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File:KotORII Map Enclave Sublevel.png
Map of the Enclave sublevel

Courtyard[edit | edit source]

When you first enter from the Enclave courtyard:

Journal Entry Added Relics of the Past
You've entered the Jedi Enclave's sublevel
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Entered Jedi Enclave's sublevel

The entrance is at the middle of the left side of the Enclave sublevel, with the Jedi Archive at the opposite end, on the right side: a hallway around the perimeter links the two.

Garden[edit | edit source]

The entrance hall leads to a garden with several pools at its center, whose running water gives a deceptive sense of peace and tranquility: the first sign that all is not as it seems may be the skeletal remains on the raised platform in the middle of these pools, accessed via the ramp on the opposite side to the entrance.

There are exits to the left and right for the perimeter hallway, and another short hallway opposite the entrance, which is mined:

Awareness Average Gas Mine (2) Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

At the other end of this hallway are three doorways. Beyond the right doorway is another doorway in the right wall, leading to an empty room. Beyond the central doorway, a footlocker is visible by the opposite wall, but there are also two laigreks and a deadly laigrek in this room:

Laigrek (main character level 22)
Set 3
Level 16
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 149
Force -
Defense 30
Fortitude 25
Reflex 26
Will 19
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 24 -
Slashing 6-21-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Deadly Laigrek (main character level 22)
Set 4
Level 16
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 22 +6
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 22 +6
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 222
Force -
Defense 34
Fortitude 29
Reflex 28
Will 19
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 29 -
Slashing 9-24-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (2) (level 22)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Deadly Laigrek (level 22)
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?

The left doorway is a locked door, beyond which is another door in the left wall, and then a room with a locked footlocker by the right wall.

Security (Locked) Door (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist - Vitality -
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?

Farm Equipment[edit | edit source]

You can exit the garden to the left or right and travel around the perimeter hallway (and you can complete the circuit when you return), but going left, in a clockwise direction, is recommended. As you travel up the hallway, there's a doorway in the right wall and a laigrek in the room beyond:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (level 22)

The hallway beyond turns right and then left, at which point you'll encounter two laigreks outside a locked door in the left wall. If you try to open it:

Jorran: Is someone out there? Anybody? Help! Laigreks are everywhere! Help me, I'm trapped in here!
5. [Don't reply]
Jorran: Hello? Anybody? Flaming sublevel playing tricks on me.
Disciple: That man needs our help! Why are you ignoring him? Handmaiden: What are you doing? This man calls for our aid!
3. Shut up! I just met you and already you're bothering me. 3. Don't ever question my actions!
Influence Lost: Disciple (-8) Influence Lost: Handmaiden (-8)


1. It could be a trick. Trust me. I know what I'm doing. 2. All right, I'll help him...
Jorran: Uh, hello?
1. Are you Jorran?
Jorran: Y-Yes. Yes, I am. I locked the door in here. I thought I was going to be laigrek compost! Did you take care of them, stranger?
4. Could you open the door?
Jorran: I could. But if there is another one of those damned beasts out there, I'll stay put.
3. There are still some laigreks around.
Jorran: Please take care of them. I can't stand much more of this. If you do manage to clear a path, please come back.

He won't unlock the door until you say the laigreks in this area are dead. Save game before doing so, in case you buy his Jedi artifacts here, not outside once Jorran has left: outside, you can receive the same lightsaber upgrade item 3 levels earlier (for example, Crystal, Kaiburr at experience level 24, not 27) for less credits (1000 vs 1300) unless G0-T0 is in your party (800).

Jorran: Is that you? I thought I heard something. Is it safe yet?
2. The laigreks in this area are dead. 2. [Lie] The laigreks in this area are dead.
Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Jorran: You must be fierce with a blaster then. Give me a moment, I sort of jammed the door a bit. Just don't leave!

Lying is cunning, and Jorran is killed by a laigrek that appears in his path as he runs for the exit: no experience is received when he's killed, but you can now kill another laigrek.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (2-3) (level 22)

If you aren't lying, and have killed or lured away the two laigreks outside this door, and any others in the hallway between here and the exit:

Jorran: Thanks for saving me. I thought those laigreks had me for sure.

This is the only response that moves you closer to the light side of the Force, although you don't have to make it immediately if you don't ask for a reward or say he has something you want:

6. Leave quickly before more of those beasts come. Light Side Points Gained: +4
Jorran: You don't have to tell me that twice. If you want to talk to me, I'll be by the salvager's camp. I'm leaving before the laigreks come back.

Otherwise, if you spoke to Suulru back in Khoonda and asked if there was anything you could do to help:

1. You sold Suulru a defective moisture vaporator.
Jorran: Oh. Uh, what do I know about moisture vaporators? I told him I wasn't sure if it would work or not.
Visas: This man lies! Atton: Hey buddy. I've played enough card games to know a bluff when I see one. Kreia: He's hiding something. Awareness 1. [Awareness (12)] You're lying. 2. That's not what he told me.
Jorran: Hey, uh, can we please talk about this later, when we're not in danger of being eaten by laigreks?
1. No, we will talk about it now.
Jorran: Sorry, I've got to go! You can meet me in the salvager camp.
2. [Let him go.]
Journal Entry Added Farm Equipment: Bonus Mission
You found Jorran in the enclave sublevel, but he was eager to leave the dangerous ruins before you could resolve Suulru's problem with him. Jorran said he'd be in the salvager camp.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Found Jorran in enclave sublevel

If you let him go, then true to his word Jorran can now be found in the salvager camp in the courtyard outside, where you can tell him you're here about Suulru's moisture vaporator, and buy his Jedi artifacts if you don't do so here. If you don't let him go:

1. You would run away from me? Die then, coward! Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Jorran (main character level 22)
Set 2
Level 16
Class Soldier
Alignment 45 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 117
Force -
Defense 25
Fortitude 21
Reflex 19
Will 18
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 19 -
Slashing 3-23-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Clothing + Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Jorran (level 22)

Killing Jorran yourself is psychotic. How ever Jorran is killed:

Item(s) Received Jorran Item(s) Received Jorran
This is a missing component from Suulru's Moisture Vaporator that is preventing it from working.
Journal Entry Added Farm Equipment: Bonus Mission
You found Jorran and killed him. On his broken corpse you discovered the modulator for Suulru's moisture vaporator.
Journal Entry Added Farm Equipment: Bonus Mission
On Jorran's corpse you discovered the modulator for a moisture vaporator. One of the farmers in Khoonda may be interested in this.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Discovered modulator for Suulru's moisture vaporator

Otherwise, you can talk about something else:

3. Forget it, I want to talk about something else.
Jorran: Uh, certainly. Just don't take too long. I don't know how long before those beasts come back.
3. What can you tell me about the laigreks?
Jorran: They like tunnels and we never saw much of them except underground in the hilly regions. I guess to a laigrek these sublevels must be like paradise, though. There certainly are enough of them. You know, what's frightening is the beasts are getting smarter. I've heard they've even laid traps for us salvagers. Sounds crazy, but it's true.
2. How about a reward for saving you?


