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File:KotORII Map Rebuilt Jedi Enclave.png
Map of the rebuilt Jedi Enclave

The entrance from the Enclave's outer courtyard is on the right side of the rebuilt Jedi Enclave. As you go forward, if Kreia is in your party then she speaks as the camera pans around the inner courtyard as you enter it:

Kreia: It... it is different, it has been some time.

Showing her age, she sits:

Kreia: Forgive me, but I need to rest. Go on... the Council awaits. I will remain here.
Awareness 1. [Awareness (13)] You are afraid. 2. Are you sure?
Kreia: Yes, afraid for you. As I always have been.
Kreia: I will be fine here... whatever answers the Council have are for you alone.
3. What's wrong? 1. Is there anything wrong? 4. Very well. I shall return shortly. 5. Stay here, then.
Kreia: I am... tired. The journey has been a long one, and I need to center myself.

As you cross the courtyard, she speaks again:

Kreia: Know that much may happen here, but above all, do not forget this - you may trust in me. We cradle each other's lives, and what threatens one of us, threatens us both. And if you find you cannot trust me, trust in your training. Trust in yourself. Never doubt what you have done. All your decisions have brought you to this point.

As you leave the courtyard, if you didn't kill any of the lost Jedi then she speaks to herself:

Kreia: And now, perhaps, they shall see what you have become.

If Kreia is not in your party, then the ramp and tunnel exiting the top of the courtyard to your right are blocked by rubble and a corpse. The ramp exiting the bottom of the courtyard to your left leads up a tunnel that continues to your right: the ramp at the other end on your left is also blocked by rubble and a corpse.

Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?

When you exit the courtyard via the tunnel opposite the entrance, Kreia enters the courtyard behind you and looks around:

Kreia: It has been some time.

Showing her age, she sits:

Kreia: The years have not been kind to us both, it seems.

If you didn't kill any of the lost Jedi:

Kreia: But perhaps now, they will see the truth at last.

Lost Jedi

If you didn't kill any of the lost Jedi, then all three stand in the open air of the overgrown Jedi Council chamber with their backs to the doorways in its top right side:

Master Vrook: It is not as it was...
Master Zez-Kai Ell: But perhaps that is for the best.

As you enter alone, they turn to face you:

Master Kavar: We were wondering when you would arrive.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: This moment has taken some time to reach us, and I imagine you have many questions.
Master Vrook: Or perhaps you have come for revenge.

You can tell them you've come to kill them all, but you won't get the chance now:

5. I have come to kill you all.
Master Vrook: Killing... your answer to everything. You defeated the Mandalorians during the war, only to become one of them.
Master Kavar: Hold on, look - there's no need for us to fight.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: Don't do this. You're making a mistake.
Master Vrook: No, we expected this. And perhaps our judgment only delayed what needed to be done. But no matter how far you have fallen, we will not kill you.
1. You cannot. If you think to cut me off from the Force, you are wrong. 2. We shall see. You took power from me once - you will not do so again. 3. Did you think you could? You can not even strip me of my power again if you wanted to.

Otherwise you can be less hostile, and question them more:

