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File:KotORII Map Khoonda Plains.png
Map of the Khoonda plains

Ebon Hawk[edit | edit source]

If you have a lightsaber equipped when you first exit the Ebon Hawk, then this doesn't go unnoticed by a woman named Dillan:

Dillan: [This woman notices your lightsaber.]
Dillan: You'll find little welcome here, Jedi. For your own good, I recommend you speak to Administrator Adare, quickly finish your business in Khoonda, and go!
Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] You will answer my questions. Persuade 2. [Persuade] Could you please answer some of my questions, first?
Dillan: [Success] I will answer your questions...
1. Who is Administrator Adare? 3. Tell me about the Administrator.
2. Could you tell me about Khoonda? 4. Never mind. I'll be going now.


Low (Affect Mind) 3. [Force Persuade] You will tell no one that I've been here. 4. I'll be going now.
Dillan: [Success] I will tell no one I've seen you... But please leave and don't cause any trouble.

Whenever dialog ends, she walks away towards the Khoonda Main Entrance. A battered protocol droid walks in circles in front of the Ebon Hawk, and a mechanic named Tarn stands to the right as you stand with your back to it. There are three plasteel cylinders by the back wall of the docking bay behind the Ebon Hawk, one in the left corner as you face it and the other two to the right behind it (the middle one is locked, and can only be blasted open); there's another plasteel cylinder by the right wall close to the bottom corner, where an Ithorian named Pato Ado stands with a footlocker to the right.

Demolitions Plasteel Cylinder Lock DC 15 Bash Resist - Vitality -
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder (3)
  • ?
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?

Relics of the Past[edit | edit source]

If you do not have a lightsaber equipped when you first exit the Ebon Hawk:

Dillan: Another visitor. You must be here to join in the plunder of the old Jedi Enclave. You'll have to see Administrator Adare first.
3. Administrator Adare? 4. I didn't ask for a welcoming committee. Goodbye. 5. I'll be going now.
Dillan: She's inside Khoonda. Dillan: Just head into the building and you'll find your way to the Administrator. I'll be over by the entrance if you need anything else.

Dialog ends in the latter two cases. Otherwise:

2. What are people doing in the Enclave?
Dillan: Salvagers are stripping it of anything valuable. Mostly they're collecting trash the Jedi left behind. The Enclave was bombed during the war, so there's not much left.
Handmaiden: The halls of the Enclave are meant for Jedi. The artifacts left behind could prove dangerous in the wrong hands. We should investigate. Kreia: Those artifacts have tremendous value and could be dangerous in the wrong hands. This is something we should investigate.
Dillan: But since you're a salvager, I expect you already know all that.
1. I'm not a salvager. 2. The Jedi there are all dead. It's not like they need any of their gear anymore.
Dillan: Is that how you justify it, then? You'll need to see Administrator Adare in Khoonda before you do your grave robbing.


1. What are you talking about?
Dillan: You're one of the salvagers right? Your ship looks banged up enough to be a part of that lot. But you look... different.
1. Salvagers? I don't know what you're talking about. 2. Hey, my ship is not banged up!
Dillan: Then who are you? The only recent visitors we've had on Dantooine have been salvagers. And a slew of mercenaries. Dillan: Have you taken a look at your ship recently? It looks like it's been chewed up and spit out by a Wookiee. Twice. But you're the boss, so your ship is in just great shape. You really don't look like a salvager, though. Why did you come here?

In both cases:

1. I want to visit the Enclave, but I'm not a salvager.
Dillan: Just to see the sights, right? You're just another salvager. Go see Administrator Adare in Khoonda if you want to get into the ruins.


2. I'm a Jedi. I want to see the Enclave.
Dillan: Jedi are nothing to joke about in these parts. Their secret Enclave caused a lot of hardship for us during the war. Obviously you haven't been here recently.
1. But I am a Jedi. Really.
Dillan: You really are, aren't you? Haven't you caused enough trouble here? Most of us would be just as glad if your kind never came back. And the rest would just as soon see you killed. With the Exchange bounty on Jedi, you'd be smart to keep your identity secret.
1. Won't you collect the bounty?
Dillan: Just don't add to our troubles. Do what you need to do and leave Dantooine. Then don't come back. Our world is on the verge of collapse because of you. Fallen Jedi killed many friends and family around here. But dealing with the Exchange is just as bad. If you don't mind, I'm busy.

Dialog ends. Otherwise:

2. But that really wasn't the Jedi's fault.
Dillan: It wasn't? They turned our small world into a big target. For a while we thought we'd suffer the same fate as Taris. And it's because of them. But if you want to get to the ruins of the Jedi Enclave you're going to have to get permission from the Administrator. She's in Khoonda.


3. I'm just visiting. I lived here once.
Bao-Dur: You used to live here? Atton: Did you really used to live around here? Mira: So you used to be a farmer?
1. Yes, but much has changed since I was last here. 2. I haven't been back since I left for the Mandalorian Wars. 3. I don't want to talk about it.
Handmaiden: Atris said that the Enclave on Dantooine was one of the great storehouses of Jedi knowledge - many Jedi came here to study the ancient holocrons and relics. Kreia: The Jedi Enclave on Dantooine was one of the hidden academies for Padawans and apprentices. Many Jedi came here during their training.

Dialog ends. Otherwise:

Dillan: Really? You seem pretty well-armed for a farmer. But a lot of us joined the military during the Jedi Civil War. If this is your first time back, a lot has changed. You may want to go into Khoonda and ask around about your family. There was a lot of... movement when the Sith invaded. Hopefully everybody you knew is safe.


