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Dire Straits[edit | edit source]

Dire Straits

Description: 15x17 Natural fortification to hide between.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Lush 22 24 600-2000 112 200 0 3 40 2, 4

John's Pass[edit | edit source]

John's Pass

Description: 10x15 Follow the river up the middle, if you dare!

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Lush 20 20 3500-4000 112 200 0 3 40 2, 3, 4

Lusch Puppy[edit | edit source]

Lusch Puppy

Description: 11x7 Small map divided by grand mountains.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Lush 18 20 1000-1234 112 200 0 3 40 2

Luschaven[edit | edit source]


Description: 17x16 Battle for control of dry land.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Lush 18 26 500-2000 112 200 0 3 40 10

Ror Shock[edit | edit source]

Ror Shock

Description: 26x26 Ocean Battles are a must for this fine map. Big surprise in center!

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Lush 20 21 1000-3000 112 200 0 3 40 2, 3, 4

Sector 410b[edit | edit source]

Sector 410b

Description: 25x22 Large mountains with narrow passes.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Lush 20 20 100-1000 112 3 40 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Show Down[edit | edit source]

Show Down

Description: 11x5 Meet in the middle.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Lush 20 20 2500-4000 112 200 0 3 40 2, 3

The Bayou[edit | edit source]

The Bayou

Description: 20x20 Strong currents rush through this Bayou.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Lush 28 32 106-1000 112 200 0 3 40 10