1. We must ally if we are to stop the Sith.
Master Vrook: No. We will do as we have done - we will wait. There is nothing else we can do.
1. What? But the Sith are attacking the Republic! 2. But the enemy has revealed itself - we can fight back.
Master Vrook: No, the true threat has yet to show itself. It is waiting for something - us, perhaps, to enter the war. We have seen their soldiers, the remnants of their fleet, but those are symptoms of a disease. It is more bait to attempt to draw us out.
Master Kavar: The actual battle is being fought through the Force, not with weapons of war. It isn't about the Republic anymore. The attack on Onderon... something was attempting to use the planet itself, to feed on it, to draw on the power there. You prevented it, but it was a stalling measure. The next time will be critical.
1. You are all hesitating, like you did in the Mandalorian Wars! 2. Then we must act.
Master Vrook: If Jedi gather, if we wage war against these... shadows now, then Jedi will die, and we will die for nothing. Whatever this thing is, it must be fought by those strong in the Force - it cannot be fought in any other way. It knows this, and that is why it is killing us. If we die, then it will win, no matter what fleet or weapons are brought against it.
3. Why were you all in hiding?
Master Vrook: I see you have failed to grasp the nature of the enemy we face. Where Jedi gather, Jedi die.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: But not just Jedi... all things touched by the Force.
Master Kavar: The last Jedi conclave was on Katarr, a Miraluka colony. And all of Katarr was destroyed, all of the Jedi killed...
Master Vrook: Including Master Zhar. Master Vandar.
Master Kavar: A Jedi doesn't care if he dies. Everyone does, but when we fight, when we sacrifice ourselves, it is for others, for the greater good.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: But our presence must not endanger others. And as long as we were visible targets, we were a threat to everything around us.
2. What happened on Katarr?
Master Vrook: There was a gathering of Jedi on the planet - when we realized that something was attacking us, we resolved to meet secretly to attempt to find this threat.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: Then... Katarr was no more.
Master Kavar: When we felt Katarr die, there is something we felt, something we'd felt once before. An echo in the Force. We'd felt it before when you stood before us. Whatever this threat, whatever this hunger is, it is something tied to you, something you have experienced directly.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: This echo travels in the places where death has walked, where planets have died. Massacres fuel its power, the death of life fuels it.
1. So it is me?
Master Zez-Kai Ell: No, we do not believe so... but it is tied to you somehow.
Master Kavar: I felt it on Dxun.
Master Vrook: And it was in the ground at Dantooine.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: It echoed in the ruins on Korriban.
Master Kavar: And the wastelands of Telos.


1. Why didn't you track down this threat?
Master Vrook: We have been trying... for years, without success. Whatever disturbance in the Force that would cause death on such a scale also clouds it from our sight.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: It is like a scream in the Force, and finding its source is difficult. It has cast many echoes.
Master Vrook: So we sought out places touched by the Force, by such events.
Master Kavar: We went to Dantooine... to Telos... to Dxun.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: And some of us just left.
Master Vrook: We thought the enemy might show themselves. They were Sith, that much was certain. But where they were striking from, we did not know.

You cannot ask the previous questions once you've asked why they cast you out of the Order, or what they spoke of when they did so:

2. Why did you cast me out of the Order?
Master Vrook: We cast you out of the Order because you followed Revan to war. There was no other reason.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: No, there was another... you had become different somehow, changed. The war had changed you.
Master Kavar: You were no longer a Jedi. But we could not tell you why - some explanations mean nothing unless the one who suffers comes to the answer on their own. What had happened to you was punishment enough... and the Jedi do not kill their prisoners.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: And if you had stayed, you would have changed us. And that we could not allow.
4. I need to know what you spoke of when you cast me out of the Order many years ago. 1. Changed you? What do you mean?
Master Vrook: You already know the answer - you've noticed it in those who travel with you.
1. What are you talking about? 2. Could someone just give me a straight answer? 3. My companions? What about them?
Master Zez-Kai Ell: Have you noticed that when you act, others follow?
Master Kavar: Those that travel with you...
Master Zez-Kai Ell: ...they follow you, without question. Without hesitation.
Master Vrook: Against their instincts, and sometimes against their sense.
Master Kavarr: It is because you are a leader... but that still fails to grasp the meaning of what I am trying to tell you.
1. So explain yourself. 2. Are you saying I'm controlling them? 3. I am a leader, a general, no longer.
Master Vrook: It is not an easy thing to explain... surely you are familiar with Force bonds. Master Vrook: Perhaps not. But it is not that to which I am referring. Surely you are familiar with Force bonds.
Master Vrook: It is the bond that develops between apprentice and Master, when one truly understands another. It is developed over time, through understanding of each other. Yet you do it so easily, and we do not know why.
Master Kavar: You make connections through the Force, and it resonates with those who travel with you. The resonance is even greater when they, too, are Force Sensitive.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: Your actions affect others more than you know. You draw others to you, especially those strong in the Force.
Master Kavar: When you suffer, their spirit echoes it. And when they are in pain, their pain becomes yours.
1. How did this happen? 2. Is this going somewhere? 3. I don't believe any of this.
Master Kavar: We do not know. But it is not the first time you've felt the weight of so many lives. Master Kavar: This bond - it travels both ways. When you feel pain, or strong emotion, it resonates within you.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: And that is why the Mandalorian Wars echo within you still.
1. What do you mean? 2. So all those deaths at Malachor...? 3. Are you telling me you weren't responsible for my loss? 4. More lies. Prove it.
Master Vrook: We did not cut you off from the Force. You were merely deafened to it, because of that last battle of the Mandalorian Wars.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: The screams of countless thousands, Jedi and Mandalorians, crushed by the planet's gravity, annihilated.
Master Kavar: Their lives still scream across the surface of that dead planet - and within you. To hear the Force over such pain... it is not possible. It was too much for any Jedi to endure... and it is a wonder that you did not die there when thousands perished, all those you had fought with and struggled with. You cut yourself off, because you had to if you were to survive. You had hints of it on the war on Dxun. Malachor was simply the final blow.

