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File:KotORII Map Depths.png
Map of the depths

Malachor Surface[edit | edit source]

You enter the depths from the surface on the bottom right side of the map. You only have to find your way down to the entrance to the Trayus academy in the middle of the top side of the map, but finding the two buried Republic ships and killing every storm beast encountered along the way is highly recommended: if you don't want to explore the whole map, then first follow the outer wall to your right to the first ship, then return to the first junction and follow the outer wall to your left to the second (then continue to the gate of the storm beast pen).

Although you'll still often see cracks of green light in the ground, unlike the surface these don't normally poison you. It should only be in the storm beast pen that you can be afflicted with Poison, Average Damage, inflicting 4 damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds unless a Fortitude save is made against DC 25: these are effectively Average Gas Mines that cannot be detected, disabled or recovered. If you don't have permanent Immunity: Poison (or Fortitude 24 or more) then you can use Breath Control to grant it for up to four minutes.

The path ahead to the left leads to a junction, where three storm beasts roam:

Storm Beast (main character level 29)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 19
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 35
Fortitude 33
Reflex 32
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 29 -
Slashing 21-121-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Master Force Scream 20

Uncanny Dodge I


Storm beasts can use Sonic Howl, which can inflict 7-42 (24.5 average) sonic damage and reduce attributes by 6 for 30 seconds: a successful Will save reduces damage by half and negates the attribute penalties (although unlike Force Scream, the attribute damage can stack up so Immunity: Attribute Damage or Will 19 or more is advised if you don't debilitate them).

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Storm Beast (3) (level 29)

Buried Republic Ship[edit | edit source]

The top left path from this first junction leads up to a ledge with a corpse in its top right corner, overlooking the entrance to the Trayus academy at the base of the cliff, far below.

Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?

The top right path from this junction leads past two storm beasts up to a buried Republic ship with a corpse to the right of its entrance, and a damaged console in its top wall inside.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Storm Beast (2) (level 29)
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
1. Log out.

Buried Republic Ship[edit | edit source]

The bottom path from this first junction is roamed by a storm beast, and there's a corpse in its bottom right corner, on your left.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Storm Beast (level 29)
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?

The most direct route to the Trayus academy is the top path to your right into the cave ahead, where there's another corpse by the top wall and another storm beast by the passage in the top wall, to the gate at the bottom right end of the storm beast pen.

Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Storm Beast (level 29)

However, it's better to take the bottom path to your left first, past a storm beast at the entrance to the cave and continuing along the bottom wall to your left until you find the entrance to another buried Republic ship: inside, there's a corpse in its bottom left corner by the entrance and a damaged console at the bottom right end, in the wall to your right.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Storm Beast (level 29)
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
1. Log out.

If you exit and continue to the left end of the cave, you'll find two more storm beasts and another corpse.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Storm Beast (2) (level 29)
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?

Follow the top wall to your left back towards the cave entrance, and you'll find the passage to the gate at the bottom right end of the storm beast pen.

Storm Beast Pen[edit | edit source]

Once you've entered the bottom right end of the storm beast pen, the portcullis closes behind you, as does that at the top end: both remain locked until you've killed the greater storm beast that appears at the top end, and which is now charging towards you.

Greater Storm Beast (main character level 29)
Set 5
Level 21
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 18
Strength 22 +6
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 28 +9
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 387
Force -
Defense 38
Fortitude 40
Reflex 30
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 38 -
Slashing 56-306-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Master Force Scream 20

Uncanny Dodge II


Like the lesser storm beasts, it can also use Sonic Howl. At level 29, a normal hit averages 181 slashing damage on Normal, so prolonged melee combat should be avoided unless you can debilitate it (it's immune to Force Push and Whirlwind and cannot be knocked back and down, but Force Wave can still damage and stun it), have high defense (ideally 59 or more at level 29) or a combination of Damage Immunity vs Slashing, Mandalorian shields, Toughness and Damage Resistance vs Slashing to reduce its damage (of course, if you can inflict similar or greater damage, then melee combat won't be prolonged).

There's a corpse by the top wall, and another in the uppermost alcove at the top left end of the pen.

Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 450 Killed Greater Storm Beast (level 30)

Once killed, the portcullises at either end of the pen open again.

Trayus Academy[edit | edit source]

Beyond the portcullis at the top right end of the storm beast pen is a narrow bridge up to the entrance of the Trayus academy. Save game before crossing this bridge: once you've done so, five Sith Assassins decloak to either side, but they only line up to kneel as you walk past, into the academy.

