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Attack[edit | edit source]

Attacks with weapons cannot normally hit and subsequently damage an opponent unless an attack roll is equal to or greater than that opponent's Defense. An attack roll is the sum of the roll of a twenty-sided die (d20) and all attack bonuses and penalties. According to the Combat log, a minimum d20 roll (1) is an automatic miss while a maximum d20 roll (20) is an automatic hit (and Critical Threat), so chance to hit has a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 95% regardless of whether or not the total attack roll would equal or exceed defense.

Maximum 95% chance to hit is achieved when the sum of 2 (the lowest d20 roll that isn't an automatic miss) and attack bonuses and penalties is equal to or greater than the target's defense.

All characters have a base attack bonus equal to their character or class level(s). Although enemies normally only have class level 1 and thus base 1, they receive a bonus to this based on your main character level:

Set 1 and Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
roundup(main level * 0.9) - 1 roundup(main level * 0.95) - 1 main level rounddown(main level * 1.1)

Dual Wield Penalty[edit | edit source]

Using two weapons or a double-bladed weapon normally incurs an attack penalty, which depends on whether or not the attacker has any Two-Weapon Fighting feat and a balanced weapon (which adds Small Offhand Bonus 2 to the attack(s) of the main hand):

Feat Unbalanced Balanced
Main hand Off hand Main hand Off hand
None -6 -10 -4 -10
Two-Weapon Fighting -6 -6 -4 -6
Improved -4 -4 -2 -4
Master -2 -2 0 -2

All blaster pistols, Double-Bladed Lightsabers and double-handed melee weapons are balanced, as are all Short Lightsabers, short swords and vibroblades in the off hand.

Once Two-Weapon Fighting has been mastered, the Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder Prestige classes can then select Superior Two-Weapon Fighting to reduce this attack penalty even further:

Two-Weapon Fighting Unbalanced Balanced
Main hand Off hand Main hand Off hand
Superior I -1 -2 +1 -2
Superior II 0 -2 +2 -2
Superior III 0 -1 +2 -1

Feats[edit | edit source]

Some feats add a bonus to, or inflict a penalty on, the attack roll:

Feat Base Improved Master
Power Blast -3
Rapid Shot -4 -2 -1
Power Attack -3
Flurry -4 -2 0
Feat Base Improved Master
Force Jump +2 +4
Dueling +1 +2 +3
Dual Strike +2 +4 +6
Weapon Focus +1

All Prestige classes are granted Weapon Focus: Lightsaber and can select Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber, but only a Jedi Weapon Master or Sith Marauder can then select Superior Weapon Focus: Lightsaber.

Superior Weapon Focus Lightsaber I Lightsaber II Lightsaber III
Weapon Focus Bonus +1 +2 +3

Ranged[edit | edit source]

Bonuses can be added to the attack roll for close proximity ranged attacks, and melee attacks on ranged attackers, depending on whether or not the attacker, or defender, has any Close Combat feat:

Feat None Close Combat Improved
Close Proximity Ranged Bonus +1 +2
melee on ranged +6 +4 +2

Close Combat is granted to level 4 Scouts, but these feats can be selected by all classes except Prestige classes.

Scouts are also granted Targeting feats, which add an attack bonus when using blaster pistols and rifles:

Scout level 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29
Ranged attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

Lightsaber form[edit | edit source]

Some lightsaber forms add a bonus to the attack roll:

Determination (Shii-Cho) Contention (Makashi) Perseverance (Shien) Moderation (Niman)
+1 +3 (vs lightsaber) +2 +1

Attribute modifier[edit | edit source]

Strength mod(ifier) is normally added to the attack roll when using melee weapons and lightsabers.

Dexterity mod(ifier) is added to the attack roll when using ranged weapons. If greater than strength mod, then it can be added to melee attack rolls instead of Strength modifier after selecting the Finesse: Melee Weapons feat, and to lightsaber attack rolls after selecting either of the Finesse: Melee Weapons or Lightsaber feats.

Player Charisma Modifier is also added to your party's attack rolls, but not your own.

Effect Bonus[edit | edit source]

Some weapons and items add an effect bonus or penalty to the attack roll, as do some Force powers and stimulants:

Force power Effect Bonus
User Party Enemy
Battle Meditation +2 +2
Improved +2 +2 -2
Master +4 +4 -4
Inspire Followers Restricted to: Light Side +(1-5) +(1-5)
Crush Opposition Restricted to: Dark Side -(1-5)
Slow -2
Stimulant Effect Bonus
User Party Enemy
Battle Stimulant +1
Hyper-battle Stimulant +2
Echani Battle Stimulant +3
On Hit Effect Bonus
User Party Enemy
Slow -2

Critical Threat[edit | edit source]

As well as resulting in an automatic hit, an attack roll with a maximum d20 roll (20) results in an automatic Critical Threat. This threat roll is effectively a second attack roll which can result in a Critical Hit, multiplying damage rolls and bonuses when equal to or greater than an opponent's Defense. However, unlike an attack roll, a threat roll cannot automatically miss (roll 1) or hit (roll 20) so conversion of critical threats to critical hits can be 0% (roll 20 + Attack < Defense) and 100% (roll 1 + Attack ≥ Defense).

