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File:KotORII Map Hangar Bay (Rescue).png
Map of the hangar bay accessible to T3-M4

Storage Room[edit | edit source]

Journal Entry Added Rescue Name
You are trapped on the Peragus administration level and have activated T3 to unlock the emergency hatch to allow you to escape. T3 will need to find a console that ties into the Peragus command control and open the emergency hatch by remote.

Your main character remains with Atton by the computer in the administration level. T3-M4 is alone in the main cargo hold on the top side of the hangar bay. Since the Prologue, he's repaired and armed with a Mining Laser:

Name T3-M4
Location Storage Room
Map Hangar Bay
World Peragus II
Inclusion Mandatory
Class Expert Droid
Level 3
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Attribute Base Total
Vitality 24 30
Force 0 0
Attack 3 3
Defense 10 14
Fortitude 1 3
Reflex 3 5
Will 1 1
Skill Base Total
Computer Use 6 10
Demolitions 2 6
Stealth No
Awareness 2 2
Repair 6 10
Security 6 10
Treat Injury No
Points per level
Equipment Feats
Force powers

Droid Shock Arm Mining Laser

Caution Gear Head Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Droid Upgrade Class 1 Blaster Integration Logic Upgrade


Curiously, T3 also has access to your Inventory. There's a broken droid in the middle of the room and a footlocker to either side:

Security Footlocker (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Footlocker Item(s) Received Broken Droid Item(s) Received Footlocker

Bashing the footlocker containing components adds a broken item, whereas if you bash the one containing the sonic grenade then a broken item replaces the one(s) you would have received. However, T3 has Security rank 10 so he should always unlock these out of combat, even on Difficult since according to Feedback it's 30 (roll 20 + Security 10) vs. DC 26 (21 + 5). There's no need to set it to Easy (DC 16 (21 - 5)).

Fuel Depot Sub-Level[edit | edit source]

There's a low security door in the left wall of the storage room, to T3-M4's right. When you interact with any low security door here for the first time:

The success of your Security skill is random. If at first you cannot unlock a container or door, try again - you may succeed on the second attempt.

This is only true in combat: if you try to unlock a container or door during combat, then you roll 1-20 against the lock; out of combat, you automatically roll 20 every time.

Security Low Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 20 Vitality 20

This door opens to reveal two Mark I mining droids:

Mining Droid Mark I (main character level 2)
Set 2
Level 1
Class Expert Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 3 -4
Constitution 3 -4
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 7
Force -
Defense 9
Fortitude -3
Reflex -1
Will 0
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack -2 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Mining Laser

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol


The droid closest to the ramp down to your right is different from the others:

Mining Droid Mark I (main character level 2)
Set 3
Level 1
Class Expert Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -2
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 3 -4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 6
Force -
Defense 9
Fortitude 6
Reflex 0
Will 0
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack -2 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Mining Laser

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol


T3's own Mining Laser also inflicts 1-8 (4.5 average) energy damage, whereas at level 3 his Droid Shock Arm inflicts 3-18 (10.5 average) electrical damage unless a Fortitude save is made against DC 8, halving this. It also has infinite uses!

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Killed Mining Droid Mark I (level 3)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 125 Killed Mining Droid Mark I (level 3)
Item(s) Received Mining Droid Mark I

Although T3-M4 is level 3, some enemy bonuses are still calculated based on your main character's level (2).

At the bottom of the ramp there's a landing with a plasteel cylinder in its top left corner, and two more Mark I mining droids.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Killed Mining Droid Mark I (2) (level 3)
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder

The next ramp leads down from the landing's bottom left corner to a door in the left wall, beyond which is the turbolift to the fuel depot's sub-level, a maintenance level divided by a fuel line. The right side contains a broken droid:

Item(s) Received Broken Droid

A series of two doors allows you to cross the fuel line to the left side, which contains two Mark I mining droids, a corpse and another broken droid:

Mining Droid Mark I (main character level 2)
Set 2
Level 1
Class Expert Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 3 -4
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 8
Force -
Defense 9
Fortitude 0
Reflex -1
Will 0
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack -2 -
Energy 1-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Mining Laser

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Killed Mining Droid Mark I (2) (level 3)
Item(s) Received Corpse Item(s) Received Broken Droid
...purged the fuel lines, and I found three sonic charges attached *inside.* I checked the work logs, and only droids have been in the area. I tried to contact security as soon as I found the explosives, but I can't seem to get a signal through.

