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File:KotORII Map Royal Palace.png
Map of the royal palace

Queen Talia[edit | edit source]

Sky Ramp[edit | edit source]

Captain Bostuco: We've made it to the Palace. General Vaklu's troops haven't been here too long. Hopefully we still have time to save the Queen. Straight ahead is the throne room. Vaklu's hand-picked troops will probably be here. I'm going to stay here and keep the intersection secure. If any more royalists arrive, I'll keep them organized.
The Royal Palace could fall any minute. We must save the Queen!

The entrance from the Sky Ramp is in the middle of the left side of the map. Captain Bostuco and the royalist officer from outside walk down the hall towards the intersection outside the throne room:

Royalist Officer: Ahead is the throne room. We must get to the Queen to protect her.

Royal Deadline[edit | edit source]

As you reach the intersection outside the throne room, Colonel Tobin reacts to your approach:

Colonel Tobin: Shut the outer door now!
Colonel Tobin: I'm impressed you made it this far. But you are too late. Soon the Queen will be dead, and General Vaklu will be the new King. This is no ordinary door between us. The same material is used for the hull of capital class vessels. I'm afraid you will find it quite impregnable.
1. Any door can be opened, Tobin. This isn't over. 2. You've crossed me for the last time.
Colonel Tobin: I'm afraid it is. Now if you will excuse me, we have one last barrier to take care of. Colonel Tobin: That would sound so much more convincing if you were on the other side of the door. Now if you will excuse me, we have one last barrier to take care of.
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
Colonel Tobin has thwarted you again for the moment. As you entered the royal wing of the Palace, he shut the outer security door. He's currently trying to break down the last door between his troops and the Queen. If he breaks through, the Queen is doomed.

You have to find some way of opening the outer door.

The security door is now locked. If you try to use the computer terminal to the right:

Computer Terminal: TERMINAL OFFLINE

You have to go to both the Primary Security Complex at the end of the south hall and the West Security Complex at the end of the north hall, and the order doesn't really matter as there's a character at each end that can take you straight back to this intersection. If you go down to the primary security complex first then speaking to the slicer there disables his traps and defences elsewhere, but once you have the override code for the primary security console you should save game before speaking to Captain Kadron in the west security complex, since you only get one chance to tell him you have the override code already.

Dining Room[edit | edit source]

Back at the intersection, if you go down the south hall (to your right as you entered) then, as you turn right and then left, a Vaklu captain is gathering forces further down:

Vaklu Captain: Gather our forces. Make sure the defenses are set. Colonel Tobin says the Jedi is coming our way.
Vaklu Captain: Take your beasts and attack her. We need more time to prepare! Vaklu Captain: Take your beasts and attack him. We need more time to prepare!
Vaklu Captain: I'm going to the control room. Perhaps the captain can be persuaded to cooperate...

There's a power conductor by the inner wall on your left as you go down the hall, which overloads if you approach it, inflicting 40 electrical damage on all in the vicinity. If you take your time or wait, three bomas and a Sith beast handler come running around the corner below you, heading for the intersection:

Boma (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 22 +6
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude 31
Reflex 27
Will 22
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 30 -
Slashing 9-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




The two other bomas are weaker:

Boma (main character level 25)
Set 1
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 5 -3
Dexterity 5 -3
Constitution 5 -3
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 81
Force -
Defense 22
Fortitude 18
Reflex 18
Will 17
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Slashing 1-17-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Sith Beast Handler (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 35 (dark)
Awareness 4
Treat Injury 2
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 14 +2
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 14 +2
Vitality 171
Force -
Defense 32
Fortitude 28
Reflex 28
Will 28
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 26 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 26 -
Slashing 9-39-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Carbine + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Boma (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Boma (2) (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Sith Beast Handler (level 25)

Around the corner at the bottom left end of the south hall, another boma (225 Vitality, but only 31 Defense) and Sith beast handler await, with a Sith elite soldier and dark Jedi apprentice:

Sith Beast Handler (main character level 25)
Set 2
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 35 (dark)
Awareness 1
Treat Injury -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 117
Force -
Defense 26
Fortitude 22
Reflex 22
Will 22
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 22 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 22 -
Slashing 5-35-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Sith Elite Soldier (main character level 25)
Set 2
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 35 (dark)
Awareness 1
Treat Injury -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 132
Force -
Defense 26
Fortitude 22
Reflex 22
Will 22
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 22 -
Energy 6-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 18 12
Slashing 5-475-47
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Repeating Blaster Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibro Double-Blade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Dark Jedi Apprentice (main character level 25)
Set 2
Level 18
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 3
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 135
Force 19
Defense 30
Fortitude 24
Reflex 25
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 24 -
Energy 7-61-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Jedi Defense23

Burst of Speed Force Push Stasis 23

Dark Jedi apprentices only have enough Force points to use Force Push (cost 20) once your main character is at least experience level 26, and Burst of Speed or Stasis (cost 25) once at least level 32 ... and even then, only one power can be used, once.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Boma (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Sith Beast Handler (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Sith Elite Soldier (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Dark Jedi Apprentice (level 25)

The south hall is also mined:

Awareness Strong Plasma Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Strong Sonic Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Strong Frag Mine (2) Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Deadly Frag Mine Detect 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)
Awareness Devastating Sonic Mine Detect 30 (10) 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 35 (15) 30 (10) Recover 45 (25) 40 (20)

You can see a dining room through a window in the inner wall of the south hall, and enter through the door to its right. Inside, three royalist soldiers are fighting another dark Jedi apprentice, a Vaklu grenadier, and two Sith elite soldiers or Vaklu heavy gunners:

Vaklu Grenadier (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 153
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude 28
Reflex 29
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 28 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 23 -
Piercing 2-29-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Plasma Grenade(2) Advanced Medpac(2) Poison Grenade Concussion Grenade Vibroblade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Vaklu Heavy Gunner (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Treat Injury -1
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 189
Force -
Defense 38
Fortitude 30
Reflex 26
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 25 -
Energy 6-48-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 23 17
Slashing 10-527-49
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Echani Battle Armor Heavy Repeating Blaster + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibro Double-Blade

Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Dark Jedi Apprentice (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Grenadier (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Sith Elite Soldier (0-2) (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Gunner (0-2) (level 25)

If you leave them to fight it out, then the royalists can kill them for you. If you speak to any surviving soldiers afterward:

Thanks for your help. Queen Talia is the rightful ruler of Onderon.
General Vaklu was once a hero of our people, but his alliance with the Sith shows how far he has fallen. General Vaklu must be stopped! If we supported General Vaklu eventually Iziz would just be another world enslaved by the Sith. We need to fight to keep our freedom!

Beyond the dining room and the mines, the south hall is guarded by two Mark I military droids:

Military Droid Mk I (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 207
Force -
Defense 40
Fortitude 31
Reflex 28
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 28 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Carbine

Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (2) (level 25)

There's a computer terminal to the left of the next door panel along from the dining room. If you don't leave this terminal alone:

Computer Terminal: REMOTE ACCESS...
1. [Computer] Access defense systems. 2. Access computer logs. 3. Log out.
Computer Terminal: USER 0 INITIATING
3. Leave the terminal quickly.

Leaving the terminal quickly allows you to get a safe distance away before it overloads. Otherwise:

Computer Use 1. [Computer (9)] Abort console overload sequence.
2. [Repair] Disable security systems on terminal.
Computer Terminal: MESSAGE FROM USER 0:
Here's a present for you, Jedi
Computer Terminal: MESSAGE FROM USER 0:
Just try that next time, Jedi

Repair use to disable security systems on the terminal always successfully prevents the overload sequence actually being completed. Otherwise:

Computer Use 1. [Computer (11)] Disable remote access.
Computer Terminal: ENTER COMMAND
1. [Computer] Access system commands. 2. Log out.

Otherwise, identifying User 0 initiates the console overload sequence even if successful, as does failing to abort it or disable remote access:

Computer Use 2. [Computer (9)] Identify User 0. Computer Use 1. [Computer (< 9)] Abort console overload sequence. Computer Use 1. [Computer (< 11)] Disable remote access.
Computer Terminal: MESSAGE FROM USER 0:
Here's a present for you, Jedi

The terminal overloading inflicts 40 electrical damage on all in the vicinity.

Primary Security Complex[edit | edit source]

Beyond the third and last door in the inner wall at the right end of the south hall there are a dark Jedi apprentice, a boma (225 Vitality, but only 31 Defense) and a Sith beast handler (117 Vitality), a Vaklu grenadier, heavy gunner and heavy soldier, and a Mark I military droid, with a Sith elite soldier in the alcove on the left side of the room.

Vaklu Heavy Soldier (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Treat Injury -1
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 171
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude 29
Reflex 29
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 24 18
Slashing 12-548-50
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Vibro Double-Blade + Advanced Medpac(2)

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Dark Jedi Apprentice (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Boma (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Sith Beast Handler (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Sith Elite Soldier (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Grenadier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Gunner (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (level 25)

As you cross this room, the Vaklu captain is interrogating Captain Riiken in the control room ahead:

Vaklu Captain: I don't have time for your resistance, Captain Riiken. We need the override code for the Palace shields.
Captain Riiken: And I told you that I don't know. You scanned my ID, you know my post is the Merchant Quarter.
Vaklu Captain: I'm sure that's what you'd like me to believe. I have been authorized to use any means at my-
Kiph: Captain, the Jedi is still coming. Of all the damned luck... She's in the security complex right now. Kiph: Captain, the Jedi is still coming. Of all the damned luck... He's in the security complex right now.
Vaklu Captain: Blast! Defend the security room with your lives! The Jedi could ruin everything!
Kiph: I have one last surprise... I doubt it's enough...

Beyond the door in the top wall is another room, with an inactive Mark II military droid in each corner. As you enter this room and cross to the door in the left wall, these droids activate. The droid in the bottom left corner can use a Droid Carbonite Projector:

Military Droid Mk II (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Repair 0
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 35
Fortitude 32
Reflex 28
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 28 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Droid Carbonite Projector On Hit: Paralyze15 Blaster Carbine + Advanced Repair Kit(2)

Droid Upgrade Class 2 Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle


Military Droid Mk II (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Repair 0
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 207
Force -
Defense 36
Fortitude 31
Reflex 29
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 29 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Carbine + Advanced Repair Kit(2)

Droid Upgrade Class 2 Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle


Each droid explodes when killed, inflicting 20 electrical damage on all in the vicinity.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk II (4) (level 25)
Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 10 Vitality 20

Beyond the door in the left wall is the control room, where there are a royalist heavy soldier, an officer and two grenadiers with a Mark I military droid on the right side of the room, visible from the door:

Royalist Heavy Soldier (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 33
Force -
Defense 32
Fortitude 28
Reflex 27
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 22 16
Slashing 9-517-49
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Vibro Double-Blade + Advanced Medpac(2)

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Royalist Officer (main character level 25)
Set 4
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Treat Injury 4
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 36
Fortitude 31
Reflex 29
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 30 -
Unstoppable 4-40-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack 30 -
Slashing 14-54-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Royalist Grenadier (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 153
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 28
Reflex 26
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 25 -
Unstoppable 3-30-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack 25 -
Piercing 4-31-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibroblade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 400 Killed Royalist Officer (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (2) (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (level 25)

The Vaklu captain is on the left side of the control room:

Vaklu Captain (main character level 25)
Set 4
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Treat Injury 4
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 36
Fortitude 31
Reflex 29
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 30 -
Energy 4-16-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 30 -
Slashing 14-54-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Hold Out Blaster + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Vaklu Captain (level 25)

Captain Riiken is also on the left side of the room, in a force cage. You only need to speak to him if you haven't already spoken to Captain Kadron in the West Security Complex:

Captain Riiken: You, again? Seems you've made a habit out of cleaning up our messes. I don't suppose you could help a fellow out here. If you've ever been in one of these, you know they aren't too comfortable.
4. Did you tell them anything?
Captain Riiken: I really didn't have much to tell them. If they wanted the override codes only Captain Kadron has those. I don't want to sound too repetitious, but about this force cage...
3. I've got other pressing matter to deal with.
Captain Riiken: That's just great. Don't put yourself through too much trouble. I can catch up on some thinking I need to do.


