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File:KotORII Map Secret Academy (Atris).png
Map of the secret academy

After exiting the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, you returned to the Ebon Hawk and traveled back the secret academy on Telos. As you land in its hangar bay, Atris stands in her meditation chamber, her back to the entrance as Kreia approaches:

Atris: Who is there?
Kreia: Who I am is not the question.
Atris: I am Atris, Jedi Master... the last historian of the Jedi... the last of the Jedi.
Kreia: Those are titles, words you cling to as the darkness falls around you.
Atris: You are that which has attacked the Jedi... you are Sith.
Kreia: "Sith" is a title, yes, but like you, the title is not who I am. It is not what I believe. For you... it is different. Know that there was once a Darth Traya. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn. You have bathed in the knowledge of the Sith. But there is not enough truth in such teachings... but it will be a step for you.
Atris: How did it happen?
Kreia: Search your heart. It was never battle that called to you. Never battle that caused you to fall. Malachor V has touched many things, and it casts its echoes still.
Atris: Why did she betray me? Atris: Why did he betray me?
Kreia: You betrayed yourself. Do not blame the exile. And unlike you and I, there is still a chance that one may be saved. The one that you cast out.
Atris: Where is the exile? I had thought...
Kreia: Oh, she will come. But it will be too late to save either of us. Kreia: Oh, he will come. But it will be too late to save either of us.
Kreia: It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.

As Kreia leaves, she encounters two Handmaiden sisters on the ramp down from the meditation chamber to the meeting chamber:

Kreia: Your mistress awaits. She has much to share with you.

Hangar Bay[edit | edit source]

If your main character is female, then you stand alone outside the Ebon Hawk: boarding isn't an option, so you must travel from the hangar bay on the upper left side of the depopulated academy to confront Atris in her Meditation Chamber at its right end.

Meeting Chamber[edit | edit source]

If your main character is male, then the Handmaiden enters the meeting chamber to be confronted by five of her sisters:

Handmaiden Sister: The last of the Handmaidens is before us.
Handmaiden Sister: It is good that you have returned. You have much to answer for.
Handmaiden: What are you saying?
Handmaiden Sister: You have betrayed us. You have betrayed Atris.
Handmaiden Sister: You are no longer one of us. You followed the Jedi, betrayed your oath.
Handmaiden: Listen to me - Atris has been touched by the Sith, it is not too late for-
Handmaiden Sister: Silence.
Handmaiden Sister: It is a crime to kill blood - but not to kill a betrayer as you.
1. I will not fight you. 2. If you stand in my way, then you shall die. 3. You are right - I am no longer one of you. I am stronger. 4. And it is no crime to kill blinded ones such as you.
Handmaiden Sister: Then you shall fall. Handmaiden Sister: We shall see... you were always the last of us. And now we shall show you why.

They prepare to engage in combat as the scene fades to black. Later, as her sisters lie defeated around her, Atris comes down the ramp from her meditation chamber and enters:

Atris: Where have you been? You have been absent so long. I feared for your safety. Were you with the exile all this time?
Handmaiden: Mistress, as you commanded, I-
Atris: Commanded? Did I command you to consort with him? To follow his teachings? To betray your oath?
Handmaiden: Mistress, I do not understand. I-
Atris: Of course you do not. But you will learn.

She engages the Handmaiden in combat:

Atris (main character level 28)
Set 5
Level 21
Class Jedi Consular
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 23
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 16 +3
Vitality 252
Force 513
Defense 43
Fortitude 34
Reflex 33
Will 34
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 35 -
Energy 16-106-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Force Immunity Fear Advanced Jedi Defense34 Power Attack27 Master Critical Strike24

Plague 100 Choke Drain Life Fear Horror Force Lightning Slow 32 Force Breach

The doors to her mediation chamber above and the entrance chamber below are now locked. Once the Handmaiden is defeated, or Atris is reduced to less than 10 Vitality:

Atris: Enough.