Mira[edit | edit source]

Meanwhile, if Mira joined your party on Nar Shaddaa then now she approaches the top end of the storm beast pen, followed by Hanharr:

Mira: Hanharr? Oh, you have to be kidding me.
Hanharr: The gray-maned female brought me here to hunt. To hunt you. You have always been prey, Mira. Weak, scared, always running. Hesitant to kill.
Mira: Han-

Mira gasps as Hanharr grabs her by the throat and lifts her into the air:

Hanharr: Here, on this graveyard planet, you have nowhere left to run. The eyes of Nar Shaddaa do not look here, and what happens here shall only be between you and I. Run, prey. Or fight me, here. I can feel the rage of this planet pouring through me. Yet it is nothing compared to the hate I have for you.

The portcullises at either end of the pen are closed and locked again, and Mira starts engaging Hanharr in combat within melee range:

Hanharr (main character level 29)
Set 2
Level 21
Class Scout
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 7
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 28 +9
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 591
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 37
Reflex 29
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 27 21
Piercing 4-19,+53-18,+5
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Ryyk Blade(2)

Uncanny Dodge I Wookiee Toughness I Wookiee Rage Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons Improved Power Attack23 Flurry


Even though you only control Mira, Hanharr's stats are still based on your main character's experience level, not hers. Hanharr rarely if ever uses his Wookiee Rage, and strongly favors Improved Power Attack over Flurry. If Mira is killed then progress isn't prevented, but obviously it's less satisfying. If Mira defeats Hanharr:

Hanharr: Kill me... and the life debt shall be settled. I cannot be in your debt twice, it will only be a second death to me. Whether you spare me or kill me, it is death.
2. Prepare to die, then. 3. If letting you live increases your suffering, then I condemn you to live.


1. There's no need for this - you don't owe me a life debt, I release you.
Hanharr: Words will not break the shackles on my wrists. Words will not end the hatred I have for you. My hatred for you would drown the raging storms of this planet. It burns hotter than the hatred in the heart of the gray-maned woman... and greater than her feelings for the exile.
1. I won't kill you, Hanharr, no matter what you've done.
Hanharr: Your mercy is death to me. End this.
2. So you serve Kreia now?
Hanharr: She has chained me within a life debt. She honors me by showing me no mercy, only hatred... she understands the heart of a warrior.
1. And the heart of a slave? 2. You owe me twice, Hanharr, and you owe her once.
Hanharr: I am no slave. I am Hanharr, Hanharr who was taken from Kashyyyk, Hanharr who put chains upon those who chained him, who bartered human lives in the place of my kind. Hanharr: I will not pledge another debt to you, I would rather die here on this dead planet.
1. I will not kill you in cold blood. 3. I will not harm you - I have other battles to fight.
Hanharr: You are weak, a child of the Hutt's moon, frightened, forever fearing the dark. You shall always be prey, Mira. If you do not kill me now, I shall hunt you through the paths of your mind until you die.
1. Then that is something I will face, Hanharr, but I can't waste any more time here.

She leaves him and continues walking towards the Trayus academy.

Mass Shadow Generator[edit | edit source]

Meanwhile, back at the Ebon Hawk on Malachor's surface, a hologram of Bao-Dur issues instructions to his remote:

Bao-Dur: If you are watching this, then what the General suspected was true... the Sith are striking from the graveyard of Malachor V. The ship the Sith Lord was on was one of the vessels damaged in that final battle. If you reach Malachor's surface, the mass shadow generator can be undone... provided there are enough vessels intact within the orbiting debris or buried in the planet's surface. Use the sequence I am unlocking in your memory banks on the engine core of any vessel you encounter on Malachor. If my calculations are correct, four vessels should be enough to power up the mass shadow generator and undo the damage that was done in Malachor V... the damage I did. Once the sequence has begun, it cannot be stopped, so make sure the General is off the planet before triggering the sequence. Otherwise, there will be no retreat. I know your weapon systems are minimal, and I don't know what awaits you on Malachor's surface. Try to avoid contact with any potential threats. Follow your programming...
Journal Entry Added Mass Shadow Generator
As the remote, you have been tasked by Bao-Dur to activate the mass shadow generator and use it to undo the damage that was caused at Malachor V. Using the codes stored in your memory core, you will need to find four active engine cores buried in the planet's crust and use them to activate Bao-Dur's mass shadow generator

Bao-Dur's remote has replaced him on the Party Selection screen:

Name Remote
Location Ebon Hawk
Map Surface
World Malachor V
Inclusion Mandatory
Class Combat Droid
Level 1
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Attribute Base Total
Vitality 150 150
Force 0 0
Attack 1 5
Defense 10 16
Fortitude 2 2
Reflex 0 4
Will 0 0
Skill Base Total
Computer Use 0 0
Demolitions 0 0
Stealth No
Awareness 0 0
Repair 0 0
Security 0 0
Treat Injury No
Points per level 1
Equipment Feats
Force powers

Field Survival Pistol

Blaster Integration Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Droid Upgrade Class 1 Logic Upgrade


The remote can use grenades and repair kits (although even a Construction Kit only repairs maximum 35 Vitality), otherwise that's all it's got to work with. Neither you nor it actually receive any experience for anything it does so it cannot level up, and if you open the Equip screen and try to change anything:

You cannot equip or remove an item from this slot.

