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This page lists your Force Powers. Using a Force Power requires Force Points. Your light/dark side rating affects the Force point cost of some powers. The further you stray to the dark side, the more expensive light side powers become, and the less expensive dark side powers become and vice versa.

Force powers cannot be selected at character generation, but Jedi must always select at least one Force power upon level up, depending on class and level:

Jedi class Jedi level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Jedi Guardian 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Jedi Sentinel 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Jedi Consular 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2

Jedi Consulars are granted an extra Force power every third level. Your main character can select a Prestige class by speaking to Kreia once level 15 and sufficiently aligned to the light side (75-100) or dark side (0-25) of the Force:

Prestige class Prestige level
Jedi Sith 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Weapon Master Marauder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Watchman Assassin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Master Lord 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2

A Jedi Master or Sith Lord is granted an extra Force power upon first level, and every fourth level.

Prerequisites[edit | edit source]

Although Force powers are only available to Jedi classes, character level, not Jedi level, can be a prerequisite for selecting and then improving or mastering a Force power:

Powers Character level Total
1 6 9 12 15 18
Light side Stun Stun Droid Heal Force Barrier Disable Droid Improved Force Barrier Stasis Improved Heal Destroy Droid Master Force Barrier Master Heal 11
Universal Energy Resistance Force Body Affect Mind Force Push Throw Lightsaber Mind Trick Dominate Mind Force Deflection Improved Energy Resistance Improved Force Body Force Whirlwind Advanced Throw Lightsaber Force Redirection Master Force Body Force Wave Master Energy Resistance (17) 16
Dark side Wound Slow Fear Force Scream Affliction Horror Choke Improved Force Scream Kill Insanity Master Force Scream 11
Total 12 7 8 5 4 2 38

Some Force powers have further restrictions:

Some Force powers are restricted by armor, but not Jedi armor (with the sole exception of Battle Precognition):

Powers Character level Total
1 6 9 12 15 18
Light side Force Aura Force Valor Force Shield Knight Valor Revitalize Force Armor Master Valor Improved Revitalize Stasis Field Master Revitalize (21) 10
Universal Burst of Speed Battle Meditation Knight Speed Force Resistance Force Suppression Improved Battle Meditation Master Speed Force Immunity Force Breach Master Battle Meditation 10
Dark side Shock Drain Force Force Lightning Drain Life Improved Drain Force Plague Master Drain Force Force Storm Death Field 9
Total 5 2 8 3 7 4 29

Some Force powers have further restrictions:

  • Battle Precognition is a light side power that can only be gained by a male main character.
  • Force Enlightenment is a light side power only granted to a neutral or light side main character.
  • Force Crush is a dark side power only granted to a dark side main character.
  • Inspire Followers is a light side power only granted to a Jedi Master, which cannot be used if alignment < 60.
  • Crush Opposition is a dark side power only granted to a Sith Lord, which cannot be used if alignment > 40.

Cost[edit | edit source]

Using Force powers normally costs Force points, and they cannot be used without sufficient Force. Jedi and Prestige class affect how many Force points are granted per Jedi or Prestige level up:

Jedi class Force per level up Prestige class Force per level up
Jedi Guardian +4 Jedi Weapon Master Sith Marauder +6
Jedi Sentinel +6 Jedi Watchman Sith Assassin +8
Jedi Consular +8 Jedi Master Sith Lord +10

Wisdom modifier (WIS) is added to Force points per level, and the Force Sensitive feat grants 40 Force points.

Cost per use of universal powers isn't affected by user alignment:

0 15 20 25 30 35
Force Body Master Energy Resistance Force Sight Energy Resistance Improved Energy Resistance Force Push Throw Lightsaber Advanced Throw Lightsaber Mind Trick Beast Trick Breath Control Burst of Speed Knight Speed Master Speed Force Resistance Force Immunity Force Whirlwind Force Wave Force Suppression Force Breach Force Confusion Battle Meditation Improved Battle Meditation Master Battle Meditation

Cost per use of light side powers and dark side powers is subject to adjustment depending on user alignment:

Power Alignment
0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100
Light side +75% +50% +25% 100% -10% -15% -20% -30% -50%
Dark side -50% -30% -20% -15% -10% 100% +25% +50% +75%

Cost per use of light side powers increases the further to the dark side a character is (and vice versa):