Atris uses lightning until the Handmaiden collapses:

Atris: Did you have feelings for him? Did you touch him, did you look upon him with love? There is no love in that one. He is a shell, devoid of emotion. All that he was died at Malachor, and he dies there still, as he should.

Now you enter the meeting chamber:

Atris: So... one exile has arrived to save another.
1. Do not harm her. If you wish to punish anyone, then punish me. 2. You have truly fallen far to kill a helpless opponent.
Atris: Do you care so much for her that you have come all this way? Perhaps you have feelings after all. Atris: It is no crime to kill the Sith or any that threaten the Republic... as you proved in the Mandalorian Wars. This is now my battle, and you are now my enemy.


3. Drop the weapon, or else. 4. I'm here for my lightsaber, Atris. 5. Her life is mine to end, not yours. 6. Kill her, see if I care.
Atris: This is a weapon of a Jedi. You shall not have it. Atris: She swore an oath to me. Her life is mine, not yours. Atris: Yet you have come all this way for her - or perhaps it is just revenge that has driven you this far.
2. Where is Kreia, Atris?
Atris: Kreia? Oh... that is not her name. She is gone, and is now beyond your reach, exile. Where she has gone, only I shall follow... after I have dealt with you.
1. Surrender, Atris. I don't want to fight you. 3. Enough talking - fight or die, I don't care.
Atris: Such a noble offer.
Atris: Your execution has been too long delayed, exile.

The obelisk in the middle of the chamber breaks her line of sight, so she doesn't immediately engage in combat. Once you do, and reduce her from maximum Vitality to less than 10 again, she retreats to her meditation chamber to recover.

Meditation Chamber[edit | edit source]

As you enter Atris' meditation chamber, she speaks:

Atris: She said you would come here, to this place. If you think you can defeat me here, you are wrong. All this collected knowledge, all these teachings of combat and the Force - they are mine to command. And if I must use it to end you, I will. Surrender... you need not die.
1. Atris, you must be stopped. 2. You have fallen to the dark side, Atris, surely you see that.
Atris: Atris... that is not who I am, not any longer. She has not existed for some time, I think. There was always something else within me - it just took time for its voice to be heard.
1. What happened to you?
Atris: The old woman you traveled with, finally made me... listen to myself, to the galaxy. She said that you would come here, and that you would face me in battle.
1. There is no reason for us to fight.
Atris: She said you were the last obstacle to my enlightenment. If I wished to truly face the Sith, to see their heart, then that meant facing you, this last time.
1. Where did she go? 2. Did she say where the Sith were striking from?
Atris: I do not know - yet. I suspect she went in search of you. But just as when she first came here, her path is difficult to see. She has set many things in motion, it is she that ordered the extermination of all Jedi, so long ago. She will answer for her crimes, in time. She is Sith... just as you are, just as all who followed Revan were.
3. What is this place?
Atris: All the knowledge of the Sith, gathered from across the galaxy. Brought here by my servants, so that I might uncover their secrets - and use them to track them down. But now they have been drawn from the shadows of the Outer Rim - and the only final matter to attend to is finishing you.
1. Where is the Sith base? 1. Do you know where the Sith are striking from?
Atris: I do not know... yet. But it does not matter. They have come here to face the Republic in battle, and they will be destroyed. I will not deceive you... I knew what could happen there, but it had to be done to make the Sith reveal themselves. But I did not know the extent of their power - and what that meant for the Jedi. I will not underestimate them again.
2. Atris, we don't have time for this - we need to unite to stop the Sith. 1. You have placed everyone on Citadel Station in jeopardy, Atris.
Atris: Yes, the Sith are here at last - you have brought them to this place, as I had foreseen. It has all been part of my plans for you. And when I defeat you and the forces you have brought to Telos, I shall take the battle to the heart of the Sith, and wipe them out – forever.
2. What plans are you talking about?
Atris: These Sith are cowards, striking from the shadows to kill Jedi. I needed a target to draw them out - but I could not risk my own life, all that remained of the Jedi. So I arranged for you to return to the Republic, leaked information of your past, and then waited for the Sith to come. And they did. But you came to Telos, against my predictions. Now they are here, I can finally face this enemy and defeat them.