2. Before you go - what were you doing down here? 1. What were you doing down here in the first place?
Jorran: It's all Taepalae's fault! She said the entry way to the sublevel was safe enough. This area has hardly been explored.
Jorran: We barely got in here. And then everybody started going left and right, grabbing anything they could. It was every man for himself, and nobody was watching for laigreks! Then before you know it we were under attack by those beasts. So salvagers were running every which way and they left me to die.
5. Before you go, there's the small matter of a reward.
1. Why were you down here if it's so dangerous?
Jorran: All the easy pickings have been picked. Now everything that's worth more than a glass of juma juice is long gone. So this level is about the only place that's left. And as you might've noticed it's very dangerous down here. Almost nobody's managed to get anything from down here. Not that it matters.
3. I want to talk about something else.


2. Did you find anything? 1. Did you find anything down here?
Jorran: ... No, I didn't get anything. Now I'd just like to leave.
1. I just saved your life, I figure that's worth some honesty. 2. I know you found something. Taepalae told me.
Jorran: I guess you're right. I grabbed a couple of things in the room we were in. I didn't want to tell you because you might make a claim for it. I need the credits. Jorran: Fine, I did grab a couple of things from the room we were in. But it's just Jedi garbage.
1. I could pay you for what you found. 2. Any chance you could give me what you found as a reward?


2. What do you mean by that?
Jorran: Even this level was ransacked long before the salvagers came here. The uppity Administrator says her people never went down here, but that's just a pile of kath droppings.
1. Almost nobody...? Who's the almost? 1. You said almost nobody got anything from here. Who did?
Jorran: There was a group that managed to get in and got one of the biggest hauls ever. Taepalae said we could do that, too. But they were a damned sight more organized than we were. And they've caused more problems dead than they ever did alive.
1. How did they die?
Jorran: They were the first to really get anything from this damned level. They were so confident they went right back in. A bunch of us salvagers waited by the entrance. Only two of the four came back, and one died right away from his wounds. The other man was going to be rich. But then he picked a fight with Gerevick. It wasn't much of a fight. Then there was no one left. And that's the whole problem.
2. How can dead people cause problems?
Jorran: Well since every last one of them is dead, their find is sitting in the militia's headquarters. That's one of the biggest claims ever and they won't give it to nobody. So people keep saying that they were owed by the dead salvagers. Or that they're related. But Zherron isn't an idiot. The only thing he's going to believe is a will. And after some tried to pass less than authentic ones off on him, now he'll only take a will and their personal effects.
1. Daraala had me looking for their bodies. To lay them to rest.

Othewise, if your first response is to ask for a reward:

4. Not so fast. There's the small matter of a reward.
Jorran: Listen, I didn't ask for your help. I appreciate it, but I don't owe you anything.
1. Can you tell me why you're down here at least?


G0-T0: Do you mean to imply that your life is worth zero credits? Even the clothes on your back would be worth something to a merchant. 2. So saving your life is worth nothing to you? 3. Let me see, "Help. Laigreks are everywhere. Help me!" Sound familiar? 4. You owe me. I can make life "difficult" for you.
Jorran: I was panicking. I'm just trying to get enough credits to book passage off this rock. This is the first salvage I've found in weeks! Jorran: Here I was thinking you might be a nice one. No need for threats.
Jorran: I don't have too much to give. But all right. Here's 300 credits. Is that enough of a reward for you? Can I go now?
Credits Received: 300 3. Go ahead and go then.

He leaves. Otherwise:

1. I'd like more of a reward.
Jorran: I don't have any more credits on me. That's, that's really all I have.
2. Didn't you find anything here?
Jorran: I didn't find a single thing. I just want to get out of this pit.
2. Taepalae mentioned you grabbed some Jedi artifacts. I want those.
Jorran: There's no way I'm going to give those to you. I risked my life for those. I've given you all the credits I got. But I earned what I found.
3. Can I ask you about something else then?
Jorran: Not right now, I'm going. But I'll be at the salvager camp if you want to talk again.

He leaves. Otherwise:

2. I want what you found. That isn't negotiable. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Jorran: Of course it's negotiable. It's mine, not yours. And I say take a short trip out an airlock without a spacesuit.
1. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Either way I'm getting it.
Jorran: I'm not giving you my find! Dark Side Points Gained: -2

He attacks you. Otherwise you can buy them, for 800 credits if G0-T0 is in your party and you're willing to move closer to the dark side of the Force:

1. Could I buy them off of you?
Jorran: Now... I hadn't thought of that. We could arrange something like that. That would work.
Jorran: I-I managed to grab three things. One's some sort of crystal and the other looks like parts. For a lightsaber maybe, I don't know. If you give me 1300 credits, you can have it all. That'll be enough for me to get off this rock. No returns on this, you're stuck with what you buy.
G0-T0: Amendment sixteen hundred ninety five dash three zero of the Khoonda civil code allows us to sell you into slavery.
Jorran: What? That's ridiculous!
G0-T0: Paragraph twelve: "salvageable items include organic matter incapable of leaving the boundaries of the salvage area..."
Jorran: You wouldn't!
1. Oh yes we would. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
G0-T0: A male human such as you would fetch approximately 500 credits on the auction block in Nar Shaddaa. Therefore, I suggest you offer your goods for 500 credits less than your initial figure.
Jorran: Hey, yeah. So, 800 credits for this valuable salvage?