4. My business is my own.
Dillan: We get a lot of that here, too. Ever since the Enclave got slagged, seems half the people that visit are smugglers or worse. You probably want to head to Khoonda then.

In every case:

3. Why do I need permission to enter the Enclave?
Dillan: Have you ever sliced a Jedi security door? The old ruins are secure from salvagers unless they get permission from Adare.

After dialog ends, if you speak to her again she'll be more welcoming if you told her you lived here once:

Dillan: What do you want now? Dillan: I hope your friends and family are fine. Many soldiers that came back from the war had... bad news.

Regardless of her welcome, you can ask the following:

2. Could you tell me about Khoonda? 1. Where is Khoonda?
Dillan: Khoonda used to be old man Matale's estate, but he didn't do so well during the war. The Administrator rebuilt it and now this is our center of government. Dillan: Khoonda is the big building just outside the landing port. It used to be the estate of a man named Matale, but he and his family disappeared around the time of the bombardment. The Administrator rebuilt it and now this is our center of government.
1. This is your center of government?
Dillan: I know it doesn't look like much, but there aren't that many settlers on Dantooine. This building is the start of something new for us. We are very proud of it. Dillan: I know it doesn't look like much, but there aren't many settlers that live on this planet. This building is the start of something new for us. We're very proud of it.
1. I'd be more impressed if there weren't so many holes.
Dillan: We're working on it. Is there anything else you want to talk about? Dillan: We're working on it. Is there anything else you'd want to talk about?
1. Who is Administrator Adare? 3. Tell me about the Administrator.
Dillan: She was the Agricultural Administrator of Dantooine. After the Sith attack, she kept us together. Without her, the only thing you'd see around here are mercenaries. Dillan: She was the Agricultural Administrator of Dantooine. After the Sith attacked, she kept us together. Without her, the only thing you'd see around here would be mercenaries.
1. Why are there so many mercenaries here?
Dillan: We had problems with Mandalorian mercenaries even before the Jedi Civil War. The Jedi helped clear most of the problem up. Dillan: We'd had problems with Mandalorian mercenaries even before the Jedi Civil War. The Jedi helped clear most of the problem up.
Mandalore: I would hardly call the mercenaries that were here Mandalorians. Without a leader many Mandalorians fell far from the path of honor.
Dillan: But after the war, many soldiers from both sides of the conflict became mercenaries. And since we're so far from the Core, some started gathering here.
1. Have the mercenaries caused any problems? 1. Do they cause any problems?
Dillan: The difference between an out of work mercenary and a raider is a vibroblade's edge. The only thing we can prove they've done is intimidate a few farmers. The farmers give them goods, money, or food just to stay on their good side. The only one that isn't scared of them is the Administrator. There have also been a lot of disappearances recently. And not all of them can be blamed on kath hounds. But nobody can prove the mercenaries are responsible. Dillan: The difference between an out of work mercenary and a bandit is just a vibroblade's edge. The only thing we can prove they've done is intimidate a few farmers. The farmers give them goods, money, food, or whatever just to stay on their good side. The only one that isn't scared of them is the Administrator. There've also been a lot of disappearances recently. And not all of them can be blamed on kath hounds. But nobody can prove the mercenaries are responsible.
1. Who has disappeared? 2. How many people have gone missing?
Dillan: A farmer here and there, or a family. We lost enough people during the war that keeping the kath hound and kinrath populations under control hasn't been possible. So there are a lot of animal attacks. Some deaths too. So the disappearances might be just coincidence. But a lot of the stubborn folks seem to be more accident prone.

Whenever dialog first ends:

Journal Entry Added Relics of the Past
There are probably some Jedi artifacts that are still buried under the ruins of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Dillan said you need to get permission from Administrator Adare of Khoonda to visit there.

Redemption[edit | edit source]

Once you've spoken to Dillan, as she walks away you'll notice a battered protocol droid nearby, walking in circles in front of the Ebon Hawk. If T3-M4 isn't present:

Battered Protocol Droid: Greetings and good day, traveler. On behalf of the Khoonda settlement I am programmed to welcome you to Dantooine.
Battered Protocol Droid: Is there something I can do to serve you?
5. Why were you walking in a circle?
Battered Protocol Droid: I am conducting my appointed rounds. May I be of any further service to you?


T3-M4: Beep boop. Booeep boo?
1. Yes, I see that the droid is malfunctioning. Droid, how did you become so damaged?
2. That's very observant of you, T3! 3. Quit chirping T3! Any idiot can see the droid is damaged.
Influence Gained: T3-M4 (+8) Influence Lost: T3-M4 (-8)
T3-M4: Beep bee beep! T3-M4: Dwoo.
1. Droid, what happened to damage you? Battered Protocol Droid: Is there something I can do to serve you?
Awareness 1. [Awareness (12)] You are damaged, droid. What happened to you?
Battered Protocol Droid: My apologies. I have no recollection of the Sith invasion topic.
1. Sith invasion?
2. Never mind. 3. I'll be going now.
Battered Protocol Droid: May I be of any further service to you? Battered Protocol Droid: If you will excuse me, I must continue my appointed rounds.