Ferocity (Juyo) lightsaber form adds 4 to the threat roll, although the only indication of this in the Combat log's Threat Breakdown is if there's threat success with Attack < Defense (for example, threat success with Attack 40 vs Defense 44; without this form, success would require at least Attack = Defense, or 44).

Unarmed attacks have Critical Threat: 20–20,x2 but don't work with any gloves on: subsequent rolls for Threat Breakdown don't appear even in a case of 20 - Automatic Hit! throw; some weapons have a higher Critical Threat range, increasing the chance of a roll within that range:

Threat 20-20 (5%) 19-20 (10%) 18-20 (15%)
Keen 19-20 (10%) 17-20 (20%) 15-20 (30%)
Ranged weapons Blaster pistols
Heavy blasters
Ion blasters (x3)
Sonic pistols
Ion rifles (x3)
Blaster carbines
Sonic rifles
(Heavy) repeaters
Hold out blasters
Bowcasters (x3)
Blaster rifles
Disruptor pistols
Disruptor rifles
Melee weapons Stun batons
Short swords
Gamorrean battleaxes
Long swords
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Quarterstaffs and Force pikes
Double-Bladed Sword
Vibro double-blades
Freyyr's Warblade
Short Lightsaber

The Keen bonus can increase base Critical Threat range, as can the Critical Strike and Sniper Shot feats. According to the Combat log, any Keen bonus is additive with feat bonuses, resulting in the following:

Feat Critical Threat Keen
20-20 (5%) 19-20 (10%) 18-20 (15%) 19-20 (10%) 17-20 (20%) 15-20 (30%)
Critical Strike / Sniper Shot 19-20 (10%) 17-20 (20%) 15-20 (30%) 18-20 (15%) 15-20 (30%) 12-20 (45%)
Improved 18-20 (15%) 15-20 (30%) 12-20 (45%) 17-20 (20%) 13-20 (40%) 9-20 (60%)
Master 17-20 (20%) 13-20 (40%) 9-20 (60%) 16-20 (25%) 11-20 (50%) 6-20 (75%)

Resilience (Soresu) lightsaber form can then decrease weapon Threat range by 1 (5%) to minimum 20-20 (5%), while Aggression (Ataru) lightsaber form increases it by 1 (5%) to maximum 10-20 (55%) using a Keen (Short) Lightsaber with Master Critical Strike.

Defense[edit | edit source]

Characters can only be hit and subsequently damaged by attacks with weapons when an attack roll is equal to or greater than defense. An attack roll is the sum of the roll of a twenty-sided die (d20) and all attack bonuses and penalties. According to the Combat log, a minimum d20 roll (1) is an automatic miss while a maximum d20 roll (20) is an automatic hit (and Critical Threat), so chance to hit has a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 95% regardless of whether or not the total attack roll would equal or exceed defense.

Minimum 5% chance to hit is achieved when the sum of 19 (the highest d20 roll that isn't an automatic hit) and the attacker's attack bonuses and penalties is less than defense.

Defense breaks down as follows in the Combat log:

All characters start with base 10 defense.

Armor[edit | edit source]

Body armor adds to defense, but it can also restrict how much of a character's dex(terity) mod(ifier) is added as well: for example, an armor displaying Max Dexterity Bonus: +5 restricts defense added by dex mod to +5, even when it's greater than +5.

Defense Bonus Jedi armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light Light armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light Medium armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium Heavy armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy
Armor 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Max Dexterity Bonus 4 5 4 3 2 1 0

The Miner Uniform has armor 1, but no Max Dexterity Bonus.

Any remaining Defense Bonus is added to feats and effects mod. Some armors have higher Max Dexterity Bonus, and underlays can increase it for any heavy armor:

Light armor Bonus
Electromesh Suit +7 (5 + 2)
Medium armor Bonus
Sith Battle Suit +7 (3 + 4)
Electromesh Armor +6 (2 + 4)
Heavy armor Bonus
Flex Heavy Armor +3 (0 + 3)
Felenar Armor +4 (0 + 4)
Flexible Underlay Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy Mark
+1 +2 +3

Otherwise, dex mod is unrestricted when unarmored (unclothed, or wearing clothing or robes with no Max Dexterity Bonus specified).

Class[edit | edit source]

All classes except the Scout and Tech Specialist are granted a defense bonus which can increase on level up:

Classes Feat Level 1 Bonus
Soldier and Minion Mandalorian Courage 0 2 * [ (Level + 1) / 6]
Scoundrel and Droid Scoundrel's Luck or Logic Upgrade 2 2 * [ (Level + 1) / 6]
Jedi Jedi Sense 2 2 * [Level / 6]
Jedi Master and Sith Lord Prestige Sense 2 2 * [Level / 8]
Other Prestige classes Greater Prestige Sense 2 2 * [Level / 5]

Although this bonus is normally attributed to a feat, it's entirely dependent on class: for example, Disciple, Handmaiden and Mandalore are all granted the same bonus as all are Soldiers, even though only Mandalore has the Mandalorian Courage feat.