Force powers Alignment
0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100
Stun Droid 26 22 18 15 13 12 12 10 7
Force Aura Force Barrier Inspire Followers I 35 30 25 20 17 17 16 13 10
Master Heal Force Valor Stun 43 37 31 25 22 21 20 17 12
Heal Improved Heal Force Enlightenment 52 45 37 30 26 25 24 20 15
Revitalize 87 75 62 50 44 42 40 34 25
Drain Force 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8
Fear 7 10 12 12 13 15 18 22 26
Wound Slow Shock Crush Opposition I 10 13 16 17 17 20 25 30 35
Drain Life Force Scream 12 17 20 21 22 25 31 37 43
Fury 15 20 24 25 26 30 37 45 52
Force Crush 30 41 48 51 53 60 75 90 105

However, a character's Charisma modifier (CHA) can decrease the cost of Force powers of opposing alignment, as each CHA +1 reduces the adjustment by 5%:

Alignment Charisma
Light Dark < 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
100 0-9 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
80-99 10-29 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
60-79 30-49 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

For example, Heal is a light side power that normally costs 52 Force points for a dark side character with no Charisma modifier who has achieved mastery, since its base cost (30) is subject to an adjustment increasing it by 75% (+22). However, if that character has 20 Charisma (CHA +5), the adjustment is reduced by 25% (5*5%) to 50%, resulting in 45 (30+15) cost per use.

Force powers Adjustment percentage
75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Drain Force 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5
Stun Droid Fear 26 25 24 24 23 22 21 20 20 19 18 18 17 16 15 15
Force Aura Force Barrier Inspire Followers I Wound Slow Shock Crush Opposition I 35 34 32 32 30 30 29 27 27 25 25 24 22 22 20 20
Master Heal Force Valor Stun Drain Life Force Scream 43 42 41 40 38 37 36 34 33 32 31 30 28 27 26 25
Heal Improved Heal Force Enlightenment Fury 52 51 49 48 46 45 43 41 40 38 37 36 34 33 31 30
Revitalize 87 85 82 80 77 75 72 69 67 64 62 60 57 55 52 50
Force Crush 105 102 98 96 92 90 87 83 81 77 75 72 68 66 62 60

Force Potency and Force Mastery can then further adjust cost, increasing it by 20% when one of these Force forms is active.

Regeneration[edit | edit source]

Force points normally regenerate from 0 to maximum in 90 seconds when not engaged in combat, and 900 seconds (15 minutes) in combat. Increasing maximum Force and Wisdom modifier have no effect on this regeneration rate, only the amount regenerated per unit time: for example, while a Jedi with 180 maximum Force and one with 360 maximum Force both regenerate from 0 to maximum in 90 seconds when not in combat, the former only regenerates 2 points per second while the latter regenerates 4 points per second (double due to double maximum Force).

Regeneration rate can be increased by a percentage:

Combat Feat Force form Combined
Regenerate Force Points Force Channel Force Affinity
No +25% (* 1.25) +50% (* 1.5) +0% +75% (* 1.75)
Yes +250% (* 3.5) +500% (* 6) +750% (* 8.5)

Regenerate Force Points can be selected by any Jedi class, but it's granted to a Jedi Master or Sith Lord upon first level; Force Channel is granted to any Jedi class by level 14.

Thus time to regenerate from 0 to maximum Force is as follows:

Combat Base Regenerate Force Points Force Channel Combined
No 90 seconds 72 seconds 60 seconds 52 s
Yes 900 seconds 258 seconds 150 seconds 106 s

Regenerate Force Points bonuses from items simply increase Force points every six seconds by the sum of their values whenever at less than maximum Force:

Light side powers[edit | edit source]

I Am A Jedi
I Am A Jedi
Acquired all Light Side Powers

21 Light side powers can be selected by any Jedi (Master Revitalize requires character level 21):

Heal Improved Heal Master Heal
Force Aura Force Shield Force Armor
Force Valor Knight Valor Master Valor
Force Barrier Improved Force Barrier Master Force Barrier
Revitalize Improved Revitalize Master Revitalize
Stun Stasis Stasis Field
Stun Droid Disable Droid Destroy Droid

Force Aura[edit | edit source]

Light side power Force Aura Force Shield Force Armor
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 6 Character Level 12
Defense and saving throws +2 +4 +6
Base Cost 25

Restricted by Armor

When this power is activated, the Jedi is temporarily granted a bonus to Defense and all saving throws. The effect lasts for 20 seconds.

