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Dxun on the Galaxy Map

When you return to the Ebon Hawk after leaving Dxun and finding a Lost Jedi on another world, or after already finding the other three elsewhere, T3-M4 has a message from Kelborn:

T3-M4: Deet-dee... dee-dee deet-dee.
1. But we just came from the Mandalorian camp. What could Kelborn want? 1. A message from Kelborn? What is it? 2. Thanks T3. Please tell me what Kelborn said. 3. This better be important, droid.
Influence Gained: T3-M4 (+8) Influence Lost: T3-M4 (-8)
T3-M4: Dree-deet reet dee dee doot doot.
1. He got a message from Kavar? 2. So Kavar is trying to reach me. I expected as much. 1. He got a message from Tobin? 2. So Tobin is trying to reach me. I expected as much.
T3-M4: Dweet-dee-dee. Deet-ree. Dwoo...
1. Yes, we should return to the Mandalorian Camp as soon as possible. 2. I don't care how urgent Kelborn says it is. I'll return to Dxun when I feel like it. 3. Okay, I got the message.
Journal Entry Added Master of the Palace
You've received word from Kelborn on Dxun that Master Kavar has an urgent message for you. Kelborn asked you to return to Dxun as soon as possible.
Journal Entry Added Master of the Palace
You've received word from Kelborn on Dxun that Colonel Tobin has an urgent message for you. Kelborn asked you to return to Dxun as soon as possible.

Save game before entering the Mandalorian ruins on Dxun again: you'll be choosing a party there which must be led by one of the Handmaiden or Disciple, Mira, Visas or Atton, and another led by you with Kreia, but you won't be able to prepare any of them once you enter the ruins.

Kelborn awaits you in the command center. If you're helping Queen Talia, and received word of an urgent message from Master Kavar:

Kelborn: You received my message, then? A man named Kavar wanted to get a hold of you urgently. He said that the Queen had arranged safe passage to Onderon for you. But I don't know how good their offer is anymore.
1. Did Kavar say what he wanted? 2. What's changed? 3. They backed out of the deal?
Kelborn: He wouldn't tell me anything. Just that he wanted to see you. He said it was urgent. But that doesn't matter now.
Kelborn: This morning General Vaklu met with the Council of Lords and declared that the Queen was guilty of treason. He'll be made Regent if Talia and her Royal Guard are defeated. The military is divided on who to support. Civil war has fallen on Iziz.
1. How can we help Queen Talia? 3. I need to get to Master Kavar. 2. So I came all this way for nothing?
Kelborn: I doubt that Queen Talia and her advisor will survive until nightfall. Kelborn: I'm afraid so. I doubt that Queen Talia and her advisor will survive until nightfall.
Kelborn: The balance of forces seemed to favor Queen Talia. The Royal Palace is heavily fortified and defensible, and most of the soldiers are loyal to her. But Vaklu has new allies: Sith soldiers and their masters. The war has also driven the caged beasts in the streets mad. Bralor and I both concur. She doesn't stand a chance.
Kreia: You underestimate the Force, Mandalorian. I sense that we may still get to Master Kavar in time. I sense there is something... stirring on the moon itself. Tell me, have your sensors picked up anything from Dxun?
Kelborn: Y - Yes, yes we have. How... ? We picked up some transmissions from nearby in the jungle.
Kelborn: We only have our shuttle sensors, so we know nothing more than that.
Kreia: Those transmissions are the enemy. They are linked to the fate of Onderon. They must be stopped. Otherwise the Mandalorian is right - Master Kavar and Queen Talia won't survive this day.
Mandalore: Dividing our forces at a time like this is foolhardy.
Kreia: And this is why a common soldier will never triumph against a Jedi. Your military 'tactics' are nothing compared to the Force. It is essential, and inevitable, that we face both enemies at the same time.
Awareness 1. [Awareness (11)] I have to lead the group heading to the royal palace, don't I? 1. What do you think we should do?
Kreia: You... you are correct. 2. I can't be in two places at once.
Kreia: You must choose who will lead the expedition through the jungle to find our enemies and defeat them.