Classes are granted this bonus at the following levels:

Class bonus 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Soldier and Minion 5 11 17 23 29 35 41 47
Scoundrel and Droid 1 5 11 17 23 29 35 41 47
Jedi 1 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Jedi Master and Sith Lord 1 8 16 24 32
Other Prestige classes 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Although enemies normally only have class level 1, a defense bonus is added to any class bonus based on your main character level:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
rounddown(main * 0.6) roundup(main * 0.7) - 1 rounddown(main * 0.8) roundup(main * 0.9) - 1 main level

Some characters, like HK-47, are also granted a natural bonus.

Feats and effects[edit | edit source]

The Combat log sums defense bonuses and penalties from the following under feats and effects mod:

Feats Base Improved Master
Rapid Shot -4 -2 -1
Sniper Shot -5
Flurry -2 -1 0
Critical Strike -5
Wookiee Rage Rage -2 Fury -4 Frenzy -6
On Hit Droid Repulsor Other
Slow(ed) -4 -2
Force powers Base Improved Master
Burst of Speed Burst +2 Knight +4 Master +4
Force Aura Aura +2 Shield +4 Armor +6
Slow -2
Fury -2 -4 -6
Force power Stun Stasis Field
Saved -4

Armor and other items can also have defense bonuses and penalties added to feats and effects:

Feats and effects from all of the above are restricted to maximum 10: for example, a Jedi using Master Speed (+4) and Force Armor (+6) with Ossus Keeper Robe (+1) and two Lightsabers with Expert Fencing Emitters (+2 each) only receives a defense bonus of 10, not 15.

However, this also means that penalties can be incurred without reducing defense, since they can be offset by any excess: for example, for that same Jedi it makes no difference if Critical Strike (-5) is used since the defense bonus is 10 in either case (15 is restricted to 10, or 15 - 5 = 10).

The following are also added to feats and effects, but they are not restricted to maximum 10:

Lightsaber forms Defense vs Current Target
Perseverance (Shien) -5
Moderation (Niman) +1
Ferocity (Juyo) -4 +2

Defense and Defense vs Current Target bonuses and penalties are cumulative:

Lightsaber Form Determination (Shii-Cho) Aggression (Ataru) Ferocity (Juyo)
Defense vs Current Target 0 (+3 - 3) +3 (-2 + 5) -2 (-4 + 2)

Defense bonuses vs a particular enemy damage type or alignment are added to feats and effects without restriction:

Item Restriction Defense
Underlays Durasteel Underlays Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light vs Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing +(1-5)
Armband Nomi's Armband vs Dark Side +1

Wisdom modifier is also added to feats and effects without restriction for a male character with Battle Precognition, as long as he's not wearing anything with an armor value.

So feats and effects can exceed maximum 10 in these cases: for example, a Jedi using Master Speed (+4) and Force Armor (+6) with Ossus Keeper Robe (+1) and two Lightsabers with Expert Fencing Emitters (+2 each) and Resilience (Soresu) lightsaber form (+2 vs current target) receives a defense bonus of 12 (min(15, 10) + 2) vs current target.

However, this also means that any subsequent penalties cannot be offset by any excess: for example, if that same Jedi uses Perseverance (Shien) lightsaber form (-5 vs current target) instead, the defense bonus is 5 (min(15, 10) - 5) vs current target.

Any Dueling bonus is listed separately as feat:

Feat Base Improved Master
Dueling +1 +2 +3

Debilitated penalty[edit | edit source]

Debilitated penalty results in -4 defense whenever a target is debilitated by any of the following:

Feats Force powers Equipment
Critical Strikes
Sniper Shots
Stun and Stasis (Field)
Stun, Disable and Destroy Droid
Force Push, Whirlwind and Wave
Fear, Horror and Insanity
Wound, Choke and Kill
Plasma, Concussion and CryoBan Grenades
Flash mines
On Hit: Horror, Stun and Paralyze

Being debilitated also means Dexterity modifier isn't added to defense or Reflex save (although Wisdom modifier can still be added to defense by Battle Precognition), and debilitated droids have saves reduced by 2. Characters may avoid being debilitated with a successful save, Immunity: Stun, Fear, Horror, Force Resistance, or Force Immunity feats.

Damage[edit | edit source]

A successful attack can inflict damage, reducing Vitality. Melee weapons inflict physical damage of different types:

Bludgeoning Piercing Slashing
Weapon Damage Weapon Damage Weapon Damage Weapon Damage
Stun batons 1 Short swords 1-6 Long swords 1-12 Wookiee warblade 1-10
Unarmed 1-4 Vibroblades 1-10 Gamorrean battleaxes 1-12 Double-Bladed Sword 2-12
Quarterstaffs 1-6 Vibroswords 2-12 Vibro double-blades 2-16
Force pikes 1-12

Creatures armed with claws also inflict slashing damage. However, the Combat log's Damage Breakdown usually labels any physical damage as slashing, even when it's bludgeoning or piercing.