You can ask what it can tell you about Dantooine, if there's any work available here, and what the local areas of interest are:

Battered Protocol Droid: Greetings and good day. May I be of any further service to you?
2. What can you tell me about Dantooine? 3. Is there any work available here?
Battered Protocol Droid: Dantooine is a rural world, far removed from most galactic trade routes. Historically, agriculture has been Dantooine's primary industry. Since the destruction of the Jedi Enclave, salvage of the ruins has become a key area of growth for the local community. Battered Protocol Droid: The local militia occasionally offers employment to qualified soldiers. Speak to Zherron in the Khoonda outpost. Additionally, many visitors come to Khoonda to explore the ruins for salvage opportunities.
1. What do you know of the ruins?
Battered Protocol Droid: The famed ruins of the Jedi Enclave can be found northwest of the Khoonda outpost. You may visit the ruins at your own risk. Zherron strongly urges salvagers to avoid the highly dangerous sublevel of the enclave ruins.
1. Tell me about how the Enclave came to be ruined.
2. Salvage? 3. You mentioned salvage?
Battered Protocol Droid: Khoonda's salvage industry is a main source of income for the local community. At their own risk, salvagers may remove relics from designated salvage areas within the ruins.
1. So, you can just walk into the ruins and take anything you wish?
Battered Protocol Droid: The fee to remove a relic from Dantooine is proportionate to the appraised value of the item. For more details, speak to Administrator Terena Adare at the Khoonda Outpost.
4. I want to talk about something else.
Battered Protocol Droid: May I be of any further service to you?
4. What are the local areas of interest?
Battered Protocol Droid: The main area of interest for visitors is the Khoonda outpost. There you will find the local officials who preside over the Dantooine colony, Administrator Terena Adare and Militia Leader Zherron. Zherron strongly urges salvagers to avoid the highly dangerous sublevel of the Enclave ruins.
1. Why is that?
Battered Protocol Droid: Due to reduced militia manpower, several dangerous beasts overpopulate the more rural areas of Dantooine. For more information, speak with Zherron in the Khoonda outpost.
1. Where is the Khoonda outpost?
Battered Protocol Droid: The Khoonda outpost is just outside this landing facility. May I be of any further service to you?

If you ask about the Sith invasion:

Battered Protocol Droid: Error. Memory overflow. Resetting... May I be of any further service to you?
Computer Use 1. [Computer (2)] Droid, run a self diagnostic and report.
Battered Protocol Droid: Processing... Exterior damage analysis: level seven impairment. Multiple casing breaches detected. Bipedal servos misaligned by 32 degrees. Memory storage overflow. Memory unit is approximately 56 months overdue for maintenance.
Repair 1. [Repair (6)] Fix the droid's memory unit.
Battered Protocol Droid: [Success] Greetings, Jedi. Welcome back to Dantooine. Battered Protocol Droid: [Failure] Error. Memory overflow. Resetting... May I be of any further service to you?

A nearby mechanic overhears this and comes running over:

Tarn: Hey! Did that droid just call you a Jedi?
1. That is right. 2. No, you must be mistaken.
Kreia: You should keep your identity secret for the time being. Try to convince this fool you are not a Jedi. Battered Protocol Droid: May I be of further service to you, Jedi?
Tarn: No mistake about it. That droid is calling you a Jedi!
3. Okay, okay. I am a Jedi.
Tarn: A Jedi! I've got to tell the others!
Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] I am not a Jedi. The droid is malfunctioning.
Tarn: [Success] You are not a Jedi. The droid is malfunctioning.


Persuade 2. [Persuade (8)] The droid is obviously malfunctioning. Do I look like a Jedi?
Tarn: [Success] Well, I suppose not. Your eyes aren't glowing and you don't have horns sticking out of your forehead. Heh, crazy droid... Sorry for being jumpy. It's just that we hate the Jedi here.
4. I'll be going now.


1. Why do you hate the Jedi?
Tarn: Why? The Jedi are the cause of everything bad that's happened here in the last five years!
2. But the Jedi are protectors of common folk like yourself. 3. Yes, I hate the Jedi too. 1. Can you be more specific?
Light Side Points Gained: +2 Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Tarn: You're either ignorant or a lousy Jedi sympathizer! I have nothing more to say to you! Tarn: Oh don't get me started! I got too much work to do to stand around and rant about the damned Jedi. If you want to hear more, just talk to anyone in Khoonda outpost.


4. If you warn the others, I will destroy you. Dark Side Points Gained: -2

Otherwise, or if you fail to persuade him:

3. Wait! What do you have against Jedi? Tarn: Yeah, sure you do. I've got to tell the others!
Tarn: Ah! Leave me be, Jedi!
Kreia: You should have listened to me. Now we may have to confront villagers with torches and pitchforks.
Influence Lost: Kreia (-8)

If you speak to the battered protocol droid again then you can ask it why it called you a Jedi, and it can now tell you about the Sith invasion and play back a partially corrupted holo recording of a conversation between Masters Vrook and Vandar regarding you:

Battered Protocol Droid: Greetings, Jedi. May I be of any further service to you?
4. Why did you call me a Jedi?
Battered Protocol Droid: My memory banks recognize you as a Jedi. You are among many Jedi who were trained in the Academy here at the Enclave, prior to its destruction during the Sith invasion.
2. You are mistaken, droid. I am not a Jedi and I've never been here before.
Battered Protocol Droid: My apologies, Jedi. May I be of any further service to you?


