Command & Conquer: Generals/China

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China have a significant advantage over the other two factions, that is the firepower. All of its units are generally cheaper than their counter-parts in the other two factions, therefore are quicker to train en masse and overwhelm the oppoent with sheer number. Additionally, Red Guards, Tank Hunters and Battlemaster Tanks all receive increased firing rate (called the Horde Bonus, represented by a red star under the affected unit) when moving in a group of 5 or more. The Chinese arsenal also include a wide array of nuclear weapons and electronic warfare, which can effectively disrupt the battle field. A major disadvantage of China, however, is that it has no fast units other than its MiGs, forcing it to win with overwhelming number and brutal force.

China Structures

All China Structures can be protected by mines to prevents ground assaults. To mine a structure, click the landmine icon in its Context Window.

  • Command Center
The basis of China. The Command Center builds Dozers to build the other China Structures. Unlike USA, radar capability has to be upgraded to become available. Generals Abilities are deployed from here, too.
  • Nuclear Reactor
An effecient but unstable source of power, the Nuclear Reactor provides 10 units of power for the base, but trigger nuclear explosion when destroyed, therefore should be kept away from other structures. Its Overcharge mode can boost the output, but the Power Plant will keep taking damage and eventually explodes if left in this mode.
  • Barracks
All Infantry men can be trained and healed here. Red Guards can be trained to capture building via its upgrade.
  • Supply Center
China uses Supply Trucks to gather resources from the supply depot. Although has less capacity than Chinooks, Supply Trucks are much cheaper and can be built in quantities very quickly.
  • Bunker
A more reliable garrison, the Bunker provides room for five infantry to fire out from it, and protect them from Toxin and Flame attack, therefore infantry garrisoned inside cannot be cleared out instantly. A Bunker holding three Tank Hunters and Two Red Guards can be troublesome to deal with.
  • Gattling Cannon
The vicious machine gun can make short-work of most soft-targets and enemy aircrafts. Its bullets are lethal to infantry, making it more effective to hold off infantry units than the Patriot Missile System. A problem with it, though, is that it takes time for the Gattling Cannon to exert its maximum firepower. The Chain Gun upgrade at the War Factory can increase its firing rate.
  • War Factory
China's vehicle production line. All vehicles can be produced and repaired here. Upgrade includes Chain Gun Upgrade and Black Napalm Upgrade.
  • Air Field
The Air Field holds, arms, repairs and builds up to 4 MiG fighters. MiG Armor upgrade is developed here.
  • Propaganda Center
The source of China's Technology, the Propaganda Center allows players to build advanced China structures and units. Upgrades include Nationalism and Subliminal Messaging.
  • Speaker Tower
Broadcast inspiring message to the Red Army, troops within range will automatically heal themselves. The effect can be increase by the Subliminal Messaging Upgrade.
  • Nuclear Missile Silo
The Doomsday Superweapon. The Nuclear Missile can destroy multiple structures and leave behind a large amount of nuclear radiation to kill anything which survived it. It takes 10 units of power and 6 minutes to arm. Although destructive, the Nuclear Missile has trouble destorying GLA structures, as them leave behind a Hole after being hit and are rebuilt. Provides Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tanks Upgrades to Battlemaster and Overload tanks.

China Units


  • Red Guard - The Chinese rifle infantry are trained two at a time from the Barracks. During the early game, they can capture buildings, with the Capture Building Upgrade. They can be mass-produced easily with the building of China's Troop Crawler. A Generals' Point can be expended to ensure that all Red Guard are introduced at veteran level.
  • Tank Hunter - China's rocket soldier is the basis of many Chinese combinations, including the basic anti-MDvee (Missile Defender in Humvee) combination. Tank Hunters can also attach TNT to adjacent enemy vehicles, which will explode, likely destroying the vehicle, after 10 seconds if not removed by a dozer or worker.
  • Hacker - The expensive hacker serves two functions. It can provide a small but constant output of free cash or it can disable enemy structures with a powerful virus, with the exception of defensive structures.
  • Black Lotus - The Chinese hero (heroine) unit can capture structures (the same structures as the hacker can disable), steal cash from an enemy Supply Center or Supply Stash, and temporarily disable enemy vehicles to give her side an edge. Finally, she can detect stealthed units, unlike the other heroes.

Note: If five or more Red Guard or Tank Hunters are in a group, their rate-of-fire is greatly increased by the resulting Horde Bonus. Infantry will automatically Horde or un-Horde from the inside of vehicles or structures.


  • Construction Dozer - Expensive and fragile, the dozer is necessary in the building of structures anywhere on the map. It can also clear mines and disable demo traps.
  • Supply Truck - China's primary resource gatherer. Like the Dozer, it is unarmed and fragile.
  • Battlemaster Tank - This heavily armored unit, vulnerable only to rocket infantry, is most effective in large groups, in which it receives a Horde bonus which improves its ROF as is true with China's infantry. Its weapon and speed can be improved buy the Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tanks upgrades, respectively, from the Nuclear Missile Silo. It is mainly used to neutralize enemy vehicles.
  • Gattling Tank - This unit benefits from the Chain Guns upgrade. It is more than a match for any air unit or infantry. It cannot kill individual Stinger Soldiers.
  • Troop Crawler - This unit serves to detect stealthed units, and, when built, contains 8 Red Guard. Units that enter the Troop Crawler will be healed.
  • Dragon Tank - This unit, immune to fire and resistant to rockets, carries a large napalm cannon which can cook an individual unit or structure, killing the infantry inside of civilian buildings, or it can scorch the earth in the entire area in front of it, annihilating anything that can't outrange or outrun the burning land. The Black Napalm upgrade makes the flames even more dangerous.
  • Inferno Cannon - This thin-skinned unit is China's main artillery. In groups of 3 or more, it can produce a firestorm. It's destructive potential is boosted by the Black Napalm upgrade.
  • Nuke Cannon - Perhaps the most destructive standalone unit in Generals, the Nuke Cannon suffers from its high price and its lack of speed and armor. In addition, it is less effective against structures, unlike the Inferno cannon. Its main use is to take a bite out of slow units, such as Overlords, at long range, leaving deadly radiation wherever the shell explodes.
  • Overlord Tank - This monstrous tank is the most versatile unit China has to offer. Its twin cannons boast an impressive range and outdo any other vehicle in sheer power. The Overlord can be upgraded, to become a mobile Speaker Tower, a mobile Gattling Cannon, or a mobile Bunker via individual upgrade. As is true for their stationary counterparts, the Speaker Tower benefits from the Subliminal Messages upgrade, and the Gattling Cannon benefits from the Chain Guns upgrade. Finally, the Gattling Cannon Overlord can detect stealthed units. The Overlord's chassis can also be upgraded from the Nuclear Missile Silo as can the Battlemaster, with the Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tanks upgrades to boost its strength and speed.

Air Force

  • MiG - The MiG, the only aircraft available to China, plays roles as a fighter, an attack bomber, or a defensive bomber. MiGs carry napalm bombs, which, after striking, ignite a fire that burns for several seconds. Should enough MiGs drop their payloads in a certain place, a tremendous napalm firestorm will scorch a wide area, annihilating units and causing significant damage to structures. They prove to be useful in defending choke points, and countering MDvees. With the Black Napalm and MiG Armor upgrades installed, these units are much more imposing a threat.

Like all planes, MiGs need to refuel and restock at an airfield after dropping their payload. If one has struck and is denied an airfield, its fuel supply will eventually be depleted and they will fall from the sky.

Tip - To prevent this, have your MiGs move from place to place constantly until you get another airfield built.

Build Order