Unlike street races you do not race against other competitors here and neither is there a time limit. The sole purpose is to complete the course by passing through (or rather touching) the red coronas without crashing the plane. Each race carries a $10,000 prize for completing it.
Since getting Wasted is much more commonplace here than in the street races, it's recommend to save between races.
World War Ace[edit | edit source]
- Vehicle: Rustler
- Course: Over Los Santos
Pretty straightforward. The course will take you close to trees at points, don't clip a wing on any of them or you're toast.
Barnstorming[edit | edit source]
- Vehicle: Stuntplane
- Course: Over the Countryside
The Stuntplane is a very sensitive plane, so make your turns slowly - on a PC try tapping the arrow keys to change direction instead of holding it down. Taking turns too sharply is an easy way to spiral out of control. If you miss a corona, don't panic, just calmly do a wide turn and try to do it again. Remember that there isn't a time limit to these races. There's no rush.
If you didn't get all Silver/Gold in Flying School, this is a way to get your hands on Stuntplane. Start the race, fly to Verdant Meadows airstrip, and store it in the plane hall.
Military Service[edit | edit source]
- Vehicle: Hydra
- Course: Across the North-West
It's recommended to complete Vertical Bird before attempting this race so you can get some practice in with the Hydra. If you need more practice, one always spawns in Verdant Meadows after said mission.
The longest out of any race length wise, but this will probably take you the same time as the other ones due to how fast the Hydra is. If the fast speeds make it difficult to go through the coronas, don't be afraid to switch to helicopter mode. Again: there is no time limit.
Chopper Checkpoint[edit | edit source]
- Vehicle: Maverick
- Course: Over Tierra Robada
You don't need to pass through the coronas, so with a helicopter, you can simply hover above the corona, and descend straight down until the helicopter touches the corona. This will cost you time, but since there is no time limit or competitors, you will get the prize anyway.
Whirly Bird Waypoint[edit | edit source]
- Vehicle: News Chopper
- Course: Over San Fierro
You don't need to pass through the coronas, so with a helicopter, you can simply hover above the corona, and descend straight down until the helicopter touches the corona. This will cost you time, but since there is no time limit or competitors, you will get the prize anyway.
In addition, if you for some reason want a news chopper (a regular Maverick with different texture), this is a way to get one. Start the race, fly to Verdant Meadows airstrip, and store it in the plane hall.
Heli Hell[edit | edit source]
- Vehicle: Hunter
- Course: Over Los Santos
Back to Los Santos again, but this time the course is a lot more difficult. You will flying the helicopter between buildings and at one point beneath the Mulholland Intersection.
The previous advice about the coronas apply here as well, but take extra care not to clip any walls while in the tight-spaces between buildings. Slow and steady wins the race here.
In addition, if you didn't get all Gold in Flying School, this is a way to get your hands on Hunter. Start the race, fly to Verdant Meadows airstrip, and store it in the plane hall.
Rewards[edit | edit source]
Each race won earns you $ 10 000. When you win the last race of all four tournaments (whichever it is), you get a $ 1 000 000 prize.