3. Tell me about the invasion.
Battered Protocol Droid: Approximately five years ago, the Dark Jedi Malak and his Sith fleet assaulted Dantooine. The surprise of the initial orbital bombardments prevented any resistance from the surface. The attack destroyed much of the Jedi Enclave, leaving only the sublevel partially intact. The Sith attack also concentrated heavily on some obscure ruins to the south, but the reason for this is unknown.
1. What do you know of me specifically?
Battered Protocol Droid: You are on the register as one of the Jedi who left the Enclave to fight in the Mandolorian Wars. My memory has no record of your return before now.
1. Is that all?
Battered Protocol Droid: You had no direct interaction with this droid. However, I have one instance of a conversation between Masters Vrook and Vandar regarding you.
1. Tell me more. 2. Well? Out with it!
Battered Protocol Droid: Beginning playback... Error, recording partially corrupted. Resolving...
Vrook: I caught her in a heated argument with my Padawan! Her Master refuses to properly discipline. I want to know what action you intend! Vrook: I caught him in a heated argument with my Padawan! His Master refuses to properly discipline. I want to know what action you intend!
Vandar: Vrook, I respect your wisdom, but it is not your concern.
Vrook: But... uncontrolled! ...whatever the other Padawans see her do, they are quick to do the same... other students dislike her intensely! Vrook: But... uncontrolled! ...whatever the other Padawans see him do, they are quick to do the same... other students dislike him intensely!
Vandar: True, an average student of the Force... but with a unique strength... is a natural leader...
Vrook: I strongly disagree... mediocre Jedi... lust for power! ...will lead to the dark side! Furthermore it...
Battered Protocol Droid: Recording degraded. End playback... May I be of any further service to you?

With your back to the Ebon Hawk, if the mechanic Tarn remains then you'll see him when you turn to the right. If you don't have a lightsaber equipped when you speak to him:

Tarn: What do you want? I don't have time for cursed salvagers.
3. I am a Jedi. Show some respect. 4. Why so busy?


1. Why do you think I'm a salvager? 2. I am not a salvager.
Tarn: Well, you don't look like a damned mercenary and you don't smell like a stinking farmer. Why else would you be here?
1. My business is my own.
Tarn: Fine, fine! Then leave me to my business!


2. I've come to see the Enclave.
Tarn: If you're not a salvager, then I don't even want to know why you'd go to the Enclave.
4. Tell me about the salvagers.
Tarn: The salvagers are a crazed lot of treasure hunters, looking to loot something of value from the ruins of the Jedi Enclave. Most of them end up broke... or dead. If you ask me, anything of value that was at the Enclave has already been plundered.

In both cases:

1. What do you know about the Enclave?
Tarn: Nothing but rumor. They say the spirits of the angry dead haunt the ruins. On a quiet night you can hear the ghosts howling and scraping around!
2. I want to talk about something else.
Tarn: Is this gonna take long? I'm busy, you know.
3. What are the mercenaries doing here?
Tarn: Not sure what they're doing here, other than causing trouble. There's not really much work here for mercenaries. Maybe they're here to collect the bounty on that Jedi.
1. There's a Jedi here? 2. What kinds of trouble are the mercenaries causing?
Tarn: I don't know for sure. But that's what they say. Tarn: Well, I don't know much, but they say the mercenaries are responsible for some farmers disappearing.

In every case:

1. Who are "they"?
Tarn: Oh, you know, the folks around Khoonda. Go there yourself and get the details firsthand. You'll find the Khoonda outpost just outside the landing port.
5. What do you do here?
Tarn: Can't you tell? I'm a mechanic. In fact, I'm the only mechanic here in Khoonda. I'm responsible for maintaining everything mechanical and electrical at the Khoonda outpost.
2. Is that why everything seems to be so run down?
Tarn: Hmmph! I'd like to see you do a better job at fixing the droids, security doors, and gun turrets! Now quit bugging me!


3. Who is Akkere?
Tarn: That damned alien has set up a shop outside Khoonda. If you ask me, I think he's stripping the machinery around Khoonda and selling it back to us!
Awareness 1. [Awareness (12)] It sounds like you have a lot on your shoulders.
Tarn: Yeah, sometimes it seems nothing works around here. But I don't have time to complain. Too much work to do!
Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] Tell me.
Tarn: [Success] I'll tell you... Between the droids, the security doors and the gun turrets, I have my hands full!


Persuade 2. [Persuade (10)] You shouldn't keep your frustrations bottled inside.
Tarn: [Failure] You shouldn't be telling me what to do! I need to get back to work now.


Tarn: [Success] You're right... Well, between the droids, the security doors and the gun turrets, I have my hands full!
Kreia: Very good. You can always have your way with the weak-minded by catering to their ego.
Influence Gained: Kreia (+8)
1. You're having trouble with the droids?
Tarn: All of the droids in Khoonda are relics from the last war. Most of them are damaged and rusted. The best I could do was get that ratchety, old protocol droid over there operational so it could greet visitors. Most of the other droids are laying broken around Khoonda outpost.
2. What's wrong with the doors?
Tarn: Well, it's just one door, actually, but I could scratch my head bald before I figured out how to fix it proper. Problem is, the side security door to Khoonda was damaged in the war. Every time I try to fix it, the door either sticks open, or it locks down completely, and then I have to spend a week taking it apart to get it to open or close again.
3. Tell me about the turrets.
Tarn: The gun turrets outside the Khoonda outpost are supposed to defend against potential assaults, wild critters and the like. But they only work half the time, and sometimes they get confused as to what's friend and foe. Why, just the other day, right after I repaired one of the guns, it turned on a sorry group of militia men returning from a patrol. No casualties, but it put several of them in the med lab. And I can't seem to fix the blasted medical droid, either!
5. I'll be going now.
Tarn: You again... What do you want? I'm busy!