If you're helping General Vaklu, and received word of an urgent message from Colonel Tobin:

Kelborn: You received my message, then? Colonel Tobin contacted us. He arranged safe passage to Onderon for you. But I don't know if his offer still stands.
1. Did Tobin say what he wanted? 2. What's changed?
Kelborn: He said he wanted a meeting with you on Iziz, that it was urgent, and that you'd know what it was about. But things have changed. 3. They backed out of the deal?
Kelborn: This morning General Vaklu met with the Council of Lords and pronounced the Queen guilty of treason. He'll be made Regent if Talia and her Royal Guard are defeated. The military's support is evenly divided. Iziz has fallen into civil war.
1. I believe that's been their plan all along. 2. How can I get in touch with Colonel Tobin?
Kelborn: The war is part of their plans? Then perhaps his invitation is still valid. There is a great deal of chaos on the streets of Iziz, but I can try to contact Colonel Tobin.
Kelborn: We can talk to him via satellite on Iziz. I'll contact him now.
Colonel Tobin: It is good to see you. We tried to delay the war as long as possible to give you enough time to receive our message and get here. But the Sith could only be delayed for so long. Still, your arrival is timely. The war goes well, but victory is not yet certain. Much of the city is under our control, but we still need to wrest the Merchant Quarter from Queen Talia's forces. We need you to spearhead the assault on the Merchant Quarter and the attack on the Royal Palace. But we also need you to tend to the Sith Lord's forces.
1. Before I do anything, I need to know what's in it for me. 2. Where are the Sith located?
Colonel Tobin: General Vaklu is prepared to make a generous offer when you meet. But before that we need you take care of the Sith Lord's base of operations. 3. How can I deal with the Sith Lord's forces?
Colonel Tobin: The Sith Lord has been using an ancient tomb on Dxun as their base in the system. That tomb isn't too far from your encampment. You need to assemble a group that can eliminate the Sith at the tomb. We'll coordinate with Kelborn when you're ready to strike. After they're attacked there, the Sith will turn on us, so we'll need you here with us. You'll have to divide your forces. We need your skills on the planet. You should select someone you trust to lead the group to attack the Sith camp.
1. I will see you on Iziz, then. 2. Why do you need me on the planet? 3. What can you tell me of this tomb?
Colonel Tobin: I look forward to working with you in person. Colonel Tobin: Your leadership and skill towers over your companions'. Plus, there is no one else who could defeat Master Kavar. Colonel Tobin: I'm no historian, but I think it's the tomb of an ancient leader. In any event, it doesn't matter. Eliminating the Sith there and stopping whatever they are doing is all that's important.
Colonel Tobin: The battle rages nearby. Find some sort of transport to the Merchant Quarter. General Vaklu will meet you personally when you arrive.
Kelborn: The Colonel has transmitted the tomb's coordinates, and I've got a strike force of Mandalorians ready to go. We will send the strike force with you to clear a path through the jungle. Who will lead that expedition?

In either case:

1. Disciple can be trusted with this task. 1. Handmaiden can be trusted with this task.
Disciple: I shall do my best. Handmaiden: I will do what you ask of me.
2. Mira's survival skills may prove invaluable to that group. 3. Visas Marr would be ideal for the the job. 4. We should send Atton.
Mira: I'll do it, but you're still my bounty. You won't lose me this easily. Visas: I will serve as you wish. Atton: Hacking through beasts and jungles? That sounds like a job for me. As usual.

While your main character's experience level is still used for autobalance calculations (although you receive no experience whatsoever when not in the party), the party leader you select now determines Player Charisma Modifier added to the rest of the party's attack rolls, their character level determines experience received from skill use, and their Repair rank determines how many components you receive if you break down items at a Workbench.

Kreia: You should send two others to go with the leader. Who else will accompany the expedition? Kreia: And who else?
1. Bao-Dur. 2. Visas. 3. Atton.
Kreia: Yes... good choice. Kreia: Very well. Kreia: If you say so.
4. Mira. 4. Disciple. 4. Handmaiden. 4. Hanharr.
Kreia: Hmmm... Okay. Kreia: So be it. Kreia: As you say.
5. G0-T0. 7. HK-47. 6. T3-M4. 8. Mandalore.
Kreia: Fine. Kreia: Not the most subtle choice... Kreia: It's your decision. Kreia: Excellent choice.
Kreia: Now, are you certain of your choices?
3. No, I changed my mind.
Kreia: All right, let's try this again. Who shall lead the party?
1. Yes, I'm certain. 2. Enough talk, let's do this!
Kelborn: Mandalorian warriors will go with you to find the enemy camp. Just let me know when you want to head out. If you need supplies, talk with Kex. After you get into the jungle you might not have another opportunity to stock up. Let me know if you want to go now.
1. I'm ready. They should head out now.
Kelborn: As you wish. Mandalore has arranged for special transportation to get to Iziz.
Journal Entry Added Master of the Palace
Kelborn said that Master Kavar and Queen Talia arranged for safe and secret passage for you to meet with them. But that was before General Vaklu declared her a traitor and began a full scale civil war. Now Master Kavar is trapped inside a city at war.
Journal Entry Added Master of the Palace
You've talked with Colonel Tobin and he wants your help in two separate matters. He needs one group to head to a secret Sith base on the Dxun moon to disrupt their operations. Then he wants you to lead a group to help General Vaklu reach Queen Talia in the royal palace. There you will find your old mentor, Master Kavar.