability to harm. And the inability to heal what is damaged can also bring about harm.
1. [Repair] I have devoted myself repairing machines. 1. [Computer] I have devoted myself my aptitude for computers.
Kreia: Very well. Then know this... many are the times I meditate in the silence of my chambers. Do you know why I do this? I do this so that I might center myself, listen to the currents of the galaxy. There are others who may achieve this in occupying the mind, in achieving a moving meditation where operating on machinery achieves a similar effect.
1. [Demolitions] I have devoted myself understanding explosives.
Kreia: Very well. Then know this... all situations contain within them the potential for violence. To know how to hold that violence in check, to restrain it, and use it to hold the situation to your advantage is the way of any wielder of the Force.
1. [Stealth] I have devoted myself relying on not being seen.
Kreia: Very well. Then know this... how some situations play out depend on who is perceiving them... and whether they are being perceived. Your ability to control the perception of others in such situations will allow you to manipulate events, to resolve them peacefully or violently.
1. [Persuade] I have devoted myself persuasion, convincing others to do as I ask.
Kreia: The ability to persuade others is a powerful weapon... perhaps more so than any lightsaber. It is a strength to defeat an opponent without combat, to convince them that your will is right, or just... or will simply benefit them in a way that they had not perceived. Examine their actions, and the why of how they do them. And when you achieve such understanding, more truths may be revealed.
1. [Security] I have devoted myself convincing stubborn security devices to open.
Kreia: There are many secrets that the Force may not unlock, for they are not things of life... to uncover such secrets can allow you to see events more clearly. It can grant you more weapons, more wealth, and allow you access to places and their secrets that can often turn the tide of a battle or change events.

In every case:

Kreia: Skill does not always draw from the Force, but it is a measure of power nonetheless. It can grant knowledge, help steady oneself when one's thoughts are in chaos, or grant enlightenment. Much can be achieved without the Force... as you know. Life continues, persists, and may be helped or harmed as a result. Now, I am tired - leave me to my meditations.
1. [You have gained a bonus to your weakest and strongest skills, and you have also recovered some of your connection to the Force.]
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Recovered some of your connection to the Force

Maximum Force points increased by 6, but you may not actually gain skill bonuses unless playing on Xbox. You can also continue the listening lesson:

3. Before, when you taught me to listen - I wish to continue that lesson.
Kreia: Very well, sit with me.
Influence Gained: Kreia
Kreia: You have brushed the surface thoughts of another. It is a start. Calm yourself. This time, silence your own thoughts, keep them still. Imagine the waters of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, each stream suddenly falling silent and still. Imagine the ice of Telos, cold and smooth, as it gathers upon the plateau. Now stretch out, feel the ship around you. Strip away the metal, and see the souls and minds of those that fill its corridors, with more thoughts and dreams and worries than can fill the space of this ship.
Visas: my feet walk from the ashes of Katarr, I shall not fear, for in fear, lies death, and...
Mandalore: ...if I upped the tibanna gas levels in the carbine that would be enough to punch a hole even in triple-durasteel... and we'll need weapons like that if the Republic discovers the camp on Dxun...
Disciple: could the Jedi leave the Republic? Was it because of the Civil War? Is it possible that they... Handmaiden: ...from the first movement flows the second... strike, repeat, circle one's opponent... repeat, faster, quicker... if Father had been faster... if only Father had been faster...
Handmaiden: ...if I was faster, I would no longer be the last of my sisters... but does Atris love him? Jedi do not love. Does Atris hate him? Jedi do not hate. This journey is harder than any she has sent me on.
Mira: ...this place is so quiet. Nothing like Nar Shaddaa... I don't even know why I'm - wonder how much the bounty on the Jedi is now.
Mira: Don't understand how that Jedi keeps in shape like he does; he's barely changed from the holorecords. He just seems to be naturally young. Mira: Don't understand how that Jedi keeps in shape like she does; she's barely changed from the holorecords. She just seems to be naturally beautiful.
Atton: ...switch the face of the +1/-1 card, the totals are nine-ten. Switch the face of the +2/-2 card, the total is eight-eleven. Switch...
Bao-Dur: Your command echoes still, General. And I obey, as I did at Malachor.
1. :: That sound in the background - what is it? ::
Kreia: Not now. Focus on my voice.
Bao-Dur: Malachor.
Kreia: Now do you hear me? Truly hear me.
1. ::I hear you. This... this is incredible.::
Kreia: You have taken the first steps on a much longer road, exile.
1. What about the droids - and Hanharr? 2. What about the droids - and the Wookiee animal? 3. What about the droids? 4. What about T3?
Kreia: The droids cannot be read in such a way - nor the beast, he has little thoughts to speak of. As for the alien who served with you in the war, its thoughts are more difficult, requiring many translations in meaning. Kreia: The droids cannot be read in such a way - as for the alien who served with you in the war, its thoughts are more difficult, requiring many translations in meaning. Kreia: The droid cannot be read in such a way - as for the alien who served with you in the war, its thoughts are more difficult, requiring many translations in meaning.
Kreia: Often it is better to read their impulses and images than their spoken thoughts. That is why he is deaf to you - I have found his impulses are cold, like a dead weight, his thoughts are black.
1. But I did hear something from Bao-Dur. 2. [Persuade/Lie] Of course. That would explain why I heard nothing from him. 3. Really? Interesting.
Kreia: Indeed. It is strange that I did not.
1. Maybe it is because I know him better, I served with him.
Kreia: Perhaps. I would not put much weight on such things. Kreia: Such is the case with primitive minds. It is of no matter.
4. There was also something wrong with Atton's thoughts.
Kreia: Of course there was. It is because Atton was not playing pazaak, yet he counts cards in his head. At times, he will list off engine sequencers, memorize the hyperspace routes on the other side of the galaxy, count the ticking in the power couplings even though they are fixed. At other times... he will imagine certain... base lusts, certain... indignities. It may be Atton is far cleverer than he feigns to be. Or perhaps he is simply a fool.
2. Perhaps. Maybe I will go see him - and see how his pazaak game is coming.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Recovered some of your connection to the Force