If you do have a lightsaber equipped when you speak to him:

Tarn: [This man gapes at your lightsaber.]
Tarn: A Jedi! I've got to tell the others!
2. If you warn the others, I will destroy you. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Tarn: I'm sorry, Master Jedi! I won't tell nobody if you spare me. I promise!
Handmaiden: Are you finished scaring this poor man? You should conduct yourself in a manner more appropriate for a Jedi.
1. Quiet, or I will teach you manners. Influence Lost: Handmaiden (-8)
Tarn: Please don't kill me. I won't tell, honest!
1. I can't take the chance that you will betray me. Die worm! 2. You'd better not.
Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Tarn (main character level 21)
Set 1
Level 15
Class Tech Specialist
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 4 -3
Dexterity 4 -3
Constitution 4 -3
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 72
Force -
Defense 19
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 14
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 16 -
Energy 2-8-
Threat 19-20,x2 +1-4
Attack 16 -
Bludgeoning 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Clothing + Field Survival Pistol

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Tarn (level 21)
Item(s) Received Tarn

Killing Tarn is psychotic. Otherwise:

1. Wait! What do you have against Jedi? 3. I really don't care. 2. You're right. I don't know what came over me. I'll leave him be.
Tarn: Ah! Leave me be, Jedi!
Journal Entry Added Redemption
You've revealed yourself as a Jedi to the wrong person. This may complicate your efforts on Dantooine.

Pato Ado[edit | edit source]

When you're facing the Ebon Hawk, an Ithorian named Pato Ado stands in the lower right corner of the docking bay:

Pato Ado: I give you greetings, human. So many visitors come to Khoonda, new faces arrive all the time. It is sad that all too often turmoil and strife bring the humans here. I am Pato Ado, an ecologist and xenobiologist. I await transport off this planet to rejoin my herd. I have explored much on this planet, but I am anxious to depart.
1. What are you doing on Dantooine? 2. Why were you exploring Dantooine?
Pato Ado: I was sent to catalogue the natural resources of this planet. A fascinating planet filled with life. Many biologics with beneficial uses elsewhere. But even nature is troubled here. The ecosphere's balance has been lost. Without correction the planet will falter in time.
1. How can it be corrected? 2. How did the planet lose its balance?
Pato Ado: It is difficult to say. Ecosphere forces are hard to disrupt, but sentients have terrible power. Pato Ado: If I understand your question correctly, then it is a difficult to answer. Ecosphere forces are hard to disrupt, but sentients have terrible power.
Bao-Dur: I've been dealing with that problem for years. The Ithorians are justifiably renowned for their ability to stabilize ecospheres, but some things are beyond even their skills.
Pato Ado: Your compliment is appreciated. But in order to fix these things Ithorians must learn an ecosphere's innermost workings. And that eludes me here.
Pato Ado: The fallen Jedi's proximity may be the root of the problem, but who can say? Something must be causing the mysterious behavior of the kinrath.
1. What's so unusual about the kinrath's behavior?
Pato Ado: Kinrath are common to several worlds, where they are well-known for their burrowing and nesting. But here they swarm. The tunnels near here appear to be the center of their anomalous behavior.
5. Maybe we can talk later, but now I must be going.

Dialog ends. Otherwise:

4. Do you have any cards I could buy?
Pato Ado
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Pazaak Card +/-1 200 1 Pazaak Card +3 50 1
Pazaak Card Flip 2&4 150 1 Pazaak Card -5 12 1
Pazaak Card -1 100 1 Pazaak Card -6 5 1
Pazaak Card +/-6 50 1


If you ask why he's so anxious to go and leave Dantooine, you can play Pazaak:

Pato Ado: So you are back to talk to me, that is good. Most humans are too busy with their troubles to talk with me recently.
3. Why are you so anxious to go? 3. Why are you anxious to leave Dantooine?
Pato Ado: The wait for my herd ship has been long. I am eager to return to Telos. So I must find ways to pass the time. I have taken up a curious recreation known as pazaak. Much time passed and I made many friends. But now the humans here no longer play with me. I do not completely understand. When I was learning, they were eager to play for small amounts of credits. Now that I enjoy and know the game, no one will play. I even offered to wager rare components, useful in the making of armor. But after a short time, even that wasn't enough. Now I am anxious for time to pass again. I do not suppose you have a pazaak deck and an inclination to pass time with me?
2. I'm not interested right now. Maybe later.
Pato Ado: A very common response these days. Though many say it less... sincerely. Take care in your endeavors.
1. I'm interested. Can I play for the armor components?

Khoonda Main Entrance[edit | edit source]

Once you and Dillan have spoken she walks away, around the right end of the wall opposite the Ebon Hawk's exit ramp. If you follow her, she turns left and then right into the Khoonda plains, crossing right to stand by the wall to the left of Khoonda's main entrance. A militia member stands to the left of this entrance:

Don't cause any more trouble for Dantooine. We've had enough of it for a lifetime.
I heard a rumor that the Administrator met with a Jedi. If that's true I'll quit. I'm not going to work for someone that associates with them.
Some young, idiot scholar went unarmed into the ruins of the Jedi Enclave! I doubt we'll be seeing him again.
The mercenaries have been more hostile recently. The settlers on the outskirts are scared to say anything when we visit them.
Three settlers have died coming to Khoonda recently. I don't think all of those deaths can be blamed on animals.
Berun is much more sensible than Zherron. Zherron's going to get us into trouble if he doesn't back down.
We're no longer even trying to curb the kinrath and kath hound populations. There's just too many of them.
That Ithorian is a pazaak master. Don't be fooled if he goes easy on you at first.
We think Gerevick's killed at least three people here. Some say he used to be an assassin of some sort. We can't prove anything, though.
If another salvager comes into our headquarters begging for that sublevel claim, I'm going to scream. I mean it!