Force Barrier[edit | edit source]

Light side power Force Barrier Improved Master
Prerequisites Character Level 6 Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Damage (physical) -4 -8 -15
Duration 30 seconds 45 seconds 60 seconds
Base cost 20

This power shields the Jedi in the Force, absorbing the first points of damage from slashing, bludgeoning and piercing attacks. Damage over and above the first points is suffered as normal.

This doesn't sum with Damage Resistance from other sources: only the highest value has any effect, and Master Force Barrier has the highest value of any source.

Force Valor[edit | edit source]

Light side power Force Valor Knight Valor Master Valor
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Attributes and saving throws +2 +3 +5
Immunity: Poison No Yes
Base Cost 25

Restricted by Armor

This power affects the Jedi and all party members. The effect lasts for 20 seconds.

Heal[edit | edit source]

Light side power Heal Improved Master
Prerequisites Character Level 6 Character Level 12 Character Level 18
Vitality healed 5 + CHA + WIS + level 15 + CHA + WIS + level 15 + CHA + WIS + (2*level)
Neutralized Poison Poison and Stun
Base Cost 30 25

This power heals all party members within a 15 meter radius. This power does not affect droids.

Revitalize[edit | edit source]

Light side power Revitalize Improved Master
Prerequisites Character Level 9 Character Level 15 Character Level 21
Consciousness regained Closest ally All allies
Total vitality points regained 5% 10%
Base Cost 50

Restricted by Armor

This power allows the Jedi to rekindle the life energies of any non-droid fallen ally.

Stun[edit | edit source]

Light side power Stun Stasis Stasis Field
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Restricted by Armor No Yes
Target Enemy Enemies within 10 m of target
Effect on enemy Stun Paralyze
Duration 9 seconds 12 seconds
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 25

A successful Fortitude save means the target is slowed for the duration instead of stunned. This power does not affect droids.

Being slowed reduces movement speed and inflicts -4 Defense: these effects stack (although duration does not), which can even result in negative Defense for the target(s).

All effects of Stun can also be negated by Force Immunity: Stun, or Immunity: Stun, Fear, Horror, while all effects of Stasis (Field) can also be negated by (Force) Immunity: Paralysis.

Stun Droid[edit | edit source]

Light side power Stun Droid Disable Droid Destroy Droid
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 6 Character Level 12
Target Droids Droids within 5 m of target Droids within 6 m of target
Damage attacker level 1-6 for each attacker level
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 15
Mines triggered Minor + Average + Strong

This power renders droids immobile for 12 seconds. The droid also takes damage. A successful Fortitude save by the target negates the stun and reduces damage by half.

These powers can also be used to trigger some mines instead of disabling or recovering them with Demolitions.

Battle Precognition[edit | edit source]

Restricted by Armor

This power allows the Jedi to sense the flows of the Force and increases the Jedi's reaction time in combat. The Jedi adds their Wisdom modifier to their Defense.

Only a male main character can gain this power from the Handmaiden in the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk, after asking her to teach you some fighting moves and winning your first duel, asking her to teach you some more and then observing that she seems to be anticipating your attacks.

Although Jedi armor does not restrict use of Force powers normally, it still restricts this power, preventing Wisdom modifier from being added to Defense. Robes, Clothing or nothing must be worn on the body to be granted this passive bonus.

Force Enlightenment[edit | edit source]

Restricted by Armor

This power allows the Jedi to use the light side of the Force to enhance the Jedi's powers. The best of the Jedi's Speed, Armor and Valor powers are instantly activated at a reduced cost (30). This power is useful to quickly become ready for difficult battles.

This power is granted to a neutral or light side main character after finding all four Lost Jedi.

Inspire Followers[edit | edit source]

Inspire Followers I II III IV V
Granted Jedi Master Level 5 JM Level 9 JM Level 13 JM Level 17 JM
Party attack + damage +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Party Will saves
Base Cost 20

Restricted by Armor

This power increases the morale and effectiveness of the Jedi Master's allies in battle. This effect lasts for 45 seconds and does not affect droids (it does affect the Jedi Master, though).