Maximum Force points increased by 6. When you next speak, you can now ask the following:

3. Before, when I heard the thoughts of my companions, I heard something, like an echo.
Kreia: Ah. I had wondered if... but your powers are strong indeed.
Kreia: Now is not the time to speak of this. Wait until you have more of the galaxy within you, and we shall speak again.
1. What do you mean?
Kreia: Every step on our journey shall bring with it discoveries - with persistence, you shall grow in the Force. And for every planet we reach, all that we touch with our presence, you shall grow - for you will have no choice.
2. I will return when I am both more experienced and have travelled to all the planets of the Masters.


2. Yes, and I need some answers.
Kreia: Then ask, and I will do my best to answer. Kreia: Ask, and I will answer.

You can ask her what she is:

1. Kreia, what are you - are you a Jedi, a Sith?
Kreia: Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole. Know that I am your teacher, and that is enough.
10 < Influence < 90
3. I want some answers, not more cryptic words. 4. Enough of these lies. Tell me what you are.
Kreia: [Influence: Failure] Or what? Shall you kill me? Hurt me? You would only be inflicting harm on yourself. Perhaps you will keep me here on this ship, prisoner, unable to leave.
Kreia: Is that the way of a Jedi? Kreia: Or perhaps you will simply cast me out, exile me - it matters not.
1. We will speak more of this, I promise you.
Kreia: That is enough for today, and I must rest.


Intelligence > 13 Intelligence < 14 Wisdom > 17 11 > Influence > 89
1. [Intelligence] Then what were you? 1. [Wisdom] To ally myself with someone without knowing their allegiance is unwise. 2. I want some answers, not more cryptic words. 3. Enough of these lies. Tell me what you are.
Kreia: [Success] What do you wish to hear? That I once believed in the code of the Jedi? That I felt the call of the Sith, that perhaps, once, I held the galaxy by its throat?
Kreia: That for every good work that I did, I brought equal harm upon the galaxy? That perhaps what the greatest of the Sith Lords knew of evil, they learned from me? What would it matter now? There is only so much comfort in knowing such things, and it is not who I am now.
1. I still wish to hear the story. 2. Then what happened to you? 3. If the past is as important as you claim, then I would hear yours.
Kreia: There are dark places in the galaxy where few tread. Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge... But I did not walk alone. To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best. But my will was not law. There were disagreements, ambition. And hunger for power. There are techniques within the Force against which there is no defense. I was cast down. Stripped of my power. Exiled. I suffered... indignities. And fell into darkness.
Alignment < 40 Alignment > 39
Kreia: Take what strength you may steal from me, and that is all I need be to you. Kreia: Learn from me, my mistakes, and use that knowledge to become greater than I. That is all I ask of you, and that is all I desire.
Kreia: In you all my hopes rest, for the future, for the Force.
1. I need more than that, Kreia. 2. That is not sufficient.
Kreia: If it means so much to you, then this I swear to you upon my life... upon our lives... that when your training is complete, I will answer everything. There shall be no more shadows between us, only truth that exists between master... and apprentice.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Heard Kreia's story