Kreia speaks to herself back in the inner courtyard, seemingly in response to the Council:

Master Vrook: You were deafened.
Kreia: At last, you could hear.
Master Kavar: You were broken.
Kreia: You were whole.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: You were blinded.
Kreia: And at last, you saw.
Master Vrook: When you returned to us, we saw what had happened. You carry all those deaths at Malachor within you, and it has left a hole, a hunger that cannot be filled.
Master Kavar: In you, we saw a wound in the Force.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: In you, we saw the end of the Force.
1. But... that makes no sense. I can feel the Force again. 2. My connection to the Force is even stronger than before. 3. More lies. I still have my power, and my abilities.
Master Vrook: Yes... you can feel the Force, but you cannot feel yourself. You are a cipher, forming bonds, leeching the life of others, siphoning their will and dominating them. It is the teaching of these new Sith, to feed on others, on other Force Sensitives. They are symptomatic of the wound in the Force. You are a breach that must be closed. You transmit your pain, your suffering through the Force. Within you, we see something worse than merely the teachings of the Sith. What you carry may mean the death of the Force... and the death of the Jedi.
1. I am stronger, stronger than I ever was. 2. But I can feel the Force, strongly. 3. More Jedi cryptic warnings - my strength is proof enough that you are wrong.
Master Vrook: So you think. It is not the strength of a Jedi you feel.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: He's right. It's... all the death you've caused to get here. You feed on it, and you grow stronger. You're like Malachor... it's in you, it's what you are now. You must have noticed as you've fought across all these planets, killing hundreds - only to become more and more powerful. Why do you think that was?
Master Kavar: But what's worse, is that bonding you have - it hasn't gone away. It's gotten stronger, and the more attachments you form, the more you draw others to you.
Master Vrook: And that is why you are a threat to us all.
1. What do you mean? 2. This makes no sense! 3. A threat?
Master Vrook: What if other Jedi went to war as you did, suffered the same events, and emerged as you did. What if there was a crucible that trained such Jedi to consume and kill?
Master Zez-Kai Ell: For you, Malachor was that crucible.
Master Kavar: What's worse, is these Sith that we face... I fear that they have learned the lesson of Malachor all too well. It is what allows them to prey on Force users, to become stronger when Force Sensitives are near.
Master Vrook: Somehow, they have learned their hunger from you. And so you have brought about the end of the Jedi, and perhaps all the knowledge of the Force. But it is of no consequence. Your ability to make such connections, such bonds, so easily are why you cannot remain.

Kreia gets up, and starts walking towards the Council chamber.

Master Vrook: You are a threat to living creatures, and all who feel the Force.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: You will lead the Sith here. And that we cannot allow.
Master Vrook: Our judgment before remains, exile. You must leave... and you must leave without your tie to the Force. It is a punishment reserved for only a few - and only when necessary, but we have the power to cut you off from the Force, and it must be done.
Master Kavar: Forgive us... but it is necessary.
1. I will submit to this punishment. 2. If this is what must be done, then I accept it. 3. I won't give up the Force - stop this. 4. The first one who touches me, dies.
Master Vrook: This must be done. As long as you feel the Force, you are a danger to those around you.
Master Vrook: Do not be afraid - you shall feel no pain, but this must be done. As long as you feel the Force, you are a danger to those around you.

Kreia enters, using the Force to push back the Jedi Council as you collapse:

Kreia: Enough!
Kreia: Step away from him. Kreia: Step away from her.
Master Vrook: Wh-?