The main entrance is also guarded by a defense turret by the upper and lower left corners of the building, and by the upper right corner, to the right of Akkere:

This turret appears old and worn.

However, when you first enter Khoonda you should do so via its side entrance...

Khoonda Side Security Entrance[edit | edit source]

There's a security door to the right in the upper wall of the Khoonda building, opposite the docking bay. If you try to open it when not in Stealth mode:

Security Door: This door is locked...
Militia: Hey, get away from that door! The last time somebody messed with it, it was locked down for months before we could fix it. Militia: What did I tell you? Leave the door alone!

If you are in Stealth mode then the militia doesn't intervene and you can use Security to open it and enter Storage, or Repair to lock it down. Opening the security door is recommended since there are multiple containers in storage: save game before entering Khoonda, and load game afterward if you're not happy with what you receive.

Akkere[edit | edit source]

A Sullustan named Akkere stands by the upper right corner of the Khoonda building:

Akkere: A fellow traveler! Are you far from your homeworld, as well? I am Akkere, a Sullustan starfarer and honest trader.
2. Every trader says they're honest. Especially the dishonest ones.
Akkere: Lamentably, this is the case. But Sullustans journey through space for the experience of it. Credits are necessary to keep going, but they are just a tool. But if words will not persuade you, perhaps my prices might.
3. Why are you here?
Akkere: I journey where the solar winds take me. For now, they've brought me here to these good human settlers. They are in need, so I sell them things at good prices. They also have much that needs fixing. I tell them that I am a pilot first and mechanic second. But it turns out even my meager mechanical skills are needed. If you are especially good with engineering and computers I would talk to Zherron.
1. Who is Zherron?
Akkere: He is the leader of the local militia. He defends the settlers from the many troubles. He's hard to read, even for a human. You can find him in the Militia Headquarters in Khoonda.
4. What can you tell me about Dantooine?
Akkere: I am only recently arrived. It can take most of a life cycle to truly know a place. But I have learned some. The settlers here are few and they face many troubles. Not all humans here are settlers, though. Those others are not as admirable. The mercenaries gather looking for work in battles and war. And the salvagers camp near the ruins of the Jedi fortress. When dealing with both I would advise caution.
1. Have the mercenaries hurt anyone?
Akkere: They have caused disturbances. Tempers are hot for both settler and warrior, and anger burns quickly here with the usual results. But it is hard to sift fact from rumor. Some say distant farms have been destroyed and looted. But nothing is certain.
2. Why are the salvagers trouble?
Akkere: They follow their credits and have little concern for fellow sentients. I have never had satisfactory dealings with them. I have made friends with many people on Dantooine. But I cannot call one salvager a friend.
5. I'll be going now.

If you speak again:

Akkere: You wish to speak again? This is welcome news. I still have many things for sale.
1. What do you sell?
Akkere: I trade mostly in droid components. I build droids, too. They fly my ship and keep me company on long voyages. If you have droid companions, you will surely appreciate my selection.
T3-M4: Bee-deet tweet dwoo? HK-47: Observation: It is a hostile galaxy, master - upgrades would allow us to pulverize our enemies more efficiently. G0-T0: Droid upgrades improve efficiency. That efficiency can easily offset initial improvement costs. Such upgrades would be a logical investment.
1. Yes, T3. I'm sure he has upgrades you can use.
1. Can I see what you've got? 1. I'd like to see your wares.
Akkere: Yes you may, and take as long as you like. There are many bargains to be had.
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Construction Kit 100 1 Parts 200 4
Advanced Repair Kit 50 3 Security Tunneler 100 1
Repair Kit 25 Infinite HK Control Cluster 250 1
Computer Spike 250 2


Khoonda Garage Entrance[edit | edit source]

The door in the right wall of the Khoonda building is locked, but there's a plasteel cylinder by the wall to the left, by the airspeeder. If you go behind the building, there's another plasteel cylinder by the back wall, which is locked:

Security Plasteel Cylinder Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?

Enclave Courtyard[edit | edit source]

There are paths to the Enclave Courtyard between two pillars on the top side at both the left and right ends of the Khoonda plains: the left path is closer to the salvager camp and the Enclave itself, while the right path is closer to the mercenary camp.

The left boundary of Khoonda is a river with a bridge across it to the plains beyond: these are wandered by five kinrath and a viper kinrath: suprisingly, kinrath are poisonous but viper kinrath are not.

Kinrath (main character level 21)
Set 2
Level 15
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 102
Force -
Defense 25
Fortitude 18
Reflex 20
Will 15
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 21 -
Slashing 4-14-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

On Hit: Poison, Mild Weakness15



Viper Kinrath (main character level 21)
Set 3
Level 15
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 22 +6
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 147
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 24
Reflex 25
Will 18
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 26 -
Slashing 12-78-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Kinrath (5) (level 21)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Viper Kinrath (level 21)

Six kinrath and two viper kinrath wander the right end of the plains:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Kinrath (6) (level 21)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Viper Kinrath (2) (level 21)

Crash Site[edit | edit source]

At the top of the left slope at the right end of the Khoonda plains is a swoop bike crash site. A man named Saedhe has parked his own bike beside it and stands between them, with a plasteel cylinder on the right:

Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?