2. No, of course not! Goto is just making a little joke.
Jorran: Okay. Do you want this stuff for 1300?
1. Can I see what it is first?
Jorran: Aw, it doesn't work that way. Maybe it's worth a lot more than 1300 credits and you make off real good. Maybe it's a lot less, and I make off good. You can buy it from me here or at the salvager camp. I'll hold onto it for you. I owe you that much at least. Just don't take too long.
3. I'm afraid I don't have that kind of money. 4. I'd like to think about it.
Jorran: I'll hold onto it then. But I won't sell it to anyone. If you want to buy it from me later, just meet me at the salvager camp.
1. Here's 800 credits. 2. Here's 1300 credits.
Jorran: Haha... A pleasure doing business with you. Now I can finally get passage back home. I hope that junk is worth it to you, I really do. I'm going to the salvager camp. It'll take some time to get things in order. Come visit if you like. But if you don't like what you bought, it isn't my problem.
Credits Lost: 800 Credits Lost: 1300
Item(s) Received Jorran Item(s) Received Jorran Item(s) Received Jorran

He leaves. The lightsaber upgrade item received depends on your experience level:

Levels Energy cells Emitters Lenses
1-6 Discharge Energy Cell Deflection Emitter Synthesized Kunda Lens
7-8 Diatium Energy Cell Disrupting Emitter Dragite Lens
9-10 Ion Energy Cell Crude Phobium Emitter Synthesized Byrothsis Lens
11-12 Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark I Fencing Emitter Beam Gem Lens
13-14 Improved Discharge Energy Cell Improved Deflection Emitter Vibration Lens
15-16 Improved Diatium Energy Cell Advanced Disrupting Emitter Pure Kunda Lens
17-18 Improved Ion Energy Cell Synthesized Phobium Emitter Adegan Lens
19-20 Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark II Improved Fencing Emitter Pure Byrothsis Lens
21-22 Superior Discharge Energy Cell Expert Deflection Emitter Improved Beam Gem Lens
23-24 Superior Diatium Energy Cell Superior Disrupting Emitter Improved Vibration Lens
25-26 Superior Ion Energy Cell Phobium Alloy Emitter Ossus Dueling Lens
27-28 Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III Expert Fencing Emitter Pontite Lens
29-30 Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell Refined Phobium Emitter Enhanced Byrothsis Lens

At level 31 and beyond, if an energy cell, emitter or lens is selected then nothing is received. However, since all of these can already be created at a Workbench, if you receive one you may want to load game until you receive a power crystal instead:

Level Power crystal
1-3 Crystal, Adegan
4 Crystal, Rubat
5 Crystal, Ruusan
6 Crystal, Nextor
7 Crystal, Dragite
8 Crystal, Firkrann
9 Crystal, Phond
10 Crystal, Bondar
11 Crystal, Velmorite
Level Power crystal
12 Crystal, Sigil
13 Crystal, Jenruax
14 Crystal, Kasha
15 Crystal, Opila
16 Crystal, Eralam
17 Crystal, Stygium
18 Crystal, Damind
19 Crystal, Sapith
20 Crystal, Pontite
Level Power crystal
21 Crystal, Upari
22 Ultima-pearl
23 Crystal, Solari
24 Lorrdian Gemstone
25 Barab Ore Ingot
26 Ankarres Sapphire
27 Crystal, Kaiburr

At level 28 and beyond, if a power crystal is selected then nothing is received. A color crystal is always received, and a second can be selected. However, if an upgrade item normally selected is already in your inventory, then the next highest you don't already have is received instead: this should not happen for any in lightsabers equipped by you or your party, or in containers elsewhere.

Otherwise, if your first response is to scoff at his thanks then he can only leave or attack you, moving you closer to the dark side of the Force, unless you want a reward and G0-T0 is in your party:

5. Saving you. How quaint. You have something I want.
Jorran: What are you talking about? I'm not giving you anything.
3. You're not worth the trouble. Leave me. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Jorran: You got it.

He leaves. Otherwise:

1. I want a reward. Jorran: That's just too bad for you. I'm going.

If G0-T0 is in your party, then Jorran gives you 300 credits and you can ask didn't he find anything here, then offer to buy the Jedi artifacts Taepalae mentioned. Otherwise:

1. You're not leaving here alive.

You attack him. Otherwise:

2. People think you're already dead. They're right. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Disciple: I don't know what you seek to gain by killing him. You act as if you are touched by the dark side! Handmaiden: This man has done nothing to warrant such retribution. Kreia: This is not wise. Indiscriminate violence will gain you little.
2. You're right. He's not worth the trouble. Leave us! Jorran: You got it.

He leaves. Otherwise:

1. You act as if you want to be touched by my lightsaber! 1. He talked back to me, just like you're doing. 1. Follow my lead, or I'll send you back to the Ebon Hawk!
Influence Lost: Disciple (-8) Influence Lost: Atton (-8) Influence Lost: Kreia (-8)
Jorran: You're just as bad as Taepalae! Dark Side Points Gained: -2

That is not a typo: Influence is lost with Atton, not the Handmaiden, even if he isn't in your party (and she is).

Ghosts to Rest[edit | edit source]

If Daraala in the salvager camp back out in the courtyard has asked you to look for a couple of dead salvagers, then Jorran can tell you the real reason she's looking for them either in the sublevel or back at the salvager camp if you ask him what he was doing in the sublevel if it's so dangerous, who almost nobody is and how dead people can cause problems, before telling him that she asked you to look for them:

Jorran: She was playing you for a fool. Haha. No doubt she'd like to find those bodies. That plus a conveniently worded will and she'd make a pile of credits.
1. Her deceit won't gain her anything. 2. She's going to pay for that.
Jorran: Probably not since you know the truth. Unless you're willing to make a fake will, though, the truth won't help. You look like the type of moron that'll just turn it in to Zherron. That may be the "right" thing to do, but it don't make it the smart thing. Jorran: I don't want nothing to do with that. The salvagers will all help her, and the militia will get involved. You can't hurt her directly.
Journal Entry Added Ghosts to Rest: Bonus Mission
Apparently Daraala wasn't telling you the full story. Jorran told you that Zherron, the leader of the Khoonda militia, is holding onto the belongings of the salvagers who died in the sublevel. Unless someone finds their bodies and a will, no one will get their claims.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Told real reason Daraala is looking for bodies

The hallway beyond Jorran's locked door turns right along the perimeter of the top side of the sublevel, where two laigreks roam.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (2) (level 22)

There's a locked door in the bottom inner wall, beyond which is an empty room with another locked door in its right wall (to your left), which is mined on the other side: the second room contains a deadly laigrek, and has a salvager corpse in the middle of it.