1. I've been in my share of them. Those energy fields can sting. 2. How do I get you out of there?
Captain Riiken: You don't need to tell me about that. Thanks for coming. Vaklu's troops aren't very good hosts. If you could get me out of here, I'd be doubly thankful. Should be pretty easy to do.
Captain Riiken: The primary security console for the Royal Palace is just over there. It controls the force cage. I think that slicer is still logged in. So you should have full access to everything. If you could hurry, it's been a long day.
The security console has to be able to disable this force cage. Just look through its menus.

The Twi'lek slicer Kiph still stands at the security terminal in the middle of the room on its top left side. If you try to use this terminal before speaking to Kiph:

Security Terminal: TERMINAL LOCKED
Kiph: Ahh... The Jedi arrives. I am counting on the vaunted Jedi compassion and regard for all life forms. I was hired by General Vaklu to do a job. I meant... no malice. Haha... Just a misunderstanding really.
2. Give me a reason I shouldn't kill you.
Kiph: Yes... A reason... Th-there are so many to choose from. But you are a Jedi, you couldn't kill me...? I surrender. Have compassion for me.
1. You seemed to have enjoyed your job. 3. Why would you work with General Vaklu?
Kiph: I take pride in my skill, and your constant avoiding my careful plans caused some measure of... distress. Kiph: The credits were good. And Talia has been declared guilty of treason. So I was getting paid and being patriotic. What could be wrong with that?
Kiph: But I can now see the error of my ways. I should go, right now, and contemplate the depth of my mistake.
Awareness 1. [Awareness (6)] I don't believe a word you've said.
Kiph: I have perhaps embellished a little bit. But this is true - I am done working for Vaklu. I just want to survive.
1. [Awareness] I can tell you aren't lying about that.
Kiph: Of course not. It's obvious to me, at least, that General Vaklu is not going to win today. So survival is my first concern. I sense that causing you any more.. complications... would be counter-productive to that goal.
2. But you helped me clear Dhagon Gent.
Kiph: Incidentally, perhaps. I just answered a heavily armed Jedi truthfully. Then later I helped the same heavily armed Jedi with a quick task. I waived payment, I might add. I may have helped, but I saw it as the most prudent course. I am less interested in politics than in whatever can give me more... material advantages.
2. That attitude will get you killed.
Kiph: But not now... right? I will take heart from your lesson. You are a wise Jedi.
4. I need access to the console.
Kiph: I... believe I am still connected. You can do what you like with the console. I am done. I will wait here for your troops to come. I will put up no resistance.
3. Stay here. Soldiers will come to deal with you soon. 5. Just leave.
Kiph: That is fair... I will wait here. I am not a criminal, I should be fine.... Right? Kiph: Y-Yes... That's what I will do.

If you tell him to just leave, he stays but you can no longer talk to him. Regardless of the outcome of this dialog, the security terminal is now unlocked and you can access system commands to open the force cage (you can also upload area schematics):

Security Terminal: ENTER COMMAND
1. [Computer] Access security cameras. 2. [Computer] Access system commands.
1. [Computer] Open all security doors. 2. [Computer] Upload area schematics.
3. [Computer] Open force cage.
Security Terminal: SECURITY FIELD...
4. Log out.

If you told Kiph to stay here, then after accessing security cameras or system commands you can ask about the "Epicenter Six" program:

Kiph: Do what you will with the console. I surrender. Long live Queen Talia.
1. What about the "Epicenter Six" program?
Kiph: Just standard procedure, I'm afraid. To protect valuable secrets of my trade. But that doesn't change anything... right?

This is your last chance to kill him, if you haven't already done so after asking him to give you a reason why you shouldn't, or telling him that attitude will get him killed:

1. You set off one trap too many, Kiph. Now you die. Kiph: B-But wait, nooo!
Dark Side Points Gained: -6
Kiph (main character level 25)
Set 1
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 4 -3
Dexterity 6 -2
Constitution 4 -3
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 81
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 19
Reflex 18
Will 19
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Bludgeoning 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Uncanny Dodge I


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Kiph (level 25)
Item(s) Received Kiph

When you talk to Captain Riiken after opening the force cage:

Captain Riiken: Thank you! Now that you've got me out, you need to get the primary security console's override code then lock the terminal down. Once you've got that code, if you can get to the secondary security station you'll control the entire Palace's security systems.
1. How do I do get the code?
Captain Riiken: The slicer is still logged in to his account. You should be able to just get whatever you need.
2. I'll see to it right now.
Captain Riiken: Take care of the security terminal. Then we can head out of here. Do it quickly, they may send reinforcements here.
3. [Computer] Access primary override code and shutdown terminal.
Security Terminal: OVERRIDE CODE...
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
You've got the primary access codes for the Palace security systems. In order to open the outer throne room door you'll have to go to the secondary security terminal and use those codes. The secondary security terminal is in the north wing.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Got primary access codes for Palace security systems

Otherwise, if you've already spoken to Captain Kadron in the west security complex, then you can just use the security terminal after speaking to Kiph and access system commands:

4. [Computer] Transfer all primary functions to secondary terminal then shutdown.
Security Terminal: TRANSFERRING...
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
The outer throne room door has been opened. You must hurry to the throne room to save Queen Talia, before it's too late.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Outer throne room door opened
Security Terminal: PRIMARY SECURITY...

In either case, the primary security terminal is now offline and Captain Riiken's force cage is open. If you do this before speaking to him, then after he thanks you, you can tell him about it:

1. I already transferred control to Kadron's secondary security console. Captain Riiken: Security terminal taken care of, I take it? With you on our side, I think we may have a chance in this war after all.
Captain Riiken: You have? You don't waste a minute. Captain Kadron will open the doors to Vaklu and Tobin any moment, then.
Captain Riiken: Let's head to the throne room right away!
1. Let's go. 2. I'll make my own way.

He takes you straight back to the intersection:

We need to hurry to save the Queen!

Three royalist soldiers joined Captain Bostuco and the royalist officer at the intersection when you got to the left end of the south hall, and a lone royalist heavy soldier appeared right back at the entrance from the Sky Ramp when you triggered the Mark II military droids in the primary security complex.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)

If the outer door has been opened then you can now enter the Throne Room, otherwise you need to go up the north hall, past the royal museum.

Royal Museum[edit | edit source]

Back at the intersection, if you go up the north hall (to your left as you entered) then as you go left around the first corner you'll encounter a Vaklu grenadier, heavy gunner and heavy soldier with a Mark I military droid. Another such quartet can come running from the top of the hall, around the next corner to your right.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Grenadier (2) (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Soldier (2) (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Gunner (2) (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (2) (level 25)

As you go up the hall and approach a door in the right wall:

Vaklu Sergeant: Tell the Colonel we'll need more of our men to smoke the royalists out of their hole. I don't trust those Sith. Or their beasts... And another thing - if I catch any more of my men looting then the Queen's Guard will be the least of your worries...

This sergeant remains alone at the left end of the north hall, just around the corner ahead of you to the right, as his men run to the other end of the hall.

Vaklu Sergeant (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 171
Force -
Defense 33
Fortitude 29
Reflex 28
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 27 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 25 -
Slashing 7-37-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Sergeant (level 25)

Before turning the corner, there's a Computer Terminal to the left of the door in the right wall. Beyond the door is the royal museum, occupied by a Vaklu heavy gunner and two heavy soldiers.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Soldier (2) (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Gunner (level 25)

There are treasures by the left and right walls in each corner of the museum:

Item(s) Received Museum Treasure Item(s) Received Museum Treasure
Item(s) Received Museum Treasure Item(s) Received Museum Treasure

Beyond the door in the right wall of the museum, there are a Vaklu heavy soldier, heavy gunner and sergeant with a Mark I military droid and a dark Jedi apprentice.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Gunner (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Sergeant (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Dark Jedi Apprentice (level 25)

There's a metal box in the bottom right corner of this room:

Item(s) Received Metal Box
  • ?

However, if you haven't spoken to the slicer in the Primary Security Complex then crossing the floor to get to it triggers poison gas defenses, regularly afflicting any organics in the room with Poison, Virulent Damage, inflicting 5 damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds unless a Fortitude save is made against DC 30: the only places you won't be afflicted are the top left corner and the doorways in the left and top walls, whose doors have been closed and locked.

Security Door (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Even if all organics in your party have Immunity: Poison or Fortitude 29 or more, they are regularly incapacitated every few seconds by choking. There's a computer terminal by the left door on its top side (to your left as you enter from the museum), but it's no use to you:

2. Leave the terminal.

Otherwise, once poison gas defenses have been triggered:

1. [Computer] Access poison gas defenses.
1. [Computer] Grant security clearance.

Computer Terminal: MESSAGE FROM USER 0:
Nice try, Jedi


The door in the top wall of this room leads back to the north hall, beyond the Vaklu sergeant at its left end.

West Security Complex[edit | edit source]

At the right end of the north hall, the Vaklu sergeant's three guards have run to engage in combat with four royalist soldiers: the Vaklu grenadier has 14 Wisdom, resulting in 27 (+1) Will at level 25 and Awareness rank 4 (+1), while the two heavy gunners aren't wearing Echani Battle Armor and thus only have 31 Defense (-7) at level 25, and no Vibro Double-Blades.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Grenadier (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Gunner (2) (level 25)

They join a dark Jedi apprentice, a Sith elite soldier and beast handler (117 Vitality), and a boma (225 Vitality, but only 31 Defense):

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Dark Jedi Apprentice (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Sith Elite Soldier (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Sith Beast Handler (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Boma (level 25)

Before approaching the second door in the inner wall, you can go to the third door at the right end of the top hall and use the computer terminal to its left to try to unlock it:

Computer Terminal: ENTER COMMAND
1. [Computer] Access system commands. 2. [Computer] Open the storage door.
3. Log out.