If the player chooses to walk the path of the dark side (Alignment < 60), this power will no longer function.

Misc. effect damage added by this power is not multiplied by a Critical Hit.

Universal powers[edit | edit source]

26 Universal powers can be selected by any Jedi (Force Confusion can only be selected by a Prestige class):

Burst of Speed Knight Speed Master Speed
Force Resistance Force Immunity
Energy Resistance Improved Energy Resistance Master Energy Resistance
Battle Meditation Improved Battle Meditation Master Battle Meditation
Force Body Improved Force Body Master Force Body
Affect Mind Dominate Mind
Force Deflection Force Redirection
Force Push Force Whirlwind Force Wave
Force Suppression Force Breach
Throw Lightsaber Advanced Throw Lightsaber
Mind Trick Force Confusion

Affect Mind[edit | edit source]

Universal power Affect Mind Dominate Mind
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 6

Affect and Dominate Mind enable persuasive use of the Force. Once a Jedi has this power, extra options will appear in conversations as appropriate. Success is not guaranteed for extreme commands or if the target is strong willed. Dominate Mind is more powerful than Affect Mind, and very few beings can resist its effects. This power does not affect droids. Only the main character can select this power during level-up.

Battle Meditation[edit | edit source]

Universal power Battle Meditation Improved Master
Prerequisites Character Level 6 Character Level 12 Character Level 18
Party attack and damage +2 +4
Party Will saves
Enemy attack and damage -2 -4
Enemy Will saves
Radius of effect 10 meters 15 meters
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 35

Restricted by Armor

This power also increases the vitality point regeneration rate of the party (doubling it, although this doesn't include Regeneration item bonuses, which are simply added afterward). This effect lasts for 20 seconds and will not affect any droids in the party.

Misc. effect damage added by this power is not multiplied by a Critical Hit.

Burst of Speed[edit | edit source]

Universal power Burst of Speed Knight Speed Master Speed
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Defense +2 +4
Attacks per round +1 +2
Base Cost 25

Restricted by Armor

For the duration of the effect (36 seconds), movement speed is doubled.

Energy Resistance[edit | edit source]

Universal power Energy Resistance Improved Master
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 17
Target Jedi Party
Damage -6 -12 -20
Base Cost 20 15

This power absorbs the first points of damage from energy, sonic, fire, cold and electrical attacks. Damage over and above the first points is suffered as normal. This effect lasts for 120 seconds.

This doesn't sum with Damage Resistance from other sources: only the highest value has any effect.

Force Body[edit | edit source]

Universal power Force Body Improved Master
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Vitality points spent 50% 40% 30%
Force points spent
Base Cost 0

This power enables the character to use their own health to fuel Force powers. The total Force point cost for powers is actually less using this effect. This effect lasts for 30 seconds.

Cost Per Use displayed in the Powers section of the Abilities screen, a value already adjusted by alignment and then any Force forms, is adjusted by the percentage, rounding down, to determine Force and Vitality points spent.

Minimum Force points to use a power is normally Cost Per Use, but while Force Body is active it becomes Cost Per Use - Force points spent. Since Force points spent are reduced to the percentage and minimum Force points are reduced by that percentage, the latter actually increases upon improving or mastering this power (although obviously it's still less than it is without Force Body). For example:

Force Storm (Base Cost 20) with 20 Charisma (CHA +5, -25% alignment adjustment)
Alignment Force form Adjustment Cost Per Use Force (and Vitality) points spent Minimum Force points
Force Body Improved Force Body Master Force Body Force Body Improved Force Body Master Force Body
0 -10 10 5 4 3 5 6 7
Force Potency -8 12 6 4 3 6 8 9
100 +10 30 15 12 9 15 18 21
Force Potency +16 36 18 14 10 18 22 26
Master Valor (Base Cost 25) with 20 Charisma (CHA +5, -25% alignment adjustment)
Alignment Force form Adjustment Cost Per Use Force (and Vitality) points spent Minimum Force points
Force Body Improved Force Body Master Force Body Force Body Improved Force Body Master Force Body
0 +12 37 18 14 11 19 23 26
Force Mastery +19 44 22 17 13 22 27 31
100 -13 12 6 4 3 6 8 9
Force Mastery -11 14 7 5 4 7 9 10

Force Deflection[edit | edit source]

Universal power Force Deflection Force Redirection
Prerequisites Character Level 6 Character Level 12
Blaster Bolt Deflection +3
Action Deflect only Deflect or reflect

This power gives the Jedi the ability to deflect any ranged attacks without a lightsaber. This power is always in effect (even with a lightsaber for Force Redirection, or while using Throw Lightsaber).