Lightsabers and most ranged weapons inflict energy damage:

Lightsabers Damage Blaster pistols Damage Blaster rifles Damage Blaster rifles Damage
Short Lightsaber 2-16 Hold out blasters 1-4 Bowcasters 1-10 Repeating blasters 2-12
Lightsaber 2-20 Blaster pistols 1-8 Blaster carbines 1-12 Heavy repeating blasters 2-16
Double-Bladed 2-24 Heavy blasters 1-10 Blaster rifles 1-12

However, some ranged weapons don't:

Unstoppable Sonic Ion
Weapon Damage Weapon Damage Weapon Damage vs Droid
Disruptor pistols 1-6 Sonic pistols 1-4 Ion blasters 1-6 +1-10
Disruptor rifles 1-10 Sonic rifles 1-10 Ion rifles 1-10 +1-10

How much damage is inflicted is normally determined by the roll of a virtual numbered die or dice, which can be expressed with the notation XdY, where X is the number of dice with Y sides rolled:

Damage 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 1-12 2-12 2-16 2-20 2-24
Notation 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 1d12 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d12

Minimum total roll is X, while the maximum is X * Y. The more dice are rolled, the more likely the total will approach the average.

+ 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

For example, although a Long Sword inflicts slightly less damage (1-12 or 1d12) than a Vibrosword (2-12 or 2d6), it is equally likely to roll 1, 7 or 12 (1/12 chance each), whereas the Vibrosword is far less likely to roll 2 or 12 (1/36 chance each) but far more likely to roll 7 (1/6 chance).

Enemy base or weapon damage rolls then receive a multiplier based on your main character level:

Set Damage multiplier Minimum main level for damage multiplier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Set 1 max(roundup((main level - 1) * 0.065); 1) 1 17 32 48
Set 2 max(roundup((main level - 1) * 0.09); 1) 1 13 24 35 46
Set 3 max(roundup((main level - 1) * 0.11); 1) 1 11 20 29 38 47
Set 4 max(roundup((main level - 1) * 0.135); 1) 1 9 16 24 31 39 46
Set 5 max(roundup((main level - 1) * 0.175); 1) 1 7 13 19 24 30 36 42 47

Subsequent damage bonuses are simply added, not multiplied (although they may still be multiplied by a Critical Hit).

More advanced weapons of the same type can have additional bonuses, both set or die rolls, of the same or different damage type(s), like cold, fire, dark side and light side. Some damage types may seem to be associated with specific secondary effects:

However, this is not actually the case. For example:

The only difference damage type makes is which Damage Immunity, Shields and Damage Resistance take effect.

Although the following damage bonuses are listed separately in the Damage Breakdown, they're always added to weapon damage and are thus the same type:

Bonus damage[edit | edit source]

Bonus damage is normally added by feats:

Feat Attack type Bonus damage
Ranged Melee Unarmed I II III IV V VI VII VIII
Precise Shot Yes No No 1 2 4 6 8
Inc. Combat Damage Yes Yes Yes 2 4 6
Inc. Melee Damage No Yes Yes 2 4 6
Unarmed Specialist No No Yes 1-4 2-8 3-12 4-16 5-20 6-24 7-28 8-32
Echani Strike Prerequisities: Handmaiden No No Yes 1-4 2-8 3-12

It can also be added by a Force power and a lightsaber form:

Source Description Attack type Bonus damage
Ranged Melee Unarmed Base Improved Master
Feats Power Blast Yes No No 3 7 12
Power Attack No Yes Yes 3 7 12
Force Jump No Lightsaber No 2 4
Wookiee Rage Yes Yes Yes 0-6
Force power Fury Yes Yes Yes 0-6
Lightsaber form Contention (Makashi) No Lightsaber No 3

The sum of this bonus damage is multiplied by a Critical Hit, then any Massive Criticals bonuses are added.

Electricity damage from Bao-Dur's Strike feats is added to his unarmed attacks separately, after the Combat log's Damage Breakdown, as is unstoppable damage from HK-47's Assassin Protocols.

Misc. effect damage[edit | edit source]

According to the Combat log's Damage Breakdown, the following Force powers and stimulants add (or subtract) misc. effect damage:

Force power Misc. effect damage
User Party Enemy
Battle Meditation +2 +2
Improved +2 +2 -2
Master +4 +4 -4
Inspire Followers Restricted to: Light Side +(1-5) +(1-5)
Stimulant Misc. effect damage
User Party Enemy
Battle Stimulant +1
Hyper-battle Stimulant +2
Echani Battle Stimulant +3

Misc. effect damage is not multiplied by a Critical Hit, and neither is Sneak Attack damage.

Critical Hit[edit | edit source]

A Critical Hit is triggered when the d20 roll of a successful attack roll is within the weapon's Critical Threat range, and then a second attack or threat roll is also successful. This results in a multiplication of weapon damage rolls, bonuses and penalties. Critical Multiplier is normally x2, but each of the following can increase this by 1, to x3:

Critical Multiplier x4 is possible when using Power Blast with a bowcaster, ion blaster or rifle, or Power Attack with Perseverance (Shien) lightsaber form.

