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File:KotORII Map Jekk'Jekk Tarr.png
Map of Jekk'Jekk Tarr

Nar Shaddaa Docks[edit | edit source]

Although you can enter from the docks long before Visquis invites you to his private lounge and Mira takes your place, this isn't recommended as there's nothing meaningful you can do that can't be done later: some commentary and dialog is a little different for your main character if you enter first, but you can still convince the Lunar Shadow captain to return to his men even after following Mira.

If you do enter before Visquis' invitation then, once you leave the airlock at the entrance, you and any organic members of your party will be regularly afflicted by Poison, Average Weakness and Damage, inflicting -1 attributes and 4 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds unless a Fortitude save is made against DC 25: the only places you won't be afflicted are the airlocks between rooms. You are unable to change your party at this time, but a party makes no difference whatsoever so it's best to ensure your main character has permanent Immunity: Poison (or Fortitude 24 or more) before turning on Solo mode and leaving any party in the airlock.

Mira has no need of such protection with your environment suit and once she's entered, or your main character has followed her, return to the docks isn't possible:

This door has been magnetically sealed. It cannot be opened.

You have no choice but to go through the door ahead.

Infrared Room[edit | edit source]

The first room you enter from the docks is infrared, with doors to the airlocks for the Arid Room (containing the Lunar Shadow captain) and first Toxin Room in the middle of the left and right walls respectively. All rooms have a similar layout, with a central circular bar that you can get behind to the left, with tables around its perimeter and on slightly raised platforms in each corner of the room. In this room, there are chemical dispensers in the corners to the left and right of the entrance, and a chemical dispensing station behind the bar:

Item(s) Received Chemical Dispenser (2) Item(s) Received Chemical Dispensing Station
  • Chemicals * 2

As you move behind the bar, the Devaronian standing there speaks, and you can ask about this place and its clientele:

Devaronian: Ah... the spectrum was tinged with the heated blood of a human. What causes you to brave the air of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr?
1. I wanted to know about this place.
Devaronian: This is the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, a bar for those of Nar Shaddaa who miss the air of their homeworlds. This place used to be a ventilation system for passing the nagnol gases from the docks, now it channels a variety of environments and pollutants into these vents to sustain the clientele.
1. How many of these chambers are there?
Devaronian: Five - this room is for those species whose senses can perceive the infrared, favored by my kind, and the Trandoshans. There is an arid chamber that simulates the climate of such places as Ryloth and the homeworld of the Nikto and Weequays. And there are two toxin-filled rooms that have been taken over by new visitors... the Gand. Very strange, very quiet.
1. Tell me about the Gand.
Devaronian: I am told they are an insect species - and almost a hundred of them have left their colony to come here to Nar Shaddaa. They have set up their nest here in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr - I am not certain if they even sleep, for they are here all the time, as if waiting for something. Or someone.
1. I heard they were bounty hunters, come in search of a Jedi.
Devaronian: I know nothing of that, and I imagine you know even less. It is best not to speak of such things in rooms filled with others who are quick to anger and carry many weapons.
2. Can I get something to drink?
Devaronian: You must be new to this place... no drinks are served; if you require sustenance, simply take the chemical nutrients from the receptacles in the corners of the chambers.
3. You need to sharpen your horns - they look a little weak.
Devaronian: Advice neither asked for nor welcomed - if you are not here to breathe the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, perhaps you should be going.
4. Never mind. I'll be going now.

If Mira speaks, then she can also ask the following:

Devaronian: Ah, strange to see a pressure suit within the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, but no stranger than anything else - what do you wish?
1. I'm looking for Visquis.
Devaronian: Visquis? You must be a special visitor indeed... proceed past the green toxin rooms, and you will find Visquis in the humidity chambers.

