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Lightning Tank[edit | edit source]

ARM Panther
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Panther ARM-LAA2 Lightning Tank 1100 255 0

Build Cost

Energy Metal Time
3830 354 9676


Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
Lightning Gun VTOL (air) 210 1.55 120 8
Missiles NOTAIR (ground/sea) 604 2.4 83 48


Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
1.3 0.02 0.07 475 12

Mobile Energy Weapon[edit | edit source]

ARM Penetrator
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Penetrator ARM-HA8 Mobile Energy Weapon 650 260 0

Build Cost

Energy Metal Time
17477 2604 35706


Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Energy per Shot
Annihilator Weapon VTOL (air) 700 6 1300 8 1500


Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
0.6 0.07 0.01 170 0

Mine Layer Vehicle[edit | edit source]

Core Spoiler
ARM Podger
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Podger ARM-ML4 Mine Layer Vehicle 1200 155 0
Core Spoiler MV-S3 Mine Layer Vehicle 1400 145 0

Build Cost

Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 1031 173 1519
Core 1117 187 1740


Side Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
ARM 0.9 0.08 0.015 250 0
Core 0.8 0.2 0.011 230 0


ARM ARM Tiny ARM Area Mine ARM Focused Mine ARM HE Area Mine ARM Precision Mine ARM Nuclear Mine
Core Core M-104 Core M-209 Core M-303 Core M-420 Core M-515 Core M-610

Riot Tank[edit | edit source]

Core Leveler
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
Core Leveler TB-LG Riot Tank 375 220 0

Build Cost

Energy Metal Time
1887 292 4209


Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
Light Cannon VTOL (air) 260 1.83 180 84


Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
0.8 0.19 0.02 220 12