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All blaster pistols have Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency – Blaster Pistol, and are Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand.

Blaster pistol Damage Range Critical Threat Bonus
Blaster pistols Energy, 1-8 23m 20-20,x2
Heavy blasters Energy, 1-10 23m 20-20,x2
Hold out blasters Energy, 1-4 23m 19-20,x2 Massive Criticals: +1-4
Disruptor pistols Unstoppable, 1-6 23m 18-20,x2
Ion blasters Ion, 1-6 17m 20-20,x3 Ion: +1-10 vs. Droid
Sonic pistols Sonic, 1-4 17m 20-20,x2 On Hit: AD Dex DC 14

The more advanced can have additional bonuses. Some hold out blasters can be created using a Workbench with sufficient Repair rank and Components:

Hold out pistol Rank Cost
Field Survival Pistol 2 3
Scout Enforcer 11 25
Watchman Blaster 22 380

A blaster pistol is normally received from the following:

World Area Source
Dxun Jungle Cannok
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (Code Level + 3) Light Side Points Gained
Suulru (Code Level + 4) Light Side Points Gained
Onderon Royal Palace General Vaklu

Blaster pistols[edit | edit source]

Mining Laser[edit | edit source]

This industrial hand-held laser can double as a makeshift blaster.

Although the description displays Damage: Energy, 1-7, according to the Equip screen and Combat log it's actually no different to any other Mining Laser.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Peragus II Administration Level Damaged Mining Droid 1 1
Hangar Bay T3-M4 1 1
Administration Level Atton 1 1

  • Damage: Energy, 1-8 (1d8)
  • Range: 23m
  • Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
  • (Not Upgradeable)
This industrial hand-held laser can double as a makeshift blaster.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Peragus II Dormitories Coorta 15 1
Corpse (2) 15 1

Blaster Pistol[edit | edit source]

The most common ranged weapon in the galaxy is the basic blaster pistol, firing a bolt of intense coherent light powered by a replaceable power pack.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Peragus II Dormitories Hidden Compartment 25 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Geeda 26 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 25 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 25 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 25 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 25 1

Republic Blaster[edit | edit source]

The Republic Blaster can be fully upgraded with firing chamber, targeting scope, and power cell.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dxun Jungle Davrel 850 1
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 5-6) Light Side Points Gained 850 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 850 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 850 1
Docks Fassa (level 7) 850 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 850 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 1020 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 850 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 850 1

Mandalorian Blaster[edit | edit source]

The Mandalorian Blaster is a slightly more powerful version of the basic pistol common throughout the galaxy.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 1865 3
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 8-9) Light Side Points Gained 1865 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 1865 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 1865 1
Docks Fassa (level 10) 1865 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 2238 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 1865 1

Systech Static Blaster[edit | edit source]

This unusual weapon was originally developed for use against veermok, a ferocious primate on Naboo that happens to be resistant to blaster fire. Much of the weapon's damage is electrical in nature, allowing it to bypass blaster resistance.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 9-10) Light Side Points Gained 2199 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 2199 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 2199 1
Docks Fassa (level 11) 2199 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 2199 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 2638 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 2199 1

Zabrak Blaster Pistol[edit | edit source]

This blaster is the staple of the Zabrak mercenary, known for deadly accuracy and exceptional damage.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 15-16) Light Side Points Gained 9200 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 9200 1
Docks Fassa (level 17) 9200 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 9200 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 11040 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 9200 1

Onasi Blaster[edit | edit source]

This blaster bears the symbol of the Onasi family. It perhaps once belonged to Carth Onasi, a former companion of Revan.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 18-19) Light Side Points Gained 14600 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 14600 1
Docks Fassa (level 20) 14600 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 17520 1

Systech Electric Blaster[edit | edit source]

This unusual line of weapons was originally developed for use against veermok, a ferocious primate on Naboo that happens to be resistant to blaster fire. The Electric Blaster is the high-end model. Much of the weapon's damage is electrical in nature, allowing it to bypass blaster resistance.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 21-22) Light Side Points Gained 20000 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (level 23) 20000 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 24000 1

Micro-Pulse Blaster[edit | edit source]

Built of durable thoranium, this blaster is able to fire more intense pulses of energy than lesser pistols are capable of. The result is the potency of an advanced blaster rifle in a one-handed weapon.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 22-23) Light Side Points Gained 21800 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (level 24) 21800 1

Benok's Blaster[edit | edit source]

This blaster belonged to Benok.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Bumani Exchange Corp. Benok 1200 1

Remote's Blaster[edit | edit source]

Bao-Dur outfitted the Remote with this customized blaster.