Security Locked Door (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Awareness Average Frag Mine Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Deadly Laigrek (level 22)
Journal Entry Added Ghosts to Rest: Bonus Mission
You've found a body of a salvager in the Enclave ruins. Perhaps someone in the salvager camp would know who this poor fellow was.
Journal Entry Added Ghosts to Rest
You've found the body of one of the salvagers Daraala seeks.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Found body of a salvager
Item(s) Received Salvager Corpse
  • Dead Salvager
This is the body of a dead salvager. The beasts have left very few remains. Some tattered clothing is all that's left on him.

The doorway in the top wall leads back to the hallway, which continues to the right: as you go along it, you trigger the appearance of Gerevick and his thugs back at the exit to the courtyard. The hallway turns right, leading down to a circular room containing a laigrek.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (level 22)

The sublevel is more or less symmetrical, and another salvager corpse can be found in the middle of a similar circular room in the middle of the bottom perimeter hallway, between the Power Relay Station in the sublevel's bottom right corner and the garden and exit to the courtyard back on the left side.

Salvager Corpse: You found a will on this salvager. The will states that all of his possessions are to be left to the other dead salvager you found.
Salvager Corpse: Daraala will no doubt be interested in getting her hands on the salvager's bodies and the will.
Salvager Corpse: You can tamper with the will so that all of the salvager's possessions go to you.
1. Tamper with the will. Journal Entry Added Ghosts to Rest: Bonus Mission
You sliced the will to indicate that the salvager left his possessions to you.
Item(s) Received Salvager Corpse
  • Datapad: Salvager's Will (Fake)
This datapad has the will of dead salvager. It is badly misspelled. It used to indicate that if he died, his possessions would go to the other salvager that ventured into the sublevels with him. Now it says that his possessions should go to you.


2. Don't change the will.
Journal Entry Added Ghosts to Rest: Bonus Mission
You've found the corpse of another salvager. This one has a datapad that looks like a will. You should probably deliver your findings to someone at the salvager camp, or to Zherron, the militia leader, in Khoonda.
Journal Entry Added Ghosts to Rest: Bonus Mission
You've found the bodies of both the salvagers Daraala seeks. One of them has a datapad that looks like a will.
Item(s) Received Salvager Corpse
  • Datapad: Salvager's Will
This datapad has the will of dead salvager. It is badly misspelled and indicates that if he dies, his possessions should go to the other salvager that ventured into the sublevels with him.

In both cases:

Item(s) Received Salvager Corpse
  • Dead Salvager
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Found bodies of both salvagers

You can return the bodies to Daraala for 300 XP and 1000 credits (unless you refuse the reward, moving (much) closer to the light side of the Force), or to Zherron back at the militia headquarters in Khoonda for 500 XP, moving closer to the light side of the Force if you didn't change the will, or moving closer to the dark side of the Force if you tampered with it, but receiving a lightsaber (fixture) and upgrade item.

The perimeter hallway continues up beyond the doorway in the top right corner of the circular room, before turning right.

Droid Bay[edit | edit source]

In the right half of the top perimeter hallway there's a laigrek outside a stuck door in the inner wall, which is mined on the inside, and a deadly laigrek further along by the second inner doorway, beyond which is a room containing two laigreks, and another open doorway leading to the first room behind the stuck door.

Demolitions Stuck Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Awareness Average Flash Mine Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (3) (level 22)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Deadly Laigrek (level 22)

There's a locked door opposite the stuck door in the bottom wall of the first room.

Security Locked Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Beyond is the droid bay. Six deactivated protocol droids stand along the left wall to your right, and there's a computer panel mounted on the wall opposite the door, which can be used to access a work log and camera control, and overload the terminal:

Computer Panel: Droid Bay Terminal

Enter command:
4. Log out.


1. Access work log.
Computer Panel: Droid Bay Terminal
---Work Log---

Enter query:
1. View the pending work log.
Computer Panel: [Page 1 of 3]
Task 1046A [Head Technician Dergar Chester] --- I can't believe Czerka Corp released a new protocol droid model with so many flaws. The batch we ordered last month have all fried out from overheating. The Czerka rep said the droid was designed for "temperature controlled environments" such as starships, but I don't buy it.
Computer Panel: [Page 2 of 3]
The real problem is that the Sith-cursed power cell of the new model runs too hot. And worse, the output modulator was installed right next to the cell, and is the first thing to get melted into slag when the cell overheats. Needless to say, without a functioning output modulator, you could jostle the droid and it would pop like fireworks on Republic Day.
Computer Panel: [Page 3 of 3]
So I'm working with the Czerka rep to get these defective droids replaced. In the mean time, I've powered down the new protocol droids so that they don't cause any more accidents.
2. View prior work logs.
Computer Panel: Accessing archived work logs from main computer...
Computer Panel: Connection Failed
Reason: main computer non-responsive

Please verify that the main computer is active. Contact the Head technician to resolve this issue.
3. Return to Main.
2. Local camera control.
Computer Panel: Droid BayTerminal
---Local Camera Control---

Select a camera:
1. Droid Bay Entrance. 2. Southeast Common Room. 3. Southeast Hall [North]. 4. Southeast Hall [South]. 5. Power Relay Station [Southwest quadrant].
Computer Panel: Camera offline...

Camera control allows you to scout, but doesn't reveal map. The entrance from the Courtyard is north, so the droid bay is in the southeast quadrant (upper right) and the Power Relay Station is in the southwest (lower right).

Computer Use 3. Overload terminal (2 spike(s)).
Computer Panel: [Success] Overload initiated. Specify time. Computer Panel: [Failure] Access denied. Insufficient Spikes.
1. 30 seconds. 2. 20 seconds. 3. 10 seconds. 4. 5 seconds. 5. 1 second.

After the specified time the terminal overloads, inflicting 1000 electrical damage on all in the vicinity, including the nearest protocol droid (the explosion kills three others, but you only receive experience for killing one): anything over 1 second should be enough time to get out of range, either at the right end of the droid bay or outside it.

However, the protocol droids can be reactivated:

Protocol Droid: This rusted protocol droid is deactivated.
Repair 1. Reactivate the droid. (1 repair part)
Protocol Droid: The protocol droid is now active. However, it's speech system doesn't seem to be working, and it has a very limited range of tasks. Protocol Droid: [Failure] You don't have any repair parts. You leave the droid alone for now.
2. Leave it alone.
Protocol Droid: The protocol droid is now active.
Repair 1. Engage droid in "Meet and Greet" mode. (6 repair part(s))
Protocol Droid: [Success] "Meet and Greet" routine engaged. Once you end this session the protocol droid will begin patrolling the area. Protocol Droid: [Failure] You do not have enough repair parts.
1. Done. 2. Leave it alone.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 20 * level "Meet and Greet" routine engaged (1-6)
Protocol Droid: This droid is busy executing its programmed task.