Save game before trying to repair the corrupted key sequence to open the storage door, because an incorrect key number results in exiting the terminal and it going offline:

1. [Computer] Repair corrupted key sequence.
Key sequence
Computer Terminal: FIRST KEY NUMBER:
First key Twice Half Difference
1. 46 92 23 69
2. 66 132 33 99
Computer Terminal: FIRST KEY NUMBER... 3. 78 156 39 117
4. 89 178 44.5 133.5
5. 102 204 51 153
Computer Terminal: SECOND KEY NUMBER:
Second key Reverse 1/5 Difference
1. 15 51 3 36
2. 25 52 5 27
Computer Terminal: SECOND KEY NUMBER... 3. 35 53 7 18
4. 45 54 9 9
5. 68 86 13.6 18
Computer Terminal: THIRD KEY NUMBER:
Third key Reverse Product * 2 Difference
1. 17 71 14 57
2. 28 82 32 50
Computer Terminal: THIRD KEY NUMBER... 3. 39 93 54 39
INCORRECT 4. 48 84 64 20
5. 59 95 90 5
Computer Terminal: EXITING TERMINAL... Computer Terminal: STORAGE ACCESS TERMINAL

The door opens to reveal a bedroom with a metal box in its bottom left corner, a locked metal box in its bottom right corner which cannot be bashed or blasted open, and two footlockers by its right wall.

Security Metal Box Lock DC level + 28 (8) Bash Resist - Vitality -
Item(s) Received Metal Box Item(s) Received Metal Box Item(s) Received Footlocker (2)
  • ?

Back in the north hall, as you approach the second door in the inner wall, Master Kavar opens it:

Master Kavar: I don't know how you made it, but well done. Come in, quickly, before more Sith or Vaklu troops arrive. We got split off from Talia's troops by the currents of this war. We really need to talk, but Kadron and I are coordinating the defense of the war. I know Captain Kadron needs someone to handle a dangerous assignment. He's in the other room. Talk to him, no one else could do the job.
1. I want to talk to you about the Jedi Council. 2. What's he need me for? 3. How did you get split from Talia's forces?
Master Kavar: Even if there wasn't a civil war going on, I can only say so much. We'll talk later. Now, every moment counts. Master Kavar: This is the secondary security complex. There's a slicer at the primary who's causing trouble. Since Kadron isn't available, I've been coordinating the battles in the rest of Iziz. If this war isn't stopped soon Iziz will take months to recover from the damage. Master Kavar: I'm not her bodyguard. We were fighting at the palace gates. There were too many of them...
Master Kavar: We'll talk when all of this is over. Until then, may the Force be with you.
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You encountered Master Kavar in the Palace, but he was too busy to speak to you. You'll need to resolve the battle in the Palace before having a chance to speak to him.

He returns to a security terminal on the right side of the room, to your left as you enter. If you try to speak to him again, or use this terminal:

Master Kavar: The defense of Iziz requires my full attention. Later... Security Terminal: TERMINAL LOCKED

Beyond the door in the bottom wall is an empty room with a door in its right wall, to your left as you enter, beyond which you'll find Captain Kadron and a royalist corporal. There's another security terminal in the middle of this room, with footlockers at the back in its top and bottom right corners.

Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?
Item(s) Received Footlocker

You can use the security terminal to access security cameras and activate the museum's security system to gas and kill any organics within, receiving experience. You can also access system commands to upload area schematics.

Security Terminal: ENTER COMMAND
1. [Computer] Access security cameras. Security Terminal: PRIMARY CAMERAS: INACCESSIBLE
2. [Computer] Return to camera root menu.
1. [Computer] CAM-506A Grand Hall 1. [Computer] Switch to camera.
Security Terminal: CAM-506A SUB MENU
2. [Computer] CAM-506B Museum 2. [Computer] Activate museum security system.
Security Terminal: CAM-506B SUB MENU
Security Terminal: SWITCHING TO CAMERA.

If you haven't spoken to the slicer in the Primary Security Complex then the first time you select this camera he'll turn to face it and salute, revealing himself to be Kiph, the Twi'lek from the Iziz cantina, before making the camera inaccessible:

3. [Computer] CAM-506C Primary Security Terminal 1. [Computer] Switch to camera.
Security Terminal: CAM-506C SUB MENU Security Terminal: CAMERA INACCESSIBLE
No more peeking
4. [Computer] Return to root menu.
2. [Computer] Access system commands.
1. [Computer] Open all security doors. 2. [Computer] Upload area schematics.
3. Log out.

However, you only need to speak to Captain Kadron, but you should save game if you already have the override code for the primary security console:

Captain Kadron: So you're the Jedi, eh? Well, the comm chatter we've intercepted is filled with reports about you. You fought right through their flank on the Sky Ramp? We desperately need someone like you.
1. What do you need? 2. Who are you? 3. Kavar mentioned some sort of mission.
Captain Kadron: I'm Queen Talia's captain of the guard. You can call me Captain Kadron. But we've got little time for more than introductions.
Captain Kadron: We've managed to hold this part of the Palace, but Vaklu's forces control the rest. We need to get to the Queen before that flaming drexl breaks through the inner door.
1. How do we do that?
Captain Kadron: There are two security consoles in the Palace. The primary security console is on the other side of the palace. There's an expert slicer over there who has been hampering our every move. We need to transfer all primary functions to our terminal here, then disable the primary security console. That will also take their slicer out of the picture. After that we'll control security again and can get to General Vaklu before he gets to the Queen.
1. Where exactly is the other security console?
Captain Kadron: The other security room is the furthest room down the south hall. You're probably going to have to fight a legion of Vaklu's troops and the flaming Sith. But from what I've seen, you're up to it.
2. Do you have anything that can help me out?
Captain Kadron: Feel free to take anything from the armory lockers in the next room, if you haven't already. This is no time for niceties.
3. I'll take care of it right now.
Captain Kadron: Talk to the corporal. He can take you quickly to the palace entrance when you're ready to go to the south hall. May the Force be with you!
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
The Queen's Captain of the Guard is a man named Kadron. He says the only way to open the outer throne room door is to transfer control of all security functions from the primary security room in the south wing to his station. If you clear out Vaklu's troops and operate the controls there, they can open the outer throne room doors and you can stop General Vaklu and Colonel Tobin from killing the Queen.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Spoke to Captain Kadron
Captain Kadron: Get to the security room in the south hall. Every minute counts!

If you already have the override code then this is your one and only chance to tell him:

1. I have the override code for the primary security console already.
Captain Kadron: You have?! Oh, son of a murglak...! Corporal, use this code to open the outer door to the throne room.
Captain Kadron: The door's open. Hurry! They might break through the inner door at any moment.
1. I'll head there immediately. 2. I've got to check on something first.
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
The outer throne room door has been opened. You must hurry to the throne room to save Queen Talia, before it's too late.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Outer throne room door opened
The force field is down, please go help the Queen!

The royalist corporal can take you straight back to the intersection:

Royalist Corporal: Do you want me to guide you to the Palace entrance? We can leave immediately, if you like.
1. Yes, I want to go there right now. 2. No, I'll walk there by myself. 3. I have something to take care of.
Royalist Corporal: Let's hurry, then, Vaklu's forces could break into the throne room at any moment. Royalist Corporal: As you wish, Jedi.

Back at the intersection, he can take you straight back to Captain Kadron in the west security complex:

Royalist Corporal: Do you want to head back to Captain Kadron? We can take you there immediately, if you like.
1. Yes, I want to go there right now. 2. No.
Royalist Corporal: The area should be clear, we can get there very quickly. Royalist Corporal: As you wish, Jedi.

If the outer door has been opened then you can now enter the throne room, otherwise you need to go down the south hall, past the Dining Room.

Throne Room[edit | edit source]

Once the outer throne room door has been opened, save game before you go inside and approach Colonel Tobin in the middle of the entrance hall:

Colonel Tobin: Will you just die, already?! You will go no further than this.
1. Not today, Tobin. 2. I told you that the door wouldn't stop me.
Colonel Tobin: You're too late, our pet beast is about to breach the force field to the Throne Room. The Queen will be dead in moments!
Sith Drexl Trainer: Watch out! I've lost control of the beast!

The Drexl larva may have just breached the force field, but now it turns on its trainer and kills him!

Colonel Tobin: Ignore the beast. Into the Throne Room. The Queen must die!

As the soldiers run past the beast into the throne room, it lashes out and kills one of them, before charging the colonel:

Colonel Tobin: Oh blast it all!

The beast knocks him down before attacking you. If you try to leave the entrance hall before killing it:

[I cannot leave the battle at this time.]
Drexl Larva (main character level 25)
Set 5
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 30 +10
Dexterity 26 +8
Constitution 30 +10
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 351
Force -
Defense 43
Fortitude 37
Reflex 35
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 38 -
Slashing 25-100-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




It may be granted the following:

It can also use its energy shield, which can absorb up to 90 points total of any damage type (although ion damage is doubled against it).

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 550 Killed Drexl Larva (level 26)

Royalists now run into the throne room, and you follow:

1. [Battle Meditation] Use battle meditation to rally the Royalists. 2. Join the battle.

In the middle of the throne room four royalist heavy soldiers engage four Vaklu heavy soldiers, while on the left and right flanks two royalist elite gunners engage two Vaklu heavy gunners.

Vaklu Heavy Soldier (main character level 26)
Set 3
Level 19
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Treat Injury -1
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 201
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude 31
Reflex 30
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 25 19
Piercing 7-345-32
Threat 19-20,x219-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Vibroblade(2) + Advanced Medpac(2)

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack27 Critical Strike23


Vaklu Heavy Gunner (main character level 26)
Set 3
Level 19
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Treat Injury -1
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 201
Force -
Defense 38
Fortitude 31
Reflex 27
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 26 -
Energy 6-48-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 23 17
Slashing 10-527-49
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Echani Battle Armor Heavy Repeating Blaster + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibro Double-Blade

Armor Proficiency: Medium Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Soldier (4) (level 26)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Heavy Gunner (4) (level 26)

However, when you pass the middle of the throne room any remaining Vaklu heavy soldiers and gunners are killed (you still receive experience) before Master Kavar enters, killing the two remaining Vaklu heavy soldiers flanking General Vaklu and Queen Talia as they duel: you still cannot talk with him until General Vaklu is defeated. Search any remains before approaching the back of the throne room:

General Vaklu: Your time is at an end, Talia. Your people have abandoned you. And now your life is forfeit.
Queen Talia: You would destroy everything just for your ambition, Vaklu. The Republic, Iziz... everything.
General Vaklu: That is a gross simplification, Talia. Change is a painful process. A price must be paid. But Onderon will have a new destiny, one larger than you could imagine.

He disengages and runs up onto the ramp of the throne platform, where four Vaklu soldiers remain:

Queen Talia: You're getting careless, Vaklu. One more mistake, and you're the one who will pay the price.
General Vaklu: Damn you... Your skill with the blade won't save you from my men. Goodbye, Talia. Fire!
1. Did I miss anything? So you must be General Vaklu. 2. Your plans end here, Vaklu.
General Vaklu: What?! The Jedi lives? But how?
1. You'll find that I'm full of surprises. 2. You have underestimated what a Jedi is capable of.
General Vaklu: Kill her and the Queen, men. Quickly! They must not be allowed to live. General Vaklu: Kill him and the Queen, men. Quickly! They must not be allowed to live.