However, the following are not multiplied by a critical hit:

Any Massive Criticals bonuses are only added to bonus damage on a Critical Hit, and not multiplied by it.

Taking chance to hit (attack roll success), Critical Threat and critical conversion (threat roll success) into account, the chance of any hit becoming a Critical Hit is as follows:

Roll success Critical Threat
Attack Threat 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6
95% 100% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 75%
95% 4.75% 9.5% 14.25% 19% 23.75% 28.5% 33.25% 38% 42.75% 47.5% 52.25% 57% 71.25%
90% 4.5% 9% 13.5% 18% 22.5% 27% 31.5% 36% 40.5% 45% 49.5% 54% 67.5%
85% 4.25% 8.5% 12.75% 17% 21.25% 25.5% 29.75% 34% 38.25% 42.5% 46.75% 51% 63.75%
80% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20% 24% 28% 32% 36% 40% 44% 48% 60%
75% 3.75% 7.5% 11.25% 15% 18.75% 22.5% 26.25% 30% 33.75% 37.5% 41.25% 45% 56.25%
70% 3.5% 7% 10.5% 14% 17.5% 21% 24.5% 28% 31.5% 35% 38.5% 42% 49%
65% 3.25% 6.5% 9.75% 13% 16.25% 19.5% 22.75% 26% 29.25% 32.5% 35.75% 39% 42.25%
60% 3% 6% 9% 12% 15% 18% 21% 24% 27% 30% 33% 36%
55% 2.75% 5.5% 8.25% 11% 13.75% 16.5% 19.25% 22% 24.75% 27.5% 30.25%
50% 2.5% 5% 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% 17.5% 20% 22.5% 25%
45% 2.25% 4.5% 6.75% 9% 11.25% 13.5% 15.75% 18% 20.25%
40% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%
35% 1.75% 3.5% 5.25% 7% 8.75% 10.5% 12.25%
30% 1.5% 3% 4.5% 6% 7.5% 9%
25% 1.25% 2.5% 3.75% 5% 6.25%
20% 1% 2% 3% 4%
15% 0.75% 1.5% 2.25%
10% 0.5% 1%
5% 0.25%
5% 0% 0%

Since an attack roll must succeed before any threat roll can be made, if chance to hit < Critical Threat then Critical Threat is restricted to chance to hit. For example, 10% chance to hit (roll 19-20 + Attack ≥ Defense) means that a Lightsaber inflicts no more damage with Master Critical Strike (Critical Threat: 13-20,x2) than a standard Attack (Critical Threat: 19-20,x2) since roll 13-18 + Attack < Defense, resulting in a miss on an attack roll, and failure to convert on a threat roll. Consequently, the chance of any hit becoming a Critical Hit is only 1% (0.1 * 0.1 * 100) in both cases.

Average damage multiplier per attack = Attack success + (Threat success * (Critical Multiplier - 1) * min(Critical Threat, Attack success))

For example, with maximum 95% chance to hit (roll 2 + Attack ≥ Defense) and 100% critical conversion (roll 1 + Attack ≥ Defense):

Average damage multiplier per attack = 0.95 + ((Critical Multiplier - 1) * Critical Threat)

Threat 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6
Chance 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 75%
x2 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.7
x3 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.75 1.95
x4 1.1 1.25 1.55

A Critical Hit is required to trigger knockdown when using Power Blast or Power Attack, and HK-47's Assassin Protocols.

Massive Criticals[edit | edit source]

Massive Criticals bonuses are only added to Critical Hits, and not multiplied by them. Some weapons already have a Massive Criticals bonus:

Massive Criticals bonuses are always the same damage type as the weapon itself, and can be added to some weapons with upgrade items:

Ranged Upgrade item Bonus
Power packs Ion Charger Mark II +2
Mark III +4
Mark IV +5
Mark V +2-16
Power Pulsator Mark I +1-4
Mark II +1-8
Mark III +1-10
Mark IV +2-16
Mark V +2-20
Firing chambers Broadening Chamber Mark I +2
Mark II +4
Mark III +1-12
Precision Chamber Mark I +1
Mark II +1-6
Mark III +2-12
Melee Upgrade item Bonus
Edges Mild Devaronian Edge +1-3
Moderate +1-8
Severe +2-12
Deadly +2-20
Improved Neutronium Edge +1-4
Superior +1-6
Energy cells Ion Cell +1
Mark II +1-6
Mark III +2-12
Mark IV +2-16
Sonic Discharge Cell +1-8
Mark II +2-12
Mark III +2-16

If a lightsaber has any Massive Criticals bonus, then 2-12 is added to the sum of any of the following:

Lightsaber Upgrade item Bonus
Energy cells Discharge Energy Cell +1-3
Improved +1-6
Superior +1-8
Ion Energy Cell +1-4
Improved +1-3
Superior +1-6
Power crystals Ultima-pearl +1-6
Crystal, Opila +2-12
Level Power crystal Bonus
1 Black Name Crystal Restricted to: Dark Side +1-4
12 +1-6
15 +1-8
18 +1-10
21 +1-12
24 +2-16
27 +2-20
30 +3-24
33 +3-30

Any Massive Criticals bonuses are added to bonus damage in the Combat log's Damage Breakdown.