The Rodian bar patrons, and Trandoshan and Twi'lek thugs, aren't as friendly and only comment if you speak to them:

Bar Patron
Main character Mira
You pollute this place with your presence, human. Why do you wear that pressure suit?
You trespass here, alien. Leave me alone - I have nothing to say to you.
Get away from me, human - I have nothing to say to you. This place is much more agreeable with our kind.
Your filthy kind belongs crawling on the surface of Nar Shaddaa. Why do you come to the Jekk' Jekk Tarr if you hide inside a suit?
Trandoshan Thug
Main character Mira
Filthy human... this place is not for your kind. What weak creature wears a pressure suit in this place?
You are asking to die by coming here, human. Leave, before my talons tear trenches in your flesh.
I thought I smelled the foul stink of a human. You should not need a second skin of metal here.
This is not your territory, human. This is the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, not the cold of space - your suit is unnecessary.
Twi'lek Thug
Main character Mira
You pollute this place with your presence, human. Why do you wear that pressure suit?
You trespass here, alien. Leave me alone - I have nothing to say to you.
Get away from me, human - I have nothing to say to you. This place is much more agreeable with our kind.
Your filthy kind belongs crawling on the surface of Nar Shaddaa. Why do you come to the Jekk' Jekk Tarr if you hide inside a suit?

Arid Room[edit | edit source]

Beyond the doors of the airlock in the middle of the left wall of the Infrared Room is the Arid Room, where there are chemical dispensers in the left, right and back right corners and a chemical dispensing station at the central bar:

Item(s) Received Chemical Dispenser (3) Item(s) Received Chemical Dispensing Station
  • Chemicals * 2

Aside from the Lunar Shadow captain in the back left corner, only the Twi'lek Domo at the back left table by the central bar will really speak to you:

Twi'lek Domo: You are very brave human to come in here... I hope you are able to leave as quietly. Twi'lek Domo: Again the human comes before me. And I must ask - why?
2. Never mind. I'll be going now.


1. I heard the Exchange makes this place their lair.
Twi'lek Domo: I think you are mistaken. I do not know to who you refer... nor could I confirm it. But perhaps there is a... private lounge within the Jekk'Jekk Tarr where high-ranking members of the Exchange make their lair. One could not hope to enter such a place - unless invited.
1. Then perhaps I'll just wait for some of them to show. 2. Don't play stupid with me. Tell me how to get to them, or you'll be drowning on your own screams.
Twi'lek Domo: With that attitude, I think you will not have to wait long, human. Twi'lek Domo: I could not help you - you must gain the attention of the Exchange first. Only then will their doors be open to you. It is not custom to attack in this place unless the owners permit it - I would advise you to keep a tight rein on your anger... if one blaster is drawn in here, then all blasters will be drawn.

If Mira speaks to him, then she can also ask the following:

1. How do you know I'm human?
Twi'lek Domo: No one else walks as such, nor do they wear a pressure suit within the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. But do not be concerned - I doubt the others in this place know enough of human mannerisms to recognize an intruder.
2. I'm looking for Visquis.
Twi'lek Domo: Visquis? Ah, the Quarren. Unless you are here on his invitation, I could not tell you. It is said that he has many chambers beneath this place, but that would merely be rumor and supposition, not verifiable fact.

Any Rodian bar patrons and Trandoshan thugs are no more friendly than in the previous room, and Weequays thugs won't speak to you at all, no matter how persistent you are:

1. Uh, hello? 2. Never mind. I'll be going now.
1. Hey, I'm talking to you.
1. All right, stay silent then.

Mira can ask more, but gets no further:

1. I'm looking for Visquis.
1. Do you know where I can find him?

Wayward Captain[edit | edit source]

The Lunar Shadow captain, a Weequays, can be found standing at the table to the right in the back left corner of the Arid Room. If you haven't spoken to his crewmen back at the flophouse in the docks and said you'd keep an eye out for him, or once you've convinced him to return to them:

Leave me alone, human.

Once you have spoken to his crewmen:

Lunar Shadow Captain: You come to drag me back to that cursed freighter?
3. Never mind. I'll be going now.