If you've already found all four buried Republic ships (two on the surface and two in the depths) and killed every storm beast encountered along the way then activating the mass shadow generator should be very easy (but tedious)... and if you haven't, then completing this quest can be a lot more challenging, since you cannot progress if the remote is destroyed.

Storm beasts will normally have maximum 95% chance to hit and 100% critical conversion from level 14 onward (15 Attack vs 16 Defense), and the remote will have minimum 5% chance to hit and 0% critical conversion from level 18 onward (5 Attack vs 26 Defense), so attacking and killing them before they attack and kill the remote is... a tall order (even though their Sonic Howl doesn't affect it). You can throw a grenade at them before they become aware of you, but once they're running toward you they're likely to move out of the area of effect of any thrown afterward, and once in melee range the grenades will damage you too (as will the storm beasts, with even normal hits at level 29 averaging 71 damage on Normal, vs 150 maximum Vitality).

So the remote needs to avoid any storm beasts at all costs. On the surface, follow the outer wall to your left and turn left at each junction to find both buried Republic ships: you should find the first ship in the top right corner of the map without encountering any storm beasts, and you can fly past any between this and the second ship in the bottom left corner of the map (use the mini map to help navigate, as the third person view alone can be confusing).

In the depths, storm beasts are more of a threat, particularly the three clustered at the first junction and the two between there and the first ship in the top right corner of the depths: for this reason, it may be better to first follow the bottom wall to your left until you find the second ship on the bottom left side of the cave, before returning, since it won't matter if the storm beasts block your escape from the first ship if it's your last ((suicide) mission accomplished). Before storm beasts are aware of the remote, you can use Adhesive Grenades to entangle them for 15 seconds, making it easier to avoid them and then get out of their sight. However, do not use them in melee range: the remote may be floating, but this doesn't stop it from getting entangled as well.

The remote needs to use the damaged console within each buried Republic ship:

1. Enter sequence for priming mass shadow generator.
Damaged Console: 1 FOUND
Damaged Console: 2 FOUND
Damaged Console: 3 FOUND
1. Log out.
Journal Entry Added Mass Shadow Generator
You have found one of the mass shadow engines and activated it. Three remain.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Activated mass shadow engine
Journal Entry Added Mass Shadow Generator
You have found the second engine core and activated it. Only two remain.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Activated second engine core
Journal Entry Added Mass Shadow Generator
You have found the third engine core and activated it. Only one remains.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Activated third engine core

Neither you nor the remote actually receive any experience. When it uses the damaged console in the fourth and final ship:

Damaged Console: 4 FOUND

A hologram of Bao-Dur appears, and speaks to it:

Bao-Dur: If you are hearing this, then the sequence has been completed... when active, it will destroy Malachor... again. I have one last command for you. You must remain behind and ensure that the sequence fires properly once the General gives the command... if not, then all we have fought for has been for nothing. You have done all I asked... all you were built for. And for that, I thank you.

G0-T0 appears after the hologram disappears:

G0-T0: Touching. The probability of the Iridonian installing triggered commands within your core was high; I see the probabilities have played out. Of course, the probability that I would do the same is equally high. Your inability to move right now is evidence of that. If the General issues the command, only I will be here to receive it. You realize I cannot permit you... or the exile... to activate the mass shadow generator here on Malachor. In that, your programming and mine... conflict. And since you have no offensive weaponry to speak of, the probability of your programming overwriting mine is low. You must understand that the General would not wish the relics or the Sith strength here on Malachor to be compromised. Their presence is needed to stabilize the galaxy. Without them, the galaxy would be reduced to anarchy within years. And if there is anything I can't stand, it's an untidy galaxy. So, let us wait here, you and I, for the General's orders, and the fate of the galaxy shall wait with us.
Journal Entry Added Mass Shadow Generator
The remote has found the fourth engine core and activated it – it is primed for the General's signal. Unfortunately, G0-T0 was waiting, and now holds the remote captive, awaiting the General's command. There is nothing to do but wait.

Meanwhile, the Ebon Hawk is shaken loose, and drops into the canyon below...