Kreia pushes him back again:

Kreia: Step away!
Kreia: He has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance! You will not harm him. You will not harm him ever again. Kreia: She has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance! You will not harm her. You will not harm her ever again.
Master Kavar: I thought you had died in the Mandalorian Wars...
Kreia: Die? No - became stronger, yes.
Master Vrook: Is this your new Master, exile? If so, then you follow Revan's path. Her teachings will cause you to fall as surely as he did. Master Vrook: Is this your new Master, exile? If so, then you follow Revan's path. Her teachings will cause you to fall as surely as she did.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: We sought to lure the Sith out... and now they have come to us.
Kreia: As you would pass judgment on him, I have come to pass judgment on you all. Kreia: As you would pass judgment on her, I have come to pass judgment on you all.
Kreia: Do you wish to feel the teachings born of the Mandalorian Wars? Of all wars, of all tragedies that scream across the galaxy? Let me show you - you, who have forever seen the galaxy through the Force. See it through the eyes of the exile.

Kreia drains them, and they collapse:

Kreia: How could you ever hope to know the threat you face, when you have never walked in the dark places of the galaxy - faced war and death on such a scale. If you had traveled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was. There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the power of the dark side - it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death. Revan knew the power of such places... and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others... of Jedi, promising them power, and turning them to the dark side. Did you never wonder how Revan corrupted so many of the Jedi, so much of the Republic, so quickly? The Mandalorian Wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion. Culminating a final atrocity that no Jedi could walk away from... save one. And that is what I sought to understand. How one could turn away from such power, give up the Force... and still live. But I see what happened now.
Kreia: It is because you had no choice. Kreia: It is because you were afraid.
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You met the Jedi Masters and learned why they exiled you. After they threatened to strip your connection to the Force from you, Kreia entered and cast them down. By the time you recovered, she was gone... to Telos, to Atris.

After recovering, if you try to speak with any of the Jedi Masters where they lay:

Master: [This master is dead... drained of life. His body is worse than lifeless, it's like an absence in the Force.]

Otherwise, if you've already killed a lost Jedi other than Master Kavar:

Master Kavar: We have felt your arrival through the Force... though it is difficult here, on Dantooine.
Master Vrook: We know what you have done to the others. The fault is mine - I knew you for what you were when we met on Dantooine, and I should have stopped you then. Master Zez-Kai Ell: We know what you have done to Vrook. And we know you have come for us.

If Master Kavar is the only lost Jedi you've already killed:

Master Zez-Kai Ell: So... you have finally come. We were wondering if you would come to finish us.
Master Vrook: We know what you have done to the others. The fault is mine - I knew you for what you were when we met on Dantooine, and I should have stopped you then.

If you've already been killed all but one of the lost Jedi:

Master Kavar: I have felt your arrival through the Force... though it is difficult here, on Dantooine. I know what you have done, the other Masters you have killed. Now you must answer for crimes. Master Vrook: Even here on Dantooine, I can still hear you faintly in the Force... now that I know what to listen for. I know what you have done to the others. It is my fault - I knew you for what you were when we met on Dantooine, and I should have stopped you then. Master Zez-Kai Ell: It has been some time since I walked on Dantooine... and I can still hear the dead. I hear them - just as I know you have slain Vrook, and Kavar. And I know you have left me for last.

In every case:

1. If this is all that is left of the Jedi Order, then this shall be a short battle, indeed. 2. We shall see who dies this day, Jedi. 2. Are you prepared to die, Jedi? 3. Then let us end this.

You engage in combat with any surviving lost Jedi. The two doors in the top right of the Council chamber are now locked.

