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Keyboard Command Description
 Esc  Cancels the current command before it is executed
 F1  Display information on the selected unit
 F2  Bring up the options menu
 F3  Go to the unit that last reported information
 F4  Lists kills, losses, player name, and colors
 F5 ,  F6 ,  F7  Map Bookmarks
 F8  Captures movie of gameplay (toggle on/off)
 F9  Screen capture, will print screen to SHOT####.pcx
 F11  Toggle Debug Mode
 F12  Clear all chat messages
 Pause  Pause the game
 ~  Toggle on/off damage bars for the units
 1  through  9  Select the menu for the selected unit
 -  Reduce the game speed
 +  Increase the game speed
 Tab  Multiplayer-specific options
 E  Give a Reclaim order
 R  Give a Repair order
 T  Track the selected unit
 O  Select the Order menu for the selected unit
 P  Give a Patrol order
 A  Give an Attack order
 S  Give a Stop order (cancel any previous orders)
 D  Use the Disintegrator gun
 F  Toggle Unit AI (Hold Fire/Return Fire/Fire At Will)
 G  Give a Guard order
 H  Share resources with another player
 Enter  Activate the message bar
 Shift  Hold down to queue up multiple commands
 C  Give a Capture order
 V  Toggle Unit AI (Hold Position/Maneuver/Roam)
 B  Select the build menu for the selected unit
 N  Scroll to the next unit off screen
 M  Give a Move order
 ,  Select the previous menu for the selected unit
 .  Select the next menu for the selected unit
 Ctrl  + ( 1  through  9 ) Assign the currently selected units to a group
 Alt  + ( 1  through  9 ) Activate the previously assigned group
 Ctrl  +  A  Select all units
 Ctrl  +  S  Select all units currently on the screen
 Ctrl  +  D  Self-destruct selected units
 Ctrl  +  Z  Select all units of the same type
 Ctrl  +  C  Select your Commander and center screen
 Ctrl  +  V  Select all aircraft

Battle Tactics/3.1 additional controls[edit | edit source]

Keyboard Command Description
 Ctrl  +  W  Select all mobile units with weapons except Commander
 Ctrl  +  R  Select all radar, radar jammers, sonar, and sonar jammers
 Ctrl  +  P  Select all aircraft with weapons

Additional notes[edit | edit source]

  • With the 3.1 patch, Factories assigned to a group will automatically assign units created there to that group.
  • The  Shift  key can give extra information when placing your cursor over particular units.
    • Cloaked units show a white circle indicating where an enemy has to be to see them
    • Construction units will show their build queue in green, and that of other construction units in blue