You can ask if she knows anything about the Sith who pursue you:

2. Do you know anything about the Sith who pursue us?
30 > Influence > 70 29 < Influence < 71
Kreia: [Influence: Success] I know of them, yes... and how much like beasts they had become. Kreia: [Influence: Failure] Nothing more than we already know - and anything else I know would be useless. There is danger in such knowledge - even if I were certain of the ones who hunt you.
Kreia: Combined, united against the Jedi, they command legions of Sith. But above these legions, there are three who must be stopped - as long as any one of them lives, then we - and all life are doomed. One bathes in pain, feeds on it for sustenance. The other has ceased being a living being, so consumed by hunger than he has forgotten his own flesh. And the last is a creature of betrayals, for without such things, there is no hope.
3. And the one consumed by hunger? 3. Is the one consumed by hunger Visas' master? I would know more of him.
Kreia: The less said of that one, the better - even a stray thought may draw him, and it is possible that he cannot be defeated. He is one who has learned the greatest of the Sith teachings - and it enslaved him. Until you are ready, we must not seek him out.
1. The one who bathes in pain - Sion.
Kreia: Yes... of pain, he has learned much. Of knowledge, of teaching, he knows nothing. Like the others, he was spawned by the horrors of the Mandalorian Wars. He exists solely to spread his pain to all Jedi, everywhere.
2. Who is the betrayer?
Kreia: Even now, she is difficult to see. She must remain hidden for now until the time is right - if not, then all our efforts will be for nothing. In this, you must trust me. If she is exposed too soon, then this war will be over before it has begun.

Once aboard the Ebon Hawk after leaving Telos, the following options are also unlocked:

1. You don't seem to like the Handmaiden. Why?
Kreia: There are countless reasons, and I have neither the time nor the patience to list them all.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
1. I trust her. She is here to help us, and allies should stand together.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
2. She has offered to help us, so show her the same respect I show you.
3. We could drop her off on the next planet. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
4. Then perhaps we should stop talking about it and simply eliminate her.
Kreia: Do you think to turn her from Atris' will? If so, I hope your arrogance will prove true in time. But I will abide her presence. She may have her uses. Kreia: No - she may have her uses. I will abide her presence, and so should you.
1. Why do you say that?
Kreia: Because Atris is a threat. And as much as she would try to use us against you, so may we use her servants against her. Do not see every enemy as an enemy - see them instead as an ally, whether they realize it or not. This situation may yet work to our advantage.
Light Side Points Gained: +1
1. I do not see the Handmaiden as an enemy, and neither should you.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
2. I will keep in that mind - and watch the Handmaiden carefully.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
3. Agreed. We need every tool we can get if Atris tries anything.
Influence Lost: Kreia Influence Gained: Kreia
Kreia: If that is your opinion, it is noted. Is that all you wished to speak to me about? Kreia: Good. That is the most to be done until events unfold... as I am sure they will, in time.

1. What's wrong with your eyes?
Kreia: There is nothing wrong with my sight, if that is your question. I see all that I need, though the seeing of things flesh and blood has failed me some time ago. They were distractions only.
1. There might be a way to heal your sight. 1. Is it like Visas' eyes? Were you blinded as she was?
Kreia: There is nothing wrong with my eyes - they simply have atrophied from use. They are adequate to distinguish shapes, silhouettes. If need be, I could heal them, restore my sight, but sight can prove a distraction. When one relies on sight to perceive the world, it is like trying to stare at the galaxy through a crack in the door. But that is a lesson for another time. You must learn to see crude matter for what it is before the veil is lifted.

