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Advanced Torpedo Launcher[edit | edit source]

ARM Advanced Torpedo Launcher
Core Advanced Torpedo Launcher

Minimum Water Depth: ARM:1/Core:10

Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Sonar Distance
ARM Advanced Torpedo Launcher AS-TDS Advanced Torpedo Launcher 520 150 650
Core Advanced Torpedo Launcher TC-GT Advanced Torpedo Launcher 562 150 650

Build Cost

Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 4942 1762 6262
Core 5389 1758 6575


Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
ARM Unguided Torpedo 650 4.5 1000 16
Core Unguided Torpedo 600 4.4 1000 16

Anti-Air Flak Gun[edit | edit source]

ARM Flakker
Core Cobra
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Flakker ARM-AAHE Anti-Air Flak Gun 1524 350 0
Core Cobra F-AA1 Anti-Air Flak Gun 1655 340 0

Build Cost

Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 17425 1069 38010
Core 18995 1092 40223


Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Edge Effectiveness
ARM Flak Cannon NOTAIR (ground/sea) 700 0.6 130 120 0.90
Core Flak Cannon NOTAIR (ground/sea) 750 0.7 146 125 0.90

Floating Heavy Laser Tower[edit | edit source]

ARM Stingray
Core Thunderbolt

Minimum Water Depth: ARM:2/Core:5

Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Stingray ARM-FHL Floating Heavy Laser Tower 1325 380 0
Core Thunderbolt FF-ML4 Floating Heavy Laser Tower 1385 360 0

Build Cost

Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 5796 524 10178
Core 5812 558 12651


Side Energy Metal
ARM 200 0
Core 200 0


Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Energy per Shot
ARM High Energy Laser VTOL (air) 480 1.1 200 8 75
Core High Energy Laser (blue) NOTAIR (ground/sea) 410 1 195 8 75

Missile Tower - Naval Series[edit | edit source]

ARM Defender - NS
Core Stinger

Minimum Water Depth: 2

Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Defender - NS AS-TDS Missile Tower - Naval Series 252 360 0
Core Stinger FF-R8 Missile Tower - Naval Series 290 360 0

Build Cost

Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 987 71 2163
Core 1054 72 2357


Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
ARM Missiles NOTAIR (ground/sea) 700 2 97 48
Core Missiles 700 2 95 48

Pop-up Heavy Cannon[edit | edit source]

ARM Ambusher
Core Toaster
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Ambusher ARM-GUARD Pop-up Heavy Cannon 1658 360 0
Core Toaster ARM-GUARD Pop-up Heavy Cannon 1877 370 0

Build Cost

Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 16821 2002 20172
Core 12687 2146 18377


Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
ARM Pop-up Cannon VTOL (air) 910 3.1 310 100
Core Pop-up Cannon VTOL (air) 885 3.2 295 105

Pop-Up Heavy Laser[edit | edit source]

Core Viper
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
Core Viper F-TL8 Pop-Up Heavy Laser 988 310 0

Build Cost

Energy Metal Time
6687 642 11528


Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
Laser (Blue) VTOL (air) 380 1 140 8

Rapid Fire Plasma Cannon[edit | edit source]

ARM Vulcan
Core Buzzsaw
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Vulcan ARM-QLRC Rapid Fire Plasma Cannon 1400 210 0
Core Buzzsaw F-MPS4 Rapid Fire Plasma Cannon 1700 210 0

Build Cost

Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 479111 45198 587421
Core 462648 35264 634011


Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Energy per Shot
ARM Bertha Cannon VTOL (air) 3080 0.25 1000 100 2000
Core Bertha Cannon VTOL (air) 3800 0.5 1800 120 2000