Master Kavar (main character level 30)
Set 3
Level 22
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 80 (very light)
Awareness 3
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 193
Force 416
Defense 40
Fortitude 33
Reflex 33
Will 34
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 32 30
Energy 11-839-65
Threat 19-20,x219-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Jedi Master Robe Short Lightsaber Lightsaber

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Force Immunity Fear Master Two-Weapon Fighting Advanced Jedi Defense32 Force Jump Master Power Attack28

Stun Stasis Field 31 Advanced Throw Lightsaber Heal

Master Vrook (main character level 30)
Set 3
Level 22
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 80 (very light)
Awareness 4
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 193
Force 488
Defense 40
Fortitude 33
Reflex 33
Will 35
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 30 -
Energy 9-81-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Jedi Master Robe Lightsaber

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Master Flurry

Force Wave 32 Force Breach Master Heal

Master Zez-Kai Ell (main character level 30)
Set 3
Level 22
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 80 (very light)
Awareness 4
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 14 +2
Wisdom 18 +4
Charisma 14 +2
Vitality 215
Force 338
Defense 41
Fortitude 34
Reflex 34
Will 35
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 31 29
Energy 11-999-97
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Jedi Master Robe Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber Master Two-Weapon Fighting Advanced Jedi Defense32 Master Flurry

Force Whirlwind 33 Force Suppression

They rarely, if ever, use Force powers for anything other than healing. Master Kavar's Heal restores up to 31 Vitality at level 30, while Master Vrook's Master Heal restores up to 64 Vitality at level 30 and neutralizes any poison or stun: they only start to heal when reduced to less than half of maximum Vitality.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Master Kavar (level 30)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Master Vrook (level 30)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Master Zez-Kai Ell (level 30)

Once all have been killed, Kreia enters:

Kreia: And so here lies all that remain of the Jedi. It is a powerful thing you have achieved here... you have brought death again to Dantooine.
1. Is this all the Jedi who remain? 2. It was a quick battle. 3. They have died a coward's death, as they deserved.

Otherwise, if you'd already killed all three before arriving, then the chamber is empty. Kreia enters:

Kreia: Is it as you expected?
1. You said all that is left of the Jedi will be here. 2. There is no one here. Where are the Jedi? 3. What is this? Answer me.
Kreia: Yes, and that is why this place is empty. Kreia: Yes, and that is I, though I am not of them any longer. Kreia: I had thought you were the last of the Jedi, as did the Sith. But there are more of them than you know.
1. I don't have time for this. 2. But where is the Jedi Order? And the rest of the Jedi? 3. I want some answers. Now.
Kreia: You are correct - time is something that neither of us has. But for now, we must speak.

In every case:

Kreia: Your actions have crippled the Order, perhaps destroyed them.
1. Are all the Jedi dead? 2. Then I have wiped them out. 3. Are there other Jedi left in the galaxy?
Kreia: No... perhaps... it is difficult to say. For every Jedi slain, for every Sith slain, another rises. But the Order is wounded, yes.
1. I have had my revenge, then. I have seen them broken at last. 2. Why have you brought me here? 3. Then coming here has been for nothing.
Kreia: Oh, yes. Your hate has destroyed them - you should be proud of the blood you have spilled, the lives you have ended. But before enjoying this victory - there is something we must discuss first. Kreia: Because there is something we must discuss. Kreia: Oh no, there is a purpose in such things. That is what we are here to discuss.
Kreia: The destruction of the Order, the Masters, it was not an end in itself. I did not expect them to still live, their presence was... knowledge I did not possess. But now this has been corrected, and now the sides of this conflict are as I had thought them to be. There are no more unknowns. And what you have done - it is not enough.
1. What do you mean? 2. I have slaughtered the Council - none can stand against me. 3. You'd best back up those words, or I'll see you dead.
Kreia: Although I did not expect them to still live, I had hoped you would learn something from the Jedi Masters as they fell before you. Not just of battle, but of yourself... and the Force.
1. What was I supposed to learn? 2. Even now, as I am victorious, you still lecture me. 3. I have learned strength - and how to use it.
Kreia: I must know if killing them, if revenge brought you any measure of satisfaction. If seeing them dead has settled the disquiet within you.
1. Didn't you want to see them dead, too? 2. Why do you wish to know? 3. I will not rest until every Jedi lies dead.
Kreia: Did I wish to see them dead? No, defeated perhaps. Kreia: Because it matters to me, in a way that never mattered to the Jedi, to the Council when they cast you out. You must understand - I did not wish the Jedi dead. Defeated... perhaps. Kreia: That is your wish - not mine. There is strength in defeating an enemy, not slaying them.
Kreia: I merely wished them to see that they and their teachings were wrong. That one could not truly understand the Force simply by adhering to the Jedi Code. All I have ever trained have been failures to them, students who went to fight the Mandalorians, who fell to the dark side, who abandoned their training. To see one that had the strength to best them, that is a moment I will not forget. Yet, it has not been as satisfying as I had hoped. To best one in battle is one thing. To defeat them without striking a blow - that was my hope. Regardless... it had to be done. To have such powerful Jedi still live, still be felt in the Force even on such worlds as they had chosen, was a threat that had to be ended.
1. A threat - how? 2. What do you mean? 3. To the Sith?
Kreia: To the Sith? No, not to the Sith - perhaps not in the way you would think.
Kreia: That is not important. First - let us return to my question. If by killing these Jedi, if you achieved any measure of peace. Kreia: Let us return to my question. If by killing these Jedi, if you achieved any measure of peace.
1. Why do you wish to know?
Kreia: It is important to me - and I wish an answer, not more questions from you.
2. I will not rest until every Jedi lies dead. 3. It has been satisfying yes, but not all the council who sentenced me are dead. 4. No, for Atris still lives. 5. Yes, but there are still other opponents - it is not enough to kill Jedi, when the Sith remain. 6. Such peace is not possible if the Sith still hunt me.
Kreia: It was as I thought. You have failed me. Completely, and utterly.