Queen Talia can be attacked but not killed, and she doesn't normally attack anyone herself. Master Kavar may attack any that come in range.

Vaklu Soldier (main character level 26)
Set 3
Level 19
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 163
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 29
Reflex 27
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 22 16
Energy 3-243-24
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Attack 26 -
Piercing 4-31-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Pistol(2) + Vibroblade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Kill them and search any remains before defeating General Vaklu.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Vaklu Soldier (4) (level 26)
General Vaklu (main character level 25)
Set 5
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 23
Treat Injury 24
Strength 32 +11
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 30 +10
Intelligence 32 +11
Wisdom 26 +8
Charisma 28 +9
Vitality 351
Force -
Defense 40
Fortitude 40
Reflex 33
Will 36
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 40 -
Slashing 28-78-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Vibrosword + Life Support Pack(3)

Improved Conditioning Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Sneak Attack III


General Vaklu just stands there, not attacking or even using his Life Support Packs to heal, and you only have to reduce him below 20 Vitality to defeat him:

General Vaklu: You've won... this battle, Talia... But your reign won't be an easy one. The Republic is a sinking ship. And you're too attached to it.
Kreia: He is too dangerous to leave alive. As distasteful as it is, it might be best to silence him forever. Until he's dead, all of Onderon is in peril.

If you agree and order the execution yourself then you gain influence with her, and Mandalore if present:

2. You're right. If left free, he will bring nothing but suffering. Influence Gained: Kreia (+8)
General Vaklu: Damn you, Jedi. You have stopped a chance for a new age for this planet. In time Onderonians will curse your name!
1. But you won't live to see that day. Goodbye. 1. Fire!
Mandalore: You did the right thing. Leaving Vaklu alive would be foolhardy. Influence Gained: Mandalore (+8)


1. I can't do that. Everybody deserves a chance to redeem themselves. 4. Haven't you had enough blood, Kreia? I will not murder him when he's defenseless. 3. Although I respect your council, Kreia, the decision is the Queen's not mine.
Influence Lost: Kreia (-8) Influence Gained: Kreia (+8)
General Vaklu: You're a fool. Your companion is right. Fine, send me to your best detention cell. I will be free within the week. And vengeance will be mine! General Vaklu: So what will it be, your majesty? Send me to your best detention cell. I will be free within the week. And vengeance will be mine!
Queen Talia: Aren't you forgetting who is queen, Vaklu? Queen Talia: Are you so sure of my decision, Vaklu?
Queen Talia: I appreciate the Jedi's counsel. But as monarch I decree you are guilty of treason. The punishment is death. To be carried out immediately. Captain Kadron.
General Vaklu: Talia, you can't... you're... you're too weak. What about my trial?

If you stay silent, or say he's right but then tell Queen Talia to do what she must, then he's executed:

1. (Stay silent) 4. Do what you must, but think about the consequences of either decision.
Queen Talia: I have thought about it. Either alternative is filled with evil, but I must think of my people first. Vaklu, you said you wanted a trial.
Queen Talia: Your whole life has been a trial, Vaklu. But it's over now. You are right, we can't detain you. Too many people are still loyal to you. You've left me no real option.
Captain Kadron: Men, ready blasters... Aim...
General Vaklu: But you can't... This can't be...
Captain Kadron: Fire!
Item(s) Received General Vaklu

You can search his remains later, before talking with Master Kavar. Otherwise, Queen Talia can be persuaded not to execute him:

2. He's right, your majesty. What sort of moral authority will you have if you do this.
Queen Talia: But he will rise again. He has too many supporters. I do appreciate your counsel, but he must be killed.
2. Is he that great a threat?
Queen Talia: Too many nobles and influential people have alliances, both secret and open, with General Vaklu. If he stays alive, I can't be sure who to trust. He will most likely break free.
1. [Persuade] If you kill him, you make him a martyr. Use the time you have to strengthen your hold of the city. Try to undo his lies and propaganda. But killing him is just wrong. 3. This act will set the tone for your entire reign, your majesty. Do you want to be remembered for this?
Queen Talia: But the price if you are wrong... Queen Talia: I... I just hope you're right, Jedi. Your kind are so infuriatingly wise.
Queen Talia: [Success] I thought I could order this. But, I can't. It would be breaking our laws. You will stand trial, Vaklu. Take him away.
Queen Talia: What is done, is done. I don't think the service you have given us can ever be repaid. I must go with Captain Kadron, the fighting must be stopped. I will be back shortly to try and repay you. The crisis is over thanks to you... and Master Kavar. I believe he'd like to speak to you. If you'll excuse me.

As Queen Talia leaves, Kreia returns to the body of Colonel Tobin in the entrance hall:

Kreia: Ah, the wound is not a mortal one... Though it has been some time since I exercised my healing powers, there is a shred of life within you still. A gift from your Master, no doubt. Awaken, Colonel Tobin. Your part in this is not over.
Kreia: Colonel Tobin, I am with Vaklu. The war has gone against him... he sent me to rescue you, to tell you must make haste off-planet. The Jedi have struck. They had a secret Academy buried on Telos, and they are showing themselves at last. We are all in danger.
Colonel Tobin: What... but the Jedi are gone. They have all but vanished.
Kreia: So we all thought. But they have hidden themselves on Telos.
Colonel Tobin: Out of my way, old woman. This war can still be won and Onderon can be freed.
Kreia: Indeed... this war is far from over.
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
You've saved Queen Talia and Master Kavar. General Vaklu has been dealt with, and given time, Onderon will once again be secure. You can finally talk to Master Kavar.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Saved Queen Talia and Master Kavar

If you speak to Captain Riiken in the throne room after Queen Talia leaves, or move too far away:

Captain Riiken: The Queen has requested you stay here until she gets back. I imagine you'll get some sort of reward. Talk with Master Kavar. She shouldn't take too long.

What are you waiting for? You can finally talk to Master Kavar! Third time's the charm...

Lost Jedi[edit | edit source]

Master Kavar: The Force works in mysterious ways, it seems. There are times I'm not convinced it doesn't have a sense of humor. We spent all this time looking for you, and you came to us. I thought you might return to Onderon. Looks like just in time.

If you don't ask the first four questions sequentially (why the Jedi were looking for you, the places they chose to hide, why not Telos and what happened on Katarr) then you can still ask them afterward:

2. I have questions.
Master Kavar: The difficulties you surmounted to get here. You must have many questions. You deserve answers.
1. You were looking for me? 1. You said you were looking for me? 1. Why did you want to find me?
Master Kavar: I told the other Masters that our only chance to figure out what was happening to us was to find you - and try to understand what happened to you. I don't know how much you know, but this threat that's striking at the Jedi... it's attacking us through the Force. Vrook didn't believe me. But he was willing to travel to Dantooine, if only to help the settlers there... and perhaps protect what was left of the Jedi Enclave. Whatever, the reason, having us all drop out of sight I thought might make the enemy more bold - but then you happened. You came back, and you became a new target for whoever was attacking us.
1. Why did you choose these places to hide? 1. Tell me about the places the Jedi chose to hide.
Master Kavar: They were places touched by war. And we thought there was a chance you would return to these worlds, if only to try and make peace with what happened there during the war. But now the Sith have revealed themselves, that means the remaining Jedi will gather on Dantooine. From there, we can counterattack.
1. Why not Telos? 1. Why will the Jedi gather on Dantooine? Why not Telos?
Master Kavar: Telos? But Telos was destroyed during the Jedi Civil War. I heard they're trying to rebuild.
1. But Atris is on Telos. 2. Atris is there to aid in the rebuilding. 3. Atris intends to rebuild the Jedi Order on Telos.
Master Kavar: Atris? I had thought Atris had gone to Katarr. Too many Jedi have scattered - the council needs to gather, we cannot remain concealed any longer.
1. What happened on Katarr? 1. Tell me what happened on Katarr.
Master Kavar: We knew that someone was preying on us, hunting us. Finally the Jedi decided to take action, and called a secret conclave on Katarr to decide what must be done. Before the meeting could even begin, all the Jedi on the planet were killed, along with the Miralukas and all other life on the planet. Their deaths could be felt throughout the galaxy. So the Council decided that we must not present ourselves as a target again. The consequences to others was just too great, that we should use our resources to find who was responsible and deal with them. I think you're the only one who's made progress.
2. The Sith have revealed themselves.
Master Kavar: I know that all too well. I came here to find them, to trace them to their source. The war on Dxun and Onderon - I had thought that perhaps the tragedies that occurred here were concealing them.
1. I thought the Sith were defeated at the end of the Jedi Civil War.
Master Kavar: The Jedi Order has been fighting the dark side since the beginning. Our rules and the Jedi Code provide protection from what's inside each of us. The dark side is always there, and it is something that can never truly be defeated. I feel our current troubles, though, are beyond what we faced before. This threat that is targeting us, drawing us out... it's not a battle we are used to. And it has ended many of us.
1. Do you know anything about this threat?
Master Kavar: Not enough. I feel it is something that was born from the wars that have struck the Republic. The threat is Sith, but the manner and timing of their attacks is difficult to defend against. We don't know all that the Sith planned during the Jedi Civil War, what secret training grounds may still remain, what worlds he discovered. We just don't know. Even after we deal with this current threat, I fear we may be dealing with the legacy of the Jedi Civil War for years to come.
2. Did you succeed? 2. Did you have any success in tracing the Sith?
Master Kavar: You've had more success than I. General Vaklu's men and their allies effectively kept me pinned inside the Palace. I felt all along that Vaklu had contacted the Sith. But the identity and purpose of the Sith, I can't say.
3. Why did the Sith come here?
Master Kavar: They wanted to aid General Vaklu in breaking away from the Republic. If Onderon became independent, this place would be an excellent staging ground for them. But I fear it was more than that, that the consequences of Onderon's fall would have greater implications for the galaxy.
4. I want to talk about something else.
Master Kavar: Whatever I can tell you, I will.
3. Why did you come here?
Master Kavar: It's a long story - but there's a reason the Jedi have scattered across the galaxy - we've come to worlds such as this one. Worlds touched by war, or great tragedies, can be felt within the Force... strongly. We thought by traveling to such worlds, it would help conceal us from the eyes of the enemy. And they were places we thought we might find you.
4. Where are all the Jedi?
Master Kavar: Scattered, searching for you. Going to places where they thought they might cross your path. You were our last hope.
2. I didn't get that impression from Vrook.
Master Kavar: I think we all know that Vrook isn't easily swayed from his convictions, and his views on anyone who went to the Mandalorian Wars are low.
1. They were looking for me?
Master Kavar: Yes, at least, that's what I asked them to do. I believed you are the key to this whole war.
1. Why?
Master Kavar: When you stood before us in the Council chamber on Coruscant, we felt something from you, we'd never felt before - it was as if the Force had died within you, leaving you hollow. We had suspicions as to why this was, but nothing definite. But rather than try to understand, we sent you away. I think because at some level, there was fear. We live our whole lives in touch with the Force, in touch with life all around us, and you had a gift in that regard. You formed bonds so easily, and they flowed deep between you and others. To see such emptiness in the Force standing before you... it is not an easy thing to face. Whatever is attacking us, it is leaving something in its wake, something we haven't felt since you stood before us in judgment. The deaths of the Jedi, the destruction of Katarr, all of these things are leaving behind echoes - like the one we felt from you in the council chamber. It was clear to us - to me, that we had to find you. But we couldn't call you back from exile, because we didn't know where you'd gone. Plus, there was a chance we might put you in danger, and that we couldn't allow. If you couldn't feel the Force, then it would just make you a target. I don't know how you got back, but I'm glad you're here.
1. Tell me more about the echoes.
Master Kavar: The thing is, in traveling to these places... these places where war was fought, we felt the same thing, echoes. Something happened in all these places, but it's hard to figure out what. It's hard to sense things through the Force in such places. Too much pain occurred here. It makes listening to the Force difficult. We resolved to meet again on Dantooine, but only when the threat revealed itself - unfortunately, I happened to be here when it struck. Now that we've stabilized Onderon, I can join the others on Dantooine.
5. I need to know why you cast me out of the Order.
Master Kavar: There was nothing else we could do. You defied the Council. You followed Revan to war. I know why you did it, but in so doing, much more harm was done. But you must understand - the exile was never the punishment you thought it to be. We could not have made you do such a thing, in any event. I think you knew, inside, what you needed to do in order to heal.
1. What do you mean? 2. Perhaps so - it gave me time to reflect. 3. I don't think so.
Master Kavar: All those lives during the Mandalorian Wars - and all those you served beside. Too much death leaves echoes in the Force; it is the price for having such connections. I suspect that is why you chose to accept the Council's judgment, to wander beyond the Rim. And why you traveled with no one, and did not stay in any place too long. I have thought of you since your trial, and there are times when I wonder if being connected to the Force is always the gift it is believed to be.

