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In this section, you shall:

  • Awaken inside of the Peragus Mining Facility and regain your bearings
  • Discover new allies as the player character that you generated
  • Explore the ruined facility and defend yourself from its rogue mining droids


Following the scuttling of the Ebon Hawk, T3-M4 and 3C-FD had managed to repair the Ebon Hawk and begin an emergency docking procedure with the Peragus II mining facility before an unwelcome stowaway returned to attack the droid duo. Despite this, the freighter managed to dock successfully and the miners managed to retrieve you in time to offer the medical help that you desperately needed. After an unknown amount of time has passed, you awaken to the sound of a peculiar voice alone in the medical bay, at full strength but completely without knowledge or gear - all that you have on is the underthings that you last wore.

Not only that, but as you explore the ruinous compound it seems that time may have passed along a lot faster than you had first expected: the facility seems abandoned, and there are renegade droids which appear to have killed many of the mine's personnel. You need to find help and some equipment before anything worse happens next.

Medical Bay

You gain control of the player character in the center of the medbay. Tooltips advising basic gameplay features appear as you branch out from here, which can be disabled in the options menu if you do not need the help. The main hallway connecting the medical lab, the medical bay, and the morgue has a sealed door in the way which is now stuck closed due to the extreme damage of the inner facility. Explore the nearby medical lab and use its computer to access holologs and unlock the doors to the storage room and the morgue. You can use the lab station here to make medical items with the found chemicals if you took points in Treat Injury, but only medkits will be useful to you at this point in time.

Inside the morgue, the body of the old woman from before and the body of a recently deceased miner are laid up. Lifting the sheet from the corpse of the miner reveals that he had a plasma torch on his body, a tool suited to cutting metals with precision.

The second that you retrieve this item however, the woman, who was merely comatose rather than actually dead, awakens and inquires mysteriously about your looting of the dead. The woman is Kreia: a mystical Force user whose role in this situation is as of yet, completely uncertain, although she does know that you are an Exile of the Jedi Council from the recent Mandalorian Wars. Despite this and her apparent obfuscation of her identity, she is as concerned as you are about discovering what the fate of the facility and its staff are and encourages you to find out as much as possible as she regains her conscious faculties - she can join you later after she recovers mentally.

Two things occur here: if you attempted to investigate the condition of the miners in the other kolto tanks and discovered that someone had murdered them with a lethal dose of sedatives, Kreia can be persuaded to divulge what she knows (no matter how low your Persuade skill is, there is always a success with her) and explains that as a Jedi, your greater force of will allowed you to survive the "attempt" on your life and questions whether the move was made to kill you or rather to keep you unconscious. That means that at least she is not the killer, but then who is? The second thing is your first taste of the morality system. After you ask her enough questions you can leave one last line to her; threatening her to stay out of your way grants you dark side points, and showing concern for her well-being and promising to return for her later grants light side points. Gaining points for either alignment is simple enough, and getting dark side points typically involves choosing chaotic or evil options while gaining light side points requires lawful or good responses.

Security Corridor

Equip the plasma torch and use it to blast open the door's mechanism and proceed forward. Loot any droid carapaces or dead miners that you come across for components, credits, and shields. Every little bit counts, especially towards the second half of the game where buying the best gear available becomes important. Take the vibrosword and equip it in your melee slot and proceed into the next area. Two mining droids attack you immediately.

The mining droids here are first-generation models without formal weaponry that are also suffering some damage sustained during the proceeding chaos. Statistically speaking, they are far weaker than you are and they should not give you any significant trouble. However, they are not encountered alone and they can flank you for an increased chance to hit if you put yourselves into the middle of a group, so just pace yourself and take them on one at a time. The second one to die always drops a mining laser, which is essentially a nonupgradeable blaster pistol. You may equip it in place of the vibrosword if your dexterity is higher than your strength.

In the next room, two more will attack you; finish them off quickly as before. You can use either ranged or melee combat to battle them, but melee is the best method overall since these droids are completely restricted to using ranged attacks, granting you a better defense against them. If you use feats, Rapid Shot or Flurry tends to kill them quickly due to their low dexterity and health.

In the room after this, there is a security office containing lockers and a holodesk. You can bash open or pick the lock on the locker for some ion grenades and materials or use the holodesk to gain more perspective on the situation. Save the ion grenades for large groups of droids rather than lone targets, as there aren't many that you will find in this facility. Just as you attempt to cross into the next room on your way to the communications area, Kreia uses the Force to telepathically commune with you, forewarning of three droids tightly clustered together. She instructs you on using the Force to sense the same presence and is pleased that you still have some limited capacity to use the Force.

This battle is meant to be a miniboss, so saving beforehand is recommended by the game and the cutscene that you just witnessed. Three droids is a bit tough at level 1 since all three will be firing at once and you will be considered to be flanked regardless of what angle you take when fighting them. Return to the medbay to heal with the kolto tank if your health is low and use the vibrosword to even your odds as much as possible. If you are feeling rather cheap, you can stand right at the threshold of the door and just lob an ion grenade at the center droid for an instant wipe.

After the encounter, Kreia comments with intrigue about your sensitivity to the Force finally returning, and she offers to assist you in the endeavor of regaining your powers later on. Afterwards, you gain 1 level, a few feats related to the Jedi class, and your first Force power. Keep in mind that Stun Droid and Force Shock are going to be the strongest powers that you can take for now since droids, practically speaking, are going to be the only enemy in the facility that you face off against.

Communications Blister

If you watched the holologs at the security station, the security officer will comment about the security override at the administration computer which will shut down all droids and barriers in the immediate vicinity as well as a stealth field generator in the room that you just cleared which is effective against the droids' limited sensors. Whether you choose to rush for the shutdown switch, stealth kill the droids, or destroy them all is up to you, as choosing any of the three grants you the exact same level of experience points. The jail's forcefield shuts down after the switch is tripped or after all 8 droids littered about the area have been neutralized. Kreia's precognitions detect another living person within, but she assures you that he may be hard to read but is nonetheless harmless.

The rugged individual snidely (if male) or interestedly (if female) comments on your lack of clothes and intorducs himself as Atton Rand. The entire time that he is speaking, it should be apparent that Atton is a scoundrel; stuck here as a contracted pilot or helping hand who was locked away shortly before the facility descended into hellish conditions. Most of the dialogue up until he figures out that you are the Jedi that was discovered aboard the freighter is historical context about the Mandalorian and Jedi Civil Wars, as well as there being a line of dialogue that allows you to retcon both Revan's sex and alignment. Once he discovers who you are, he insist that you free him and allow him to assist you in escaping the administration level to find a functioning ship. Using what you know to attempt to pass a Persuade check, it is revealed that he, too, is not the killer and is as lost in the dark as you are about what happened here. Again, how you choose to address Atton earns more dark side or light side points, so stick with what alignment you wish to develop and earn more points there.

Despite his obvious skill with Computer Use and Repair, Atton is unable to override the lockdown from an external hub since the entire system has been remotely and physically severed from the main hub at another point in the facility. The only thing that you can do now use the intercom to access other points in the facility and call for help. Fortunately, the hangar bay's PA system is still online and calling in alerts T3-M4 to your presence. After asking for his help, you transition to the next chapter of the story back in control of T3-M4.


  • Don't use medkits to heal yourself unless you are dangerously low on health. The kolto tank in the medbay has unlimited uses and heals you to full vitality at no cost.
  • Save grenades and shields for later battles when the droids become more concentrated.
  • Melee is the best way to defeat the droids at this point in time, even if you have built a character designed for combat at a distance.