Kreia drains you until you collapse:

Kreia: I have taught you to hear the Force again, shown you the contrast, and yet still you do not understand.
Kreia: This is what you have wrought. Countless murderers, slayers, assassins, born of war that has as always, has taught the wrong lesson. You showed them life without the Force - and instead of showing them truth, power, all you showed them was how the galaxy may die. You are responsible for all of this. Even now, events spiral towards destruction, and there is nothing that can be done because you refuse to listen, to understand. You have seen the effects you have on those close to you, heard the echoes scream across dead planets, and watched as your strength has grown. Yet it is for nothing. To have the Jedi Masters brought low by such a failure, there is no victory in that. You have not heard a thing I have taught, and for all I have said, you have never learned to listen.

She walks towards you:

Kreia: Vrook was right to come here, though he did not recognize the connection until too late. This place will hide you from the Sith for a time - enough to do what must be done. You were my last hope, the only one who could change what is to come. And now you have left me nothing. I shall teach you no longer. Our bond remains, but that is all. Stay here and die, apprentice, among the wreckage of all that remains of the Jedi. It is a fitting grave until the Sith come to end you... to end everything. And as you lie here, I pray you will listen... and finally awaken.

She walks away, and it fades to black until her words echo in your head as you slowly regain consciousness:

Kreia: :: Vrook was right to come here, though he did not recognize the connection until too late. ::
Kreia: :: All life is connected by the Force. ::
Kreia: :: You have felt it in your companions, your choices affecting theirs, their actions mirroring yours. Imagine such incidents, spreading outwards. ::
Kreia: :: From the smallest of actions, the smallest of cruelties and kindnesses, great tragedies are made. ::
Kreia: :: The wounds inside people, the wounds suffered by planets... both cause echoes, heard and felt through the Force. ::
Kreia: :: And these echoes build, and all that can hear them shall become deafened... or die. ::
Kreia: :: Choose the right moment, create the right echo, and then all shall be destroyed. ::
Kreia: :: And there are those that feed on such deaths. And when no life is left, they shall consume themselves. ::
Kreia: :: You have taught them to bond with others, and then feed on others through that bond. ::
Kreia: :: What you have brought is the death of all who can feel the Force. ::
Kreia: :: It is your gift to the galaxy, exile. ::
Kreia: :: And unless you hear it and silence the echo you have caused, then every living thing, everywhere, that is touched by the Force... will die. ::
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
You went to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, but there were no Jedi there – only Kreia. She cast you down, then left, intending to travel to Telos to find Atris.

Ebon Hawk

As Kreia returns to the inner courtyard, either the Handmaiden or three of her sisters enter:

Kreia: It is done - he is no more. Kreia: It is done - she is no more.
Kreia: Take me to Atris. She will have the strength to do what the Council cannot.

Alone in the Council chamber, you gain a new Force power depending on your alignment:

Alignment < 40 Alignment > 39

You have gained a new dark side Force power: Force Crush.