The droid now exits the droid bay and goes up to the stuck door: if it's open then the droid goes out into the hallway and turns left, continuing to the corner and then turning around, at which point it starts a clockwise patrol around the entire perimeter. If the droid encounters anything hostile then it approaches and explodes, inflicting 1000 piercing damage on all in the vicinity unless a Reflex save is made at DC 15, halving damage.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Protocol Droid (1-6) (level 22)

There's a broken droid on the floor just inside the droid bay door to your left, and two more at the bay's right end, to either side of the Workbench. There's also a large locker in the middle of the right wall to the left of this workbench, and another in the middle of the bottom wall to the left of the computer panel.

Security Large Locker (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Broken Droid (3) Item(s) Received Large Locker (2)
  • ?

Workbench[edit | edit source]

There's a Workbench by the bottom right wall at the back of the Droid Bay in the upper right (southeast) quadrant of the sublevel.

Main Computer Panel[edit | edit source]

Beyond the Droid Bay in the upper right (southeast) quadrant of the sublevel, the perimeter hallway turns right, then left and then right again at the top of the hallway along the right side of the sublevel. Two laigreks roam this section.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (2) (level 22)

Eight deadly laigreks start in the middle of the right perimeter hallway (although they may have roamed further along by the time you get there). If you don't want to engage them in combat, or activate and engage the protocol droids in the Droid Bay, then you or a member of your party can enter Stealth mode to sneak down the hallway to use the main computer panel to get rid of them.

There are two doors in the middle of the inner wall of the right perimeter hallway, each with a power conductor to either side (the top one emits sparks): the top is a locked door, the bottom a stuck door.

Security Locked Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Demolitions Stuck Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Bashing them open cancels Stealth mode, but unlocking or blasting them does not. Beyond each is a short hallway with power conductors to either side of the doorways at each end and midway down the top and bottom walls, leading to a large room containing eight more conductors, with a footlocker by the middle of the left wall and a large locker to its right.

Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist - Vitality -
Security Large Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?
Item(s) Received Large Locker
  • ?

There's also a computer panel in the middle of this room:

Computer Panel: This computer terminal has some external damage, but everything else appears intact.
Repair 1. [Repair] Fix the computer terminal. (4 repair part(s)) 2. Leave it alone.
Computer Panel: [Success] The computer is now functioning. Computer Panel: [Failure] You don't have enough parts.
Computer Panel: Mainframe Terminal

Enter command:
5. Log out.


1. Access work log. 2. Access system commands. 3. Local camera control.
Computer Panel: Volume not found

Reason: Data corruption

Please contact the Head Technician to resolve this issue
Computer Panel: Command Failed

Reason: Mainframe disconnected from children

Please contact the Head Technician to resolve this issue
Computer Use 4. Overload terminal (2 spike(s)).
Computer Panel: [Success] Overload initiated. Specify time: Computer Panel: [Failure] Access denied. Insufficient Spikes.
1. 30 seconds. 2. 20 seconds. 3. 10 seconds. 4. 5 seconds. 5. 1 second.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Overloaded terminal

After the specified time the terminal overloads, inflicting 1000 electrical damage on all in the vicinity. If you're in Stealth mode but don't have Stealth Run, then you'll need at least 20 seconds to get out of range, back up or down the right perimeter hallway, away from all the conductors; otherwise 5 seconds should be enough (but more is safer).

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Deadly Laigrek (8) (level 22)

Jedi Archive[edit | edit source]

There's a security door in the middle of the outer wall of the right perimeter hallway of the sublevel, on the opposite side to the doors to the Main Computer Panel.

Security Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Someone awaits you as you enter the Jedi archive beyond, bowing to greet you:

1. Who are you? 2. Thanks for the polite bow. You must be a gentleman. 3. I wasn't expecting to find anyone else here... alive.
Disciple: I am an historian and scientist working for the Republic, although I am certain my contemporaries would judge me more a historian than scientist.
1. What are you doing here?
Disciple: Like you, I was looking for some trace of the Jedi. I had heard mention that one of the Jedi Masters had gone there, but I found no trace of them.
3. I want to talk about something else.