Any Jedi Defense bonus is still added to deflection rolls without a lightsaber, as is any Precise Shot penalty. All other bonuses and penalties are restricted to lightsabers.

Force Push[edit | edit source]

Universal power Force Push Force Whirlwind Force Wave
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Damage (bludgeoning) Attacker level 1/3 Attacker level every 2 s 1.5 * Attacker level
Duration 3 seconds 12 seconds 6 seconds
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 20 25

An opponent targeted by Force Push is pushed back 5 meters, thrown to the ground stunned, and suffers damage. A successful Reflex save means the target is not pushed back or stunned, but still suffers half damage.

Force Whirlwind encircles the target victim in a small maelstrom of air and dust, inflicting damage and rendering them unable to take any action. A successful Reflex save negates the damage and immobilizing effects altogether. This power does not affect droids equipped with energy shield hardware.

Force Wave creates a telekinetic explosion around the Jedi. All enemies within 15 meters are thrown 5 meters, fall to the ground and are incapacitated, and take damage. A successful Reflex save means an enemy is not thrown or stunned, but still suffers half damage.

Force Resistance[edit | edit source]

Universal power Force Resistance Force Immunity
Prerequisites Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Opposed roll d20 + attacker level
Difficulty class 10 + defender level 15 + defender level
Base Cost 25

Restricted by Armor

This power offers some protection from direct Force power attacks of Jedi opponents, possibly negating their effects. The attacking Jedi makes an opposed roll versus the defender. If the attacker's result is greater (or equal), the attack succeeds. If the defender's total is greater, the attack has no effect. This effect lasts for 60 seconds.

Due to the way enemy level is normally calculated based on your main character level, as you level up this power can grant 100% immunity to all Force powers you can save against, resulting in them having no effect whatsoever (saving often just reduces damage and debuffs):

Main level 9 - 12 13 - 16 17 - 20 21 - 24 25 - 28 29 - 32 33 - 36 37 - 40 41 - 50
Enemy level 6 - 9 9 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 18 18 - 21 21 - 24 24 - 27 27 - 30 30 - 37
Force Resistance 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Force Immunity 90% 95% 100%

So Immunity can normally never be breached from level 21 onward (maximum roll 20 + level 15 (35 total) vs Force Resistance 36 (21 + 15)), and for Resistance it's level 41 onward (maximum roll 20 + level 30 (50 total) vs Force Resistance 51 (41 + 10)). However, enemies can still take it away with Force Suppression.

Jedi in your party are normally lower level than your main character, so they don't receive the same Resistance or Immunity for a few more levels (5% less, or four more levels, for each level of difference).

Force Suppression[edit | edit source]

Universal power Force Suppression Force Breach
Prerequisites Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Force powers cancelled Force Aura and Force Shield
Force Valor and Knight Valor
Burst of Speed and Knight Speed
(Improved) Energy Resistance
Force Resistance and Force Immunity
(Improved) Battle Meditation
(Improved) Force Barrier
(Improved) Force Body
(Improved) Fury
Inspire Followers I-III
+ Force Armor
+ Master Valor
+ Master Speed
+ Master Energy Resistance

+ Master Battle Meditation
+ Master Force Barrier
+ Master Force Body
+ Master Fury
+ Inspire Followers IV-V
Base Cost 30

Restricted by Armor

This ability will cancel Force powers active on the target. These powers are instantly cancelled, but the target can reactivate them if Force points are available.

Mind Trick[edit | edit source]

Universal power Mind Trick Force Confusion
Prerequisites Jedi Any Prestige class
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 20 30

Mind Trick distracts a non-droid target making it easier to sneak by them. If the target fails a Will save, then they are distracted for 30 seconds. Distracted targets won't notice the player unless the player gets too close or interacts with them.

Force Confusion is a more powerful version of Mind Trick that can actually cause an opponent to fight for you. If the target fails a Will save, then they will fight your opponents for 30 seconds. Only one opponent can be affected by Force Confusion at a time. This power only works on sentients; beasts and droids are immune.