You have gained a new light side Force power: Force Enlightenment.

The doorways in the top right corner are open: beyond the doorway in the top wall is the old training room, with a footlocker at its top end:

Security Footlocker Lock DC 28 + level Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • ?

The tunnel beyond the door in the right wall of the training room leads back to the Council chamber to your right, and the inner courtyard to your left, which you can explore if you haven't already done so.

When you exit the Jedi Enclave, you return to the Ebon Hawk and enter the cockpit just as Atton gets up from the floor:

1. Where is Kreia? 2. What happened here? 3. Did Kreia come on board?

If your main character is male:

Atton: The Handmaiden took her. She thinks Kreia killed you.
1. But Kreia didn't do that. 2. Why does she think that?
Atton: Of course she didn't. It's a lie... another lie. Atton: Because that's the lie Kreia told her, that's why.
Atton: The only thing that matters is the Handmaiden believes it. And she's going to react exactly how that old witch hoped she would. That's why she wanted the Handmaiden on board, you know. So she could use her to reach the Telos Academy whenever she wished - without needing the access codes.
1. They're going to Telos? 2. But the Handmaiden wouldn't betray the Academy like that. 3. The Handmaiden would never allow Kreia to enter the Academy.
Atton: Yes. The Handmaiden knows who she is, now. Atton: She would, if she thought she was bringing Atris a prisoner. Especially a Sith Lord.
Atton: She'll take her to Telos, and Atris will do what she'll do to anyone she thinks is a Sith.

If your main character is female:

Atton: She's gone. The Handmaidens came for her. They know who she is now.
1. And you didn't stop them?
Atton: I couldn't stop them. I wasn't conscious at the time. I don't even know if I could have stopped them.
2. Where are they taking her?
Atton: They'll take her to Telos, and Atris will do what she'll do with anyone she thinks is a Sith.

In both cases:

1. A Sith? 1. Kreia is Sith?
Atton: Are you surprised? All that talk of hatred, manipulation, and standing on your own two feet - sorry, you don't get any more Sith than that. Still, if we were all judged by who we were in the past, I don't think you'd understand who we are now.
2. Atris will execute her. 3. But Kreia and I are linked. If she dies...
Atton: Yeah... she will. If she can. Atton: Yeah... I know.
3. Then we're going to Telos. We have no choice. 4. The Sith are planning to attack Telos - everything will be decided there.
Atton: That's what I was afraid you'd say.

You go to the port dormitory. If your main character is female, then the Disciple approaches you; if male, then Visas does so. Once you've spoken, you travel back to the secret academy on Telos to confront Atris.


Disciple: Is something wrong? You look troubled - I can feel it.
4. I don't want to talk about it. 5. Leave me.


1. Can you? 2. I don't doubt it. 3. I fear I have been influencing you all, without realizing it.
Disciple: That is an odd answer. What did you mean by it? Disciple: I do not understand what you mean.
1. Do you ever wonder why you're with me? 2. Why are you following me? 3. Do you understand why you attack who I attack, kill who I kill?
Disciple: Never. Disciple: I follow you, feel as I do, because it is my choice.
Disciple: I believe in what we are doing - what you are doing. I am here because I choose to be.
1. But how do you know? 2. But what if the Force is just controlling all this?
Disciple: I simply do. There is nothing I can show you as proof, except give you my word. Something happened within the Enclave. What is it?
1. I learned that I form connections through the Force - and that is why others follow me to their death. 2. That I was a wound in the Force. That as long as I live, that wound will never heal. 3. All the deaths I caused on Malachor might cause the death of the Force. And everyone around me.
Disciple: Then they do not understand you. That is the danger of being a Jedi. When one seperates themselves from others, chooses to lead a life of isolation, denying what makes them a feeling being - it is easy to make such judgments. And such judgments, I believe, are made in ignorance. There is no danger in what you represent - other than your humanity. You change others, but I do not believe it is due to the Force. I believe it is because you are a natural leader - and because you feel connected to the people around you. Where they look at you and see the death of the Force, I look at you and see hope for all life. And that perhaps a life lived without the Force is not the punishment it is believed to be.
Disciple: I will understand if you feel you must go alone, but I ask that you do not. Instead, take strength from your connections to others. Do not forsake them, as you did in exile.