Awareness 1. [Awareness (12)] That's not the only reason.
Disciple: The other reason was the ruins of the Jedi Enclave... and once I arrived, I felt it was necessary to stay, to protect what was left.
1. Left?
Disciple: Much had been taken from the Enclave, both by raiders... and others. I wished to preserve what I could.
1. What others?
Disciple: Many artifacts were taken from the Enclave, but these thefts... they had to have been done by someone who knew the Enclave well. I suspect the Jedi themselves took the holocrons and records, but I do not know why.
Handmaiden: I think you underestimate the ingenuity of salvagers. Even the Jedi cannot protect their secrets from those clever or persistent enough. Besides, most of the Jedi who knew the Enclave have perished, and the ones who survived would not steal from this place.
Disciple: It was my mistake to use the term "thefts". I apologize. In any case, if Jedi did take things, for the sake of preservation, of course, then they left no clue as to where they may have taken them.
1. You mentioned holocrons?
Disciple: Someone has been taking holocrons from sites across the galaxy. It is almost as if someone does not want their knowledge used to find the Jedi. The situation on Dantooine is echoed in other places in the galaxy. Raiders, smugglers, all seek to plunder what remains of the Jedi... and even the Sith. More so than the Jedi themselves, I fear the loss of their history.
1. Why is that?
Disciple: Much has been forgotten in recent wars, and I fear that greater troubles shall stem from that loss of knowledge in the future. The destruction of the Academy on Ossus near the Cron Drift in the Sith War.
Disciple: ...the teachings of Master Arca, the adventures of Jolee Bindo on the Rimward Missions. All of these things are in danger of being lost, forever.
Disciple: What else would you like to know?
2. Do you know what happened to the Jedi?
Disciple: No. It is something of a mystery why they would exile themselves as they have. It is not the way of the Jedi to vanish in such a way... especially when the Republic is in need of them. I fear that there is something else at work, something that we cannot see. Then again, perhaps the Jedi are hiding simply because so many people hate them these days.
1. Why do you think people hate the Jedi?
Disciple: It is difficult sometimes for the Jedi to see such things, since much of it is rooted in human nature, and the Jedi are often removed from events of daily life, insulated. But the reason the Jedi Civil War was named such was because few in the galaxy can recognize the difference between the Sith and the Jedi. To them, they are both Jedi - with different philosophies.
1. But Jedi have protected the galaxy for centuries, they seek peace, often through sacrifice.
Disciple: Not always. Jedi often fall. They caused much harm on Onderon, for example, in the name of peace and protection. Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun, the two dark lords during the Sith War many decades ago, were once Jedi Knights, as were Revan and Malak. It is perhaps more amazing that some still trust Jedi after many have fallen and endangered the galaxy. It is also proof that a single Force wielder can change the face of the galaxy, and that is a frightening thing indeed.
2. Do you hate the Jedi?
Disciple: Hate? No, I do not hate them. They only raise questions without answers. Jedi are not supposed to be like the rest of us. They are supposed to see a higher purpose in all things. And they are supposed to train students responsibly and well, so mistakes of the past are not repeated. Yet all I saw was ignorance and arrogance, and what those seeds created in the Republic. It is difficult to follow the Jedi Code, when so few others have. But you know this.
1. What do you mean?
Disciple: Many Jedi defied the Order during the Mandalorian Wars - and it paved the way for the Jedi Civil War.
1. Do you blame the Jedi who turned - or the Council? 2. I was one of those Jedi. I must accept part of that responsibility.
Disciple: There is no blame - all must accept. But at its core, one must wonder if it was the failure of the Jedi teachings... or the teachers themselves. Many of the Jedi Council trained Exar Kun, Ulic... Revan and Malak. How could they not see the danger they posed? And if they could not...
Disciple: ...perhaps there was some essential part of their teachings that was flawed. Something beyond the Jedi Code that they were missing.
1. Revan and Malak would have received the same training as I did.
Disciple: I am not certain you understand what happened with Revan. Do you wish me to explain?
1. Go on.
Disciple: Revan was captured in the middle of the Jedi Civil War, due in no small part to his apprentice, Malak, who turned on him. Disciple: Revan was captured in the middle of the Jedi Civil War, due in no small part to her apprentice, Malak, who turned on her.
Disciple: Revan was brought before the Jedi Council and put on trial. You must understand that the situation was desperate... and the Jedi needed to know how Revan had amassed the forces arrayed against them. As I understand it, they were able to convince Revan to have a change of heart.
Disciple: But it was only for a time. Revan helped the Republic defeat Malak. I suspect it was out of revenge. Disciple: Revan helped the Republic defeat Malak. Perhaps in his conversation with the Jedi Masters, they were able to convince him of the rightfulness of their actions. Disciple: Revan helped the Republic defeat Malak. Perhaps in her conversation with the Jedi Masters, they were able to convince her of the rightfulness of their actions.
2. Do you know who trained Revan?
Disciple: Revan had many Masters. Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae before Kae left for the Wars. Towards the end of his training, he sought out many to learn techniques. It is said that he returned to his first master at the end of his training, in order to learn how he might best leave the order. Disciple: Revan had many Masters. Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae before Kae left for the Wars. Towards the end of her training, she sought out many to learn techniques. It is said that she returned to her first Master at the end of her training, in order to learn how she might best leave the order.
2. Why do you work for the Republic?
Disciple: I'm trying to save the Republic - Dantooine and the Jedi Order are instrumental to that effort.
Disciple: Despite the troubles of the Jedi Civil War, there are those among the Republic who still favor the Jedi and wish them to return. And there are Admirals within the fleet, who recognize that the Jedi must be found if the Republic is to hold together.
Disciple: (Yet) as long as Onderon remains within the Republic, and the efforts on Telos succeed, that is all that matters.
1. Why Telos and Onderon?
Disciple: The Republic is fragile right now - Telos is important because its success will determine whether or not other dead worlds receive the same reconstruction efforts. If Telos is rebuilt and made habitable again, it will affect a string of worlds along the Rim.
1. And Onderon?
Disciple: Onderon, strangely enough, was unaffected by the Jedi Civil War. It's almost as if Revan didn't want to attack it. Its position and resources on the Rim make it a vital supply line and a guardpost against Outer Rim attacks. Also, it's the only world in the Republic still capable of seeding ecosystems into other dead worlds - Onderon's wildlife is some of the most aggressive in the known galaxy. Merely placing some of those beasts on target worlds will guarantee their habitation for years to come.
1. Why are the Jedi Order important? 2. Why is Dantooine important?
Disciple: The Jedi are a symbol. As much damage as their reputation took during the Sith War and the Jedi Civil War, there are still many to whom they serve as an example. Plus... there have been times in the past where a single Jedi has been enough to change the face of a world... or a galaxy. I suppose I still believe that might be possible. Despite the betrayal of many of the Jedi against the Republic, I must concede that as figureheads, they serve a vital role. Disciple: Dantooine was one of the few Republic worlds on the Outer Rim - it is why the Republic is attempting to get the settlement up and running. Dantooine is within reach of several other Rim worlds, and the Republic will need it as a resupply post if they are to keep a presence on the Rim.
3. Tell me about the Republic.
Disciple: I do not know if you are aware of how fragile the Republic is at the moment. Its influence is stretched thin, and it grows weaker with time.
1. What happened?
Disciple: The Jedi Civil War brought much suffering to the galaxy, and the forces that Malak and Revan amassed against us seemed limitless. Many worlds were destroyed, trade routes disrupted, and the Republic fleet was almost decimated.
Disciple: It was almost the end. But at that last year, the year before Revan vanished, Revan's assault on the Republic stopped. No one knows why, but it was all that saved the Republic. The fleet the Sith had amassed was no more, and the remaining Sith turned on each other, destroying the academy on Korriban. It did not matter - Revan had already won. Disciple: While it is said that Revan and several Republic heroes and Jedi defeated Malak, in many ways Malak had already won.
1. What do you mean?
Disciple: The war was costly, and it shattered the Republic. In time, the Republic might recover. But if a threat strikes now, if certain key worlds are not held, then the Republic will collapse.
4. You look familiar to me.
Disciple: I imagine in your travels of the galaxy, you have seen many people. Faces tend to blur together after a time.