Throw Lightsaber[edit | edit source]

Universal power Throw Lightsaber Advanced
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9
Targets One Up to three
Damage 1-6 for every two attacker levels
Base Cost 20

Requires lightsaber

The target must be at least 5 meters away, and any additional targets must be within 5 meters of the previous. This attack always hits. Once the lightsaber is thrown, it will automatically return to the Jedi's hand at the end of the round.

Deflection rolls aren't made during use, even if a lightsaber remains in the off hand, unless Force Deflection has been selected (in which case all bonuses and penalties are still added, even those restricted to lightsabers).

Beast Trick[edit | edit source]

Beast Trick distracts a creature or beast making it easier to sneak by them. If the target fails a Will save of DC 5 + the attacking character's level, Wisdom and Charisma modifiers then they are distracted for 30 seconds. Distracted targets won't notice the player unless the player gets too close or interacts with them.

This power is granted to the main character by Kreia in the Jungle of Dxun, and costs 20 Force points.

Breath Control[edit | edit source]

Some Jedi are able to slow their metabolism in such a way that they can actually stop breathing for a much longer period of time than they would otherwise. This power provides immunity from Poison for 240 seconds.

This power is granted to the main character by Kreia upon entering the Jekk'Jekk Tarr on Nar Shaddaa, and costs 20 Force points.

Force Camouflage[edit | edit source]

Universal power Force Camouflage Improved Master
Granted Kreia or
Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin
Level 7
Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin
Level 13
Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin
Stealth bonus +4 +8

These powers enable the Jedi character to use their Stealth skill without a Stealth Field Generator. The power lasts until the character deactivates it.

Force Sight[edit | edit source]

Prerequisites: Character Level 3

This power allows a Jedi to see using the Force. Some obstacles can be seen through and sentients glow with an inner light. This effect lasts for 20 seconds (and costs 15 Force points).

This power is granted to the main character by Visas after speaking and gaining (or losing) influence with her. It doesn't let you see cloaked characters.

Precognition[edit | edit source]

Precognition warns the Jedi whenever they are about to enter extreme danger. These warnings are quite rare.

This power is granted to the main character by Kreia on Peragus II.

Dark side powers[edit | edit source]

Unlimited Power
Unlimited Power
Acquired all Dark Side Powers

20 Dark side powers can be selected by any Jedi (both Force Storm and Death Field require character level 18):

Wound Choke Kill
Slow Affliction Plague
Fear Horror Insanity
Shock Force Lightning Force Storm
Drain Life Death Field
Drain Force Improved Drain Force Master Drain Force
Force Scream Improved Force Scream Master Force Scream

Drain Force[edit | edit source]

Dark side power Drain Force Improved Master
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Target Enemy Enemies within 10 m of target
Force points 10 20 30
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 5

Restricted by Armor

This power allows the Jedi to draw raw Force energy from opponents to him or herself. The targeted opponent loses half that amount if they make a Will save. A Jedi can't draw more Force Points from an opponent than they have total.

Cost per use is always regained, in addition to any Force energy drawn from opponents.

Drain Life[edit | edit source]

Dark side power Drain Life Death Field
Prerequisites Character Level 9 Character Level 18
Target Enemy Enemies within 10 m of target
Vitality drained and healed 1-4 for each attacker level, to a maximum of 10 levels (10-40 points)
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 25

Restricted by Armor

This power allows the Jedi to drain the life of others to heal him or herself. A successful Fortitude save reduces damage by half. This power does not affect droids.

The restriction on maximum Vitality drained and healed hasn't actually been removed, so from level 10 onward it's restricted to 10-40 (25 average) points.

A single damage roll is actually made and then inflicted on all enemies within radius, then the character is healed the equivalent of the total damage after saving throws. For example, if 25 damage is rolled and then inflicted on four enemies who fail to save, the character is healed for 100 (25*4); if two of those enemies save, the character is healed for 74 (25*2 + [25/2]*2). Damage is dark side.

Fear[edit | edit source]

Dark side power Fear Horror Insanity
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 6 Character Level 12
Target Enemy Enemies within 5 m of target Enemies within 10 m of target
Duration 6 seconds 12 seconds 18 seconds
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 15

This power causes enemies to cower in fear of the attacking Jedi unless they make a Will save. It does not affect droids.