You can also ask why the Council cut you off from the Force, tell him you've reestablished your connection to the Force and developed a Force bond with another (you can only ask about the holo-recording of the Jedi Council meeting where you were cast out if you haven't already asked the first four questions, listed above telling him the Sith have revealed themselves):

6. Why did you cut me off from the Force?
Master Kavar: Cut you off from the Force? Why do you think the Council was responsible for that? No, I'm afraid the cause of your condition was as great a mystery to the Council as it is to you.
7. I have reestablished my connection to the Force.
Master Kavar: You always had deep connections to the Force. I am glad to see that it is once again your ally. When I first sparred with you during your training as a Padawan, I could tell that you were different. And it wasn't just your strong connection to the Force.
8. I saw a holo-recording of the Jedi Council meeting where you cast me out.
Master Kavar: So you heard what we said? These questions I cannot answer. This is something the Council must answer, not I. You must understand . This is hard for me, especially after all you've done. But it is necessary.
1. Why is this hard for you?
Master Kavar: Did you know that when I was training you I considered making you my Padawan? I didn't. The demands of the Jedi Council were too great. But I considered you a friend. I even tried to convince you to become a Jedi Guardian. We could've used someone like you. So the decision that had to be made was not easy. But I cannot say anything more.
9. I have developed a Force bond with another. If either one of us feels pain, so does the other. If either one of us dies...
Master Kavar: That sounds like the bond that often forms between Master and apprentice. But to that degree... ? You always did form connections to others, strong ones, even when you were a student. But what you are describing is beyond me. I'm sure others in the Jedi Council would be able to assist you. If you could find them.
3. You've answered all my questions.

Before Master Kavar leaves, if you are a Jedi Consular, Jedi Master or Sith Lord then he teaches you a Force form, otherwise he teaches you a lightsaber form:

Master Kavar: There is something I would like to teach you. It is a technique which, I believe, will aid you in the trials ahead.
Master Kavar: The Jedi Order generally scorns the unnecessary use of the Force as a weapon. However, sometimes it is necessary to deal with certain powerful threats with a potent Force attack. This form is used for such dire situations. Be warned though. Using your powers in this manner will quickly deplete your Force energy. Master Kavar: As demonstrated here on Onderon, great conflict is often resolved slowly through a drawn out war of attrition. To persevere through long battles, a Jedi must reserve his Force energy. This form offers greater affinity to the Force, increasing the rate at which you regenerate your Force energy during combat. Master Kavar: The philosophy of Force Mastery states that a Jedi's powers are best used without the direct intent to harm another. Here is a form that will aid in that philosophy. Through careful concentration, the duration of many of your Force powers will be enhanced. But be cautious when you face dark Jedi. This form drains energy quickly, and decreases resistance to force powers.
Master Kavar: This is Ataru, an aggressive lightsaber form which is best used against a single opponent. Take care when you face multiple adversaries, and be sure to close the distance between ranged attackers quickly, as your ability to deflect blaster fire will be diminished. Master Kavar: Never before have the Jedi been so greatly outnumbered. You will doubtless encounter many situations with multiple assailants. To better protect yourself from blaster fire without compromising your offensive capabilities, use the Shien form. Master Kavar: Many of the lightsaber forms you've already learned will bolster your abilities in one area, while leaving you vulnerable in others. For superior balance, use the Niman form. This form has no specific strengths, but no weaknesses either. It will provide a decent defense versus enemy force powers and blaster fire. Master Kavar: There are times when you want to overwhelm a particular opponent quickly. For these situations, use the Juyo form. Do not get carried away using this form, particularly against dark Jedi. The ferocity required to use this form leaves one vulnerable to enemy force powers.
Master Kavar: Excellent! I am impressed with how quickly you've mastered this form. I always knew you were gifted.
Master Kavar: I'm going to Dantooine. The Jedi Council vowed to assemble again when the Sith revealed themselves. Now that they have attacked Onderon, we can act. Our paths will cross again. May the Force be with you.
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You spoke to Master Kavar on Onderon, and he agreed to meet you at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine when you had united all the Jedi Masters.

As Master Kavar leaves, Queen Talia returns...

Master of the Palace[edit | edit source]

Queen Talia: I'm sorry to keep you here. I needed to thank you personally for all of your help. Onderon owes both you and Master Kavar a debt that can never truly be repaid. Battles still wage in our streets, but by morning the conflict should be over. I recognize you must leave soon, but please take this.

If you haven't already taken the treasures from the Royal Museum then you receive them now:

Queen Talia: I had also planned on giving you some relics from Onderon's past. But Vaklu's troops looted our museum. I hope the credits, and my sincere thanks are enough. Queen Talia: These relics are from the royal museum. Generations ago some members of the royal family had a connection to the Force. They weren't... all too different from what we faced today. I know little of the Force, but I hope you can put my family's relics to good use.
Queen Talia: Captain Bostuco has made arrangements for a shuttle to take you to your ship. I fear it will be quite some time before you can come back. The war was brief, but destructive. I will focus all of my energy on rebuilding Iziz. Thank you, again... I must go.
Royalist Corporal: If you will follow me. I will take you to your shuttle.
Journal Entry Added Master of the Palace
You were instrumental in defeating General Vaklu. Queen Talia is grateful for your aid, and she will work to repair relations between Onderon and the Republic. You finally got a chance to talk with Master Kavar. He was very thankful for all you had done, and he offered you answers to your questions, and taught you a new fighting technique. After your talk he said he would head to Dantooine.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 750 Defeated General Vaklu
Credits Received: 10000
Royal Protocol
Royal Protocol
Sided with the Queen on Onderon

A shuttle returns you to the Ebon Hawk on Dxun.

General Vaklu[edit | edit source]

Sky Ramp[edit | edit source]

Vaklu Officer: General Vaklu is fighting the Sith. Men, attack the Sith! Protect the General.

The entrance from the Sky Ramp is in the middle of the left side of the map. The Vaklu officer runs down the hall towards the intersection outside the throne room, where two Vaklu soldiers combat with two dark Jedi apprentices:

Dark Jedi Apprentice (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 4
Strength 15 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 426
Force 74
Defense 34
Fortitude 30
Reflex 31
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 29 -
Energy 9-63-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Jedi Defense27

Burst of Speed Force Push Stasis 27

Dark Jedi apprentices rarely if ever use their Force powers.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Dark Jedi Apprentice (2) (level 25)

Royal Deadline[edit | edit source]

Colonel Tobin and two more Vaklu soldiers come running down the north hall to the intersection, but you can only speak once both dark Jedi apprentices are killed:

Colonel Tobin: The plan seems to be working. The Sith and their forces went to the north. But the beasts turned on the Sith, and us. It is chaos behind me. In order to get to the throne room we'll have to open the security door. There are security terminals to the north and south. Both terminals need to be deactivated to open the way to the throne room. Which means you'll have to deal with the Sith to the north, and Talia's Royal Guard to the south. My officer will catch up to you once you've secured one of the terminals. He can escort you back here quickly, if you desire.
4. I'll do that now.
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
In order to get to Queen Talia, Colonel Tobin informed you that you must disable two security terminals located in the north and south hall. The north hall has the remnants of the Sith and the beasts they used to control. To the south are Queen Talia's royal guard.

Otherwise, or if you speak again:

Colonel Tobin: Just disable the security terminals. Then the doors will open, and the civil war will be all but over.
1. Where are the terminals? 5. I'll be going.
Colonel Tobin: There is one to the north and one to the south. I expect you will face heavy resistance both ways.


1. And when the doors are opened? 2. What happens after that?
Colonel Tobin: Then we deal with Talia and her hand-picked soldiers. And you'll have to face Master Kavar. I admit... I used to doubt you could defeat him. But Master Kavar is no match for you.


2. Where is General Vaklu? 3. Any idea where the enemy's slicer might be?
Colonel Tobin: He's fending off the royalists that are trying to get to us. He's left command of this area to me. I will let him know when we are close to breaching the throne room. Good luck to you. We will keep the entrance secure. Colonel Tobin: Yes, he's caused a lot of problems. He'll be at one of the security terminals. If you find him - make his end painful.

If you speak to the Vaklu officer, or any surviving soldiers:

Vaklu Officer: I will try to help however I can.
Thanks for your help. General Vaklu is the rightful ruler of Onderon now.
I knew that General Vaklu would not stay allied with the Sith. I am glad that we are free of them. The Republic will no longer control our destiny! If we supported Queen Talia eventually Iziz would just be like every other Republic planet. We need to secede before we lose our culture!

The security door to the throne room ahead of you is locked. If you try to use the computer terminal to the right:

Computer Terminal: TERMINAL OFFLINE

You have to go to both the primary security complex at the end of the south hall and the west security complex at the end of the north hall, and the order doesn't really matter as in both cases the Vaklu officer can take you straight back to this intersection.

Dining Room[edit | edit source]

Back at the intersection, if you go down the south hall (to your right as you entered) then, after turning right and then left, there's a power conductor by the inner wall on your left as you continue down the hall, which overloads if you approach it, inflicting 40 electrical damage on all in the vicinity. As you turn the corner at the left end of the south hall:

Royalist Corporal: Captain, the dining room is almost secure. There don't app-
Captain Kadron: Another wave of them has already arrived, corporal. Everyone - hold your lines! A Sith is with them! Throw everything you've got at them!