Once you say you'll be going, you won't be able to ask the previous questions later unless your main character is male:

5. I'll be going now.
Disciple: Before you go, I had a question for you - you came to Dantooine in search of Jedi. Why?
1. Because I have a force bond I need severed.
Disciple: A force bond? What do you mean?
1. I have a connection with another that could be lethal to us both.
Disciple: I'm not sure I understand.
1. I have a bond with another that transmits pain across distances - if she suffers, I suffer. If she dies, there's a chance I'll die, too.
Disciple: :: Thinks for a moment. ::
3. I'll leave you to your thoughts.


1. What? 2. You were thinking of something. Tell me.
Disciple: No, I thought I had heard mention of such connections in some of the holocrons - but I do not possess them, they are part of the holocrons that were taken from the Enclave.
1. What do you remember about the bonds?
Disciple: I know some of what you speak. It is said that when a Jedi and Padawan establish a close connection, that they can feel each other across distances and coordinate their movements in battle. I know some of what you speak. It is said that when a Jedi and Padawan establish a close connection, that they can feel each other across distances and coordinate their movements in battle. It is also said that moments of death, or near-death, may also cause such bonds - the stronger one is in the Force, the stronger the connection is.
1. Is such a bond ever lethal?
Disciple: I have never heard of a bond being lethal. I suppose such a thing is possible - I had not truly believed Bastilla's battle meditation until I had seen it in action.
2. You said feel each other across distances - what about each other's thoughts?
Disciple: Thoughts - images, perhaps, but not actual communication and words. A bond often causes a sensation to be passed along it, such as extreme fear and pain. Still, I have seen Jedi who have the ability to communicate with aliens and beasts - it is a rare thing, perhaps telepathy is one such talent.
2. Where would the holocrons be?
Disciple: I do not know - I do not know who has taken them. If we were to find them, perhaps I could help you find the answers you need. Disciple: I do not know - I do not know who has taken them. I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you more.
3. I'll be going then.
2. To get some answers. 4. Because they need to answer for what they did to me.
Disciple: What answers do you seek? It has been my experience that Jedi rarely answer such questions - or instead, indulge in half-truths.
2. I'm looking for clues that will lead me to the Sith.


1. I need to know why they sentenced me to exile.
Disciple: Exiled you? It is strange they would sentence you and not speak honestly of your crime.
1. They claimed that it was because I went to the Mandalorian Wars, but something has emerged that has changed my mind.
Disciple: It is not the Jedi way to lie... well, no, that is not true. There are times when truth is concealed, if they think a greater good can be achieved. But when such things are done, it is always done with the intention that the person they withheld truth from cannot be trusted with that knowledge. That it will bring harm upon themselves and others.
1. Well, lying is lying, even from a "certain point of view." 2. They exiled me because of some reason other than the Mandalorian Wars - and I think it had to do with my loss of connection to the Force.
Disciple: Perhaps there was some greater danger in you knowing the reason than in the reason itself. Strange. Mysterious are the ways of Jedi. Sometimes they see things the rest of us do not. Other times, such sight brings arrogance - and a fall.
3. The Sith are awake in the galaxy, and I'm going to need their help to stop them.
Disciple: If the Sith are rising in the galaxy again, then it is strange the Jedi would not be there to meet them... and that we have not seen more evidence of the Sith.
1. Trust me, the Sith are out there. They've been hounding me since Peragus. 2. Do you not believe me?
Disciple: No, I believe you. I merely find such subtleties among the Sith to be strange. They have been known to practice deception...
Disciple: ...but in the histories, since the time of the dark lords Kun and Qel-Droma - and Revan and Malak, such subtleties have been rare.
5. I don't want to talk about it.
Disciple: I will return to Khoonda now and await the next transport. You may find me there if you have more questions.

Otherwise, if your main character is female:

Disciple: In any case, it seems to me like our goals are compatible.
Disciple: If you would have me, I can apply my knowledge and skills to helping you find the answers you seek.
Mira: Are you sure you want to take this guy with us? I mean, he's easy on the eyes, but he talks like a roomful of Jedi. Atton: Look, we're already full up. We don't need anyone else. We travel light.
Atton: Yes, bring him along. And when we get back to the ship, I'll prepare a celebration feast.
1. We need all the help we can get. And he seems capable. 2. We would welcome your company. 3. If you want to come along, you'll have to carry your own weight.
Influence Gained: Disciple (+8)

The Party Selection screen opens and the Disciple has been added to your party: you can add one other, or remove him and add two. A female main character can still talk to the Disciple, but you cannot return to the previous dialog.

Otherwise, a male main character can return to the previous dialog until you get the datapad from the dead mercenaries in the middle of the Jedi archive and then leave the sublevel, at which point the Disciple returns to Khoonda: when you next enter from the Khoonda Plains, he's by the bottom wall in the top hallway exiting the reception area, speaking to a holographic transmission of Admiral Carth Onasi:

Disciple: Admiral, this is Mical. I have found the exile.

If you speak to him again, you can return to the questions you could ask back in the Jedi archive (with some slight differences) before you said you'd be going:

Disciple: Welcome back. Is there anything else I can do for you?
2. I'll be going now.


1. I wanted to ask you some more questions. Disciple: What else would you like to know?
2. What brought you to Dantooine?
6. You look familiar to me.
Disciple: All faces tend to blur together after a time. It is not an uncommon thing.

Lost in the Shadows[edit | edit source]

The Jedi Archive is otherwise empty except for three dead mercenaries at the feet of a statue in the middle of the archive. As you approach:

Dead Mercenaries: Three dead mercenaries lay here, accompanied by signs of combat. Each of the mercenaries bear evidence that they were killed by a lightsaber.
Item(s) Received Dead Mercenaries This datapad contains orders from Azkul, the leader of the mercenaries on Dantooine: "Vrook has wandered into the Enclave alone. You will take a full squad and capture the Jedi alive. Bring him to our nook in the kinrath caves to await transport to Nar Shaddaa. He will fetch a fine bounty."
Journal Entry Added Lost in the Shadows
Among the bodies of three mercenaries, you found a datapad that contains orders from Azkul to capture Vrook alive and bring him to the kinrath caves.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Found datapad

The kinrath cave is in the bottom right corner of the Khoonda plains: within, Master Vrook can now be found in the Mercenary Encampment.