Sensor Search[edit | edit source]

Saedhe: What? You shouldn't sneak up on an old fella like that. You shouldn't be out here anyway. This is kinrath territory.
3. I can take care of myself.
Saedhe: It's just habit. We warn people that the area around Khoonda is dangerous, but some of them don't listen. Probably nothing you can't handle, but I'd stay clear of the caves all the same.
1. What's so dangerous about the caves?
Saedhe: The kinrath have been tunneling for years. Those caves have a whole swarm of 'em. We've collapsed a couple of the caves, but they just come right back.


1. Kinrath?
Saedhe: There was a time when seeing a kinrath was a rare thing. They mostly were around some caves to the south of here. But now... they're everywhere. They're dangerous, too. More vicious than they used to be. I'd stay away from the eastern side of the plains. And now that I think about it, stay away from the west, too. The west is filled with kath hounds. Dantooine is in a sad state these days.
1. Why have things gotten so bad?
Saedhe: Mostly because the Republic has left us to fend for ourselves. I gave the Republic the best years of my life, and I understand they're under pressure. But I think that they'd be able to spare at least something to help us out. All we get is sympathy.
2. What are you doing out here? 1. What do you need from the Republic? 3. Why don't you stay in Khoonda if it's so dangerous out here?
Saedhe: Some law and order for one thing. Take what I'm doing right now. Saedhe: I know this area and you have to do certain things even if it puts you in harm's way. What I'm doing is important.
Saedhe: A couple weeks back there was an accident here. One of the Western Fringe farmers was coming to Khoonda on his swoop with a load of atmospheric sensors. We found him dead and his swoop bike all banged up. I've come back a couple of times to try to figure out if that's what really happened.
3. I don't really care. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Saedhe: Hmm, that's just a great attitude. Sorry to waste your time.
I have important things to do that help people. Maybe you've heard of that word?


1. Why are you looking into it?
Saedhe: I'm one of the Khoonda militia. They need all the able bodies they can get. I was a Republic custom inspector before I came back home. Now I'm the closest thing the militia's got to an investigator.
2. Do you suspect foul play?
Saedhe: I do. The Kinrath are dangerous, but as long as you stay on your swoop bike there's no way they should catch you. I've carefully searched this area and haven't found anything. So maybe our man just got sloppy. We really need those atmospheric sensors.
Bao-Dur: But Dantooine is temperate. There is no need for atmospheric sensors except for seasonal data collection.
Saedhe: Ehhh... It's just important we get it back. They're expensive pieces of equipment and we can't afford to replace them. Regardless, I don't suppose you'd be willing to keep an eye out for something?
1. Why do you really want those sensors?
Saedhe: I just really need them. It's important. Please come to me if you find any of the atmospheric sensors. I'll pay you a thousand credits for each one you find, whether they're broken or not.


Saedhe: I don't suppose you'd be willing to keep an eye out for something, hmm? 3. Is there a reward?
1. What's an atmospheric sensor? 2. It depends on what it is.
Saedhe: It's technical. I doubt you'd understand it. But I'd really appreciate your help. Saedhe: Heh heh, there is, there is. A good one, too.
Saedhe: I doubt you'll be able to find any evidence of what happened here. But you might come across the atmospheric sensors. They have to be somewhere. If you find any of them just come back here. I'll pay a thousand credits for each one you can find. Even if they're broken.

In every case:

1. Any idea where they could be?
Saedhe: No idea whatsoever. I figure it's a real long shot you'd ever spot one. But I also figure it wouldn't hurt to ask.
2. I'll see what I can do.
Journal Entry Added Sensor Search: Bonus Mission
Saedhe is investigating the death of a farmer who was carrying atmospheric sensors to Khoonda. He asked you to keep an eye out for anything related to the farmer's death, especially the atmospheric sensors. He's offered to pay 1000 credits for each sensor you return - whether it's broken or not.
Saedhe: I don't suppose you've found any of those atmospheric sensors?
Bao-Dur: If I may. I find it curious that you are looking so carefully for atmospheric sensors. But Dantooine is too placid and temperate to need them for anything except seasonal data collection.
Saedhe: Ehhh, it's important we get it back. It's expensive equipment and we can't afford to replace 'em.
Bao-Dur: I see. They aren't that expensive.
Saedhe: Regardless, have you found any of 'em yet?

Bao-Dur only intervenes if he wasn't present when you first spoke to Saedhe. In either case:

2. Not yet. I'll see what I can do. 2. Not yet, but I'm still looking.


3. Could you tell me about the kinrath in the area?
Saedhe: There was a time when seeing a kinrath was a rare thing. They mostly were around some caves to the south of here. But now... they're everywhere. They're dangerous, too. More vicious than they used to be. I'd stay away from the eastern side of the plains. Heh. Now that I think about it, stay away from the west, too. The west is filled with kath hounds. Dantooine is in a sad state these days.
1. Good to know. I'll be going.

You'll now find the sensors in rubble at the first junction inside the Crystal Cave nearby (in the bottom right corner of the plains):

1. Actually, I've found three of them.
Saedhe: That's great news. My offer still stands - I'll pay you 3000 credits for all of them.
4. I think I'll hold onto it for now.
Saedhe: If you must, but I'd really like to buy them off of you. They're important. Come back if you change your mind.

