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After selecting New Game from the main menu, you must generate your main player character by selecting sex and class:

When you choose sex and class, bear in mind appearance can be changed later.

The sex of your main player character affects flirting and romance with other characters during the game, but more significantly it affects the composition of your party: male characters will be joined by Handmaiden, a female Soldier who can be trained to become a Jedi Guardian, while female characters will be joined by Disciple, a male Soldier who can be trained to become a Jedi Consular.

Class is a much more significant choice, which requires more information than is presented at this point:

Jedi Guardian Jedi Sentinel Jedi Consular
Jedi Guardians focus on combat training and lightsaber mastery Jedi Sentinels are well-balanced and possess many skills Jedi Consulars are masters of the Force and spend less time on combat training (recommended for advanced players only)

After you have selected sex and class, you must then select either a quick character or a custom character. A quick character will use a template so that you will only have to choose your character's portrait and name. A custom character will allow you to customize every aspect of your character. You will control attribute, skill and feat allocation, as well as portrait and name.

Selecting a quick character will obviously allow you to start playing more quickly, but the templates used are not optimized. Although you may still be able to complete the game without further research, your character will be much better if you can make your own informed choices.

Portrait[edit | edit source]

Regardless of whether you select a quick or custom character, you will now have to choose your character's appearance by scrolling sideways through the portraits for your chosen sex:

All 17 female portraits, including later changes in appearance as their alignment shifts toward the dark side of the Force.
All 17 male portraits, including later changes in appearance as their alignment shifts toward the dark side of the Force.

Portraits are the same for all three classes. Your choice may alter the appearance of some minor characters in the game, but otherwise it's simply a matter of personal preference. However, a portrait must be selected before you can proceed.

Attributes[edit | edit source]

The attributes of your character apply bonuses or penalties to everything from combat to skill checks to Force powers. Check each attribute to see what aspects of game play it can affect.

Attribute points are allocated by selecting an attribute and using the arrows to scroll sideways and add or subtract points.

Only a custom character gets to control attribute allocation. Each of the six physical attributes is at 8, with 30 points to invest in them. Any attribute can be increased to a maximum of 18 at this time, but beyond 14 there are increased point costs:

Attribute 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Point cost +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3
Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 16

All attribute points need to be allocated before you can proceed. Attribute allocation for a quick character is as follows:

Attribute Jedi Guardian Jedi Sentinel Jedi Consular
Strength 14 12 10
Dexterity 14 14 14
Constitution 14 14 14
Intelligence 14 14 12
Wisdom 12 12 14
Charisma 10 12 14

Selecting Recommended for a custom character will also apply these templates, although once again they are not optimized.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Each of your character's skills has a number associated with it. This is the skill 'rank' and determines how good the character is with that skill. When using a skill to perform an action, the rank is compared against a Difficulty Check (DC) number. For example, to open a lock with a DC of 15, take your skill rank in Security + Wisdom Intelligence modifier +d20 roll. If the total is 15 or greater, the lock is opened.

Skill points can be allocated by selecting a skill and using the arrows to scroll sideways and add or subtract points.

Only a custom character gets to control skill allocation. The number of skill points to be allocated depends on your character's Intelligence:

Intelligence Jedi Guardian Jedi Sentinel Jedi Consular
8-9 4 8 4
10-11 4 12 8
12-13 8 16 12
14-15 12 20 16
16-17 16 24 20
18 20 28 24

All skill points do not need to be allocated before you can proceed, although you will be unable to allocate any remaining until your character's first level up. Class skills cost one point per rank, while cross-class skills cost two. Four points will increase a class skill to maximum rank 4, and a cross-class skill to maximum rank 2. Skill allocation for a quick character is as follows:

Points Jedi Guardian Jedi Sentinel Jedi Consular
Skill Rank Skill Rank Skill Rank
4 Treat Injury 4 Stealth 4 Persuade 4
8 Demolitions 4 Computer Use 4 Treat Injury 4
12 Awareness 4 Persuade 4 Repair 4
16 Persuade 4 Awareness 4 Awareness 4
20 Stealth 2 Security 4 Computer Use 2
24 Treat Injury 4 Stealth 2
28 Demolitions 2

Selecting Recommended for a custom character will also apply these templates. For example, a Jedi Sentinel with the minimum of 8 skill points to allocate will automatically allocate 4 each to Stealth and Computer Use; one with 12 skill points to allocate will automatically allocate those extra 4 points to Persuade; and so on. These templates are not optimized.

Feats[edit | edit source]

Some feats allow you to use special items like heavy armor. Other feats modify saving throws and skill checks during the game. And some feats are used during combat. Check the description for details on a specific feat.

A scrolling list will pop up to inform you that you have been granted the following feat(s) this level:

Jedi Guardian Jedi Sentinel Jedi Consular
  • Armor Proficiency: Light
  • Critical Strike
  • Flurry
  • Power Attack
  • Power Blast
  • Rapid Shot
  • Sniper Shot
  • Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
  • Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
  • Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber
  • Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
  • Jedi Defense
  • Force Immunity: Fear
  • Jedi Sense
  • War Veteran
  • Armor Proficiency: Light
  • Critical Strike
  • Flurry
  • Power Attack
  • Power Blast
  • Rapid Shot
  • Sniper Shot
  • Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
  • Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
  • Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber
  • Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons
  • Jedi Defense
  • Force Focus
  • Jedi Sense
  • War Veteran
A feat can be allocated by selecting its button. Feats already granted are highlighted by a green box, while unavailable feats are highlighted by an orange box.

Only a custom character gets to control feat allocation. The feat needs to be allocated before you can proceed. Feat allocation for a quick character is as follows:

Jedi Guardian Jedi Sentinel Jedi Consular
Toughness Toughness Dueling

Selecting Recommended for a custom character will also apply these templates, although once again they are not optimized.

Name[edit | edit source]

Your character starts with a random name, and selecting Random Name will result in a new random name. A custom name can be typed, using a maximum of 18 characters (including any spaces). Names are case-sensitive and may contain any alphanumeric characters, and the following punctuation symbols:

 !   ”   £   $   %   ^   &   *   (   )   -   =   +   [   ]   {   }   ;   :   '   @   #   ~   |   ,   .   <   >   ? 

Names cannot contain the following:

 ¬   `   ¦   _   \   / 

Play[edit | edit source]

Now there's nothing left to do but select Play to load the game and watch the first movie!