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This level was very difficult. Speed of setting up base at the beginning is critical. Here is step-to-step guide to beat it.

First of all, don't lose hope if you feel overwhelmed. The Allied air and land assault will diminish eventually when they run out of supplies. You just have to wait it out.

1. Save game as soon as command console pops up so you can get a jump on building if you have to reload.

2. Click quickly to get six workers created.

3. IMPORTANT: Build BOTH barracks and weapons factory NORTH of command center. You have to really squeeze to get them in there. Of course build them to the east vs. the west so you can put stinger sites in front of them.

4. While barracks is building (and weapons factory) get your 3 General Powers: Maurader tank, repair and cash bounty. There are basically no soldiers attacking base so the technical upgrade isn't necessary. You won't be building those vehicles.

5. While barracks is building, put your workers to work immediately.

6. As soon as barracks is built, build two stinger sites NORTH of supply stash. For some reason, this works better than building slightly to the west, since that abutment is tight and the stinger site is isolated out there and more easily attacked.

7. Build tunnel network to south of base. Eventually you may want to put a second one adjacent to it.

8. Five RPG troopers to be scattered around stinger sites.

9. Start building maurader tanks and sending them south to your tunnel network. Set waypoint so tanks will automatically go to tunnel network. You want to build five as soon as possible, but you may run out of funds and have to build up to it in the near future.

10. Make sure all workers are kept working after their building jobs.

11. Pull back your "free" quad cannon back to your tunnel network or it will be lost.

12. By this time, hopefully your air defense survives first aerial assault and you don't lose too many tanks on first ground assault. If you mess up, reload from save point.

13. Don't forget to repair stinger sites and all damaged buildings.

14. Slowly build up to ten or more RGP troopers scattered around your base.

15. Create a few more workers. Build up to about seven mauraders when you get a chance.

16. Build tunnel network in VERY middle of your base near your RPG troopers so when the horrid cluster bombs and "fuel air bombs" go off you can put your troops in bunkers for protection.

17. When you have the opportunity, build about three quad cannons to back up your stinger sites and RPG troopers.

Somewhere in here, you are going to get cluster bombed and fuel air bombed. Calmly rebuild back to previous levels. Try to save mission when you here announcements of these air raids in case you don't survive the assault very well.

Continue to keep your buildings healthy, particularly your supply dock. If you lose it, it is very difficult to rebuild.

18. When you see the Allied helicopters appear to pick up supplies at the depot at the bottom of the hill, that is great news!! They are running out of supplies and pretty soon you can go into mop-up mode. Your quad cannons should be able to shoot them out of the sky. You will still experience a few more assaults, but you can handle it.

19. Things finally calm down and build some extra quad cannons to escort your tanks and a worker down to the bottom of the hill to build another tunnel network so you can transport BOTH TROOPS AND VEHICLES to the bottom of the hill.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! This means you have survived and will beat the mission!!!!!!

From here you can beat the mission without too much stress. But here are a few pointers.

Build about seven quad cannons as you will encounter a helicopter assault or two.

Build a palace so you can have scud launchers to take out their missile sites when you get to their base. Hopefully you saved a General's Power upgrade so you can get this!

The combination of quad cannons, tanks and scud launchers will mop up their base easy.

While you are doing this, you can create another tunnel network by the supplies at the bottom of the hill to collect more resources.

You can also research "Capture" so you can capture the oil derrick that is located half-way to the Allied base.