This can only be acquired using Cheats (giveitem w_blaste_x20).

Heavy blasters[edit | edit source]

Heavy Blaster[edit | edit source]

These resemble regular blasters in the same way Quoorian marshsuckers resemble mosquitoes. Sure, they both do damage, but the former definitely has the edge in kill potential.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels Pit Victim 300 1
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 2-3) Light Side Points Gained 300 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 300 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 300 1
Docks Fassa (level 4) 300 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 300 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 300 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 300 1

Arkanian Heavy Pistol[edit | edit source]

Arkanian designs of this kind predated mass acceptance of heavier pistols, but 2000 years later they are still superior performers. Unfortunately, their design is incompatible with modern upgrade technology.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 7-8) Light Side Points Gained 1300 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 1300 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 1300 1
Docks Fassa (level 9) 1300 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 1300 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 1560 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 1300 1

Mandalorian Heavy Blaster[edit | edit source]

Mandalorians improved upon the standard heavy blaster design, creating a weapon that is both fully upgradeable and superior to the standard design.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dxun Jungle Dead Mandalorian 5000 1
Mandalorian Ruins Kex 5000 1
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 12-13) Light Side Points Gained 5000 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 5000 1
Docks Fassa (level 14) 5000 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 6000 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 5000 1

Zabrak Heavy Blaster[edit | edit source]

A more cumbersome, but also more damaging, blaster of Zabrak design.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 20-21) Light Side Points Gained 18200 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 18200 1
Docks Fassa (level 22) 18200 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 21840 1

Freedon Nadd's Blaster[edit | edit source]

A vile weapon that once belonged to Freedon Nadd, this blaster has killed more Jedi then any lightsaber.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 26-27) Light Side Points Gained 29000 1-2

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (level 28) 29000 1

Hold out blasters[edit | edit source]

Hold Out Blaster[edit | edit source]

No Description Set

Modified Hold Out Blaster[edit | edit source]

This blaster was being carried by a masked thug. It shows signs of illegal modification, which seems strange for the strictly policed Citadel Station.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Dock Module Ithorian 100 1

Field Survival Pistol[edit | edit source]

The Field Survival Pistol is a versatile back-up weapon. Though modest in performance, it is fully upgradeable.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Geeda 63 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 60 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 60 1
Docks Fassa (level 1) 60 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 60 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 60 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 60 1

Scout Enforcer[edit | edit source]

An advanced survival pistol, the Scout Enforcer is an effective weapon for desperate situations.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Backpack 500 1
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 3-4) Light Side Points Gained 500 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 500 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 500 1
Docks Fassa (level 5) 500 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 500 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 500 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 500 1

Watchman Blaster[edit | edit source]

When fully upgraded, these survival pistols can match the best heavy blaster in performance. Their stun capabilites make them an excellent off-hand weapon.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 14-15) Light Side Points Gained 7600 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 7600 1
Docks Fassa (level 16) 7600 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 7600 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 9120 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 7600 1

Elite Watchman Blaster[edit | edit source]

When fully upgraded, these survival pistols can match the best heavy blaster in performance. Their stun capabilites make them an excellent off-hand weapon.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 23-24) Light Side Points Gained 23600 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (level 25) 23600 1

Disruptor pistols[edit | edit source]

Disruptor Pistol[edit | edit source]

These pistols are illegal in many planetary systems, being regarded as too powerful a weapon to be owned by civilians. Disruptors reduce solid matter to its constituent molecules. Unlike typical blasters, disruptors ignore most types of personal energy shields.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 240 1
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 1-2) Light Side Points Gained 200 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 200 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 200 1
Docks Fassa (level 3) 200 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 200 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 200 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 200 1

Sith Disruptor[edit | edit source]

The Sith disruptor design is compatible with most types of blaster upgrades.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 11-12) Light Side Points Gained 4000 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 4000 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 4000 1
Docks Fassa (level 13) 4000 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 4000 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 4800 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 4000 1

Mandalorian Ripper[edit | edit source]

