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Light armor has Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light, and isn't usable by Droids and Wookiees.

Summary at end of page.

Armor 4[edit | edit source]

These light armors all have armor 4 and Max Dexterity Bonus: +5.

Light Combat Suit[edit | edit source]

The lightest form of armor available, the light combat suit is very inexpensive and still notably superior to normal civilian garb.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 50 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 50 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 50 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 60 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 50 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 50 1

Combat Suit[edit | edit source]

Even the most frugal of mercenaries know they need at least some protection from the rigors of combat, although suits of this type are recommended for light skirmishes only.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Geeda 78 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 75 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 75 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 75 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 90 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 75 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 75 1

Mandalorian Combat Suit[edit | edit source]

Even the basic combat attire of the Mandalorians provides a formidable defense. The mesh of this armor absorbs some of the impact of physical blows despite its light weight.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 850 2
Jungle Davrel 850 1
Skeletal Corpse 850 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 850 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 850 1
Docks Fassa (levels 6-7) 850 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 1020 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 850 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 850 1

Zabrak Combat Suit[edit | edit source]

A Zabrak improvement on the combat suit, this armor is good protection where speed and unrestricted movement are more important than bulky plating.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 1100 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 1100 1
Docks Fassa (levels 8-9) 1100 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 1100 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 1320 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 1100 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 1100 1

Echani Light Armor[edit | edit source]

Echani prefer elegant design to brute force. The Maktites learned this when their stores of thermal weapons were rendered ineffective by simple changes in the Echani light armor.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 3000 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 3000 1
Docks Fassa (levels 12-13) 3000 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 3000 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 3600 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 3000 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 3000 1

Massassi Ceremonial Armor[edit | edit source]

Long-term domination by the Sith has erased the memory of the Massassi rituals for which this armor was designed, but it retains its effectiveness on the battlefield regardless.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 5000 1
Docks Fassa (levels 14-15) 5000 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 5000 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 5000 1

Mandalorian Heavy Suit[edit | edit source]

This heavier Mandalorian combat suit is most commonly used by elite scouts. Besides its strong defense and ability to absorb physical damage, the armor can also be outfitted with upgrades normally restricted to medium armor.

This light armor can also be upgraded with Ablative Plating and Bonded Plates.

World Area Source Cost Amount
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 10000 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 10000 1
Docks Fassa (levels 16-17) 10000 1
Onderon Merchant Quarter Gegorran 10000 1

Electromesh Suit[edit | edit source]

This light combat suit is used by Nagai operatives. It is highly resistant to blaster fire and is designed to allow the Nagai to fully capitalize on their naturally high dexterity. It cannot be used with overlays, however.

This can only be upgraded with Environment Underlays (maximum Damage Immunity: 30% and Damage Resistance: 10/- vs. Cold and Fire) and Biorestorative Underlays (maximum Constitution: +3 and Regeneration: 3).

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Geeda 4750 1

Armor 5[edit | edit source]

These light armors all have armor 5 and Max Dexterity Bonus: +4.

Heavy Combat Suit[edit | edit source]

This version of the combat suit offers more protection than the basic model. It is heavier overall and not quite as flexible, but many consider the tradeoffs worthwhile.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 200 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 200 1
Docks Fassa (levels 4-5) 200 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 200 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 240 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 200 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 200 1

Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit[edit | edit source]

Bonadan is an emerging industrial society financing their exploration of the galaxy through production of small arms and armor. They favor heavy materials offering solid defense.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Entertainment Samhan Dobo 1700 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 1700 1
Docks Fassa (levels 10-11) 1700 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 1700 1
Onderon Iziz Spaceport Margar 2040 1
Merchant Quarter Gegorran 1700 1
Dantooine Khoonda Adum Larp 1700 1

Zabrak Battle Armor[edit | edit source]

On the far northern continent of the planet Iridonia, the Zabrak produce expensive armor that nonetheless has become very popular on the galactic markets, due to excellent low-temperature defensive properties.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 10000 1
Docks Fassa (levels 18-19) 10000 1
Dxun Mandalorian Ruins Kex 10000 1

Ubese Environmental Suit[edit | edit source]

Ubese is the name given to a species believed to exist in the Mid Rim. The very few who actually claim to have encountered the Ubese attribute these advanced environmental suits to the enigmatic species. Though less useful against conventional weapons, this suit is ideal defense against blasters, flames, and cryoban grenades.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 14750 1
Docks Fassa (levels 20-21) 14750 1

Echani Shield Suit[edit | edit source]

The Echani combined their talents for energy shield design with their armorcrafting skills to develop this innovative combat suit. It provides capable defense that is augmented with a low strength energy shield.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Geeda 17337 1

There's also a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Oondar 18250 1
Docks Fassa (levels 22-23) 18250 1

Reinforced Fiber Armor[edit | edit source]

Inspired by craftsmen on worlds where metal is in short supply, this type of light armor consists of jung-ju tree fibers bound with synthetics, offering good, flexible protection.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (levels 24-25) 21750 1

Zabrak Field Armor[edit | edit source]

This is a higher-quality version of the basic armor produced by the Zabrak. These were often reserved for field commanders, and meant to be easily identified on the battlefield.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (levels 26-27) 25250 1

Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit[edit | edit source]

After killing his brother during the Exar Kun war, Ulic Qel Droma abandoned this armor and all the trappings of his service to the dark side. It's a powerful, if tainted, item.

There's a chance to receive from the following:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Fassa (levels 28-29) 30000 1

Armored Flight Suit[edit | edit source]

(Not Upgradeable)

This combat-ready flight suit provides additional protection against vacuum for limited periods. Its many models appeal to a wide range of users, from military pilots and mercenaries to fringe explorers and space pirates.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Onderon Sky Ramp Large Locker 200 1

Summary[edit | edit source]

Code Light armor Defense Bonus Other bonus(es)
Arm Dex FEM Max
01 Light Combat Suit 4 5 -1 8
02 Combat Suit 4 5 0 9
04 Mandalorian Combat Suit 4 5 -1 8 Damage Immunity vs. Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing10%
05 Zabrak Combat Suit 4 5 1 10
07 Echani Light Armor 4 5 1 10 Damage Resistance vs. Fire15/-
08 Massassi Ceremonial Armor 4 5 1 10 Immunity: Critical Hits
09 Mandalorian Heavy Suit 4 5 1 10 Damage Immunity vs. Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing10%
Electromesh Suit 4 7 1 12 Damage Resistance vs. Energy5/-
03 Heavy Combat Suit 5 4 0 9
06 Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit 5 4 1 10
10 Zabrak Battle Armor 5 4 1 10 Damage Resistance vs. Cold20/-
11 Ubese Environmental Suit 5 4 0 9 Damage Resistance vs. Cold, Electrical, Energy, Fire10/-
12 Echani Shield Suit 5 4 2 11 Damage Immunity vs. Electrical, Energy10%
13 Reinforced Fiber Armor 5 4 2 11
14 Zabrak Field Armor 5 4 2 11 Damage Resistance vs. Cold30/-
15 Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit 5 4 3 12 Damage Resistance vs. Cold, Fire20/-
Armored Flight Suit 5 4 0 9 Damage Resistance vs. Cold20/-