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File:KotORII Map Trayus Core.png
Map of the Trayus core

Trayus Academy[edit | edit source]

Beyond the top door from the academy is a rock passage leading to a ledge on the bottom side of the Trayus core. You cannot return to the academy, so your only option is to travel up across a narrow bridge connecting the bottom ledge to the center of the core.

Trayus Core[edit | edit source]

At the center of the core is a circular platform ringed by eight claw-like pillars with archways through them. At the center of this platform is a raised area accessed by ramps from below, the top left and the topright: this too is ringed by five smaller claw-like pillars, one on the top side and two each to either side of the bottom ramp.

Darth Traya[edit | edit source]

Darth Traya stands in the center of this raised platform. She won't engage in dialog then combat until you approach her on the outer ring of the platform, so now is a good time to prepare for the upcoming battle by healing and using any shields, stimulants and Force power buffs of longer duration that aren't already active.

Darth Traya: At last you have arrived. Is Malachor as you remember?
3. It's not too late, Kreia. I can save you, if you'll let me. 4. I have come to kill you, Kreia.
Darth Traya: I have thought of this moment, more than you know. And I wondered, if here, at this ending between us, if you would care enough to try to save me - if a Jedi could find it within themselves to spare one who has fallen so far. I wanted you to say those words - for that I am grateful. But I do not want your mercy. I want you to break. Darth Traya: I know. But there is more than death in this galaxy, and you shall not find it easy. It was difficult to draw you here, but it had to be done. This place is your last test. It is the graveyard of the past, where you lost everything. It is the dark place in your mind that still echoes of failure. Now we shall see if you can overcome the weight of Malachor... and silence the echoes that beat from its heart.

The following responses will end this opening dialog at any time:

3. You will answer for every betrayal, every deception. 4. Then let us end this. 5. Malachor will survive - but you will not.

Otherwise, there is much you can ask her:

1. There is much I must ask you. 2. Malachor has not changed... only you have.
Darth Traya: You no doubt have many questions. I would be a poor teacher if I did not give you the answers you seek here, now. Darth Traya: Indeed. Perhaps it is merely your perception of me that have changed. It is strange that you believe Malachor has not. But it has always been timeless to you, this place. And words have always been inadequate for the horrors that took place here.
1. Why did you destroy Atris?
Darth Traya: I never destroyed Atris - she had destroyed herself. I merely stripped away the illusion, and brought her truth. Her teachings could not be allowed to continue. And like Malachor, she was part of your past, unresolved. She needed to be something you could confront - and defeat, one last time. It was part of your training. Part of what was needed to make you complete. And there must always be a Darth Traya. The galaxy needs its betrayers, especially in the times to come. She loved you, you know, as one loves a champion. You were all that she could not be.
1. She never mentioned such feelings. 2. I had thought she had nothing but contempt for me. 3. I have no time for these reminiscences. 4. She is defeated, and that's all that matters. 5. You destroyed her, and you will answer for it.
Darth Traya: Yes... it is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built. More echoes, traveling through the Force. Darth Traya: Of course. Let us speak no more of such things... we shall let the dead lie, as the dead lie upon Malachor.
2. Why have you done this?
Darth Traya: It is said that the Force has a will, it has a destiny for us all. I wield it, but it uses us all, and that is abhorrent to me. Because I hate the Force. I hate that it seems to have a will, that it would control us to achieve some measure of balance, when countless lives are lost. But in you... I see the potential to see the Force die, to turn away from its will. And that is what pleases me. You are beautiful to me, exile. A dead spot in the Force, an emptiness in which its will might be denied.
1. If you hate the Force, why do you use it?
Darth Traya: I use it as I would use a poison, and in the hopes of understanding it, I will learn the way to kill it. But perhaps these are the excuses of an old woman who has grown to rely on a thing she despises.
3. Why me?
Darth Traya: Perhaps you were expecting some surprise, for me to reveal a secret that had eluded you, something that would change your perspective of events, shatter you to your core. There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you.
1. But there were other Jedi you could have chosen.
Darth Traya: No, there were not. In times past and in times future, there are Jedi who will stop listening to the Force, those that will try to forget it, but maintain unconscious ties. And those, as in the past just as I, who have had the force stripped from them. But no Jedi ever made the choice you did. To sever ties so completely, so utterly, that it leaves a wound in the Force. It was a mistake to try to make you feel it again, I see that now. There is no truth in the Force. But there is truth in you, exile. And that is why I chose you.
4. What happens now?
Darth Traya: The apprentice must kill the Master - if you do not, I will kill you. If I do not, then all you have achieved will be as nothing, as empty, and as violent as Malachor itself.
1. I will not fight you.
Darth Traya: Then you will break. And then, my apprentice, you shall die.
1. This Academy here won't last, Kreia. I can activate the mass shadow generator again.
Darth Traya: More talk of machines and threats. If you would end Malachor, then do it. But it will not be a victory for you.
Darth Traya: And of course, you must be willing to die, to kill us all. And your friends.
Darth Traya: You may hold Malachor in your grasp, but I hold the answers to your past and future in mine. Would you destroy us both before learning them? If so, then do it - for you have already failed me.
1. If I had to, I would. You have to be stopped.
4. You were manipulating me all along.
Darth Traya: Yes, always. From the moment you awoke, I have used you. I have used you so that you might become strong, stronger than I. And I used you to make those who wounded me reveal themselves, so they could be killed by the Republic.
1. So you used me to get revenge on Sion and the others.
Darth Traya: I used you to keep the Lords of the Sith from condemning the galaxy to death with their power unchecked. I used you to lure them to Telos, where they could be, at last, fought and killed. I used you to reveal Atris' corruption, so that her teachings could be ended before they began. I used you to gather the Jedi so they could be destroyed. And I used you to make those who wounded me reveal themselves, so they could be killed by the Republic.