A weapon similar to this disruptor belonged to Jigger Wraith, a bounty hunter who plagued the Republic years ago. Thirty-seven Mandalorians were executed for being him until sightings declined. As a type of disruptor, this weapon ignores most personal energy shields.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 11735 1
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 16-17) Light Side Points Gained 11735 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 11735 1
Docks Fassa (level 18) 11735 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 14082 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 11735 1

Mandalorian Disintegrator[edit | edit source]

Not surprisingly, the most deadly disruptor pistol available is of Mandalorian design. Use of this ruthless weapon is a major violation of Republic code.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 24-25) Light Side Points Gained 26950 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (level 26) 26950 1

Luxa's Disruptor[edit | edit source]

These pistols are illegal in many planetary systems, being regarded as too powerful a weapon to be owned by civilians. Disruptors reduce solid matter to its constituent molecules. Unlike typical blasters, disruptors ignore most types of personal energy shields.

This can only be acquired using Cheats (giveitem w_blaste_x05).

Ion blasters[edit | edit source]

While ion weapons are generally less damaging against organic opponents, they are powerful against droids. Also, ion damage can penetrate some defenses that will stop typical blaster fire. Ion weapons cannot utilize most power pack upgrades.

Ion Blaster[edit | edit source]

This standard Ion Blaster is commonly issued to Republic troops as a secondary weapon.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 50 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 50 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 50 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 50 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 50 1

Aratech Droid Oxidizer[edit | edit source]

The Aratech Ion Blaster is designed to be capable against all types of opponents, replacing the need to carry a second anti-droid side arm.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Ebon Hawk Main Hold G0-T0 1099 1
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 6-7) Light Side Points Gained 1099 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 1099 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 1099 1
Docks Fassa (level 8) 1099 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 1099 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 1318 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 1099 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 1099 1

Aratech Ionmaster[edit | edit source]

This capable side-arm is at the top of Aratech's ion blaster line. It is designed for multi-purpose use, though obviously is best against droids.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 17-18) Light Side Points Gained 12799 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 12799 1
Docks Fassa (level 19) 12799 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 12799 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 15358 1

Sonic pistols[edit | edit source]

Sonic weapons can temporarily reduce an opponent's DEX. Additionally, many types of shields and defenses are ineffective against sonic attacks.

Sonic Pistol[edit | edit source]

Sometimes referred to as "squealers", these weapons deliver a high-frequency jolt to the senses that can damage and potentially disorient an opponent.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (level 1) Light Side Points Gained 100 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 100 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 100 1
Docks Fassa (level 2) 100 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 100 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 100 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 100 1

Systech Aural Blaster[edit | edit source]

Though inferior in damage potential to traditional blasters, this sonic blaster's advanced design makes it a viable weapon, especially in long combats when its deafening capabilities can accumulate.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Bumani Exchange Corp. Loppak Slusk 699 1
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 4-5) Light Side Points Gained 699 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 699 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 699 1
Docks Fassa (level 6) 699 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 699 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 838 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 699 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 699 1

Arkanian Sonic Blaster[edit | edit source]

This sonic pistol of Arkanian design is as potent as a normal blaster, but with the many benefits of dealing sonic damage.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 10-11) Light Side Points Gained 2900 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 2900 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 2900 1
Docks Fassa (level 12) 2900 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 2900 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 3480 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 2900 1

Heavy Sonic Blaster[edit | edit source]

This incredibly debilitating weapon is of unknown origin. Unlike most lesser models, it can be fitted with a targeting scope.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 13-14) Light Side Points Gained 6100 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 6100 1
Docks Fassa (level 15) 6100 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 6100 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 7320 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 6100 1

Dashade Sonic Blaster[edit | edit source]

The Dashade are a secretive and vicious species made infamous by their renowned assassins. Their weapons of choice are best known for the extreme pain they inflict.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 19-20) Light Side Points Gained 16400 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (level 21) 16400 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 19680 1

Dashade Sonic Disruptor[edit | edit source]

The Dashade are a secretive and vicious species made infamous by their renowned assassins. Their weapons of choice are best known for the extreme pain they inflict. This improved model combines the best features of sonic and disruptor pistols.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dantooine Khoonda Suulru (levels 25-26) Light Side Points Gained 27200 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (level 27) 27200 1