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Drivel specifics: PoV

This walkthrough will follow the same basic strategy as with the Stealth General.

The first goal is to survive the Sneak Attack tunnel that will pop onto your base early in the mission.

The second goal is to add to your armored units by leading Jarmen Kell to the northeast and sniping the Overlords parked in this area.

The third goal is to survive long enough to build two Scud Storms and destroy the Air Fields in the eastern part of General’s Leang base.

The fourth goal is to hold this area with captured Overlords and Jarmen Kell and eventually destroy the base from this vantage point.

Good luck!

Key strategies

  • To fight off the units from the Sneak Attack tunnel, have two Marauders, three Quad Cannons and two Tunnel Networks and their accompanying RPG Troopers in the area to destroy the incoming units.
  • Have Jarmen Kell immediately head to the northeast once the Palace is completed and he can be recruited. Snipe the soldiers around the first Bunker so that it will be easier to destroy it later on. Snipe the Overlords to the north and wait until you can utilize the Rebel Ambush to capture them in mass.
  • Build two Scud Storms in your original base area to clear an area around the Airfields for your Sneak Attack.
  • After launching the two Scud Storms to destroy as many Patriots around the Air Field as possible, launch your Sneak assault with five Overlords and Jarmen Kell. You will meet little resistance.
  • Build a complete wall of Stinger Sites along the northern ridge to fight off the air assault. Go ahead and built spare Stinger Sites in other available spaces within your base. You will have plenty of credits to do this and this will help control a truly distracting part of the mission.
  • If you go for a mass-supwerweapon strategy remember that the demolition general's Scud Storm can take out any enemy superweapon with a single strike (Leang's Scud Storm will leave a GLA hole but her Scud Storm will not be rebuilt before one of yours is ready to fire again). However enemy Command Centers still need to be finished off with a second strike.
  • Jarmen Kell can snipe enemy vehicles on the bridge to the east of your starting base to block further attacks by vehicles over that bridge. Enemy Tank Hunters and heroes (Black Lotus, etc...) sometimes still wriggle through though and Overlords can occasionally drive over the empty vehicles (fortunately those don't get destroyed in the process), unless you clog the bridge with empty Overlords.


Build about eight extra workers. Build a Barracks to the east of the Command Center and then a Supply Stash to the far west of the map.

Build a Tunnel Network at the northwest part of your base along the northern ridge. Build an Arms Dealer at the same time.

Build a second Tunnel Network further east along the northern ridge, about even with your Barracks. This will help take care of the first set of Rangers that will come onto your base.

Choose between the Scud Launcher General’s Power or the Marauder. The Scud Launcher will help control enemy units on the northern ridge. Eventually, multiple Stinger Sites along this ridge will help control these units.

Build three Marauders or Scorpions to deal with two tanks that will be heading to the base and then a couple of Rocket Buggies. Afterwards, station these units between your Tunnel Networks in anticipation of the Sneak Attack.

Go ahead and research Capture at the Barracks and recruit a single Rebel to capture the oil derrick. Be sure to have a worker nearby to keep it repaired.

Start building a Palace in the far southeast corner of your base. Queue up five RPG Troopers so they can garrison this structure.

The Sneak Attack can be handled quite well with your troops in the northwest area. Have your Quad Cannons specifically target the infantry.

As soon as this attack is over, be sure your Palace is garrisoned and build a Stinger Site over by the oil derrick. The entrance to your base is now reasonably well defended.

Continue to add as many Stinger Sites as you can fit along the northern ridge.

Recruit Jarmen Kell. You are about to enter the second stage – capturing the Overlords to the northwest.

Snipe as many troops as you can on the way to the northeast to reach Level 3 as soon as possible. Choose the Level 2 Cash County and Level 1 Rebel Ambush. Be sure to snipe the troops around the Bunker halfway up. This way, it will be easier to destroy this Bunker before the twelve-minute timer expires.

Snipe at least five Overlords to the north.

You probably will not reach Level 3 in time to destroy the lower Bunker by use of your Rebel Ambush, so build the number of vehicles you feel comfortable with to launch a land assault. Avoid the garrisoned bunkers along the way by sticking to the south edge of the map heading east. Destroy the Bunker and send your troops back to a safe area.

Start building two Scud Storms.

When your Rebel Ambush is ready, capture the five or so Overlords near the northeastern bunker that you have sniped. Have Jarmen ready so that when an extra Overlord pops out of the Tunnel Network you can snipe and capture it too.

Upgrade any of the Overlords that you can with Gattling Cannons.

Build the Black Market and obtain the Radar upgrade so that you can reveal the Airfields in the southeast corner of General Leang’s base.

Build extra Stinger Sites in as many empty areas of your base as you desire. This will help alleviate the air attack – although on this mission it is surprisingly lackluster.

You can build a Sneak Attack tunnel right in this area, but it is easier to just retreat with Jarmen and your six Overlords back near your base while waiting for your Scuds to launch.

If you desire, further Scud Storms can be built outside of your main base area to the east.

Have a nominal defense ready to take the place of your Overlords that are about to enter the Sneak Attack tunnel.

Use the Radar function to detect the Airfields in the southeast area of Leang’s base. Launch two Scud Storms spread out so it will destroy: two Airfields, the War Factory, the two Patriots below the southern Airfield and two Patriots on both sides of the northern Airfield.

Place Sneak Attack tunnel centered on the northeast corner of the lower Airfield to keep it from being attacked by the various other Patriots in the area.

Exit only with the five or six Overlords while the toxins still linger in the area. Make a loop around the area to destroy any remaining Patriots and Bunkers in the area.

When the toxins are gone, the Overlords can handle destroying the entire base.

Mission accomplished!