If you and Bao-Dur discovered hidden surveillance devices within the sensors when you found them:

2. Not so fast - we found a little surprise inside them.
Saedhe: I was afraid of that. So how do we do this, then?

Still calling it 3000 credits after asking why there's surveillance equipment in the sensors is good, and moves you (much) closer to the light side of the Force. Otherwise you now receive 5000 credits, and 500 XP in both cases:

1. Why is there surveillance equipment in the sensors? 2. I want more money.
Saedhe: We were picking up off-world transmissions between the mercenaries and... someone, we don't know who. We know that the mercs are up to something, we just don't know what. We set those atmospheric sensors up to gather information. Now you know why we need those sensors. I'll pay you 5000 credits for all three of them. That's about all we can afford. You make money and help us out at the same time. What do you say? Saedhe: Done - 5000 credits. That's all I can offer. We're not rich and you can tell why we need those sensors.
1. You need the credits more than me. Call it 3000 credits. 2. 5000 credits sounds good to me.
Light Side Points Gained: +4
Saedhe: Heh, heh. Yeah, that's admirable of you! Thank you! I'll get this back to Zherron when I get back to Khoonda. Saedhe: Thanks for your help on this. Here are the credits as promised. I'll get this to Zherron when I get back to Khoonda.
Journal Entry Added Sensor Search: Bonus Mission
You confronted Saedhe about the surveillance devices Bao-Dur found in the atmospheric sensors. He urged you to keep that quiet and agreed to pay you more money. The farmer that died was working on getting proof that there was a connection between the Exchange and the mercenaries. This information might get help for Dantooine from the Republic.
Credits Received: 3000 Credits Received: 5000
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Confronted Saedhe about surveillance devices found in atmospheric sensors

You'll also receive 5000 credits (but only 250 XP) if you mention Azkul. If hidden surveillance devices weren't found, you can simply accept 3000 credits, 4000 if you're aware enough to suspect they're worth more, or 5000 in both cases if G0-T0 is in your party to make that observation:

Awareness 1. [Awareness (9)] It sounds like it's worth more to you than that. Saedhe: You ready to trade those atmospheric sensors for credits yet? 3. I'm sure that Azkul would be interested to know that you're spying on him.
Awareness 1. Atmospheric sensors shouldn't be worth that much. I suspect these are special to you for some reason. Saedhe: I'm not going to lie, he would be very interested. But Azkul is a low-life. We did it to protect the settlers of Dantooine. I'll pay 5000 credits for all three sensors. We're not a prosperous colony, that's really all we can afford. Please help us and make some money.
Saedhe: It is worth more to us than that. I'll pay you 4000 credits for the lot of them.
3. Here you go - I'll take the credits. 1. Sounds good to me.
G0-T0: If I may interject... the woman is placing an artificially high value on these goods, which would suggest that their value is significantly higher than we first believed. These goods will be withheld from you unless your offer matches your perceived value for the sensors. Otherwise, I am afraid our business is concluded. Saedhe: Thanks for your help on this. Here are the credits as promised. I'll get this to Zherron when I get back to Khoonda.
Saedhe: Your droid is right. I'll pay you 5000 credits instead. I'll get this back to Zherron when I get back to Khoonda.
Credits Received: 3000 Credits Received: 4000 Credits Received: 5000
Thanks for the helping out the militia.

After mentioning Azkul, this can also end less amicably:

2. I think I'll see what he'll offer for this information.
Saedhe: You wouldn't...? He's strangling the life out of us with his mercenaries. Who knows what he's planning. Please, whatever you do, don't let him know.
3. I'll do what I please. I'll be going.

This is cunning, but it can still end amicably if you return to trade the sensors for credits. Otherwise:

1. Fine. I'll take your credits then. 2. Do you think I care about your pathetic farmers?
Saedhe: Fine... Here are your credits. Now just go. Saedhe: I'm going to alert the militia and let them know you intend to sell us out to Azkul. You won't get away with this!
1. Just give me the credits and shut up.
Saedhe: Here you go. It's been a pleasure dealing with you.
Credits Received: 5000 I have nothing more to say to you.
Journal Entry Added Sensor Search: Bonus Mission
You've returned three atmospheric sensors to Saedhe and he gave you a reward. He was very appreciative.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Returned three atmospheric sensors to Saedhe

It ends much less amicably if you choose to take the credits from his corpse instead, which is psychotic:

2. You're a loose end now - time to take care of that. Dark Side Points Gained: -6
Saedhe: I may be old, but I'm not defenseless!
Saedhe (main character level 21)
Set 4
Level 15
Class Soldier
Alignment 75 (light)
Awareness 8
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 22 +6
Intelligence 24 +7
Wisdom 22 +6
Charisma 14 +2
Vitality 216
Force -
Defense 36
Fortitude 49
Reflex 43
Will 47
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 24 -
Energy 3-30-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 24 -
Piercing 6-33-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Military Suit Heavy Blaster + Vibroblade

Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Saedhe (level 21)
Item(s) Received Saedhe
  • Credits (5050)

You can return to Khoonda and give the sensors to the Administrator, Terena Adare, once you've spoken to Berun Modrul and undertaken to find evidence that his superior, the militia captain Zherron, is endangering diplomacy with the mercenaries, and receive 500 XP (so killing Saedhe maximizes both credits and experience received).

Otherwise, if you don't complete this quest before the Battle of Khoonda begins:

Journal Entry Added Sensor Search: Bonus Mission
It is doubtful that Saedhe or anyone else on Dantooine cares about the atmospheric sensors.

Crystal Cave[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the Crystal Cave is in the bottom right corner at the right end of the Khoonda plains. Save game before entering: as well as your Name Crystal, you can receive at least three power crystals inside, so you can load game afterward if you're not happy with what you receive.