I've removed the remote detonators, and I'll keep the explosives on me until I can put them in a secure hold in the hangar.
This wrecked droid contains a special droid-based item that when equipped, allows droids to perform special attacks against opponents. This destroyed droid contains an ion blaster, which is extremely effective against droid opponents and energy shields. It only has a limited number of charges, after which it is destroyed.

You can now only go back the way you came, but first make sure you have the items from the corpse and second broken droid. Checking the corpse triggers the appearance of two more Mark I mining droids back on the landing between the ramps up from the hangar bay's sub-level. These droids are shielded:

Mining Droid Mark I (main character level 2)
Set 3
Level 1
Class Expert Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -2
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 3 -4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 6
Force -
Defense 9
Fortitude 6
Reflex 0
Will 0
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 4 -
Bludgeoning 3-6-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Peragus Droid Shield



Peragus Droid Shields absorb up to 20 points of energy and fire damage in total, which is yet more reason to used T3's Shock Arm (electrical) instead of his Mining Laser (energy). The Droid Ion Striker and Ion Blast Mark I may both inflict double damage on an active Peragus Droid Shield and cancel it with a single use (but do no further damage until the next use), but the Shock Arm is completely unaffected.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 125 Killed Mining Droid Mark I (2) (level 3)

Sealed Door[edit | edit source]

There's a sealed door in the right wall of the storage room:

Demolitions Sealed Door Lock DC 0 Bash Resist 20 Vitality 20
Someone has purposely welded this door shut. You'll need to blast it open with explosives.

T3-M4 can use one of the Deadly Sonic Mines from the corpse down in the Fuel Depot Sub-Level to blast it open, revealing a security cargo room. Otherwise, after using the Hangar Control Terminal to access remote camera controls and seeing the Astromech droid 3C-FD in this room, you could attempt to overload 3C-FD's motivator by remote: this opens the door, but it also destroys 3C-FD and the plasteel cylinder by the bottom wall, and another cylinder in the top left corner by the door, leaving only a footlocker by the back right wall.

[This utility droid looks as if it has suffered irreparable damage.]
Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder Item(s) Received Footlocker

Hangar Control Terminal[edit | edit source]

There's a low security door in the bottom wall of the storage room:

Security Low Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 20 Vitality 20

When you enter, the camera pans upward so you see the Ebon Hawk in the hangar below the control terminal's windows, which are at the top of the ramp in front of T3-M4:

So near, yet so far...
Journal Entry Added Recover Ebon Hawk
T3 has found the Ebon Hawk in Hangar Bay 25. Now it's just a matter of finding a way to get Name down to the hangar bay.

There's a hangar bay door in the wall to either side of the ramp:

Security Hangar Bay Door (2) Lock DC 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -
This emergency blast door is magnetically sealed, and no amount of security or explosives will open it. You'll need to override it from a console.

Hangar control is at the top of the ramp, with a footlocker beneath the windows to either side:

Security Footlocker (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Footlocker Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • Repair Kit


Hangar Control: [Repair] Several parts have been removed from this console and a laser drill has been used on a number of sub-systems.
Hangar Control: [Repair] Despite the sabotage however, the console's basic functionality was intended to be restored quickly by replacing the missing parts.

The missing Parts can be replaced with those taken from the second broken droid down in the Fuel Depot Sub-Level:

Repair 1. [Repair] Replace the missing parts. [1 Part(s)]
Hangar Control: [Failure] You'll need some basic parts to restore this console.
2. Log out.

Once you've replaced the missing parts:

1. Access emergency control commands.
Repair 1. [Repair] Run diagnostic on damaged systems.
Hangar Control: [Success] Access to the Peragus emergency sub-systems have been rerouted to a fuel depot computer terminal, and the connecting circuits have been burned out with a mining laser, preventing remote access. The damage cannot be repaired. You'll need to find the fuel depot terminal to activate the Peragus emergency systems.
Journal Entry Added Rescue Name
You have discovered that the emergency sub-systems in Peragus have been rerouted to a computer terminal in the Peragus fuel depot. You will need to make your way there in order to access the subsystems and free Name from the administration level.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Discovered emergency sub-systems rerouted to fuel depot
Computer Use 2. [Computer] Check status of emergency sub-systems.
1. [Computer] Open blast door to Hangar 25. [1 Spike(s)]


Hangar Control: The door to the hangar bay where the Ebon Hawk lies has had its power conduit surgically removed. You cannot slice this terminal or make a workaround for it out of parts - you'll need to replace the original conduit in order to open it.
Computer Use 2. [Computer] Open blast door to the fuel depot. [1 Spike(s)]
Hangar Control: [Success] Blast door opened. You now have free access to the fuel depot. Hangar Control: [Failure] Insufficient spikes. Check the secure cargo hold for re-supply.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 110 Opened blast door to fuel depot
3. Return to main functions.
6. Log out.