Once Visas has joined your party:

1. But how do you get around?

3. Did you know Atris at all?
40 > Influence > 60 39 < Influence < 61
Kreia: [Influence: Success] Atris herself is not as familiar to me as perhaps she should be. Yet I feel I know her, yes. Kreia: [Influence: Failure] I know her as much as I know any Jedi... if you have other questions, you may ask those, but on Atris, I can provide you no answers that you cannot find on your own.
1. What do you mean?
Kreia: Because Atris' path is one I walked long ago, and it is a chapter of my life that has been read and closed. She has taken the first steps, I think - we shall see. Surely you felt the righteous anger, the spoken judgments, the lack of forgiveness.
1. You walked her path?
Kreia: I was a historian once, gathering the relics of the Jedi, learning the ancient mysteries. Always, there were more questions. One quickly learns that the Jedi code does not give all the answers. If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single idea. That is why Atris and the others blamed me, sentenced me. They believed me responsible for Revan's fall.
1. You trained Revan? 2. Kreia... were you to blame?
Kreia: You have already asked much... I do not wish to speak of this any longer.

4. I had questions about how Revan amassed such a huge force against the Republic.
35 > Influence > 65 34 < Influence < 66
Kreia: [Influence: Success] Have you never asked yourself how Revan took the Republic and Jedi beneath him, how he made them his? Kreia: [Influence: Success] Have you never asked yourself how Revan took the Republic and Jedi beneath her, how she made them hers? Kreia: [Influence: Failure] A discussion, perhaps, for another time.
1. Because he was a leader? 2. He was a powerful presence - there was little one did not believe when he spoke it with conviction. 3. War makes bonds, it cannot be denied. 2. She was a powerful presence - there was little one did not believe when she spoke it with conviction. 1. Because she was a leader?
Kreia: Ah, but to make officers turn on their own people, to bomb innocent worlds to make pacts... strong influence, indeed. And where did these Sith teachings come from? And why did Revan embrace them so strongly? So many questions... yet the answers are few.
3. I do not know, and I do not care.
Kreia: Very well, then we shall speak no more of this. Leave me - I am tired.


1. They came from the Sith empire. 2. I thought teachings of the Sith came from Korriban.
Kreia: Oh, did they? No, Revan met no Sith empire, yet he learned their teachings. Kreia: Oh, did they? No, Revan met no Sith empire, yet she learned their teachings.
Kreia: Many have mistaken the soldiers beneath Revan, the machines that were constructed, to be the "Sith."
Kreia: They are wrong - the Sith is a belief. And what Revan formed was not an empire, but something else - yet how he did it is curious. Kreia: They are wrong - the Sith is a belief. And what Revan formed was not an empire, but something else - yet how she did it is curious.
Kreia: And I suspect the answer to that question is tied to another - how was Revan able to corrupt so many, so quickly?
1. Do you have any ideas?
Kreia: Not a one. But we shall see where our journey takes us, I think. And see how many answers we come across, yes?
3. I've heard enough. Forget this.