1. You the captain of the Lunar Shadow? 2. Drag you? No. Force you? Yes.
Lunar Shadow Captain: Yes... and that ungrateful crew is always hounding and slashing at me with their filthy words. It is my ship! I make the rules! Lunar Shadow Captain: You will find that a hard thing to do here, human. Draw a blaster, and it will explode. Punch me, and I will slash your environment suit.
Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] You will return to your crew. Persuade 2. [Persuade] Your crew will abandon you if you don't return.
Lunar Shadow Captain: I will return to my crew. Lunar Shadow Captain: [Success] Fine. I've had enough of this place anyway.
Journal Entry Added Wayward Captain
You convinced the Lunar Shadow's captain to leave Jekk'Jekk Tarr and return to his men.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1500 Convinced captain to return to his men

Toxin Room[edit | edit source]

Beyond the doors of the airlock in the middle of the right wall of the Infrared Room is the first Toxin Room, with the first door to the airlock for the second Toxin Room in the middle of the left wall, chemical dispensers in the right, back left and back right corners and a chemical dispensing station at the central bar:

Item(s) Received Chemical Dispenser (3) Item(s) Received Chemical Dispensing Station
  • Chemicals * 2

It's populated exclusively by Gand, with a trio of wandering Gand findsmen, most of whom are as uncommunicative as the Weequays thugs of the Arid Room:

1. Uh, hello? 2. Never mind. I'll be going now.
1. Hey, I'm talking to you.
1. All right, stay silent then.

Mira can ask more, but gets no further:

1. I'm looking for Visquis.
1. Do you know where I can find him?

The four Gand with blaster rifles at the tables in the back right corner are more talkative, but not much more informative:

Gand: Why do you speak to the Gand?
1. I'm looking for the captain of the Red Eclipse Lunar Shadow.
Gand: Gand doesn't know of this.
2. Tell me about the Gand.
Gand: The Gand are from Gand, on the Outer Rim. Please forgive the Gand, but the Gand do not like to discuss the Gand.
1. That's very confusing.
Gand: The Gand is sorry. The Gand does not wish to confuse.
3. Look - I don't want any trouble. 4. Never mind. I'll be going now.
Gand: There is no trouble with the Gand. Do not worry.

Toxin Room[edit | edit source]

Beyond the doors of the airlock in the middle of the left wall of the first Toxin Room is the second, with chemical dispensers in all four corners and a chemical dispensing station at the central bar:

Item(s) Received Chemical Dispenser (4) Item(s) Received Chemical Dispensing Station
  • Chemicals * 2

Like the first, it's populated exclusively by Gand, but with five findsmen: none are any more communicative than those in the first room.

Private Lounge Door[edit | edit source]

The private lounge door is in the middle of the wall opposite the entrance to the second Toxin Room. If you haven't yet been invited by Visquis:

[This door is securely locked and magnetically sealed. It looks like a lounge for the bar's... exclusive clientele.]

Visquis' Chamber[edit | edit source]

Once you have been invited by Visquis, Mira can enter:

Visquis: Ah, you have finally arrived. Please, come in and remove that cumbersome suit, the air here is quite suitable for your kind. Do not be taken aback by my hospitality - I assure you, no one will harm you as long as you are my guest and we keep things cordial between us.

She removes the suit:

Hanharr: You!
Mira: Good eyes, Hanharr. No wonder you're still number two on Nar Shaddaa.
Visquis: Restrain yourself, Hanharr. There is no need for violence. I gather from your conversation that this is not the Jedi I invited here - it is difficult for me to tell, you humans all look so alike to me. Perhaps you would care to explain what I owe the honor of this visit? And where I might find the Jedi?
Mira: Yeah, and maybe you'd like to explain why you've decided to backstab Goto and claim the Jedi for yourself.
Visquis: Ah, what a prime example of human arrogance. What you know is substantially less than what I know. Otherwise, you would not have come. One, everything that goes on in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr is invisible to Goto. It is something I discovered by accident, and have tested many times since to insure accuracy. Second, I am not acting on Goto's orders - not anymore. Hanharr and I reached an agreement to deal with Goto altogether... and collect a tidy sum from Vogga.
Mira: You've signed on with Vogga the Hutt? Visquis, you're dumber than I thought. There's no way Goto won't find out.
Visquis: He might, it is possible. But it is a risk I am willing to take. You see, Vogga is very tired of having his freighters hijacked by Goto - it is causing his word to have less... weight on Nal Hutta. There is a leak in his operations here on Nar Shaddaa. Rather than simply find the leak and eliminate it, his anger has compelled him to eliminate the source of the irritation altogether. Unfortunately, Goto is very careful about showing himself to others - Vogga's employee, Hanharr, discovered this when he attended the gathering on Goto's yacht. It is always holograms with Goto – always. But I have a suspicion that Goto will reveal himself to a Jedi. When that happens, that is when I intend to strike. Unfortunately, it is clear he will not reveal himself to a two-credit bounty hunter with the audacity to try and strike a deal with me. So please - tell me where the Jedi is. I am not in the mood for negotiation.
Mira: Yeah, right. I'm not telling you where the Jedi is - it's my bounty, and that means she's under my protection. Mira: Yeah, right. I'm not telling you where the Jedi is - it's my bounty, and that means he's under my protection.
Visquis: How predictable. Very well.

Mira is electrocuted!

Visquis: Take her away. It looks as if we will not be getting a Jedi this day.
Hanharr: What of our deal? And my payment?
Visquis: Hanharr, please - calm yourself. The Jedi was on the way to meet us when sidetracked. We must be patient.
Visquis: If she is a Jedi, perhaps she will come for her out of some misguided sense of protectorship. If not, then she will come to meet with me - and we may strike another arrangement. Visquis: If he is a Jedi, perhaps he will come for her out of some misguided sense of protectorship. If not, then he will come to meet with me - and we may strike another arrangement.

Lost Jedi[edit | edit source]

Meanwhile back at the flophouse in the docks, you're having a one-sided encounter with one of the lost Jedi, Zez-Kai Ell:

Zez-Kai Ell: I know you can hear me... the numbness you feel should be wearing off soon, but not before we've spoken. When I first heard you were on Nar Shaddaa, I didn't quite believe it. I didn't think anyone could track me here, but I see I underestimated you.
Favor +2 or more Favor -4 or less > -4 Favor < +2
Zez-Kai Ell: I've been watching you travel this moon, and I've seen the damage you've caused. I may no longer be a Jedi, but I will see you answer for your crimes, I promise you. Zez-Kai Ell: I have been trying to discover your purpose in coming here, but it eludes me - some of your actions have aided the Exchange, others have thwarted them. I did not know your intentions when you stood before us at your trial, so long ago, and I do not know them now. But whatever they are, you have succeeded in drawing me out. Zez-Kai Ell: I have watched you as you have traveled the Refugee Sector. I've seen what you have done... what I refused to do. Even exiled, you are more a Jedi than I. If anything, know that your actions have convinced me I can stand by and watch no longer while the Exchange closes its grip on this sector. I know a young woman went to meet with Visquis in your place. He will not negotiate with her - he will kill her. I intend to rescue her. I will return shortly... or not at all.
Zez-Kai Ell: If anything, you should know that your actions have convinced me I can stand by and watch no longer. Whatever harm the Exchange harbors against Jedi, I would not let another suffer for it. A friend has gone to meet Visquis in your stead, and I intend to rescue her. I will return shortly... or not at all.
Zez-Kai Ell: If you have come to this moon for answers - or for revenge, then you will follow me. For if I fail, then you will be denied both.
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You encountered Zez-Kai Ell on Nar Shaddaa, but you were still incapacitated from Mira's poisoning, so you were unable to speak with him further. Looks like you'll need to deal with the Mira problem first if you want to find him. Master Ell was headed to rescue Mira at the Jekk'Jekk Tarr.

