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All grenades have Area of Effect: 4m and Range: Long. Almost all can be created using a Lab Station with sufficient Demolitions rank and Chemicals:

Grenade Rank Cost
Minor Sonic Detonator
Sonic Detonator 2 35
Frag Grenade 3 40
Concussion Grenade 4 40
Ion Grenade 5 65
Adhesive Grenade 9 65
CryoBan Grenade 13 65
Sonic Grenade 14 65
Poison Grenade 17 65
Plasma Grenade 21 375
Thermal Detonator 28 1000

Minor Sonic Detonator[edit | edit source]

  • Damage: Sonic, 6pts
  • Secondary: -2 Dexterity for 30 seconds
  • Save (Will): DC15 for half damage, negates dexterity penalty
Sonic detonators are used when environmental conditions make more conventional explosives too dangerous. These detonators, while small, can still cause significant physical damage and disorient those near the explosion.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Peragus II Hangar Bay Mining Droid Mark I 50 2
Mining Tunnels Excavator Droid Mark I (2) 50 1
Fuel Depot Excavator Droid Mark I (2) 50 1
Dormitories Excavator Droid Mark I (3) 50 1
Fuel Depot Excavator Droid Mark I 50 1

Sonic Detonator[edit | edit source]

Sonic detonators are used when environmental conditions make more conventional explosives too dangerous. These detonators, while small, can still cause significant physical damage and disorient those near the explosion.

Frag Grenade[edit | edit source]

Fragmentation grenades are very basic. They explode when thrown, showering the enemy in shrapnel. It's not elegant, but it's definitely effective.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Peragus II Dormitories Hidden Compartment 80 2
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 80 8
Telos Underground Base Metal Box 80 5
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 80 5
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 80 Infinite
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 96 Infinite
Dantooine Enclave Sublevel Dead Mercenaries 80 2

Concussion Grenade[edit | edit source]

This type of grenade explodes in a concussive wave of force that disrupts the senses of both organic and inorganic targets in the area of effect.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 80 5
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Geeda 84 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 80 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Onderon Soldier (6) 80 1

Ion Grenade[edit | edit source]

These grenades emit an extremely strong burst of energy devastating to any droids or personal shields caught in the effect.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Peragus II Administration Level Security Locker 130 2
Footlocker (2) 130 2
Dormitories Hidden Compartment 130 1
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 130 2
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 130 2

Adhesive Grenade[edit | edit source]

These grenades cover the target area in a gooey bio-adhesive that traps anyone caught within the effect. It quickly degrades, allowing allies to soon pass unhindered.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 130 4
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Geeda 136 2

CryoBan Grenade[edit | edit source]

A CryoBan grenade releases a supercooled liquid that freezes on contact, causing intense pain and damage to victims caught in the effect.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 130 2
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 130 3
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 130 1

Sonic Grenade[edit | edit source]

These grenades explode loudly, but the majority of their effect is delivered in disorienting frequencies the ear can barely perceive, even as it is damaged.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Peragus II Hangar Bay Footlocker 130 1
Footlocker 130 1
Mining Tunnels Broken Droid 130 1
Broken Droid 130 1
Plasteel Cylinder 130 2
Mining Droid Mark I (2) 130 1
Broken Droid (2) 130 1
Mining Droid Mark I 130 1
Dormitories Broken Droid 130 1
Fuel Depot Mining Droid Mark I 130 1
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 130 2
Nar Shaddaa Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels Suyin's Corpse 130 2
Pit Victim 130 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 156 2

Poison Grenade[edit | edit source]

  • Skill Required to Create: Demolitions (17) (Chemical Cost: 65)
  • Damage: Special
  • Secondary: Poison, 4 pts every 3 sec
  • Duration: 30sec
  • Save (Fortitude): DC25 for no effect
This grenade unleashes a blast of poison gas that affects the nervous system, lingering in the air to ensure that the effect is not escaped easily.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels Pit Victim 130 1

Plasma Grenade[edit | edit source]

These grenades release a quick burst of an incendiary agent that ignites immediately, damaging all enemies within the area of effect.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 750 2
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 750 2
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 900 2

Thermal Detonator[edit | edit source]

This Republic device contains a baradium compound that produces a small fusion energy explosion of great force. Civilian possession of these items is outlawed almost everywhere.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 2000 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 2400 1
Korriban Sith Academy Chewed Twi'lek Corpse 2000 1