5. Did you know Revan?
10 > Influence > 90 9 < Influence < 91
Kreia: [Influence: Success] Perhaps... I think it is fair to say that few did. Kreia: [Influence: Failure] I misspoke before - and I do not wish to choose my words unwisely again. Leave this be.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Influenced Kreia to talk about Revan
4. I had some questions about Revan.
Kreia: Ah... and what did you wish to know of Revan?
1. Where did Revan come from?
Kreia: Revan had a mother and father, parents, ancestors, like all Jedi do. And when he awakened to his potential, I was there to see it. But where he was born, where he came from, I do not know... anymore than I know where he walks now. Some said that Revan was born in the Outer Regions, beyond the Rim, and that's what called to him during the Mandalorian Wars... and after. Kreia: Revan had a mother and father, parents, ancestors, like all Jedi do. And when she awakened to her potential, I was there to see it. But where she was born, where she came from, I do not know... anymore than I know where she walks now. Some said that Revan was born in the Outer Regions, beyond the Rim, and that's what called to her during the Mandalorian Wars... and after.
Kreia: It was the call of home.
1. What else do you know of Revan?
Kreia: I know more... but it may not be enough for the answers you seek.
2. What caused Revan to fall, to turn on the Republic?
Kreia: Fall? Ah, already you presume much.
Kreia: You were there at Malachor. Revan's choices were always his own. It was not teaching, or circumstance, or example. It was him. Kreia: You were there at Malachor. Revan's choices were always her own. It was not teaching, or circumstance, or example. It was her.
2. Then what made him turn to the dark side, become a Sith Lord? 1. But Revan was a monster, a... 2. Then what made her turn to the dark side, become a Sith Lord?
Kreia: Is that what he was? Or was he always true to himself, no matter what personality he wore? Kreia: Is that what she was? Or was she always true to herself, no matter what personality she wore?
Kreia: And there is something that the Council may never understand. That perhaps Revan never fell. The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel that Revan understood that difference, more than anyone knew.
Kreia: The galaxy would have fallen if Revan had not gone to war. Perhaps he became the dark lord out of necessity, to prevent a greater evil. Kreia: The galaxy would have fallen if Revan had not gone to war. Perhaps she became the dark lord out of necessity, to prevent a greater evil.
Kreia: I do not believe the Jedi Council changed Revan, as they claimed. They merely stripped away the surface, and allowed the true self to emerge again - someone who was willing to wage war to save others. But that is my belief, since I knew Revan from long ago... as a master knows their apprentice.
1. You trained him? 1. You trained her? 5. Were you the one who taught Revan?
10 > Influence > 90 9 < Influence < 91
Kreia: [Influence: Success] He came to me, yes. Both before and after, before Revan knew himself. Kreia: [Influence: Success] She came to me, yes. Both before and after, before Revan knew herself. Kreia: [Influence: Failure] I do not wish to discuss this - sometimes there is such a thing as knowing too much of one's teacher. It generates... contempt.
Influence Gained: Kreia
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Influenced Kreia to say she trained Revan
Kreia: And after, in the times when Revan was coming into his own and learning he was more than he had been told. At one time, Revan was my Padawan. In times past, long ago. But Revan, when he had learned all he could, had other masters... that fool Zhar, and other Jedi on other planets. He learned from each. But in the end, he turned back to me. When he realized there was nothing more to be learned from the Jedi - except how one could leave them forever. Kreia: And after, in the times when Revan was coming into her own and learning she was more than she had been told. At one time, Revan was my Padawan. In times past, long ago. But Revan, when she had learned all she could, had other masters... that fool Zhar, and other Jedi on other planets. She learned from each. But in the end, she turned back to me. When she realized there was nothing more to be learned from the Jedi - except how one could leave them forever.
1. What was Revan like as a student?
Kreia: Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul. Kreia: Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi she would slay etched on her soul.
1. What do you see when you look at me?
Kreia: You are different. When I look at you, it is like staring at the death of the Force.

6. If the council cast you out, how come Atris and none of the Jedi Masters mentioned you?
Kreia: Ignorance... and perhaps they do not remember, or care. It is of no consequence to me, or to them.
2. Are you certain?
Kreia: Do not let them discover what makes you what you are before you do, or the consequences for the galaxy will be terrible.
1. Why?
Kreia: Because you learned to live without the Force. And that is something that the galaxy is not ready to accept.


Awareness > 10 1. [Awareness] You're lying.
Kreia: Am I? Then perhaps you should know... there are techniques in the Force, where one can cloud the memory of others, make their presence so small as to be unnoticed. And on the worlds where we have encountered these Jedi... there is much life and death, where sensing such things is difficult. As I said, it is no consequence to me - or to them.
1. Do you use that technique on me?
Kreia: No - but if I did, you would never know, so my words only carry as much worth as you believe them to. But perhaps you will understand this - that perhaps it is important to me that you see me and my actions, uncloaked. It is important that your judgments, whether be good or bad, stem from seeing me as I truly am.
1. I accept that - and I trust you, Kreia. 2. I still think you're lying to me - and you haven't told me everything.
Kreia: I did not ask you to trust me - only that you listen to what I have to tell you. But thank you. Kreia: Then you are learning quickly. Distrust is an effective shield, and should be carried always.