Once this dialog ends, you engage in combat:

Darth Traya (main character level 31)
Set 5
Level 23
Class Jedi Consular
Alignment 30 (dark)
Awareness 47
Strength 28 +9
Dexterity 26 +8
Constitution 50 +20
Intelligence 26 +8
Wisdom 64 +27
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 1180
Force 1221
Defense 51
Fortitude 59
Reflex 53
Will 61
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 45 -
Energy 27-135-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Force Immunity Fear Force Immunity Stun Force Immunity Paralysis Weapon Specialization Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense41

Plague 100 Master Force Scream 64 Master Drain Force Death Field Force Storm Force Wave Insanity Kill Stasis Field 59 Throw Lightsaber Force Breach Force Redirection

She rarely if ever uses Force Breach, Master Drain Force or Force Scream. Since she has Force Immunity: Fear, Stun and Paralysis, she can only be debilitated with Force Whirlwind or Wound, Choke or Kill.

If you disengage, there are bridges leading to ledges to the top left and top right of the core: there are two corpses on the former, and one on the latter.

Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?

Lightsabers[edit | edit source]

Once Darth Traya has been reduced to less than 10 Vitality:

1. Yield, Kreia. You need not die. 2. I don't need your teaching anymore. I have defeated you, both in mind and body. 4. And so the "master" falls. 3. Are you ready to die, old woman?
Darth Traya: If you do not kill me, I shall end you. Strike me down, end this. Darth Traya: Then finish this - kill me. Strike me down, and at last, end this. Darth Traya: I died long ago - and now the circle is complete. Strike me down, and at last, end this.
1. I am Jedi, and I will not strike a defenseless opponent. 2. No, this is already over. Your life is yours, Kreia... and you cannot teach me anymore. 3. Then prepare yourself. I will make this quick. 4. It shall be my pleasure.
Darth Traya: You will not show me mercy. I will see you break before you do. Darth Traya: Good... you have strength. But you have yet to learn the full extent of power.

Three floating lightsabers appear around her:

Lightsaber Floating (main character level 31)
Set 4
Level 23
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 7
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 14 +2
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 14 +2
Vitality 821
Force -
Defense 37
Fortitude 48
Reflex 47
Will 49
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 33 -
Energy 12-102-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Specialization Lightsaber


Darth Traya no longer attacks you, but once she's been reduced to less than 10 Vitality again or all three lightsabers have been killed:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Lightsaber Floating (0-3) (level 31)
Darth Traya: It is done. At last, it is done. You are greater than any I have ever trained. By killing me here - you have rewarded me more than you can possibly know.
4. Proud words. Now die, old woman.