Force Scream[edit | edit source]

Dark side power Force Scream Improved Master
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 15
Damage (sonic) 3-18 5-30 7-42
Attributes -2 -4 -6
Target Enemies up to 10 meters in front Enemies within 10 meters
Difficulty Class 10 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 25

This power creates a wave of sound that does sonic damage and reduces attributes for 30 seconds. A successful Will save reduces damage by half and negates the attribute penalties. It does not work against droids.

Shock[edit | edit source]

Dark side power Shock Force Lightning Force Storm
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 18
Target Single enemy Enemies up to 16 m in front Enemies within 10 m of target
Damage (electrical) 1-6 for each attacker level
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 20

Restricted by Armor

This power unleashes an electrical attack. Force Storm also inflicts the same damage on Force points. A successful Will save by the target reduces damage by half.

Slow[edit | edit source]

Dark side power Slow Affliction Plague
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 6 Character Level 12
Restricted by Armor No Yes
Effect on enemy -2 Defense, Reflex saves, attack -1 Attributes every 3 6 seconds -1 attributes every (6) second(s)
Duration 30 seconds 21 seconds 12 seconds
Difficulty Class 5 + level + WIS + CHA 20 100
Save Will Fortitude
Base Cost 20

Slow clouds the mind, making a target's actions unusually sluggish. Affliction causes a target to suffer as though poisoned. Plague causes a target to suffer as though deathly ill from poison. The target is also slowed for the duration. A successful save negates these effects. This power does not affect droids.

The effects in the descriptions for Affliction and Plague are inaccurate: both inflict -1 attributes every 6 seconds after use. Neither apply if the target has Immunity: Poison, and both can be neutralized by Heal or an Antidote Kit.

Wound[edit | edit source]

Dark side power Wound Choke Kill
Prerequisites Jedi Character Level 9 Character Level 12
Difficulty Class 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers
Base Cost 20

Wound triggers spasms in the victim's lungs, causing great pain and inflicting 2/3 attacker level in damage every 2 seconds for the duration (6 seconds). A successful Fortitude save results in no effect.

Choke constricts the throat of a target at range, stunning and inflicting 2/3 attacker level in damage every 2 seconds for the duration (6 seconds). The target also suffers a temporary (24 second) -4 penalty to Constitution, Dexterity and Strength. A successful Fortitude save results in no effect.

Kill causes the target to choke for 6 seconds and inflicts damage close to half the target's maximum Vitality points. If the target makes a Fortitude save they are not choked, but instead suffer damage equal to attacker level.

This power does not affect droids.

Crush Opposition[edit | edit source]

Crush Opposition I II III IV V
Granted Sith Lord Level 5 Sith Lord Level 9 Sith Lord Level 13 Sith Lord Level 17 Sith Lord
Enemy attack -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Enemy Will saves
Base Cost 20

Restricted by Armor

This power saps the will of every enemy within a 15-meter radius of a target enemy. Enemies can resist this effect with a Will save against a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers. This effect lasts for 45 seconds.

If the player chooses to walk the path of the light side (Alignment > 40), this power will no longer function.

Force Crush[edit | edit source]

Restricted by Armor

The Jedi uses the dark side of the Force to telekinetically crush an opponent. The victim suffers 1-10 points of damage to Vitality per each of the attacking character's levels. This damage bypasses most defenses. A successful Fortitude save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers reduces damage by half.

This power is granted to a dark side main character after finding all four Lost Jedi, and costs 60 Force points.

Fury[edit | edit source]

Dark side power Fury Improved Master
Granted Sith Marauder Level 5 Sith Marauder Level 9 Sith Marauder
Strength bonus +2 +4 +6
Vitality points per level +1 +2 +3
Fortitude and Will saves
Attacks per round +1 +2
Defense -2 -4 -6
Seconds active 30 45 60
Base Cost 30

This power allows the Sith Marauder to enter a furious rage. In this state they are Immune to Paralysis and Stasis effects. Every creature they kill fuels their Fury more, adding to the damage they do in combat up to maximum bonus of +6.

Extra attacks per round do not stack with those of Knight Speed and Master Speed, although the increased movement speed and defense bonuses of those powers still apply.