When you first speak to Kreia after the Handmaiden or Disciple join your party:

Kreia: How many more do we intend to gather to us? This ship is not the galaxy, there is only so much room.
1. As many as want to come with us and help us. 2. Only as many as I need - and only as many as will sacrifice themselves to me. 3. It is not my fault if they follow me.
Kreia: Then prepare for an army, I think, for it seems many more will come in time. Kreia: Is it? Perhaps you are wrong.
Kreia: They will follow you because you are a leader. Their kind always need such, even when the figure deserves no such obedience.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
2. They're my friends, not my followers.
Kreia: Do not cloak one word within another. Friends. Do friends not follow? Do friends not form a hierarchy of their own, no matter how small the circle?
Light Side Points Gained: +1
1. They are your friends, too - maybe you could learn to see them that way, rather than as followers.
Kreia: I am too old for friends, and when the years settle upon you, you will dispense with such words as well.
1. I'm no leader. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
4. I deserve such obedience - from them and you.
3. What makes you think they obey me?
Kreia: No? Perhaps not - or perhaps you are different, something more. Kreia: You deserve nothing - but you have earned such obedience, yes. They are tools, you are right. More than you know. Kreia: Because I am not blind, that is why. I see what they see, hear their voices when they speak to you, and notice the change when they speak to others.
Kreia: I am not blind. I see what they see, hear their voices when they speak to you, and notice the change when they speak to others.
1. Does the fact they obey me upset you? 2. Why are you angry? 3. How do you know that?
Kreia: I know many things, and I know what I am not - I am no leader. I speak with a voice that will never move others, I speak with a passion that goes unheard. They obey you because you are a leader, and perhaps something more. Have you noticed what has been happening? Have you felt it in them?
1. No, what? 3. Is something happening to them? 40 > Influence > 60
2. I've noticed their behavior is changing - Atton, especially.
Kreia: They echo you, either fighting or surrendering to their feelings, their loyalty, their duty. Your mere presence serves as an example to them - of something to uphold, or something to fight against. Kreia: The fool dances in your shadow for your favor. The woman... she worships you. The alien obeys you. Even within the machines, there are echoes. Kreia: The fool dances in your shadow for your favor. The disciple... he worships you quietly. The alien obeys you. Even within the machines, there are echoes.
Kreia: Watch them carefully, see their patterns, and recognize the strength in it. Influence can be a weapon, one that you may need before your journey is done.
3. And what about you?
Kreia: I? I am but a mirror whose only purpose is to show you what your own eyes cannot yet see.
Light Side Points Gained: +1
1. They are my friends, not tools.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
2. You have a point. I will reflect upon this.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
2. I will think upon how my allies may be used, then.
Kreia: I care not which of the words you use, as long as you make use of that which you forge. Kreia: Good - and then act upon it. It is a powerful tool to motivate others.
Kreia: That was Revan's way, I believe. It was a strength.
1. What do you mean?


When you first speak to Kreia after Visas joins your party:

Kreia: You have befriended the seer.
1. Seer? You mean the blind Sith? 2. The Miraluka? Why do you call her a seer? 3. I don't understand how she tracked us down. 4. How do you think she found us?
Kreia: Her species does not see as we do. They perceive the galaxy through the Force... and it is how she found you. It is a rare gift, squandered on her people.

If Alignment < 40:

Kreia: Despite your... urges, it would be better to deal with her now. Whether you intend salvation or slavery, she is a threat to us. Kreia: Despite your... intentions, it would be better to deal with her now. Whether you intend salvation or slavery, she is a threat to us.
Kreia: She serves one of the greatest of the Sith, she is the most trusted... and only apprentice. Yet you spare her. Why?
Light Side Points Gained: +2
1. There may be a way to help her.
Light Side Points Gained: +1
2. I don't kill my prisoners.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
3. Because there is nothing to be gained by murdering her – yet.
Kreia: We shall see. There may be value in such a choice to keep her alive - or perhaps not.
Kreia: Whatever your intentions toward her, keep them restrained. Whether mercy or lust, we have time for neither. Kreia: Whatever your intentions toward her, keep them... restrained. We have no time for mercy.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
2. It is the Jedi way to attempt to save those that need our help.
1. My intentions for her are none of your concern. 3. I don't need a lecture from you. 4. If she threatens any of us again, I will deal with her, I promise you.
Kreia: Ah, so then perhaps I was mistaken in my judgment. Kreia: Lectures? I am merely making an observation. Kreia: Is that so? Well, perhaps there will be a second chance for her to inflict harm so you may test such a statement.