1. Kreia, there is still time to save you. 2. You left me no choice.
Darth Traya: Save me? You already have - it is enough what you have done, from now into the future. Darth Traya: No... no, many choices were there, but... you made the right ones.
3. Rest now, Kreia. Your time in this place is over.


3. I have defeated you - you are no longer my master. And my path is my own. 1. What happens now?
Darth Traya: It is your choice. I had hoped you would follow Revan's path, but you and Revan are... different, and your path is your own. You may take one of the ships that orbit Malachor and depart this place. Or you may remain here on Malachor, and wait for the others, those touched by the Force, who will come in time. Or you may return to your exile, where your presence will no longer affect the actions of others. There is no dishonor in any of these choices... I only ask that you make the choice without regret.
5. I will choose later, but for now, rest, Kreia. Your time in this place is over.


1. I will follow Revan, as I did a decade ago. 2. I no longer want to be here.
Darth Traya: Very well. There is nothing holding you here, not any longer. Darth Traya: Then you need no longer be. You have defeated Malachor... this place no longer holds meaning.

If you ask about the future, or your friends:

2. The future? 3. What of my friends? 4. You spoke of the future.
Darth Traya: Many things do I see as I gaze here from the heart of Malachor. This place... channels such energies. If it matters to you, at this last moment, I shall look into the future, and tell you of what I see. It is my last gift to you, from one exile... to another.
4. Let the future rest - it will come in time. 5. I do not need such gifts. Rest now, Kreia. 6. My only future is to stand here and watch you die.
Darth Traya: Ah... yes. There is... truth in what you say.


1. What will happen to my friends? 2. And of my allies? What of them?
Darth Traya: You travel with them for so long, yet you do not know them still. Feel them through the Force, feel what they feel, hear their thoughts and know them, as I fought to know you. They were the Lost Jedi, you know. The true Jedi, upon which the future will be built. They simply needed a leader, and a teacher.
4. Enough - die now, and trouble me no more.


1. Tell me of Mira.
Darth Traya: She will continue to hunt life, but it shall have a new edge to it - she shall become a predator. Her life shall be a long one, filled with battles and conflict, but in the end, bounty hunters will come for her... as she came for them. She will die on Ord Mantell, her death a badge of honor for her killers... before they, too, meet their end. Darth Traya: She will stop hunting life, and instead, live it. She was not born to be a predator, despite her true father and the life she led within the shadow of Nar Shaddaa. She will miss you and think of you often. You, who awakened her, to what life is. She will live... but only for a time. Her death will occur in many years time on a forgotten planet, saving the lives of others. But it will be her choice, and she will have no regrets.
1. And Mandalore?
Darth Traya: Many battles does that one have left in him... as Revan intended. A general needs an army, as he needs those he trusts. And Canderous is a loyal beast, no matter how much he is broken upon Revan's will. But you know this.
1. What of the Mandalorians?
Darth Traya: They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and in the end, the shell of their armor upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi.
1. And Visas? What of her?
Darth Traya: The blinded one shall return to her homeworld, and as she looked upon you, she shall look upon the surface of that world, and perhaps at last see what she was meant to see. After that, I do not know. I do know that you must leave her behind. Where you are destined, you must not take anyone you love. It was Revan's choice as well. Darth Traya: The blinded one's heart has now been put to rest - vengeance no longer clouds her sight, and she shall be stronger for it. She will leave her memories of Katarr in the wreckage of the past, and instead, turn her eyes to the future that you have put before her. Darth Traya: The blinded one shall return to her homeworld, and she shall look upon the surface of that world, and perhaps at last see what she was meant to see. Her life has been changed by your meeting, in ways that may not be felt for decades to come.
1. Did I save her?
Darth Traya: Salvation is a relative thing... but as you understand it, yes.
1. And the Disciple?
Darth Traya: If he leaves this place, he will leave all that is Jedi behind him at last. A heart can only handle so many betrayals before turning away entirely. He will become a Senator on one of the Mid-Rim worlds, and devote himself to the people there. He will be a wise, steady ruler - and he will not call upon the Force again. But his rule will grow to be a cold one, and he will find that the code of the galaxy pales in comparison to the failures of the code of the Jedi. Darth Traya: He cannot help but love you, in his way. It is a pure, ideal love he holds, strengthened by your presence and your actions. If he leaves this place, he will leave the galaxy behind him. He will sit upon the new Council, reluctantly, as all good men do, and he will not forget the Jedi who had lost the Force, yet showed him the way to reclaim it. After that, I do not know. I do know that you must leave him behind. The same choice that Revan made: where you are destined, you must not take anyone you love. And of the ones who traveled with you... that is all I see.


