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File:KotORII Map Command Deck.png
Map of the command deck

Peragus Administration Level[edit | edit source]

The docking port from the administration level is on the starboard side of the Republic ship:

Kreia: Something is wrong... I sense no one on board.
Atton: "You sense no one on board?" Sense any assassin droids creeping up behind us like last time?
Kreia: Everyone here has been slain, yet there are few signs of battle, no carbon scoring, no blaster fire. This place has been hit by assassins of a different sort.
Atton: Then what are we doing on this ship? We were better off in the facility! You two are supposed to be Jedi? You two are the worst Jedi I've ever met!
1. Maybe you'd like it back in your cell? 2. It's not too late to dump you back in the security room. 3. Atton's right - we need to get off this ship.
Atton: Maybe I would! At least I was safe there!
Kreia: We cannot go back into the facility. Kreia: Oh? And go where?
4. Calm down - we need a plan, not accusations. 5. There's nowhere else to go - the facility is sealed off.
Kreia: If the assassin machine was correct, then we cannot reach the hangar... be silent, I need some time to think.
1. I saw this vessel dock - when it did, a fuel pipe entered the fuel depot, behind the force field. 2. We can bypass the force field to the hangar by getting to the engine room on this ship, then exiting through the fuel pipe. 3. As long as the Harbinger is docked, we can use it to reach the hangar where the Ebon Hawk is.
Atton: Look, I don't mean to cast another shadow on this, but even if you could reach the ship you came in on, it wouldn't matter. You'll need the orbital drift charts to clear the Peragus asteroid field, unless you want to have the shortest flight out of Peragus ever recorded.
2. Why don't we steal this ship? 3. We survived Peragus - we can take control of this ship.
Atton: Oh, you mean with the huge crew we brought along with us? That's a brilliant idea.
4. Well, if you've got an idea instead of another complaint, let's hear it. 3. Oh, yeah? Let's hear your plan.
4. Do you want to die? If so, keep talking, smart mouth.
Kreia: The two of you - be silent!
2. I don't want to argue, we need a solution. 1. He started it!
2. I'd watch that imperious tone of yours - I'm losing patience with both of you.
Kreia: We need a course of action, not division in our ranks. Otherwise this ship will be our last stand.
1. Then how did this ship dock here? 1. Wait - how did the Harbinger get the orbital drift charts it would need to dock here? 1. Wait - how did this ship dock here?
2. Well, this ship's not going anywhere, unless it's got the drift charts.
Atton: Well, of course, they have the asteroid drift charts in their navicomputer. They'd have to.
1. So let's get their codes, then. Then we can worry about reaching the Ebon Hawk. 2. Let's focus on the problem we can solve - getting the codes. Otherwise, getting to the hangar means nothing. 3. I think we can get there - anybody see any problems with getting to the navicomputer?
Atton: Well, we'd have to get to the bridge. I mean... well, that's the biggest problem I can see.
Kreia: That is a sound plan - for the moment. Let us go.
[Now that you have a party, certain actions and dialogue responses will increase or decrease your influence with your companions, depending on their personalities - some respect cruelty, while others may respect nobility, loyalty, cleverness, brute force, and so on.]
[The higher your influence with a companion, the more your alignment affects theirs, and extreme high and low influence with a companion can open up additional dialogue choices. There are benefits to both, so treat them as you will.]
Kreia: Our enemies gather while we wait here.
1. Forgive me, Kreia, I was distracted for a moment. I'll be more mindful of the present. 2. Watch that tone, old woman - I will not be lectured by you.
Influence Gained: Kreia (+8) Influence Lost: Kreia (-8)
Kreia: Very well. Kreia: Very well. I shall keep such thoughts to myself.
3. Atton's plan was a good one - let's head to the bridge and get the drift charts. 4. I'm still debating about whether we should just leave Atton here or not. 5. Feel free to stay behind, Atton - we could use someone to soak up some blaster shots from any more assassin droids.
Influence Gained: Atton (+8) Influence Lost: Atton (-8)
Atton: All right... but this won't end well, trust me. Atton: Very funny. Right now, I'm better off with the two of you, so let's go.