Three Vaklu soldiers combat a royalist heavy soldier, elite gunner, grenadier and soldier:

Royalist Heavy Soldier (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 33
Force -
Defense 32
Fortitude 28
Reflex 27
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 22 16
Slashing 9-517-49
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Vibro Double-Blade + Advanced Medpac(2)

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Royalist Elite Gunner (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 153
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 28
Reflex 26
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 25 -
Unstoppable 3-30-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack 25 -
Piercing 4-31-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibroblade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Royalist Grenadier (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 153
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 28
Reflex 26
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 25 -
Unstoppable 3-30-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack 25 -
Piercing 4-31-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibroblade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Royalist Soldier (main character level 25)
Set 2
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 117
Force -
Defense 26
Fortitude 22
Reflex 22
Will 22
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 18 12
Energy 3-242-23
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Attack 22 -
Piercing 2-29-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Pistol(2) + Vibroblade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Elite Gunner (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Royalist Soldier (level 25)

The south hall is also mined:

Awareness Strong Plasma Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Strong Sonic Mine Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Strong Frag Mine (2) Detect 20 (0) Demolitions Disable 25 (5) Recover 35 (15)
Awareness Deadly Frag Mine Detect 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)
Awareness Devastating Sonic Mine Detect 30 (10) 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 35 (15) 30 (10) Recover 45 (25) 40 (20)

You can see a dining room through a window in the inner wall of the south hall, and enter through the door to its right, which is guarded by the royalist corporal:

Royalist Corporal (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 171
Force -
Defense 32
Fortitude 29
Reflex 27
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 26 -
Unstoppable 3-18-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack 26 -
Piercing 6-33-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Pistol + Vibroblade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Corporal (level 25)

Inside the dining room, three Vaklu soldiers combat a royalist heavy soldier, elite gunner, grenadier and soldier.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Elite Gunner (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Royalist Soldier (level 25)

Beyond the dining room and the mines, the south hall is guarded by two Mark I military droids:

Military Droid Mk I (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 207
Force -
Defense 40
Fortitude 31
Reflex 28
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 28 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Carbine

Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (2) (level 25)

There's a Computer Terminal to the left of the next door panel along from the dining room, which you should leave alone, and the right end of the south hall is guarded by a royalist heavy soldier, elite gunner, grenadier and soldier.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Elite Gunner (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Royalist Soldier (level 25)

Primary Security Complex[edit | edit source]

Beyond the third and final door at the right end of the south hall are two Mark I military droids and a royalist heavy soldier, elite gunner, grenadier and soldier.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (2) (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Elite Gunner (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Royalist Soldier (level 25)

As you cross this room, Captain Kadron is speaking to the slicer in the control room ahead:

Captain Kadron: You - slicer, you said you could stop her! Captain Kadron: You - slicer, you said you could stop him!
Kiph: With respect, I said I would try. I am an expert at my profession, but that is no match for Name's command of the Force. I do have one more surprise... But... I doubt that will be enough.
Captain Kadron: Everyone - we have to stop the Sith here. The fate of Iziz depends on it.

Beyond the door in the top wall is another room, with an inactive Mark II military droid in each corner. As you enter this room and cross to the door in the left wall, these droids activate. The droid in the bottom left corner can use a Droid Carbonite Projector:

Military Droid Mk II (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Repair 0
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 35
Fortitude 32
Reflex 28
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 28 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Droid Carbonite Projector On Hit: Paralyze15 Blaster Carbine + Advanced Repair Kit(2)

Droid Upgrade Class 2 Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle


Military Droid Mk II (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Repair 0
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 207
Force -
Defense 36
Fortitude 31
Reflex 29
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 29 -
Energy 3-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Carbine + Advanced Repair Kit(2)

Droid Upgrade Class 2 Weapon Focus: Blaster Rifle


Each droid explodes when killed, inflicting 20 electrical damage on all in the vicinity.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk II (4) (level 25)
Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 10 Vitality 20

Beyond the door in the left wall is the control room, where there are two Mark II military droids (only 35 Defense at level 25) with a royalist heavy soldier, an officer and two grenadiers on the right side of the room, visible from the door:

Royalist Officer (main character level 25)
Set 4
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Treat Injury 4
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 36
Fortitude 31
Reflex 29
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 30 -
Unstoppable 4-40-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack 30 -
Slashing 14-54-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (2) (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Royalist Officer (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (2) (level 25)

Captain Kadron is on the left side of the control room:

Captain Kadron (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 120
Force -
Defense 30
Fortitude 27
Reflex 25
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 24 -
Bludgeoning 3-12-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Captain Kadron (level 25)

There's also an empty force cage on the left side of the room, and the Twi'lek slicer Kiph still stands at the security terminal in the middle. If you try to use this terminal before speaking to Kiph:

Security Terminal: TERMINAL LOCKED
Kiph: I... have failed. I am no match for you, Name. Please, I beg for my life!
1. So you're the slicer.
Kiph: Indeed, this is so. I am worthless compared to you, Sith Master. Had I but known, I would gladly have joined you.
2. Why are you working with Queen Talia?
Kiph: I always prided myself in being above politics. But after the... incident in the cantina... with Colonel Tobin and the deaths of so many patrons. I decided that Queen Talia may have been right. But I didn't mean to get in your way.
1. And the traps? Those didn't get in my way?
Kiph: This... is hopeless. I won't grovel any more. You are evil, your allies evil. I would rather die fighting you then... Just, die!


3. Stay here, Vaklu soldiers will pick you up.
Kiph: But... they will just kill me. Please, spare me!
4. After all the trouble you've caused - you die. 1. Then you die now instead of later. 2. I said stay here.
Kiph: You... you are just evil. Kiph: I will not sit here for my own slaughter. Die, you black-hearted Sith!
Dark Side Points Gained: -6
Kiph (main character level 25)
Set 1
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 4 -3
Dexterity 6 -2
Constitution 4 -3
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 81
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 19
Reflex 18
Will 19
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Bludgeoning 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Uncanny Dodge I


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Kiph (level 25)
Item(s) Received Kiph

Otherwise, he won't attack you if you just tell him to leave:

5. Just leave. Now. 3. Fine. Leave now.
Kiph: I thank you for my life, mighty Sith.

Regardless of the outcome of this dialog, the security terminal is now unlocked and you can access system commands to disable the terminal (you can also upload area schematics, and open the (empty) force cage):

Security Terminal: ENTER COMMAND 3. Log out.


1. [Computer] Access security cameras. 2. [Computer] Access system commands.
1. [Computer] Open all security doors. 2. [Computer] Upload area schematics.
3. [Computer] Open force cage.
Security Terminal: SECURITY FIELD...
4. [Computer] Disable terminal.
Security Terminal: PRIMARY SECURITY...
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
You cleared a path through the royalists to reach the south terminal. You disabled the terminal. Now you just need to deal with the Sith in the north hall and get to the secondary terminal there.
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
Both terminals have been disabled, and the doors to the throne room can now be opened. You need to go to the throne room to join Colonel Tobin and General Vaklu for the final assault against Queen Talia.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Disabled south terminal
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Both terminals disabled

When you return to the previous room, the Vaklu officer awaits you there:

Vaklu Officer: Shall I take you back to Colonel Tobin now?
1. Yes, let's go now. 2. I'll make my own way back.
Vaklu Officer: Follow me.

He takes you straight back to the intersection, where a lone royalist heavy soldier appeared right back at the entrance from the Sky Ramp when you triggered the Mark II military droids in the primary security complex.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)

If the outer door has been opened then you can now enter the throne room, otherwise you need to go up the north hall, past the royal museum.

Royal Museum[edit | edit source]

Back at the intersection, if you go up the north hall (to your left as you entered) then as you go left around the first corner you'll encounter two more Vaklu soldiers. Around the next corner to the right, you'll encounter two bomas and a dark Jedi apprentice: another such trio is around the next corner to the right, engaging three Vaklu soldiers at the top left end of the north hall.

Boma (main character level 25)
Set 3
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 22 +6
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 31
Reflex 27
Will 22
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 30 -
Slashing 9-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Boma (main character level 25)
Set 1
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 5 -3
Dexterity 5 -3
Constitution 5 -3
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 81
Force -
Defense 22
Fortitude 18
Reflex 18
Will 17
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Slashing 1-17-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Boma (2) (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Boma (2) (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Dark Jedi Apprentice (2) (level 25)

Before turning the top corner, there's a Computer Terminal to the left of the door in the right wall. Beyond the door is the royal museum, occupied by a royalist heavy soldier, elite gunner, grenadier and soldier.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Elite Gunner (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Royalist Soldier (level 25)

There are treasures by the left and right walls in each corner of the museum:

Item(s) Received Museum Treasure Item(s) Received Museum Treasure
Item(s) Received Museum Treasure Item(s) Received Museum Treasure

Beyond the door in the right wall of the museum there's a Mark I military droid, and a metal box in the bottom right corner of the room.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (level 25)
Item(s) Received Metal Box
  • ?

However, crossing the floor to get to this metal box triggers poison gas defenses, regularly afflicting any organics in the room with Poison, Virulent Damage, inflicting 5 damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds unless a Fortitude save is made against DC 30: the only places you won't be afflicted are the top left corner and the doorways in the left and top walls, whose doors have been closed and locked.

Security Door (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Even if all organics in your party have Immunity: Poison or Fortitude 29 or more, they are regularly incapacitated every few seconds by choking. There's a computer terminal by the left door on its top side (to your left as you enter from the museum), but it's no use to you:

2. Leave the terminal.

Otherwise, once poison gas defenses have been triggered:

1. [Computer] Access poison gas defenses.
1. [Computer] Grant security clearance.

Computer Terminal: MESSAGE FROM USER 0:
Nice try, Jedi


The door in the top wall of this room leads back to the north hall.

West Security Complex[edit | edit source]

The right end of the north hall is guarded by a royalist heavy soldier, elite gunner, grenadier and soldier.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Elite Gunner (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Royalist Soldier (level 25)

Before opening the second door in the inner wall, you can go to the third door at the right end of the top hall and use the computer terminal to its left to try to unlock it:

Computer Terminal: ENTER COMMAND
1. [Computer] Access system commands. 2. [Computer] Open the storage door.
3. Log out.

Save game before trying to repair the corrupted key sequence to open the storage door, because an incorrect key number results in exiting the terminal and it going offline:

1. [Computer] Repair corrupted key sequence.
Key sequence
Computer Terminal: FIRST KEY NUMBER:
First key Twice Half Difference
1. 46 92 23 69
2. 66 132 33 99
Computer Terminal: FIRST KEY NUMBER... 3. 78 156 39 117
4. 89 178 44.5 133.5
5. 102 204 51 153
Computer Terminal: SECOND KEY NUMBER:
Second key Reverse 1/5 Difference
1. 15 51 3 36
2. 25 52 5 27
Computer Terminal: SECOND KEY NUMBER... 3. 35 53 7 18
4. 45 54 9 9
5. 68 86 13.6 18
Computer Terminal: THIRD KEY NUMBER:
Third key Reverse Product * 2 Difference
1. 17 71 14 57
2. 28 82 32 50
Computer Terminal: THIRD KEY NUMBER... 3. 39 93 54 39
INCORRECT 4. 48 84 64 20
5. 59 95 90 5
Computer Terminal: EXITING TERMINAL... Computer Terminal: STORAGE ACCESS TERMINAL

The door opens to reveal a bedroom with a metal box in its bottom left corner, a locked metal box in its bottom right corner which cannot be bashed or blasted open, and two footlockers by its right wall.