Damage Immunity[edit | edit source]

Damage Immunity versus a specified damage type is an item bonus that first reduces damage of that type by a percentage, even before Shields. Damage Immunity: 100% is possible in some cases, resulting in no damage whatsoever, although this is hardly ever granted by a single item.

Immunity Maximum
Bludgeoning 30% Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Piercing 30% Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Slashing 45% Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Immunity Maximum
Electrical 100% Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Energy 90% Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Ion 90% Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Immunity Maximum
Cold 60%
Fire 100%
Sonic 100% Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Immunity Maximum
Light Side 50% Feats Required: Jedi Defense
Dark Side 70% Feats Required: Jedi Defense

Bonuses versus the same damage type all sum as expected, although upgraded item descriptions may only display the highest bonus, or equal bonuses separately.

Source Description Bludgeoning Piercing Slashing
Hands Detonator Gloves 10%
Bothan Precision Gloves 15%
Light armor Mandalorian Combat Suit 10% 10% 10%
Mandalorian Heavy Suit
Overlays Ballistic Shielding Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 10-20% 10-20% 10-20%
Plating Droid Diatium Plating Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3 75% 75% 75%

Damage Immunity vs Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing can become increasingly useful against unarmed attacks and melee weapons as you level up and enemy damage multipliers increase.

Source Description Electrical Energy Ion
Implants Lornan Implant 10% 5%
Head Shielding Visor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium 5% 5% 5%
Enhanced Shielding Visor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium 15% 15% 15%
Absorption Visor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 15% 15% 75%
Belts Multishield Generator 50% 15%
Electrical Capacitance Shield 75%
Robes Norris Robe 20%
Light armor Echani Shield Suit 10% 10%
Overlays Energy Shielding Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 10-30%
Ablative Plating Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium 10-30%
Heavy Bonded Plates Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy Mark III 15%
Underlays Armorweave Underlays Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 10-30%
Plating Droid Quadranium Armor Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2 25% 25%
Droid Agrinium Armor Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1 50% 50%
Droid Capacitor Armor Useable By: HK-47 75% 75% 75%

Significant electrical damage can be inflicted by Shock and Stun Droid powers, but Force Resistance or Immunity, or saves and Damage Resistance vs Electrical, can already grant sufficient protection. Overloading computer terminals you're currently using can inflict up to 1000 electrical damage to all in the area of effect, but you can just... not do that.

Damage Immunity vs Energy can become increasingly useful, as energy weapons (most blaster pistols and rifles, and lightsabers) are extremely common and can become much more damaging as you level up and enemy damage multipliers increase. For example, Jedi armor or light, medium or heavy armor upgraded with Energy Shielding Mark IV and an Armorweave Underlay Mark V grants Damage Immunity: 60% vs Energy in total, and this can be increased to maximum 90%, drastically increasing the total damage a Verpine Prototype Shield can effectively absorb:

Immunity vs Energy Base (0%) 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%
Total points absorbed 170 425 485 566 680 850 1133 1700

Alternatively, Damage Immunity vs Energy can drastically increase the damage an enemy must inflict before the Damage Resistance of Master Energy Resistance cannot resist it entirely:

Immunity vs Energy Base (0%) 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%
Maximum resisted 20 50 57 66 80 100 133 200

Damage Immunity vs Ion would be more useful for Droids.

Source Description Cold Fire Sonic
Head Arkanian Blinders Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium 10%
Absorption Visor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 90%
Hands Insulated Gloves 30% 20%
Detonator Gloves 25%
Bothan Precision Gloves
Belts Aratech SD Belt 25%
Multishield Generator 50%
Thermal Shield Generator 75%
Overlays Heat Shielding Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 10-20%
Sound Dampening Overlays Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 10-50%
Underlays Environment Underlays 15-30% 15-30%
Plating Droid Agrinium Armor Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1 50%
Droid Quadranium Armor Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2 100% 25%

Saves and Damage Resistance should grant sufficient protection, since sonic, cold and fire damage are normally inflicted in relatively small and set amounts by grenades, mines and droid special weapons.

Source Description Light Side Dark Side
Head Bindo's Band 10% 10%
Meditation Band 20%
Matukai Meditation Band 30%
Source Description Light Side Dark Side
Belts Qel-Droma Belt 20% 20%
Robes Baran Do Novice Robe 10% 10%
Baran Do Sage Robe 20% 20%

Light Side damage is only inflicted by your own light or white Name Crystal, while Dark Side damage is only inflicted by your own dark or black Name Crystal, Freedon Nadd's Blaster and Drain Life or Death Field (against which Force Resistance or Immunity, or saves, should grant sufficient protection).

Shields[edit | edit source]

A shield can absorb any damage of the specified type(s) remaining after Damage Immunity. Organic characters can equip a shield on each arm, although only one shield can be active at a time: using a shield replaces any already active. Each shield charge has a duration of 200 seconds, or until maximum damage has been taken. Any damage absorbed, and points remaining, are recorded in Feedback, not the Combat log.