Mira's safehouse is behind the magnetically-sealed storage door at the back of the last room of the flophouse, which is now open in the corner of the right wall. Before you exit, there's a metal box by the left wall:

Security Metal Box Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Metal Box
  • ?

This is your last chance to speak to the Lunar Shadow crewmen in the flophouse about their wayward captain if you haven't already done so, to allow you to convince him to return to them from Jekk'Jekk Tarr. When you exit the flophouse to follow Mira there, the Gran and Trandoshan are no longer standing outside. As you enter, Visquis watches you on a camera:

Visquis: Ah... finally, the genuine specimen. I had thought I might have to waste more time and resources baiting another trap. But the Jedi has come without an environmental suit - brave, indeed. We shall let the fumes of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr capture the Jedi for us.
Kreia: :: Listen to me - clear your thoughts. ::
1. Wh... can't... breathe. 2. Kreia... send... someone... 3. Tr... trying... to stay.. conscious.
Kreia: :: Still your breathing, let the trace amounts of air in your lungs hold you. ::
Kreia: :: The Force can sustain you... listen to it. Let it keep you alive until you can reach safety. ::
1. [You have learned a new Force Power: Breath Control. It protects you from all poison damage for a limited period of time at the cost of Force Points.]
Kreia: :: It is an old technique, similar to the healing trance - some Jedi can hold their breath for hours, even days... ::
Hanharr: The Jeedai is strong. Even the air of this place cannot bring her down. Hanharr: The Jeedai is strong. Even the air of this place cannot bring him down.
Visquis: I grow weary of these subtleties.
Visquis: Let all the clientele know the Jedi... the real Jedi... has arrived. If necessary, remind them of the price for the exile's capture.
Hanharr: You think they can stop the Jeedai? She will carve through them like a blade. Hanharr: You think they can stop the Jeedai? He will carve through them like a blade.
Visquis: Hanharr, do not take me for a fool... they cannot kill the exile, only weaken her for capture. Visquis: Hanharr, do not take me for a fool... they cannot kill the exile, only weaken him for capture.
Visquis: But be silent - and let us watch the amusements on the monitors.
1. [You can fight toxins that are inhaled (or absorbed through the skin) with Breath Control. Select this Force power and use it to keep you alive in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr.]

Although Breath Control lasts for 240 seconds (4 minutes), permanent Immunity: Poison (or Fortitude 24 or more) is still preferable (and effective even if granted by a Breath Mask, regardless of what you've been told).

Aside from the toxins, you now have to fight (or sneak) your way past the Jekk'Jekk Tarr's clientele (with the sole exception of the Lunar Shadow captain).

Infrared Room

There's a pair of Trandoshan thugs at the left table in the corner to the left of the entrance from the docks, and another pair at the back left table by the central bar, one with two Long Swords and the other with a Vibro Double-Blade:

Trandoshan Thug (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 62
Force -
Defense 17
Fortitude 11
Reflex 11
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 6 2
Slashing 0-110-11
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Long Sword(2)

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Trandoshan Thug (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 5
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 62
Force -
Defense 17
Fortitude 11
Reflex 11
Will 11
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 8 2
Slashing 1-151-15
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Vibro Double-Blade

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


There's also a pair of unarmed (but sneaky) Rodian bar patrons in the corner to the left of the entrance (but by the right table), and another pair in both the back left and right corners:

Bar Patron (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8-9 -1
Vitality 54
Force -
Defense 17
Fortitude 11
Reflex 11
Will 11
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 12 -
Bludgeoning 0-3-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Sneak Attack I


There's a pair of Twi'lek thugs in the corner to the right of the entrance, and another pair at both tables to the right and back right of the central bar, the only ranged attackers in the room with Blaster Rifles, switching to a Long Sword in melee range. Green Twi'lek thugs have Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. Cold, Fire and Sonic.