Security Metal Box Lock DC level + 28 (8) Bash Resist - Vitality -
Item(s) Received Metal Box Item(s) Received Metal Box Item(s) Received Footlocker (2)
  • ?

Go back to the second door in the inner wall of the north hall:

Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 10 Vitality 20

If you try to use the security terminal on the right side of the room beyond, to your left as you enter:

Security Terminal: TERMINAL LOCKED

Beyond the door in the bottom wall is a room containing two Mark I military droids.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Military Droid Mk I (2) (level 25)

Beyond the door in the right wall of this room you'll find a security terminal in the middle of the next room, guarded by a royalist heavy soldier, elite gunner, grenadier and soldier.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (level 25)
  • 275 Killed Royalist Elite Gunner (level 25)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Grenadier (level 25)
  • 200 Killed Royalist Soldier (level 25)

There are also footlockers at the back in the top and bottom right corners of the room.

Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?
Item(s) Received Footlocker

You can use the security terminal to access security cameras and activate the museum's security system to gas and kill any organics within, receiving experience. You can also access system commands to disable the terminal (and upload area schematics):

Security Terminal: ENTER COMMAND
3. Log out.


1. [Computer] Access security cameras. Security Terminal: PRIMARY CAMERAS: INACCESSIBLE
2. [Computer] Return to camera root menu.
1. [Computer] CAM-506A Grand Hall 1. [Computer] Switch to camera.
Security Terminal: CAM-506A SUB MENU
2. [Computer] CAM-506B Museum 2. [Computer] Activate museum security system.
Security Terminal: CAM-506B SUB MENU
Security Terminal: SWITCHING TO CAMERA.

If you haven't spoken to the slicer in the primary security complex then the first time you select this camera he'll turn to face it and salute, revealing himself to be Kiph, the Twi'lek from the Iziz cantina, before making the camera inaccessible:

3. [Computer] CAM-506C Primary Security Terminal 1. [Computer] Switch to camera.
Security Terminal: CAM-506C SUB MENU Security Terminal: CAMERA INACCESSIBLE
No more peeking
4. [Computer] Return to root menu.
2. [Computer] Access system commands.
1. [Computer] Open all security doors. 2. [Computer] Upload area schematics.
3. [Computer] Disable security terminal.
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
You cleared a path through the Sith to reach the north terminal. You disabled the terminal. Now you just need to deal with the royalists in the south hall and get to the primary security terminal there.
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
Both terminals have been disabled, and the doors to the throne room can now be opened. You need to go to the throne room to join Colonel Tobin and General Vaklu for the final assault against Queen Talia.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Disabled north terminal
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Both terminals disabled

When you return to the previous room, the Vaklu officer awaits you there:

Vaklu Officer: Shall I take you back to Colonel Tobin now?
1. Yes, let's go now. 2. I will make my own way back.
Vaklu Officer: Follow me.

He takes you straight back to the intersection. If the outer door has been opened then you can now enter the throne room, otherwise you need to go down the south hall, past the dining room.

Throne Room[edit | edit source]

Once both the north and south terminals have been disabled, Colonel Tobin uses the computer terminal to the right of the throne room's outer security door to open it. If you speak to the Vaklu officer back at the intersection now:

Vaklu Officer: Queen Talia will fall this day!

As you approach Colonel Tobin:

Colonel Tobin: Well done. There is just one last obstacle before the throne room. The beast that was used to break through the force field into the Throne Room lies ahead. No doubt it has slain its Sith handlers and now has a taste for human blood.

The Drexl larva in the entrance hall starts coming towards you all:

Colonel Tobin: Ignore the beast. Into the Throne Room. The Queen must die!

As the soldiers run past the beast into the throne room, it lashes out and kills one of them, before charging the colonel:

Colonel Tobin: Oh blast it all!

The beast knocks him down before attacking you. It may be tempting to let it come to you outside, where the Vaklu officer and any remaining soldiers can support you, but you need to be in the entrance hall before you kill it. Once inside, if you try to leave the entrance hall before killing it:

[I cannot leave the battle at this time.]
Drexl Larva (main character level 25)
Set 5
Level 18
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 30 +10
Dexterity 26 +8
Constitution 30 +10
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 351
Force -
Defense 43
Fortitude 37
Reflex 35
Will 25
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 38 -
Slashing 25-100-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




It may be granted the following:

It can also use its energy shield, which can absorb up to 90 points total of any damage type (although ion damage is doubled against it).

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 550 Killed Drexl Larva (level 26)

Vaklu soldiers now run into the throne room, and you follow:

1. [Battle Meditation] Use battle meditation to rally the Vaklu soldiers. 2. Join the battle.

In the middle of the throne room four Vaklu heavy soldiers engage four royalist heavy soldiers, while on the left and right flanks two Vaklu heavy gunners engage two royalist elite gunners.

Royalist Heavy Soldier (main character level 26)
Set 3
Level 19
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 182
Force -
Defense 32
Fortitude 30
Reflex 28
Will 27
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 23 17
Slashing 9-517-49
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Vibro Double-Blade + Advanced Medpac(2)

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack23 Flurry


Royalist Elite Gunner (main character level 26)
Set 3
Level 19
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 163
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 29
Reflex 27
Will 27
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 26 -
Unstoppable 3-30-
Threat 18-20,x2-
Attack 26 -
Piercing 4-31-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Disruptor Rifle + Advanced Medpac(2) Vibroblade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Improved Power Blast21


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Heavy Soldier (4) (level 26)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Royalist Elite Gunner (4) (level 26)

However, when you pass the middle of the throne room any remaining royalist heavy soldiers and elite gunners are killed (you still receive experience), and Master Kavar confronts you...

Lost Jedi[edit | edit source]

Master Kavar: So you've come to us. I had thought coming to Dxun might cause our paths to intersect, and I see that I am right. But it turns out you were the enemy all along. The connection between these places and you was stronger than I knew.
1. So you were looking for me. It seems I found you first. 2. I must be pretty important. You're not the only one that has been hunting me. 3. You betrayed me and sentenced me to exile. Why would you want to see me again?
Master Kavar: I told the other Masters that our only chance to figure out what was happening to us was to find you, to try to understand what happened to you. What a fool I was. And now you are no doubt seeking to destroy the Jedi. But the remaining Jedi will gather again very soon. This, at least, you cannot prevent.
1. Fool! I already know about Telos. 2. So you plan to rebuild the Jedi Order on Telos? 3. We shall see about that. I know about Telos.
Master Kavar: Telos? But Telos was destroyed during the Jedi Civil War. I don't know what you mean.
1. I suppose you know nothing of Atris as well. 2. You can't deceive me. I've already met Atris. 3. You expect me to believe that you and Atris are working independently?
Master Kavar: Atris? But I thought she died with the rest on Katarr. You've met other Jedi - I can tell. But you won't find me an easy opponent.
3. Slaying you will be a pleasure. 4. Then die.


1. Before I finish you, there are things I wish to know.
Master Kavar: I will not give you the benefit of my wisdom, dark one.
1. [Persuade] It is inevitable that our sabers will cross, Kavar. But before that, there are things I need to say to my old friend. 2. But there is much that you could learn from me.
Master Kavar: [Success] Very well. Perhaps my knowledge will sway you from your dark designs. I was one of the only Council members who believed in you, and part of me still does. So what do you have to say for yourself? Master Kavar: I don't know what you could possibly tell me that would be of any interest to me.
1. Why was it so important for you to find me?
Master Kavar: When you stood before us in the Council chamber on Coruscant, we felt something from you, we'd never felt before - it was as if the Force had died within you, leaving you hollow. We live our whole lives in touch with the Force, in touch with life all around us, and you had a gift in that regard. You formed bonds so easily, and they flowed deep between you and others. To see such emptiness in the Force standing before you... it's not an easy thing to face. Whatever is attacking us, it's leaving something in its wake, something we haven't felt since you stood before us in judgment. The deaths of these Jedi, the destruction of Katarr, all of these things are leaving behind echoes, like the one we felt from you in the council chamber. It was clear to us - to me, that we had to find you. But we couldn't call you back from exile, because we didn't know where you'd gone.
2. The Sith have revealed themselves.
Master Kavar: I know that, all too well. I came here to find them, to trace them to their source. The war on Dxun and Onderon - I had thought that perhaps the tragedies that occurred here were concealing them. And now here you are.
3. I have reestablished my connection to the Force.
Master Kavar: You always had deep connections to the Force. But such connections can corrupt one's spirit, as has happened with you. When I first sparred with you during your training as a Padawan, I could tell that you were different. But I did not expect you to fall so far.
4. Where are all the Jedi?
Master Kavar: Do you really think I would tell you, even if I knew? If that's why you are here, then you've come here in vain.
5. I need to know why you cast me out of the Order.
Master Kavar: What do you expect me to say. You defied the Council. You followed Revan to war. I know why you did it, but in so doing, much more harm was done. All those lives during the Mandalorian Wars - and all those you served beside. Too much death leaves echoes in the Force; it is the price for having such connections. Apparently, your self-inflicted wounds would not heal. And now that they've festered, you come looking to the Jedi for vengeance, as if we were somehow responsible for the results of your actions.
6. Why did you cut me off from the Force?
Master Kavar: Cut you off from the Force? Why do you think the Council was responsible for that? Your misplaced blame explains much. But the only one responsible for your present state is you.
7. I saw a holo-recording of the Jedi Council meeting where you cast me out.
Master Kavar: So you heard what we said? These questions I cannot answer. This is something the Council must answer, not - not I. You must understand - this is hard for me. Especially after all you've done.
1. Why is this hard for you?
Master Kavar: Did you know when I was training you that I considered making you my Padawan? I didn't... the demands of the Jedi Council were too great. But I considered you a friend. I even tried to convince you to become a Jedi Guardian. We could've used someone like you. So the decision that had to be made, was not easy. But I won't say anything more.
8. I have developed a Force bond with another. If either one of us feels pain, so does the other. If either one of us dies...
Master Kavar: That sounds like the bond that often forms between Master and apprentice. But to that degree... ? You always did form connections to others, strong ones, even when you were a student - but what you are describing is beyond me.
2. Enough talk. Prepare to die.
Master Kavar (main character level 25)
Set 4
Level 18
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 95 (light)
Awareness 24
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 22 +6
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 261
Force 422
Defense 41
Fortitude 33
Reflex 34
Will 30
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 30 28
Energy 12-8410-66
Threat 19-20,x219-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Cardio Power System Eriadu Strength Amplifier Jedi Master Robe Regenerate Force Points1 Short Lightsaber Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier Lightsaber

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Force Immunity Fear Master Two-Weapon Fighting Force Jump Master Power Attack26

Stun Stasis Field 31 Advanced Throw Lightsaber Heal

None of your party engage even if present, and you must remain in the center of the throne room, between the four pillars:

[I cannot leave the battle at this time.]