Bridge[edit | edit source]

You watched the Republic ship dock, and you know the bridge is at its bow: you entered on its starboard side, so at the junction ahead, you'll find the bridge beyond the door at the left end of the corridor, to your right.

Orbital Drift Charts[edit | edit source]

Journal Entry Added Orbital Drift Charts
In order to escape Peragus, you'll need the orbital drift charts in the Harbinger's navicomputer located on the bridge. Once you've downloaded them, all you need to do is make a run for the Ebon Hawk.

The bridge is littered with Republic corpses. The navicomputer is at the left end in the ship's nose:

Repair 1. [Repair] Reroute the navicomputer. [1 Part] Computer Use 2. [Computer] Slice the navicomputer. [1 Spike]
Navicomputer: Not enough parts to perform operation. Navicomputer: Not enough spikes to perform operation.

If you can't reroute or slice the navicomputer, then you'll find what you need in the plasteel cylinder to the left of the bottom door in the right wall behind you:

Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
Navicomputer: You have rerouted the system and accessed what remains of the ship's astrogation capabilities. Navicomputer: You have sliced into the system and accessed what remains of the ship's astrogation capabilities.
1. Download the orbital drift charts for the Peragus asteroid field. Navicomputer: ASTEROID ORBITAL DRIFT CHARTS
Journal Entry Added Orbital Drift Charts
You have downloaded the orbital drift charts from the Harbinger navicomputer.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Downloaded orbital drift charts

Recent History[edit | edit source]

You can also use the bridge's navicomputer to check the Harbinger's logs:

2. Check Harbinger logs. Navicomputer: HARBINGER NAVICOMPUTER
Access Log: Emergency Broadcast
Republic Captain: [Static.] "We have taken on passengers to Telos..."
Republic Navigator: "Sir, we've just received an emergency broadcast... a freighter, under attack by Sith forces."
Republic Captain: "Can you get an ID on the ship?"
Republic Navigator: "Yes, sir, we have its ID signature... it's not in our databanks, but its profile suggests some low stock freighter... says it's being hit hard by a Sith warship."
Republic Captain: :: Silence. ::
Republic Navigator: "Sir?"
Republic Captain: 'I'll need to confirm with command before we move to intercept.'
Journal Entry Added Recent History: Bonus Mission
It looks like the Harbinger encountered the Ebon Hawk being attacked by a Sith vessel, but when they encountered it, both vessels were empty. While searching both vessels, it is likely that Sith assassins stealthed their way on board the Republic cruiser and began to take over the vessel.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Accessed Log: Emergency Broadcast
Access Log: Sith Warship
Republic Captain: [Static.] "Report."
Republic Soldier: 'The Sith warship is empty, sir - we attached a umbilical and sent three strike teams through it, and there's no sign of a crew... or its commander.'
Republic Captain: "There's no one on board? What about the escape pods?"
Republic Soldier: "They're still in their berths, sir - this place, it's empty - it's like a ghost ship."
Republic Captain: "Then who was firing at the freighter?"
Republic Soldier: "We don't know, sir - the freighter's empty, too, we did a clean sweep, and nothing except a lone T3 unit, badly damaged."
Republic Soldier: "Did you still want it tractor beamed to the Harbinger?"
Republic Captain: "Search the freighter and the warship one more time - if they're clean, then we'll tractor the freighter over."
Republic Soldier: "Yes, sir."
Republic Captain: "No idea why the admiral thought that freighter worth all the effort, but we'll find out."
Access Log: Survivors
Republic Doctor: [Static.] "Everyone on the Ebon Hawk was dead, sir... we're starting autopsies within the hour."
Republic Captain: "What about that Sith corpse we retrieved from the warship?"
Republic Doctor: 'We haven't had a chance to fully examine it, sir - he looks human, but he's... fractured in several places.'
Republic Captain: "Keep me posted. Something's wrong here, and I want to know where all those Sith on the warship went."
Access Log: Emergency Report
Republic Captain: [Static.] "We're still experiencing a problem with the communications array, and now maintenance is telling me there's a cascade failure in the weapon sys..."
Republic Navigator: "Sir, I just picked up an unusual sound from medlab..."