Twi'lek Thug (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 82
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 15 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 13 -
Slashing 1-12-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh Damage Resistance vs. Cold, Fire, Sonic25/- Blaster Rifle + Long Sword

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Twi'lek Thug (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 82
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 15 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 13 -
Slashing 1-12-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Echani Heavy Armor Blaster Rifle + Long Sword

Armor Proficiency: Heavy Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


The Devaronian behind the central bar uses a Double-Bladed Sword:

Devaronian (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 82
Force -
Defense 20
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 9 7
Slashing 2-122-12
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Double-Bladed Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Trandoshan Thug (4) (level 14)
  • 150 Killed Bar Patron (6) (level 14)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Twi'lek Thug (6) (level 14)
  • 150 Killed Devaronian (level 14)

If you want to maximize experience then you should kill everyone here and go through the airlock in the left wall to do likewise in the Arid Room: this is also your last chance to speak to the Lunar Shadow captain there and convince him to return to his crew. Otherwise, you should just go through the airlock in the right wall into the first Toxin Room.

Arid Room

There's a Rodian bar patron standing to the left of the entrance, a pair of Trandoshan thugs in the corner to the left of the entrance and another pair to the back right of the central bar, and one with a Vibro Double-Blade at the table to the left of it.

A Weequays thug stands near that last Trandoshan thug by the central bar to the left, another stands back from it on the right side and there's a pair in both the back left and right corners, all armed with a Vibrosword:

Weequays Thug (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 62
Force -
Defense 17
Fortitude 11
Reflex 11
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 12 -
Slashing 1-11-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


The unarmed Twi'lek Domo stands by the table to the back left of the central bar:

Twi'lek Domo (main character level 14)
Set 2
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 64
Force -
Defense 19
Fortitude 13
Reflex 13
Will 13
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 13 -
Bludgeoning 2-8-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Bar Patron (level 14)
  • 150 Killed Trandoshan Thug (5) (level 14)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Weequays Thug (6) (level 14)
  • 200 Killed Twi'lek Domo (level 14)

The only non-combatant is the Lunar Shadow captain in the back left corner, and this is your last chance to convince him to return to his crewmen back at the flophouse.

Toxin Room

Once you've cleared or avoided the Arid Room and gone through the airlock in the right wall of the Infrared Room into the first Toxin Room, you'll encounter nothing but Gand. Most only engage in unarmed combat:

Gand (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 82
Force -
Defense 20
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 13 -
Bludgeoning 1-4-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Breath Mask Immunity: Poison



The quartet in the back right corner each use a Blaster Rifle, and three switch to an Energy Baton in melee range:

Gand (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 82
Force -
Defense 20
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 15 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 13 -
Bludgeoning 1-1, +1-3 Piercing
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Breath Mask Immunity: Poison Blaster Rifle + Energy Baton On Hit: Stun14

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


The fourth, to the left of the corner table, can be more damaging and switches to a Gand Silencer in melee range:

Gand (main character level 14)
Set 3
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 11
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 20 +5
Wisdom 20 +5
Charisma 20 +5
Vitality 72
Force -
Defense 26
Fortitude 15
Reflex 20
Will 20
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 19 -
Energy 2-24-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 20 -
Bludgeoning 5,+2, +1-8 Piercing
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Breath Mask Immunity: Poison Blaster Rifle + Gand Silencer On Hit: Stun22

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Three Gand findsmen wander the perimeter, each using a basic Force Pike, with no On Hit: Stun.

Gand Findsman (main character level 14)
Set 1
Level 10
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 66
Force -
Defense 20
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 9 7
Bludgeoning 2-122-12
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Breath Mask Immunity: Poison Force Pike

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Gand (20) (level 14)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Gand (level 14)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Gand Findsman (3) (level 14)

All Gand wear Breath Masks, granting Immunity: Poison.