If male:

Kreia: It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery... and if that would stir you more. If perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall. Few are the thoughts that can hide in the shadows of your mind, exile... and such passions are not strength, but erosion.
1. I never felt anything like that. 3. My feelings for her are nothing like that, and you know it. 4. If you think you know me, you are wrong. 2. Maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself. 5. Perhaps - and perhaps not. We shall see.
Kreia: No? Then perhaps I was simply mistaken. See to it you do not ever think such thoughts. Mating with her will bring more harm than you know. Kreia: I cannot help but hear you at times - and such curious thoughts they are. Not at all like a Jedi. See to it you do not ever act upon your impulses. Mating with her will bring more harm than you know.

If Alignment > 39:

Kreia: The Sith carry the battle to you, and you spare them. And as we travel, the empty places of this ship are filled.
Kreia: I hope your thoughts in this matter are clear. In saving her, you may destroy yourself. And do not mate with her. Whatever you may feel, whatever... urges consume you, do not let them control you. Such a union would breed... difficulties. Kreia: I hope your thoughts in this matter are clear. If you take her on as a servant, know that the Sith meet their end at the hands of their apprentices. It is not something I would wish to happen to you.

If male:

1. That's really none of your business. 2. Just because I saved her doesn't mean I was going to charge up her loading ramp. 3. That isn't part of the Jedi Code. 4. I think we're done talking about this.
Kreia: Oh, I think it is. Our lives are twined - I cannot have it twined with another. Kreia: We shall see. I trust your exile has taught you restraint and discipline in the ways of the flesh.

In every case:

Kreia: Like the servant of Atris, this one... has other masters. Though blind, she has ties to darkness. Kreia: This one you have saved... has other masters. Though blind, she has ties to darkness.
Kreia: Her presence here is a threat to us. To you. Do not underestimate her... or her loyalty.
1. Ties to her master, perhaps. And I intend to follow that bond to its source when the opportunity presents itself. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
4. Trust me, all I wanted was her lightsaber.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
4. I think I can help her. She doesn't seem... evil.
Influence Gained: Kreia
Kreia: Then you are learning. Kreia: I doubt such acquisitions will prove easy - and they would not help you anyway. Kreia: To show mercy to a Sith is to invite a blade to your throat. You walk a fool's path, and I will not aid you in helping her.


2. If she can see through the Force, maybe she can help us find allies. 3. If she can see through the Force, maybe she can help us find the Lost Jedi.
Kreia: Perhaps. I am not convinced.
1. Atton said her planet was wiped out, that it was the only colony of her people in this sector of the galaxy. 2. Her entire planet was destroyed. She has no home left. 3. Do you know why her homeworld was destroyed?
Kreia: Ah, without a home. Another exile. Kreia: Because it was its time? Perhaps you should ask her - it begs many questions.
Kreia: Did he? And what do you make of that? Kreia: Her people are not prone to violence, war, or hatred - yet their planet is obliterated, scoured from the face of the galaxy, and all that remains is a Sith.
Intelligence > 14 Intelligence < 15 Awareness > 14
1. [Intelligence] Well, if her people all see through the Force, then maybe someone wanted to blind them. 1. [Awareness] Well, if her people all see through the Force, then maybe someone wanted to blind them.
Kreia: The Mandalorians were right to respect you on the field of battle. The Jedi are gone, vanished, now an entire planet of Force Sensitives wiped clean of life. And now this slice of the galaxy is blind. It is no coincidence, the two events are tied.
1. [Intelligence] Someone wants this sector of the galaxy blind to the Force. So they can move freely... or strike without warning. 2. [Awareness] Someone wants this sector of the galaxy blind to the Force. So they can move freely... or strike without warning.
Kreia: I fear you are right. And I fear it may prove more than that. War... is a hunger. And there are spirits in the galaxy whose hunger is never satisfied. But there is little to be done about it now. Watch the seer carefully - she may reveal more.


2. It seems strange a Force Sensitive world was obliterated. 3. I'm not sure yet. 4. It means we've got problems.
Kreia: You are right to trust your instincts. Something is wrong... it is only a matter of discovering what. And why. If your instincts lead you to an answer, seek me out. Perhaps we will discuss more.