Once he's been reduced to less than 50% Vitality, if you are a Jedi Consular, Jedi Master or Sith Lord then you learn the Force form he's using, otherwise you learn the lightsaber form he's using:

Kreia: Note the strength of his Force powers. He is desperate to finish you quickly, so he uses a potent form of the Force. Defeat him by going on the defensive and absorbing his attacks with the Force. He will quickly run out of energy and then you can finish him easily. Kreia: He is being typically cautious. He isn't sure of your strengths and weaknesses, so he is using a force form that grants him greater affinity to the Force. This allows him to more quickly regenerate his energies. Don't be drawn into a long battle. Once you understand his technique, attack him aggressively while he dawdles. Kreia: He may appear stronger in the Force than you, but this is merely an illusion granted by a certain mastery of the Force. The powers he uses against you will not directly harm you, but he seeks to weaken and confound you. Exploit the weakness of his form by using your own Force powers against him.
Kreia: He is overconfident. Observe how he handles his lightsaber. He is using Ataru, an aggressive form, best suited for single opponents. You can easily defeat him by encircling him with your companions or by using blaster fire. Be wary of his Power Attack, however, as it is further enhanced using this form. Kreia: You have him on the defensive. He uses the Shien form. Study his movements carefully and try to emulate them. This form will be useful when you face multiple opponents or ranged attack. Shien also allows you to make more devastating critical attacks. Kreia: It would serve you well to assimilate the style this Jedi is demonstrating. It is called Niman, and it is a very balanced form. Niman offers none of the specific strengths of other forms, but neither does it have their weaknesses. Kreia: Predictably, he seeks to unbalance you with his erratic attacks. His technique is called Juyo, the most chaotic of the lightsaber forms. This form sacrifices much to bolster offense, leaving one exposed to attack by the Force. He has made a grave error in assuming you lack the power to harm him with the Force.
Master Kavar: Your... power... is undeniable. But it won't be enough.
1. You are a fine teacher, Kavar. Even now I learn from you. 2. My power still grows. You've shown me the way. 3. I will kill you with your own tricks.
Master Kavar: Wh-What?
1. Your techniques are so easily learned now. 2. The dark side makes learning so easy, fool. 3. You've shown me your fighting style, Kavar.
Master Kavar: Damn you. You must die. I will not have you teach others the secrets of the Jedi.

Master Kavar starts using Heal, healing 31 Vitality per use at level 25. Once he's defeated (for which you receive no experience), you subconsciously drain Force power from him:

1. What was that? 2. I feel stronger... what happened? 3. My perceptions feel strange - expanded.
Kreia: It is something the Sith, the assassins that stalk us, can do- it is of the dark side, the ability to feed on life, the Force, the closer one comes to it. It makes them stronger - for a time.
1. But how do I know how to do it? 2. What technique is it? 3. I've never done anything like that before.
Kreia: Not all techniques in the Force are learned through practice and training - this is something instinctual, born from experience. It is a way that they fill the hollow places where the Force used to be.
Maximum Force Points Increased (+25)
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You encountered Master Kavar and defeated him.
Item(s) Received Master Kavar Item(s) Received Master Kavar

Search any remains before approaching the back of the throne room, where General Vaklu and Queen Talia have been dueling.

Master of the Palace[edit | edit source]

General Vaklu: Your time is at an end, Talia. Your people have abandoned you. And now your life is forfeit.
Queen Talia: You would destroy everything just for your ambition, Vaklu. The Republic, Iziz... everything.
General Vaklu: That is a gross simplification, Talia. Change is a painful process. A price must be paid. But Onderon will have a new destiny, one larger than you could imagine.

He disengages and runs up onto the ramp of the throne platform, where four Vaklu soldiers remain:

Queen Talia: You're getting careless, Vaklu. One more mistake, and you're the one who will pay the price.
General Vaklu: Her mastery of the blade has improved. But there is more to leadership than skill with a blade. Jedi, do you want to take care of her?
1. Her blood will not be on my hands. 3. I'm not interested.
General Vaklu: Very well. Goodbye, Talia. Men, fire!

The Vaklu soldiers kill Queen Talia. Otherwise:

2. Yes, I could use the work out.
General Vaklu: I will not forget this. Do what you will.
Queen Talia: I will not fall easily...
Queen Talia (main character level 25)
Set 4
Level 18
Class Soldier
Alignment 80 (light)
Awareness 6
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 18 +4
Vitality 1770
Force -
Defense 36
Fortitude 31
Reflex 29
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 26 20
Slashing 14-5410-50
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Double-Bladed Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Movement is unrestricted and you have your party, but General Vaklu and his troops in the throne room don't engage her. The Vaklu officer and any remaining soldiers outside can engage her, and the officer cannot be killed, but it would take a very long time for him to kill her by himself.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 325 Killed Queen Talia (level 26)
General Vaklu: And now it is done. Her sacrifice was necessary to ensure our future. This could not have happened without you. You will be given everything I promised you. I risked a great deal by asking for your assistance, as did you in helping. Your reward is well earned.
1. Why did you ask me for help? 2. You were wise to uphold your end of the deal.
General Vaklu: Because I had faith in you. General Vaklu: Even if I didn't have a reputation to maintain, I'd be a fool to break those promises.
General Vaklu: I know who you are... You are the last of the Jedi, hunted by the Exchange, the Sith, and the Hutt-spawn knows who else. They've thrown everything they have to capture and kill you, but you cannot be stopped. If anyone could save us from our fate... it was you. After we've secured the city, and that will take time, you will always be welcome here. If the Republic hunts you down as a price of your ambition, this place will be a haven to you. I will never forget what you have done this day.
3. I want to leave. Now. 1. I look forward to working with you again. 2. I'll be going.
General Vaklu: As do I, Jedi. As do I.
General Vaklu: Your shuttle is awaiting you. After the civil war is taken care of, which will take time, you are welcome back.
Journal Entry Added Master of the Palace
You fought and killed Master Kavar on Dxun. The famed Jedi Guardian of the Jedi Order is no more. Before he died you learned some of his fighting techniques. Queen Talia has been deposed, and General Vaklu is now in power. He upheld every part of the deal, and you've made a powerful ally. Onderon will probably secede from the Republic very shortly.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 750 General Vaklu now in power
Journal Entry Added The Royal Deadline
Queen Talia and Master Kavar are dead, General Vaklu still needs to deal with the remnants of the civil war but very soon he should completely control Onderon. Vaklu honored his word and rewarded you as promised. You've gained a powerful ally, an ally that might prove quite useful to you in the future.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Queen Talia and Master Kavar dead
Credits Received: 10000
Martial Law
Martial Law
Sided with Vaklu on Onderon

A shuttle returns you to the Ebon Hawk on Dxun.

Dxun[edit | edit source]

Standing outside the Ebon Hawk in the jungle, you have a reunion with the party leader on Dxun:

Disciple: It's good to see you've returned safely. What happened on Onderon?
Handmaiden: Welcome back from Onderon. How did you fare?
Mira: About time you showed up. We finished our part and have been sitting on our hands waiting for you. So, what happened?
Visas: I sensed the conflict on Onderon even from this dense jungle. Did everything go as you planned?
Atton: Hey, the gang's back together. I must hear all about your vacation in Onderon.
1. The political situation on Onderon has been dealt with. Onderon has only one leader now.
Disciple: I hope that Onderon's new unity of leadership will ensure their continued cooperation with the Republic.
Handmaiden: That is good news. The universe tends toward unity and balance, and you served as its catalyst in Onderon.
Mira: Huh. We'll see how long that lasts.
Visas: Onderon will stop bleeding for a time. But wounded things rarely stay mended for long.
Atton: Well, that's good I guess. When powerful people butt heads, it's usually the little guy who suffers most.


2. I single-handedly ended a war.
Disciple: Is that so? Well, I hope your actions contributed to Onderon's continued cooperation with the Republic.
Handmaiden: Such vanity does not become a Jedi. The Force works its will through you, as its catalyst for change.
Mira: Hm. We'll see if Onderon's newfound 'peace' lasts as long as your tremendous ego.
Visas: Why bother? War is the natural state of things. All matter seeks to either assimilate or destroy other matter.
Atton: You think you're hot stuff, don't you?


3. I'd rather not talk about it. 4. Nothing you need to know about.
Influence Lost: Party Leader (-8)
Disciple: Very well. I'm sure you are equally disinterested in talking about what happened within the Temple of Freedon Nadd.
Handmaiden: I respect the need to keep some secrets, but your refusal to speak of Onderon will only foment mistrust among your companions.
Mira: Ugh. Jedi and their blasted secrets.
Visas: You may tell us nothing, but the events on Onderon have marked you in a way that even I can see.
Atton: Okay, keep us in the dark then. Whatever...
Kreia: We should return to the Ebon Hawk now and plot our next course of action.

If you return to the Mandalorian ruins instead, you can now get to four metal boxes at the back of the Basilisk hangar:

Item(s) Received Metal Box (4)
  • ?

If you speak to Bralor and Davrel:

I hear that your help was instrumental to Queen Talia's victory in the civil war. General Vaklu will make a formidable ally for you.
I can't believe that Queen Talia defeated Vaklu. Vaklu was a fierce opponent, like a wild Drexl. Onderon will suffer for this turn of events. Xarga believes we should contact General Vaklu and see if an alliance can be formed between us.

If you speak to Xarga and Kumus:

Xarga: Queen Talia has hidden depths as a leader. There is more to warfare than mastery of battle tactics. Equally important is the ability to motivate the troops that carry your banner. Vaklu was formidable, but through all of the Queen's hardships she kept her army together. Tactics can be learned, but some elements of leadership are innate. This bodes well for her future. Xarga: General Vaklu is powerful and strong. But he has started his command with considerable turmoil. Will his skills be sufficient to enforce order? Only time will tell that.
Another war has ended without me. But the galaxy is in turmoil. My day will come.

If you speak to the quartermaster Kex:

Kex: It's you again.
Kex: Kelborn told me to give you these. He said it would help you out. Kex: What do you want?
Item(s) Received Kex

If you speak to Kelborn in the command center, and Zuka outside:

Does your journey go well? Last communication I heard indicates that the war still rages on Iziz.
The next war I will not be trapped on this moon with just my hydrospanner.

If you speak to the Mandalorian guard captain, and any Mandalorian guard:

Mandalorian Guard Captain: The scouts have reported no new activity since you were last here. The jungle has been quiet. Well, as quiet as the beasts of Dxun ever let it get.
Your accomplishments are... noteworthy.

Telos: Citadel Station[edit | edit source]

If you sided with General Vaklu then return to Telos: Citadel Station and speak to the Onderon diplomat in Residential 082 West's Medical Facility:

Onderon Diplmat: Hello there. I'm sorry but I must be brief, General Vaklu has ordered the immediate return of all members of the diplomatic corps.
1. Why is that?
Onderon Diplmat: General Vaklu did not agree with the policies of Queen Talia in regards to our alliances and relationship with the Republic. He favors a more isolationist approach, and thus I, along with others like me, have been recalled to Iziz.