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Keyboard Command | Description |
Esc | Cancels the current command before it is executed |
F1 | Display information on the selected unit |
F2 | Bring up the options menu |
F3 | Go to the unit that last reported information |
F4 | Lists kills, losses, player name, and colors |
F5 , F6 , F7 | Map Bookmarks |
F8 | Captures movie of gameplay (toggle on/off) |
F9 | Screen capture, will print screen to SHOT####.pcx |
F11 | Toggle Debug Mode |
F12 | Clear all chat messages |
Pause | Pause the game |
~ | Toggle on/off damage bars for the units |
1 through 9 | Select the menu for the selected unit |
- | Reduce the game speed |
+ | Increase the game speed |
Tab | Multiplayer-specific options |
E | Give a Reclaim order |
R | Give a Repair order |
T | Track the selected unit |
O | Select the Order menu for the selected unit |
P | Give a Patrol order |
A | Give an Attack order |
S | Give a Stop order (cancel any previous orders) |
D | Use the Disintegrator gun |
F | Toggle Unit AI (Hold Fire/Return Fire/Fire At Will) |
G | Give a Guard order |
H | Share resources with another player |
Enter | Activate the message bar |
Shift | Hold down to queue up multiple commands |
C | Give a Capture order |
V | Toggle Unit AI (Hold Position/Maneuver/Roam) |
B | Select the build menu for the selected unit |
N | Scroll to the next unit off screen |
M | Give a Move order |
, | Select the previous menu for the selected unit |
. | Select the next menu for the selected unit |
Ctrl + ( 1 through 9 ) | Assign the currently selected units to a group |
Alt + ( 1 through 9 ) | Activate the previously assigned group |
Ctrl + A | Select all units |
Ctrl + S | Select all units currently on the screen |
Ctrl + D | Self-destruct selected units |
Ctrl + Z | Select all units of the same type |
Ctrl + C | Select your Commander and center screen |
Ctrl + V | Select all aircraft |
Battle Tactics/3.1 additional controls[edit | edit source]
Keyboard Command | Description |
Ctrl + W | Select all mobile units with weapons except Commander |
Ctrl + R | Select all radar, radar jammers, sonar, and sonar jammers |
Ctrl + P | Select all aircraft with weapons |
Additional notes[edit | edit source]
- With the 3.1 patch, Factories assigned to a group will automatically assign units created there to that group.
- The Shift key can give extra information when placing your cursor over particular units.
- Cloaked units show a white circle indicating where an enemy has to be to see them
- Construction units will show their build queue in green, and that of other construction units in blue