Shield Absorbs
Points Energy Sonic Cold Heat Electrical
Telos Mining Shield 20 No No No Yes No
Energy Shield 40 Yes No No No Yes
Echani Shield 100 Yes No No No Yes
Echani Dueling Shield 130 Yes No No No Yes
Arkanian Energy Shield 80 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verpine Prototype Shield 170 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Shields effectively add Vitality versus the specified damage type(s). Organic characters can equip a Mandalorian shield to absorb physical damage instead:

Shield Absorbs
Points Energy Bludgeoning Piercing Slashing
Mandalorian Melee Shield 50 No Yes Yes Yes
Mandalorian Power Shield 70 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Droids can also equip a shield. All droid shields absorb energy and ion damage, but some also absorb electric damage while others absorb sonic, cold and heat (fire) damage:

Droid Droid Upgrade Absorbs
Points Energy Sonic Cold Heat Electric Ion
Peragus Droid Shield 20 Yes No No Yes No * 2
Deflector Mark I Class 1 50 Yes No No No Yes Yes
Deflector Mark II Class 2 70 Yes No No No Yes Yes
Deflector Mark III Class 3 100 Yes No No No Yes Yes
Defense Barrier Class 1 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Energy Collector Class 1 80 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Renewable Shield Useable By: T3-M4 Class 3 80 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Unity Grid Class 3 110 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Ion damage is doubled against a Peragus Droid Shield.

Toughness[edit | edit source]

The Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder are granted feats that reduce any damage remaining after shields by a percentage:

Inner Strength I II III
Damage -5% -10% -15%
Ignore Pain I II III
Damage -5% -10% -15%

Toughness feats can then further reduce any remaining damage:

Toughness < 20 Damage > 19 Damage
Improved -2 -10%
Wookiee Toughness I Toughness II Toughness III
Damage -2 -5, then -5% -8, then -10%

Wookiee Toughness reduces damage after Improved Toughness. Toughness can be surprisingly effective since it affects each of the following:

  • Sum of weapon damage
  • Sum of bonus damage rolls of each type
  • Sum of set item bonuses of each type

For example, Improved Toughness would have the following effect:

Source Damage Toughness
Type Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Lightsaber Energy 2 20 0 18
Pontite Lens Energy 2 12 1 18
Crystal, Upari 1 8
Expert Fencing Emitter Energy 3 3 6 6
Crystal, Qixoni Restricted to: Dark Side 5 5
Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III Electrical 1 8 0 6
Jedi Guardian dark mastery Restricted to: Dark Side Slashing 1 8 0 6
Total 15 64 7 54

Damage is affected five times in this case, but the Combat log's Damage Breakdown only lists Toughness once. However, these multiple effects can be detected by comparing listed damage to expected damage: this is clearest with rolls and set bonuses of different types (for example, electrical or slashing not being listed on roll 1-2), but can also be seen when the total is less than the expected minimum.

Damage Resistance[edit | edit source]

Damage Resistance versus a specified damage type reduces any damage of that type remaining after Toughness, by a set amount. However, bonuses do not sum: only the highest ever has any effect (although upgraded item descriptions may display equal bonuses separately). Any damage resisted is recorded in Feedback, not the Combat log.

Resistance Source Maximum
Physical Master Force Barrier 15/-
Electrical Mandalorian Battle Armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy 25/-
Energy Master Energy Resistance 20/-
Ion Droid System Fortification Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3 10/-
Dark Side Force Shield 5/-
Resistance Source Maximum
Cold Zabrak Field Armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 30/-
Fire Mandalorian Assault Armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy 25/-
Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy
Sonic Powered Light Battle Armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium 25/-
Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy

/- simply means that the value is subtracted from that damage type.

Damage Resistance: Resist 20/- vs Electrical, Energy, Cold, Fire and Sonic can be granted by Master Energy Resistance to the entire party from level 17, for 120 seconds (2 minutes): while this isn't the maximum against those damage types, it is normally sufficient protection.

Like Toughness, Damage Resistance affects each of the following separately:

  • Sum of weapon damage
  • Sum of bonus damage rolls of specified type
  • Sum of set item bonuses of specified type

This makes Damage Resistance more effective against advanced weapons with these bonuses.

Source Description Physical
Force powers Force Barrier 4
Improved Force Barrier 8
Master Force Barrier 15
Implants Numbness System 5
Belts Immunity Belt 5
Immortality Belt 10

Maximum Damage Resistance: Resist 15/- vs Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing (physical) can only be granted by Master Force Barrier to the Jedi using it from level 15, for 60 seconds.

