Final Fantasy X-2/Characters

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  • Age: 19
  • Height: 162 cm
  • Default dressphere: Gunner
  • Description: The description Will spoil end of FFX but does not spoil FFX-2.

Two years ago, Yuna defeated the chaos that was Sin, and brought the Eternal Calm, but had to pay for it dearly. The spirits of those who died in the epic battle between Bevelle and Zanarkand 1000 years ago became the Fayth, and created a dream world of how their life was before the battle, eliminating the things that caused the trouble. Yunalesca, summoners, and two who died in the battle, whose stories are told in FFX-2, amongst many other things. One of Yuna's guardians, who also previously was a guardian for her father Braska, Auron, died after Braska defeated Sin, only to become it as all did. Because of this he could ride Sin between Spira and dream Zanarkand, and brought Tidus to Spira with him. The fayth's spirits com when called by summoners, in the form of aeons. They were required to defeat Sin, and so had to stay in Spira long after their time. When Yuna defeated Sin, their spirits were no longer required to stay, so they could at last rest. Tidus disappeared, as he was nothing more than a dream of the Fayth. As he was about to leave, Yuna confessed her love to him. When Rikku showed her a 1000-year-old sphere Kimahri found containing a man whose appearance matched Tidus', Yuna joined the gullwings to find him.


  • Age: 17
  • Height: 159 cm
  • Default dressphere: Thief
  • Description: Rikku was Yuna's guardian two years ago, and is Yuna's cousin. Sometime in the past two years, she formed a sphere hunting group with her brother and his friend Buddy.


  • Age: 18
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Default dressphere: Warrior
  • Description: Paine misteriously joined the Gullwings just before Yuna did. She is an entirely new character, and didn't appear in FFX. Her past is unknown to the other gullwings, but is slowly explained throughout the game, although much more is explained should you choose to partake in the crimson sphere sideguest, described in the walkthrough. She seems to have a history with the three leaders of Spira, Nooj, Baralai and Gippal.


  • Age: 21
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Description: Nooj is the leader of the Youth league. A former crusader, he became known as "deathseeker" as he showed no fear in battle. His body is mostly machine, due to battle wounds.


  • Age: 21
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Description: Baralai is the Preator of New Yevon, having overthrown his precessor. New Yevon is often fighting the Youth league over spheres and Spira's past.


  • Age: 18
  • Height: 181 cm
  • Description: Gippal is the leader of the Machine faction and avoids the ongoing sphere disputes. He lost his eye in a childhood fight.


  • Age: 26
  • Height: Unknown
  • Description: Logos, along with Ormi once worked for Yevon, but are now Leblanc's henchmen.


  • Age: 22
  • Height: Unknown
  • Description: Ormi is immature, clumsy, quite easily scared and rather stupid. He once worked for Yevon but now serves Leblanc.


  • Age: Secret
  • Height: Unknown
  • Description: Leblanc is the leader of a Sphere hunting group called the Leblanc sindicate. She hates the Gullwings as they take all the spheres she tries to collect for one of the group leaders she seems to care for...


  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 176 cm
  • Description: Later in the game his name is revealed as Shuyin. He was apparently the lover of Lenne 1000 years ago in Zanarkand.


  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Description: A singer and summoner in Zanarkand 1000 years ago, the songstress dressphere was created from a sphere containing images of her.

Shuyin and Lenne


1000 years ago, when the great battle began between Bevelle and Zanarkand, Zanarkand's summoners were sent to the front lines. Lenne was forced to go, and was prepared to sacrifice herself to save Zanarkand. Shuyin, however, was not prepared to lose her. A huge machine called Vegnagun was created as a weapon, and was stored under Bevelle. It was never used, as the gargantuan machine could not tell friend from foe, and would destroy all Spira if activated. Shuyin decides that if Lenne must die all creation must go with her. He had to be a psyco) While attempting to activate Vegnagun, Lenne comes and stops him, and during their reunion Yevon soldiers come and shoot the two. Shuyin survives and is taken to jaol, while what happened to Lenne remains unknown.


  • Age: 20
  • Height: Unknown
  • Description: Brother is (amazingly) Rikku's elder brother. His real name is unknown even to himself.

He is madly in love with Yuna (even though he is her cousin), and learnt English just so that he could talk with her.


  • Age: 20
  • Height: Unknown
  • Description: Buddy pilots the Gullwing's airship and has been Brother's friend since their childhood.


  • Age: 11
  • Height: Unknown
  • Description: Shinra created the concept of dresspheres and garment grids, and many other inventions pop up during the game. He can play any spheres you have acquired at any time and help you with some of the game's concepts.


  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: Unknown
  • Description: Barkeep is a Hypello, who volunteers in the Gullwings cabin.


  • Age: 25
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Description: A former guardian of Yuna, he has treated her like his sister since Kimahri brought her to besaid when she was 7, as was her father's wish. His brother Chappu died in a battle with the crusaders, a victim of Sin. He has now settled down in Besaid with Lulu, and is expecting their first child soon.


  • Age: 24
  • Height: 167 cm (175 cm with hairdo)
  • Description: Lulu was one of Yuna's guardian, and like Wakka, treated her as a younger sister.

She is pregnant with Wakka's child


The child is born in chapter 5.

Besaid Aurochs

  • Names: Datto, Letty, Jassu, Botta, Keepa
  • Ages: 20, 20, 20, 20, 20
  • Description: Besaid island's blitzball team, in FFX they had not won a single game in 23 years, but Tidus' helped them to win. (If you aren't good at blitzball in FFX, their record may remain, but the game just says that you won with him, as it can't actually tell.) They now have a new coach, as Wakka retired.


  • Age: 25
  • Description: The Auroch's new couch, Beclem is a former Crusader, and member of the Youth league, having made the Aurochs sign up too. He has little respect for Yuna, believing that now Sin is gone, summoners have no place in society.


  • Age: 27
  • Description: Lucil was the leader of the Chocobo Knights section of the crusaders two years ago, and now holds high authority in the youth league.


  • Age: 21
  • Description: A former member of the Chocobo Knights Elma respects Lucil greatly and joined the Youth league with her.


  • Age: 21
  • Description: Another former Chocobo Knight, Clasko joined the Youthe League with Lucil and Elma, only to quit to pursue his dream as a chocobo breeder, if you let him on your airship, that is.


  • Age: 20
  • Description:


  • Age: 24
  • Description: The brother of Issaru and Pacce. In FFX was Issaru's guardian.


  • Age: 28
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  • Age: 12
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  • Age: ?
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  • Age: 26
  • Description: Former Sphere Hunter, Current Youth League member. Very close to Barthello, her former guardian. Shows up in a couple missions in Final Fantasy X2


  • Age: 26
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  • Age: 21
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  • Age: 56
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  • Age: 39
  • Height: 192 cm
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  • Age: 37
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  • Age: 27
  • Height: 204 cm
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  • Age: 32
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