Visas: What is wrong? Something troubles you, I can feel it.
4. I don't want to talk about it. 5. Leave me.


1. Can you? 2. I don't doubt it. 3. I fear I have been influencing you all, without realizing it.
Visas: That is a strange answer. I do not understand. Visas: I do not understand what you mean.
1. Do you ever wonder why you're with me? 2. Visas, why are you following me? 3. Do you understand why you attack who I attack, kill who I kill?
Visas: I would die for you. When I tell you my life for yours, it is my choice. And if there is an ending between us, where my sacrifice can save you, it will be because it is my desire, not your will.
1. But how do you know? 2. But what if the Force is just controlling all this?
Visas: I simply do. And sometimes, there is no reason that can be given. What did you learn within the Jedi Academy?
1. That I form connections through the Force - and that is why others follow me to their death. 2. That I was a wound in the Force. That as long as I live, that wound will never heal. 3. All the deaths I caused on Malachor might cause the death of the Force. And everyone around me.
Visas: Then that is the danger of their beliefs. They do not understand you, what it means to be human, to lead. The feelings I have for you are because of what I see, what I hear in your voice, all that tells me you are a natural leader. I follow because I believe in you. I would die for you because I believe in you. And where they look at you and see the death of the Force, I look at you and see hope for all life. I look at you and see that perhaps a life untouched by the Force is not the punishment it is believed to be.
Visas: I will understand if you feel you must go on alone, but I ask that you do not. Instead, take strength from your connection to others. Do not forsake them, as you did in exile.

If 25 > Influence > 75:

1. I will, Visas. 2. Do not lecture to me on what I must do.

Whenever the previous dialog ends, if 25 > Influence > 75 then she doesn't leave:

1. Wait - you are troubled. Why? 2. Was there something more you wished to say? 3. You know your master and I will fight, soon, at Telos. 4. If there is something you would say, say it.
Visas: He awaits you at Telos. If you go there, you must face him. And when you do, he will wound you as he has wounded me.
1. I have to face him. 2. If I do not stop him, then Telos will be destroyed. 3. He may wound me, but I will kill him. 4. I do not run from any battle - or any man.
Visas: I ask you... I beg you. To stay here, with me.
1. I cannot stay. 3. Visas, I can't. 5. I do not indulge my servants. 2. I will stay with you, for as long as I can. 4. Why?
Visas: I know. But I could not let you go without asking you, this last time. Visas: I... understand. Forgive my trespass, it would have only weakened you for the struggles ahead.
Visas: I have never asked you for anything. I have fought alongside you, would have given my life to you many times over. And now there is something I must ask.
Visas: I want to look upon you, where no one else can see, where it is just us. I want to see your face, the color of your skin. I wish to see what the Handmaiden sees when she looks at you that causes her heart to race, and her tone to change. What causes her to forsake her heritage, her oaths... as you made me forsake mine. I... need to know if perhaps I am wrong, if the universe is not as my Master once showed me.
1. The universe is not solely as our eyes make it out to be, Visas. You know this. 2. Jedi are allowed no such attachments. 3. It's not the Jedi... but I cannot stay here with you.
Visas: If you will not abide my presence, and I cannot turn you from your course, then there is one last thing I must tell you.
Visas: From the moment I heard your voice across the galaxy, I have longed for you. It is the echo, a wound that travels still, that when heard, made me understand that there was another wounded as I was, one who had felt the same sense of loss. When I heard it, I loved you more than my own life. And I wanted you to be here, with me, for as long as you will let me love you. Stay. And I want you to see what I see when I gaze upon you. I want you to know why I cannot look at you, and why I am drawn to you.
2. I cannot stay. 3. If I do... it will weaken me for the struggle ahead. 5. I tire of this. Leave me be, return to your meditations. 4. I'm going to wait... it'll give me something to fight for. To come back to.
Visas: I know. And yet it was something that had to be spoken - if nothing but to hear the echo. Visas: It was something that had to be spoken - if nothing but to hear the echo. I will await you, and if you do not return, then I shall wait until my life ends, then we shall meet again, in the places where the Force does not touch.
Visas: Forgive me.

Otherwise, you meditate facing each other:

1. Then let us look upon each other.