Source Description Electric Energy
Force powers Energy Resistance 6 6
Improved Energy Resistance 12 12
Master Energy Resistance 20 20
Implants Durability Implant 5 5
Hands Nagai Combat Gloves 5
Lightning Gloves 10
Belts Immunity Belt 5
Immortality Belt 10
Source Description Electric Energy
Light armor Electromesh Suit 5
Ubese Environmental Suit 10 10
Medium Electromesh Armor 10
Heavy M'uhk'gfa 5
Matrix Armor 5
Mandalorian Battle Armor 25
Mandalore's Armor 25
Overlays Ablative Plating Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium Mark IV 5

Damage Resistance: Resist 20/- vs Electrical, Energy is granted by Master Energy Resistance to the entire party from level 17, for 120 seconds (2 minutes): this is close to maximum vs Electrical, and the maximum vs Energy.

Source Description C F S
Force powers Energy Resistance 6 6 6
Improved Energy Resistance 12 12 12
Master Energy Resistance 20 20 20
Head Survey Gear 5
Interface Band 5
Sonic Nullifiers Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 10
Hands Bothan Precision Gloves 5
Overlays Sound Dampening Overlays Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 0-5
Heat Shielding Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light 0-10
Underlays Environment Underlays 5-10 5-10
Edges Ostrine Edge 5
Source Description C F S
Light armor Ubese Environmental Suit 10 10
Echani Light Armor 15
Armored Flight Suit 20
Zabrak Battle Armor 20
Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit 20 20
Zabrak Field Armor 30
Medium armor Cinnagar War Suit 15
Krath Holy Battle Suit 15 15 15
Heavy Cinnagar War Suit 20
Powered Light Battle Armor 25
Heavy armor Mandalorian Assault Armor 25 25
Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh 25 25 25

Damage Resistance: Resist 20/- vs Cold, Fire, Sonic is granted by Master Energy Resistance to the entire party from level 17, for 120 seconds (2 minutes): this is normally sufficient protection.

Source Description Ion
Sensor Droid System Fortification Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3 10
Source Description Dark Side
Head Force Shield 5

Combat Difficulty[edit | edit source]

Adjusting Combat Difficulty in Gameplay Options at any time has the following effect on damage from enemy attacks:

Difficulty Enemy Damage Final Damage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Easy 50% 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
Normal 100% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Difficult 150% 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 15

Final enemy damage is reduced by 50% on Easy and increased by 50% on Difficult, rounding down in both cases. This includes 'friendly' fire from grenades, and returned blaster bolts.

Vitality[edit | edit source]

Your main character and party are granted the following Vitality per class level:

Vitality per class level 6 8 10 12
Classes Scoundrel
Jedi Consular
Jedi Sentinel
Expert Droid
Jedi Guardian
Combat Droid
Prestige classes Jedi Master
Sith Lord
Jedi Watchman
Sith Assassin
Jedi Weapon Master
Sith Marauder

However, enemies normally have their own base Vitality value, with a multiplier based on your main character level:

Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
max(rounddown((main lvl + 1) * 0.65) - 1; 1) max(round(main level * 0.7) – 1; 1) max(round(main level * 0.8) – 1; 1)

Constitution modifier is also added to Vitality per level for all characters, retroactive for levels previously gained, as are the following:

Feat or Force power Base Improved Master
Toughness +1 +2
Fury +1 +2 +3
Feats I II III
Wookiee Toughness +2 +3 +4
Wookiee Rage Rage +1 Fury +2 Frenzy +3

Vitality bonuses are also granted by the following:

Feat Stimulants
War Veteran +25 Battle +8 Hyper-battle +16 Echani Battle +25

Regeneration[edit | edit source]

Your main character and party can regenerate lost Vitality once every 6 seconds, depending on Constitution modifier (CON): 0.3 * CON is regenerated in combat, +1 out of combat. For example:

Constitution 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Modifier -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Combat -0.3 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5
No Combat 0.7 1 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5

The Regenerate Vitality Points feat adds 0.5 to these values, which Battle Meditation then doubles while active: for example, a character with 20 Constitution (CON +5), Regenerate Vitality Points and Battle Meditation active regenerates ((0.3 * 5) + 0.5) * 2 = 4 Vitality once every 6 seconds in combat, and ((0.3 * 5) + 1 + 0.5) * 2 = 6 out of combat.

Any Regeneration item bonuses are then simply added to these values:

Maximum Regeneration: 18 for a dark Jedi with at least 12 Constitution, Armor Proficiency: Medium and two (Short) Lightsabers (upgraded item descriptions may only display the highest bonus, but all are summed).

Cleave[edit | edit source]

When any character kills with a ranged or melee attack (or a droid special weapon), then that character can perform an extra action in that combat round: if the action queue is empty or cleared then this is an automatic Attack if a target is in range (which may include taking a step or two in melee range), otherwise it's the next action queued against another target in range, whether that's a combat feat, Force power (including buffs targeting you or your party), grenade or item use. If no action is queued against a target in range, and no target is in range, then there's no extra action.

If you attack and kill from Stealth then the extra action doesn't count as a Sneak Attack. If the extra action kills the next target as well then this doesn't trigger another extra action, so two is the maximum that can be killed by a character's attacks (or a droid special weapon) in a single combat round. Thus inflicting enough damage to kill targets in a single round can significantly increase kill speed:

Rounds to kill Cumulative maximum kills
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
1 2 4 6 8 10
2 1 2 3 4
3 1 1 2