Power Relay Station[edit | edit source]

The right perimeter hallway below the Main Computer Panel and Jedi Archive turns right, then left and then right again at the right end of the bottom perimeter hallway. Two laigreks roam this section.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (2) (level 22)

In the top inner wall of the right perimeter hallway, there's a stuck door on the right and an open doorway on the left: the left room contains a laigrek and deadly laigrek with an open doorway in the right wall, beyond which the right room contains a datapad by a skeleton at the base of the bottom right column:

Demolitions Stuck Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (level 22)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Deadly Laigrek (level 22)
Item(s) Received Datapad
  • Datapad: Storage Room
This journal was found near the gnawed-clean skeleton of a salvager. The last entry is of interest: "I made it farther into the enclave than any other salvager. I've discovered an untouched storage room. The computer in the Power Relay Station should allow me to open the security door. Once I figure out how sneak past the laigreks that have made a nest there, I will leave Dantooine rich!"

The doorway in the top wall of the right room is open, but mined:

Awareness Average Plasma Mine Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Average Sonic Mine Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Average Frag Mine Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

There are two laigreks and a deadly laigrek in the room beyond, which also has a locked security door in its left wall and a computer panel in the middle of it, surrounded by four power conductors.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (2) (level 22)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Deadly Laigrek (level 22)
Computer Panel: Power Relay Station Terminal

Enter command:
5. Log out.


1. Access work log.
Computer Panel: Power Relay Station Terminal
---Work Log---

Enter query:
1. View the pending work log. 2. View prior work logs.
Computer Panel: [Page 1 of 1]
Task 1046B [Head Technician Dergar Chester] --- I'm here investigating complaints of the storage room door sticking shut, following a recent mishap with a defective, flaming protocol droid. My assistant Tarn will be on hand to open the door for me if I get stuck in the storage room.
Computer Panel: Accessing archived work logs from main computer...
Computer Panel: Connection Failed
Reason: main computer non-responsive

Please verify that the main computer is active. Contact the Head technician to resolve this issue.
3. Return to Main.
2. Open Storage room door.
Computer Panel: Command Failed

Reason: Security door is non-responsive

Please contact the Head Technician to resolve this issue
3. Local camera control.
Computer Panel: Power Relay Station Terminal
---Local Camera Control---

Select a camera:
1. Storage. 2. Power Relay Station Entrance. 3. Southwest Common Room. 4. Southwest Hall [North]. 5. Southwest Hall [South]. 6. Droid Bay [Southeast quadrant].

Camera control allows you to scout, but doesn't reveal map. The entrance from the Courtyard is north, so the power relay station is in the southwest quadrant (lower right) and the Droid Bay is in the southeast (upper right).

Computer Use 4. Overload terminal (2 spike(s)).
Computer Panel: [Success] Overload initiated. Specify time: Computer Panel: [Failure] Access denied. Insufficient Spikes.
1. 30 seconds. 2. 20 seconds. 3. 10 seconds. 4. 5 seconds. 5. 1 second.

After the specified time the terminal overloads, inflicting 1000 electrical damage on all in the vicinity: anything over 1 second should be enough time to get out of the room.

Storage[edit | edit source]

Overloading the terminal in the middle of the Power Relay Station in the lower right (southwest) quadrant of the sublevel opens the security door in its left wall, allowing access to storage. There's a bag in the middle of the room:

Item(s) Received Bag
  • Datapad: Head Technician
This is the workpad of Dergar Chester, the late Head Technician of the Jedi Enclave. There is a personal note written here: "It's been a couple weeks and no one has come for me. I can only assume the Enclave was destroyed topside and now I'm buried alive in here. I've tried using the equipment in this storage room to hack, force, weld, or blow that flaming security door open, but nothing I've tried works, and now I'm running out of food...

There's also a footlocker in the bottom right corner, two metal boxes in the bottom left corner, another footlocker in the top left corner and three plasteel cylinders in the top right corner.

Item(s) Received Footlocker (2)
  • ?
Item(s) Received Metal Box (2)
  • ?
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder (3)
  • ?

At the left end of the bottom right perimeter hallway it turns right, leading up to a circular room containing a laigrek, with a salvager corpse in the middle of it.

The perimeter hallway continues down beyond the doorway in the bottom left corner of the circular room, before turning right. The bottom left perimeter hallway contains a laigrek, with two doorways in the top inner wall: the right is a locked door while the left is open, leading into a room with another open doorway in its right wall, leading into the right room. A laigrek and a deadly laigrek roam these rooms.

Security Locked Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (2) (level 22)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Deadly Laigrek (level 22)

There's a locked door in the top wall of the left room, and another in the left wall of the next room, leading to a short hallway back to the left perimeter hallway.

Security Locked Door (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

At the left end of the bottom perimeter hallway it turns right, where a locked door in the outer wall is mined:

Awareness Average Frag Mine Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Security Locked Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

In the room beyond, there are two footlockers at the ends of the second and fourth beds from the door by the top wall, and another at the end of the second bed from the door by the bottom wall:

Security Footlocker (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist - Vitality -
Item(s) Received Footlocker (3)
  • ?

Above this room, the left perimeter hallway turns left then right, where a laigrek roams.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Laigrek (level 22)

There's an open doorway and hallway in the right inner wall, and at the top end of the bottom left perimeter hallway is the Garden.

Courtyard[edit | edit source]

When you return to the exit to the courtyard, if you've passed the second inner doorway in the left half of either the top or bottom perimeter hallway then Gerevick and four thugs await you, challenging you even if you're in Stealth mode:

Gerevick: Braved the perils of the sublevel, yes? Many stories and artifacts in your possession? This is fortuitous for myself and associates.
Gerevick: For now not only do I get rich salvage, but an even richer bounty. Do not be making this difficult. Your death can be quite painless.
1. I don't suppose you'd like to negotiate a peaceful resolution to this situation? 2. I'm afraid your death won't be.
Gerevick: Negotiations are not possible. A deal has been made with anxious people. People you do not cross. Gerevick: So this is your threat? Is terror what I'm supposed to feel? We know a thing about Jedi and their ways.
Gerevick: And now, Jedi, we shall fight.
Gerevick (main character level 22)
Set 4
Level 16
Class Soldier
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 3
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 16 +3
Vitality 174
Force -
Defense 36
Fortitude -3
Reflex -5
Will -5
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 27 -
Slashing 9-42-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Vibrosword + Life Support Pack

Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons


Thug (main character level 22)
Set 3
Level 16
Class Soldier
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 0
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 133
Force -
Defense 28
Fortitude -5
Reflex -7
Will -8
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 22 -
Energy 6-36-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 23 -
Slashing 6-39-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Repeating Blaster Carbine + Long Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Gerevick (level 22)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Thug (4) (level 22)