Any of these responses at any time ends this dialog and engages combat:

3. I will not fight you - surrender, and I will spare you. 4. You must fear death to beg for your life so. 5. Words of a coward and a Jedi. Prepare to die.
5. If you fear to fight me, then keep talking. 6. I've heard enough. Prepare to die.
Atris: Surrender? To you? Never. Let us end this. Atris: I fear nothing - least of all you. Let us end this. Atris: Very well. Let us end this.
Atris (main character level 28)
Set 5
Level 21
Class Jedi Consular
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 23
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 16 +3
Vitality 252
Force 513
Defense 43
Fortitude 34
Reflex 33
Will 34
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 35 -
Energy 16-106-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Force Immunity Fear Advanced Jedi Defense34 Power Attack27 Master Critical Strike24

Plague 100 Choke Drain Life Fear Horror Force Lightning Slow 32 Force Breach

Once she's reduced to less than 10 Vitality:

Atris: Kill me. End this.
3. Very well. Prepare to die.


1. I will not kill a helpless opponent, Atris.
Atris: I did not expect mercy from you... here, at the end. After all that has happened between us.
4. Actually, I was lying. Prepare to die.


2. That is where we are different. 2. After everything you've done, I'm not letting you off that easy. 1. We have greater problems, Atris - and there has been enough killing. 3. I need answers, and I need them now.
:: Hissing of Sith holocrons. ::
Atris: If you will not kill me, then what will you do? Atris: Of course... there is still something you need from me.
1. What happened to you?
Atris: This knowledge of the Sith... and the Jedi, is what I am. It is my attempt to hold on to the past... to try and protect the future.
1. I think perhaps we have both been guilty of such things. 2. It was not your responsibility. Sith knowledge is forbidden, and there is a reason it is kept safe. 3. And that is why you gathered these Sith relics?
Atris: I sought to preserve the knowledge of the Jedi, and to do that, I needed to know the Sith, in order to stop them.
Atris: Once, I was a historian, the chronicler of the Jedi. And when both wars passed me by, I was determined that I would not forsake battle again. In some part of me... I knew I had made choices, compromises, but always for the sake of the Republic, of the galaxy. To do what you had done... at times, did not seem so wrong.
1. It never does, until you realize you have lost your connection with everything else. 2. Everything that occurred at Malachor, everything that occurred in that war, was because there was no other choice.
Atris: You are right. The Jedi were all that seemed left to me, and yet I had become so far removed from them that I betrayed them. Atris: To fight such a threat... sometimes, one's choices seem narrower than they are, until it seems there is no solid foundation on which to stand. I feel that I understand what drove you to battle. to fight the Mandalorians. It was something you could not turn away from.
2. Can you tell me where the Sith are striking from? 3. Tell me where Kreia is.
Atris: Where she walks is hidden from my eyes... but not from those of her kind. It is possible I may draw one last piece of knowledge from these holocrons.
:: Hissing of Sith holocrons. ::
Atris: You always knew where they were striking from. You always knew. These Sith are spawned of you, spawned by the Mandalorian Wars... all those deaths, all those Jedi. Their power is to feed on life, until nothing is left except a hollow galaxy, echoing with the screams of the Jedi lost to us.
1. Is that where Kreia has gone?
Atris: Yes. I had thought she was awaiting me at that place, but I see now that she lied. It was not meant for me... but for you. She has gone there. She is waiting for you to travel to Malachor V, to finish what you started.
1. What I started?
Atris: Yes, you are an echo in the Force, a hollow space where it has been wounded. It takes a great act of destruction to create such emptiness, but it can be done. It creates places where the Force is difficult to hear, and difficult to find one's way. And you carry it with you, always.
1. What does this have to do with Kreia?
Atris: Now she seeks to create another echo, a wound in the Force, greater than the one before - greater than the one you caused. It will deafen all touched by the Force, until no life is left. You were strong enough to withstand it once - but few have your strength in such matters, especially if they are unprepared.
1. Why would Kreia do that?
Atris: I do not know. But she needs you there. If you choose not to follow, she will murder herself at the heart of Malachor, and you will die along with her.
2. But if Kreia is Sith, why would she do such a thing?
Atris: She seeks the death of all Jedi, all Sith... and the death of the Force. It is madness, it is impossible - but she believes you are the key.
1. Death of the Force? 2. How could she bring about the death of the Force?
Atris: There are places in the galaxy dead to the Force, where nothing lives - where the echoes travel forever and do not reach their destination. And these places may be created, even from the simplest of events, the slightest of motions. One person, at the right place, at the right time, can change the face of the galaxy - or end it.
2. That's impossible. How could I not tell she was Sith?
Atris: Because the Force had been stripped from her... as it had been torn from you. At times, I wonder what we would be if the Force was taken from us - if we would truly be Jedi or Sith... or simply human.