Down the ramp, the hangar bay door in the left wall is now open, allowing access to the Fuel Depot. Otherwise:

2. Access hangar logs. Hangar Control: HANGAR 25 RECORD LOGS
1. Access docking and takeoff procedures.
Hangar Control: All incoming and outgoing freighters need orbital drift charts transmitted from Peragus in order to navigate the asteroid field surrounding the mining colony. Without it, any vessel entering or leaving Peragus is in danger of being destroyed in the asteroid field.
1. Transmit asteroid orbital drift charts to Ebon Hawk navicomputer.
Hangar Control: DOWNLOAD ERROR
Hangar Control: You can't download the charts to the Ebon Hawk because someone has encrypted the navicomputer. You'll need to find a way to get them on to the Ebon Hawk when you are ready for takeoff.
1. Download asteroid orbital drift charts.
Hangar Control: The orbital drift charts are constantly being updated; if you download the charts now, they will quickly become obsolete. Download the charts just before takeoff.
Access Log 253-12: Contraband
Peragus Dock Officer: "...a lot of cargo from the Jedi's freighter is being stored in the secure cargo hold until we can pass it through the quarantine checks."
Peragus Dock Officer: "And as requested, all the programming spikes the security officers wanted confiscated have been stored there as well to prevent further system compromises."
Peragus Dock Officer: "The secure cargo hold should be safe enough - if anybody wants to break into it, they'd have to blow it open with explosives."
Access Log 253-14: Maintenance Violation
Peragus Dock Officer: [Static.] "...who ordered the mining droids to repair that Jedi's freighter? I come in here off the work shift, and three of them are repairing the port stabilizers?"
Peragus Dock Officer: "Did I miss something? Is somebody planning a trip? Because orders were that the hangar was to be locked down ever since that Jedi arrived."
Peragus Dock Officer: 'I don't know what maintenance is up to. But you can't just commission droids for repairs, especially with half the work shifts in med bay! Those droids are needed to repair the ventilation tunnels before gas builds up to terminal levels.'
Peragus Dock Officer: 'It's not like that ship can go anywhere anyway. Even if it had the asteroid orbital drift charts, the navicomputer's been voice-locked. You'd need the access code to get it spaceworthy.'
Peragus Dock Officer: "Considering this latest droid commission breach, I'm putting the droids in this section under the control of the current dock officer."
Peragus Dock Officer: 'If anyone sends commands to the mining droids outside this terminal, I'll be forced to enact full override.'
Access Log 253-17: Navicomputer Lock
Peragus Dock Officer: [Static.] "...looks like those droids got the vessel working again, even with all the damage it had taken. The maintenance officer still won't admit ordering them to fix it, though."
Peragus Dock Officer: "Regardless, still no luck accessing the navicomputer - it's been voice-locked. maybe by one of the corpses we found on the ship... like the old woman."
Peragus Dock Officer: 'If so, that ship isn't going anywhere unless we rip out the navicomputer and put in a new one, if we even had one to spare.'
Peragus Dock Officer: "The only reason someone would lock their navicomputer is to hide their astrogation charts - someone didn't want us to know where that ship was going... or where it had been."
Peragus Dock Officer: "Only smugglers do that... or someone with something to hide. That Jedi's got a lot of questions to answer."
3. Access remote camera controls. 1. Hangar 25.
2. Main Cargo Hold.
4. Decontamination Area.
3. Security Cargo Room.

If you haven't already blasted open the Sealed Door in the storage room's right wall:

1. [Computer] Check 3C-FD status.
Hangar Control: 3C-FD appears to have been destroyed many days ago. Its motivator still holds a charge, however, and at the risk of destroying the containers next to it, could be overloaded by remote. If you had any mines, you could blast open the door without damaging the contents inside the security hold if you attached a mine directly to the door.
Demolitions 2. [Demolitions] Attempt to overload 3C-FD's motivator by remote. 2. Return to camera controls.