1. The Handmaiden?
Darth Traya: She cannot help but love you. It is a curious influence you have over her. If she leaves this place, she will leave battle behind her. She will take Atris' role as historian, and she will teach others of the Jedi who was not a Jedi... and who trained her to feel the Force. After that, I do not know. I do know that you must leave her behind. Where you are destined, you must not take anyone you love. It was Revan's choice as well. Darth Traya: She will seek to forget you and this place, and instead give herself fully to battle. No longer will she be the last of the Handmaidens. She will put her dreams of the Jedi behind her, and return to judging, and punishing, the Jedi for being human. Darth Traya: If she leaves this place, she will leave battle behind her... in no small part due to your influence. She will take Atris' role as historian, and teach others of the Jedi exile who gave up the Force... and became stronger for it.
1. But what about Atton?
Darth Traya: Atton shall keep his murderer's heart. Many deaths shall he cause in the dark corners of the galaxy - always hunting, always finding prey. He shall grow hungry in a galaxy where there are few Jedi, and it will eventually consume him... but I shall say no more. Darth Traya: Atton is, as always, the fool. And the Force watches out for ones such as him, I feel. As it does for the old such as I.
1. Did he love me?
Darth Traya: There is no love left in a heart such as that one. But he would die for you, yes. I do not believe one would die lightly for one one did not care about. Darth Traya: He is a fool, and that should answer your questions. He has nothing to offer to one such as you - and even a fool such as Atton is not so ignorant of that fact.
1. And you? 1. Did you love me?
Darth Traya: I would have killed the galaxy to preserve you. I would have let the galaxy die. You are more precious than you know; what you have taught yourself cannot be allowed to die.
Darth Traya: You are not Sith. Not truly. And it is for that that I love you. Darth Traya: You are not a Jedi. Not truly. And it is for that that I love you.
1. And Bao-Dur - and the droids?
Darth Traya: Their paths are unknown to me. Even the small one - who waits for you outside this place - I sense it has one last journey for you. You must go where Revan did, into the Unknown Regions, where the Sith, the true Sith, wait in the dark for the great war that comes.
1. And Revan? He came here, was here. What happened to him? 1. And Revan? She came here, was here. What happened to her?
Darth Traya: It is because he remembered what lay buried here - this place, its teachings. It paved the way to Korriban, you know, the remnants here. Darth Traya: She came because she remembered what lay buried here - this place, its teachings. The remnants here paved the way to Korriban.
Darth Traya: And he came because Malachor, like Korriban, lies on the fringes of the ancient Sith Empire, where the true Sith wait for us, in the dark.
1. But we've fought the Sith. 2. The Sith have already struck against the Republic.
Darth Traya: Have we? You thought that the corrupted remnants of the Republic, the machines spawned by technology that Revan led into battle were the Sith? You are wrong. The Sith is a belief. And its empire, the true Sith Empire, rules elsewhere.
Darth Traya: And Revan knew that the true war is not against the Republic. It waits for us beyond the Outer Rim. And he has gone to fight it, in his own way. He left the Ebon Hawk and its machines behind, for he knew he would not need them. And, like you, he knew he must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them. Darth Traya: And Revan knew the true war is not against the Republic. It waits for us, beyond the Outer Rim. And she has gone to fight it, in her way. And she left the Ebon Hawk and all its machines behind, for she knew she would not need them. And, like you, she knew she must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them.
1. Why?
Darth Traya: Because such attachments are not the way of the Jedi, and they would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where he now walks. It would have helped had he made her understand. But she was always strong-willed, that one, and did not understand war as Revan did. Darth Traya: Because such attachments would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where she now walks. It would have helped had she made him understand, but a hero of the Republic, no matter how brave, cannot understand war as Revan did.
1. Why did you not follow him? 2. Why did you not follow her?
Darth Traya: Because I did not know where he had gone. If he had asked... would I have gone? I do not know. But he will need warriors, Sith and Jedi, any who can be sent after him into the depths of space, any who know the way. Perhaps you shall go there with him, and do battle at the end of all things. Darth Traya: Because I did not know where she had gone. If she had asked... would I have gone? I do not know. But she will need warriors, Sith and Jedi, any who can be sent after her into the depths of space, for any who know the way. Perhaps you shall go there with her, and do battle at the end of all things.
Darth Traya: Instead, I remained here... and now show others the way.