3. Kreia is Sith - and she is strong in the Force. She would not forsake it, or threaten it.
Atris: Because she proclaims to no longer follow the Sith. That she is something else, something that seeks "balance"... through destruction. She was a teacher once, and every student that she trained... has been a failure, and brought death to the galaxy.

All previous responses can lead to this:

1. Why? 1. But why would I matter?
Atris: You are important to her, somehow. But I...
:: Hissing of Sith holocrons. ::
Atris: ...but I do not know for certain.
Persuade 1. [Persuade (17)] If you know, tell me.
Atris: [Success] She is willing to sacrifice herself at the heart of that graveyard world for you... a choice others have made in the past. A choice I wished to make. It is because I care for you. And I suspect that you alone hold that place in her heart, where nothing else lives. And that is why you are the only one who can stop the destruction to come. Atris: [Failure] I do not know for certain. If there is a reason, you must discover it for yourself.

This response cannot:

4. Who is Kreia?
Atris: She is one of the Lords of the Sith, one of those who murdered the Jedi, and she holds the death of the galaxy in her hands.
1. How is that possible?
Atris: Because she has gone to Malachor. She is waiting for you there. But you will not survive Telos. Nothing will. It is because the greatest of her apprentices comes to Telos. And he will destroy everything, just as he destroyed Katarr and all the Jedi gathered there.
3. That is all I wished to know. Prepare to die.


2. I have heard enough - this matter is finished.
Atris: And what will you do with me now? Abandon me here on this dead world - or end my life, as I wished to end yours?

You can simply leave her:

1. I will do nothing - except tell you that I am sorry. I did not realize that the Mandalorian Wars would hurt others that had known me... and cared for me. 2. I need you to see what you have become - and turn away from it.
Atris: It does not matter. Not now - it is what I did with such pain that caused the wound. But I thank you. Atris: I tied my life, my decisions to the Jedi. Perhaps only in separating myself from the Jedi can I become myself again, learn who I am. Perhaps exile is what I deserve... even though it is many years too late, and you have already returned.


3. You will answer for your crimes before the Council, and then you shall return to your prison. 4. You must return to your prison, Atris. And leave the battles to those who have the strength to fight them.
Atris: Very well. It is more than I deserve... perhaps they shall grant me exile. Atris: I shall remain here, then. If Telos dies, our fates shall be tied.
:: Hissing of Sith holocrons. ::
Atris: Leave now, while you can. Save Telos - save the galaxy. Save yourself.
:: Hissing of Sith holocrons. ::

Otherwise, you can leave her to the Sith holocrons lining the walls of her meditation chamber:

5. I shall leave you here to these holocrons. They are Sith - and they do not abide failure.
:: Hissing of Sith holocrons. ::
Atris: No... do not do this. If you leave me to them, in this state... I...
1. You basked in their power - now drown in it, betrayer. 2. It is no less what you deserve. And it is time they fed upon the deaths of the Jedi. 3. This is the last time we shall speak, Atris. Face your death bravely. 4. Your death shall be slow at their hands... if you die at all.
:: Hissing of Sith holocrons. ::
Atris: No... please, I beg you... bring me before the council... have me face exile... But please... do not leave me...