Toxin Room

When you enter the second Toxin Room through the airlock in the left wall of the first:

Visquis: The exile has come far. Too far.
Hanharr: The Jeedai is a predator. You have baited a trap, but only you are caught.
Visquis: Trapped? No, Hanharr... as you know, many vents and shafts run beneath the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. You chased Mira through them once, if I recall.
Hanharr: So it is as I heard. You do have a base beneath the Jekk'Jekk Tarr to trap the Jeedai.
Visquis: Yes, it is a... private sanctuary. Stocked with other hunters as eager to capture Jedi as much as I - and you.
Visquis: We will trap the Jedi there, then wait until the gases overcome her and make her fit for delivery. Visquis: We will trap the Jedi there, then wait until the gases overcome the him and make him fit for delivery.
Hanharr: Then I will go with you to your base... and I will help you trap the Jeedai. After all... we are allies in this. You would not betray me as you betrayed the other hunters.
Visquis: Oh, indeed, Hanharr - against this foe, we stand together. But there is no more reason for us to remain here - let us go to the lower levels of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, where the Jeedai cannot reach us.
Hanharr: Yes - there is no one here who can help the Jeedai now. Hanharr: Yes - and we shall see if the Jeedai follows.

The Gand and findsmen are no different to those in the first room, although none have ranged weapons.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Gand (14) (level 14)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Gand Findsman (5) (level 14)

All that remains is to go through the airlock in the wall opposite the entrance, into Visquis' private lounge.

Visquis' Chamber

There are chemical dispensers in the left, right and back right corners, but no chemical dispensing station behind the central bar:

Item(s) Received Chemical Dispenser (3)

Viquis and Hanharr are gone and all that remain are four female Twi'lek attendants, one behind the bar, one at each table to the back left and right and another to the right of it:

Twi'lek Attendant: Please - I beg you, do not harm us!
1. Calm down, I mean you no harm. Where is Visquis? 2. I'm looking for a Quarren. Have you seen him? 3. Tell me where your master is, or you'll be corpses.
Light Side Points Gained: +1 Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Twi'lek Attendant: We wish no more trouble, there is a route at the back of this spa - you will find what you are seeking there. Our master... his private chambers are beneath the Jekk'Jekk Tarr... he goes there for privacy.
Persuade 1. [Persuade (10)] Anything else I should know about Visquis' private chambers? Traps? Defenses?
Twi'lek Attendant: [Success] There is a maze of tunnels that lead to his chamber - old ventilation ducts connected to the docks. They are filled with toxins, with gas lethal to humans... if you do not find your way through them in time, you will die. And even if you made it through, he has an entire clan of bodyguards, Ubese, that serve him. You must be careful. Twi'lek Attendant: [Failure] There... is nothing more I can say...if he is watching us through the cameras, he will kill me, kill us, for speaking to you.
1. Ubese... great. They hate Jedi - even ex-Jedi - more than anything. 2. So some Ubese survived the Republic purge? Up to me to finish the job. 3. Okay, so a maze, poison gas, and Ubese guards. Got it.
Twi'lek Attendant: Be careful - he and his guards are expecting you. I think they have been setting this trap for a long time.
2. Have you seen a red-haired girl, leather, lots of attitude?
Twi'lek Attendant: Yes... she came here. She did not know of all the traps that Visquis has in this chamber, and she was caught by surprise.
2. Is there a wookiee with him?
Twi'lek Attendant: Yes... Visquis is working with him. He is a monster, and if he guards Visquis, then you are in terrible danger.
1. Actually, the wookiee and I have an... arrangement. Visquis is the one in danger. 2. That wookiee is going to get me to Goto. After that, he's a carpet.
Twi'lek Attendant: I... do not understand.
1. Neither does Visquis. Trust me, your master is in for a surprise.
Twi'lek Attendant: Be careful - he and his guards are expecting you. I think they have been setting this trap for a long time.
3. Get to safety. I'll handle your master. 4. Then get out of here, now, before I kill you.
Light Side Points Gained: +1 Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Please - I beg you, do not harm us!

Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels[edit | edit source]

The door to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr tunnels is in the right wall of the back left corner of Visquis' chamber: once you enter, you can never return to Jekk'Jekk Tarr.