Responses depend on their alignment, not yours. If you ask about the future of the galaxy, or the Republic:

3. I would see this future... the future of the galaxy. 2. What of the Republic?
Darth Traya: The Republic will fall, as it always has, a fall that will take millennia.
Darth Traya: Telos shall recover, and Czerka shall make it a place for machines and sciences, it will run smooth and cold like a machine. But it shall not forget the time that Saul Karath orbited it and brought fire to it. It shall learn to defend itself against war, and it shall never again be caught defenseless. Darth Traya: Under the care of the herds of Ithor, the surface of Telos will bloom again, and its golden fields shall again harbor scientists and thinkers. And complacent and peaceful, it shall forget the time that Saul Karath orbited it and brought fire to its skies. But it shall be a homeworld again to others, who will stretch out across the galaxy and bring life.
1. Tell me of Dantooine.
Darth Traya: Dantooine shall survive. The community you saved shall be the foundation upon which Dantooine shall be habitable again. They shall drive back the raiders, the Mandalorians, and all that strike at the Outer Rim. The Republic shall again establish their presence there, and shield it with its forces... And Dantooine shall heal, be safe, and its skies free. The ruins of the academy shall remain. Darth Traya: Dantooine shall lie in ruins, as was intended when Malak's fleet brought death to the planet. Its surface will become home to nomads and primitives, who will walk upon the ruins of the Jedi Enclave and not know upon the histories they tread.
1. And Nar Shaddaa?
Darth Traya: Nar Shaddaa shall persist as it always has, but its evil and corruption shall grow. The Exchange shall rise in power, but only in the end to be consumed by the hunger of the true Lords of Nar Shaddaa who dwell upon the planet below. The Hutts will not long tolerate the Exchange, and without Goto among them, they shall feed upon themselves until there is nothing left. Darth Traya: Nar Shaddaa shall persist as it always has, but there will be a heart to the world where there was nothing before. Where once the lost and disposed were trapped there, now they will struggle and grow. From despair shall come hope.
1. What about Onderon?
Darth Traya: Vaklu shall have a short reign, but Onderon's independence shall persist. As he fought the Mandalorians, his triumph over the Republic shall serve to preserve Onderon against the rest of the galaxy, and Onderon shall maintain its customs, its lore, its history. Its identity. And most of all, its victory shall give Onderon strength, so that the horrors of the Sith War and the Mandalorian Wars will not soon come to its surface again. Darth Traya: Queen Talia shall have a long reign, much good will come of it. She will, as she has, rule wisely and well. Onderon shall remain in the Republic, and the world shall prosper, though its people shall, over time, lose their customs in the ocean of the Republic and become the people of Onderon no longer.
1. Tell me about Korriban.
Darth Traya: Korriban shall be as it always was. A graveyard for the darkest of the Sith Lords, still whispering within their tombs. It shall always be a source of evil, spawning threats throughout the millennia. It, like Malachor, brushes the edges of the empire that waits in the dark. And like Malachor, the Sith have forgotten it... for a time. They will remember. Revan knew this.
Completed the game on the Light Side

She collapses and dies at the end of the dialog. With Alignment 40 or more, the platform and the planet itself collapse around you as the Ebon Hawk arrives, allowing you to escape Malachor V in the nick of time. Otherwise:

1. The core of this planet shall be your grave. 2. Now let us see if Malachor will accept your body, old woman.
Destiny, Dominated
Destiny, Dominated
Completed the game on the Dark Side

Darth Traya drops from the platform into Malachor's... core.