There's screaming, followed by shattering glass:

Voice: I have come for the Jedi.
Republic Captain: "What the hell was that?"
Republic Navigator: "Sir, I don't know - communications just got cut."
Republic Captain: "Send a security team to medlab! Now!"
5. Return to main console functions. Navicomputer: HARBINGER NAVICOMPUTER
3. Log out.

Escape Pods[edit | edit source]

The room beyond the bottom door in the bridge's right wall is empty except for three Republic corpses. The room beyond the next door in the right wall is also empty, with a door in its bottom wall, and a blast door in its right wall:

This door has been magnetically sealed, and it cannot be opened.

As you approach the bottom door, four Sith assassins decloak around you! They appear even if you're in Stealth mode, but they won't attack unless they detect you.

Sith Assassin (main character level 6)
Set 2
Level 4
Class Sith Assassin
Alignment 25 (dark)
Awareness 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 23
Force 46
Defense 15
Fortitude 5
Reflex 6
Will 4
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 1 -1
Bludgeoning 1-51-5
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting

Drain Force 7

They rarely if ever use Drain Force. These are melee attackers, giving them an attack advantage if your party is using ranged weapons: if you don't have enough melee weapons, you and Kreia can fight unarmed.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 6)

The corridor beyond the bottom door turns to your left. In the room beyond the door at this corridor's right end, there's a plasteel cylinder by the top wall and a footlocker in its bottom left corner:

Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ? (Broken Item)

The next room beyond the right door also contains a plasteel cylinder, in its bottom left corner: two Sith assassins ambush as you approach the next right door, and another two await you in this last room.

Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 6)

There's an escape pod in the bottom left corner, and a plasteel cylinder in the top right:

[All the escape pods have been locked. They cannot be used.] Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?

Briefing Room[edit | edit source]

The door at the left end of the corridor at the first junction is jammed, but there's a low security door in the right wall before the junction, on your left as you entered from the docking port:

Security Low Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

The room contains three Republic corpses, with a plasteel cylinder in its top left corner and a footlocker in its bottom right:

Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • (Broken Item)
  • ?

There's another low security door in the right wall:

Security Low Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

The corridor beyond this turns down to a junction on your right, where you're ambushed by four Sith assassins.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 6)

The left corridor to your right leads to the other side of the jammed door, while the right corridor to your left leads to the door of the briefing room, which has a plasteel cylinder in its top right corner.

Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?

Recent History[edit | edit source]

The briefing room console is in the middle of the table opposite its door:

1. Check briefing logs.
Access Log: Course Change: Onderon
Republic Captain: [Static.] "...we've been diverted from Onderon to the Outer Rim. There's not enough ships out there, and we're already hard-pressed to keep patrolling the regions under our jurisdiction."
Republic Captain: 'I'm afraid we're going to lose it all - there's just not enough ships and too much territory to cover. We're still rebuilding from the war with Malak, and sometimes I wonder if we'll ever recover.'
Republic Captain: 'Still we have orders from Admiral Onasi, and he's put the highest priority on this mission. Looks like the trouble on Onderon will have to wait.' Republic Captain: "Still we have our orders, and the Republic's put the highest priority on this mission. Looks like the trouble on Onderon will have to wait."
Access Log: Passenger Transport
Republic Captain: "As ordered, we've picked up the passengers from the Outer Rim, and have made quarters for them. Once aboard, we plotted a course for Telos.."
Republic Captain: "We expect to arrive within ten standard days, provided there's no mishaps. I've been ordered to give the passenger no special treatment, nor make any indication of her identity." Republic Captain: "We expect to arrive within ten standard days, provided there's no mishaps. I've been ordered to give the passenger no special treatment, nor make any indication of his identity."
Republic Captain: "I have some reservations about turning the Harbinger into a passenger liner, but the orders were clear."
Republic Captain: "Whoever this passenger is, she's got diplomatic-level priority, whether she knows it or not." Republic Captain: Whoever this passenger is, he's got diplomatic-level priority, whether he knows it or not."
Access Log: Distress Signal
Republic Captain: "We picked up a distress signal and are sending a message to the Republic for permission to investigate."
Republic Captain: 'We have also transmitted the damaged vessel's ID signature to the Republic. According to the message, it's being pursued by Sith forces.'
Republic Captain: 'There is no match for the vessel in our databanks, but the profile of the distress signal suggests it 's a stock freighter of some kind.'
Republic Captain: 'We'll only know for sure when we arrive. And we'll find out if the signal's genuine or a trap.'
Access Log: Priority Override
Republic Captain: [Static.] "We wanted to check with you, sir, before diverting course from Telos. There appears to be some battle that has taken place in the sector, and we've received a distress signal."
Admiral Onasi: "You have permission to divert course, captain. If there is a Sith presence in the region, I want you to investigate." Republic General: "You have permission to divert course, captain. If there is a Sith presence in the region, I want you to investigate."
Admiral Onasi: "The ID signature on the freighter... did you get confirmation on it?" Republic General: "The ID signature on the freighter... did you get confirmation on it?"
Republic Captain: "Yes sir. We did not have the vessel listed in our databanks, so we transmitted the code to you - was there a match?"
Admiral Onasi: 'There was, captain. If you find any trace of that vessel - even wreckage, I want it.' Republic General: "There was, captain. If you find any trace of that vessel - even wreckage, I want it recovered."
Republic Captain: "Yes sir."
Admiral Onasi: "After you have investigated the sector, resume course to Telos with the passenger. It is of the highest importance that she reach Telos." Admiral Onasi: "After you have investigated the sector, resume course to Telos with the passenger. It is of the highest importance that he reach Telos." Republic General: "After you have investigated the sector, resume course to Telos with the passenger. It is of the highest importance that she reach Telos." Republic General: "After you have investigated the sector, resume course to Telos with the passenger. It is of the highest importance that he reach Telos."
Republic Captain: "Yes, sir. I'll make sure she arrives intact." Republic Captain: "Yes, sir. I'll make sure he arrives intact."
Admiral Onasi: 'Good hunting, Captain. Admiral Onasi out.' Republic General: "Good hunting, Captain. Admiral Cede out."
Republic Captain: 'Sometimes I wonder if the right hand of the Republic knows what the left hand is doing. I'm always being kept in the d-'
HK-50 Protocol Droid: Query: You sent for me, Captain?
Republic Captain: "Yes, I need you to check on the passenger again, see if there's anything she needs. Try not to be too obvious about it. Her safety is our top concern." Republic Captain: "Yes, I need you to check on the passenger again, see if there's anything he needs. Try not to be too obvious about it. His safety is our top concern."
HK-50 Protocol Droid: Statement: I shall use the *utmost* discretion, Captain. As always, it is my pleasure to serve.
Journal Entry Added Recent History: Bonus Mission
Apparently, the Republic knew of your exiled status... and they had secretly been monitoring you on the vessel. They even assigned the HK protocol droid to watch you, which is probably how he discovered your presence in the first place.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Accessed Log: Priority Override
5. Return to main console functions.
2. Log out.

Crew Quarters[edit | edit source]

At the junction outside the briefing room, the bottom corridor turns to your left and ends at a door. As you enter the next room, four Sith assassins ambush you. There's a footlocker in this room's bottom left corner, and a plasteel cylinder by its top wall.

Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 6)
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • (Broken Item)
  • ?
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?

The crew quarters are beyond the door in the back right wall. However, if you don't have the Orbital Drift Charts:

Security Door Lock DC 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -
[You'll need the asteroid drift charts from the bridge if you hope to escape Peragus.]