This opens the door but destroys 3C-FD and two plasteel cylinders, which only leaves a single footlocker inside.

4. Access comm system.
1. [Repair] Run diagnostic on damaged systems.
Hangar Control: It looks as if the communications system was purposely burned out with a mining laser. Even if you had the parts, you don't think you could contact the administration level from this computer. Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Ran diagnostic on damaged systems
Computer Use 5. Access hangar bay layout. [1 Spike(s)]
Hangar Control: [Success] The hangar bay map can now be referenced on the journal screen. All exits, rooms, and important areas will have their own ID signatures labeled on the map. You have downloaded the hangar schematics. There are three exits from the hangar bay: the magcon field into space, a route to the fuel supply lines in the cargo bay, and the entrance to the fuel depot. Hangar Control: [Failure] Insufficient spikes to perform slice. Search the cargo area and the surrounding rooms for programming spikes.

Fuel Depot[edit | edit source]

Once T3-M4 has replaced the missing parts in the Hangar Control Terminal, you can use it to open the hangar bay door in hangar control's left wall. The corridor beyond curves around the hangar bay, where the Ebon Hawk can be seen through the windows to your left. This corridor contains three Mark I mining droids, like those encountered on the way down to the Fuel Depot Sub-Level.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Killed Mining Droid Mark I (3) (level 3)

Beyond the door at the bottom left end is a room containing a broken droid:

Item(s) Received Broken Droid

Beyond the door in the left wall is a short corridor containing two more Mark I mining droids, with a footlocker in its bottom right corner by the door:

Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Killed Mining Droid Mark I (2) (level 3)
Item(s) Received Footlocker

The turbolift to the fuel depot is beyond the door at the left end of the corridor.

File:KotORII Map Fuel Depot (Rescue).png
Map of the fuel depot accessible to T3-M4

Hangar Bay Sub-Level[edit | edit source]

The turbolift from the hangar bay takes you to the end of a walkway on the bottom right side of the fuel depot. Below you to your right is the Fuel Depot Sub-Level, a maintenance level that can only be accessed by returning to the hangar bay and its storage room, then going down to the hangar's own sub-level.

Hangar Bay[edit | edit source]

The walkway away from the turbolift from the hangar bay, on the bottom right side of the fuel depot, has a containment field in its bottom wall, to your left:

Security Containment Field Lock DC 100 (80) Bash Resist - Vitality -
This containment field blocks access to the fuel lines below. There seems to be no way to open it.

There's a junction at the left end of this walkway.

Hangar Containment Fields[edit | edit source]

The walkway to your right at the junction leads up to three containment fields, which block the way around the corner to the left:

This force field cuts the fuel depot off from the hangar bay, but you don't see anyway to open it or get around it.

Fuel Control Station[edit | edit source]

The walkway to your left at the junction leads down to the fuel control station:

Fuel Control Station: FUEL CONTROL CONSOLE
1. Access remote cameras. Fuel Control Station: CAMERA CONTROLS 2. Maintenance level.
1. Fuel line sensors. 3. Entrance to droid maintenance area.
Fuel Control Station: This fuel line deposits fuel into docked starships. Since no ships are currently docked at the Peragus facility, it is sealed. There appears to be some sort of metal case lying inside the fuel pipe, but you can't make it out. Fuel Control Station: The droid maintenance area has been sealed by the emergency lockdown. However, new programming has been introduced to keep it from opening even if the lockdown is cancelled. There's no way to shut down the field that you can see from this terminal. This means anyone inside the facility is effectively cut off from the hangar bay.
4. Return to main console functions.
2. Call up system log.
Fuel Control Station: Within the past day, a series of explosions within the Peragus mining facility has enacted an emergency lockdown. Someone has sliced into the fuel depot computers and created a phantom fuel leak, sealing off the area with force fields to contain the "blast." It looks as if someone has been using the lockdown to systematically isolate sections of the facility.
3. Call up emergency system schematics. 1. Open emergency hatch on Peragus Administration Level.
Fuel Control Station: EMERGENCY HATCH:
4. Log out. T3-M4: Beee-reeeeep! BEE-DEET!

As T3 logs out after opening the emergency hatch, he's attacked from off-screen!

Journal Entry Added Rescue Name
T3 has successfully opened the emergency hatch on the administration level, allowing you to enter the mining tunnels and hopefully reach the hangar where the Ebon Hawk is stored. You have lost contact with T3, however.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Successfully opened emergency hatch on administration level