When Atris is alone with the holocrons:

Atris: One thing I do not understand. The teachings at Malachor... why do they exist? They cause only echoes, wounds in the Force.
:: Whispering of Sith holocrons. ::
Atris: A beacon? For who?

Finally, you can just kill her instead:

6. Nothing - except end your life.
Kreia: You have done well. All is as I have foreseen.
Kreia: There must always be a Darth Traya. And if it will not be her, then I must assume that role, and as always, bring about the betrayal of the Jedi and the Sith.
1. Kreia? Where are you? 2. If you are here, show yourself. 3. What are you saying?
Kreia: I am not here... not in the flesh, not in your mind. These holocrons hold much of the Sith... and they hold much of my teachings, from long ago. Kreia: Save your questions. I am not here... not in the flesh, not in your mind. These holocrons hold much of the Sith... and they hold much of my teachings, from long ago.
Kreia: But you have much yet to learn. And great tests await you. The death of the past, the death of this false Jedi, was only part of it. One of the Sith Lords has come to Telos. You know why he has come here. And if he is not stopped here, now, then he shall lay waste to this planet. You must confront him. He is part of the past, and like this false Jedi, must be laid to rest. Only then shall you be ready for your final test. If not, then you shall die.
1. Final test? And what is this "test?" 2. Then I shall meet him in battle... and then I shall confront you. 3. If I die, then you shall die as well. 4. I will not submit to your tests.
Kreia: Such arrogance. Kreia: Indeed? Did you think I failed to recognize such? Save your threats for someone not willing to die. Kreia: You have no choice... apprentice.
:: Hissing of Sith holocrons. ::
Kreia: You know where the final test lies. It is not here, not in the battle that will wage across the surface and skies of this dead planet. And know that if you do not come to me, if you run from this, then I shall sacrifice myself - and end both our lives through the bond we share. You know where you must travel. And there, I shall be waiting for you.

Handmaiden[edit | edit source]

If your main character is male, then the Handmaiden has recovered by the time you return to the meeting chamber:

Handmaiden: You came for me. I thought I had lost you.
1. Well, I was a little late, but better late than never. 2. I decided to play it a little close. 3. For a minute there, I thought I had lost you. 4. I am sorry. I came as quickly as I could. 5. Tell me what happened to Kreia. Now.
Handmaiden: Kreia... she said the council had ended you. And all along, she was one of those who had sought to kill us.
1. Both carry their truth, in a way. 2. Kreia has told many lies, and the architecture is difficult to see. 3. Yes, but we need to deal with one crisis at a time. Are you all right? 4. Before I punish you, tell me why you disobeyed me.
Handmaiden: When I heard her say that you were dead, I... I failed you. I let my emotion run through me, and I acted without thinking. I wanted to punish her... hurt her, see her answer for what she had done to the Jedi, for leading you to the council...
3. Well, it's lucky for her I don't die so easily, or you'd wreck half the galaxy in revenge.
Handmaiden: Please do not joke about such things. You speak lightly of serious matters to me.
1. Calm yourself - I am here, it is all right. 2. It's all right - don't dwell on it. We will take action, all in its proper time.
4. This part is over. We must focus on the next battle. 5. Be silent. I have no time for your emotional displays of weakness.
1. Are you sure you're all right? 6. Your anger is strength - and it is a weapon, as you now know.
Handmaiden: Of course. Forgive my display. I... I am the last of the Handmaidens no longer.

If you have Alignment < 40:

Handmaiden: I am Brianna, your disciple. And the one who will stand with you against all enemies who face us.
1. I already know where your loyalty lies. Now we must deal with other threats. 2. Be silent, and follow me. 3. There is still many left to kill. Come.


Handmaiden: I am Brianna, disciple of the last of the Jedi. And the one who will stand with you against all enemies who face us.
1. Then let's get to it. We've got a planet to save. 2. It is good to hear your name. 3. Then follow me. It is time we ended this.
Handmaiden: It is... good to hear it, after so long.