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Decoy Commander[edit | edit source]

Core Decoy Commander
ARM Decoy Commander

Reclaim Distance: 60

Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Decoy Commander ARM-DWM Decoy Commander 1420 290 0
Core Decoy Commander COR-DWM Decoy Commander 1580 290 0

Build Cost

Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 11561 721 24048
Core 12085 705 26941


Side Energy Metal
ARM 0 0
Core 0 0


Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Edge Effectiveness
ARM J7 Laser (Green) VTOL (air) 200 .85 60 16
Core XC Laser (Green) VTOL (air) 200 1.0 70 16


Side Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
ARM 1.2 0.3 0.15 1044 35
Core 1.07 0.32 0.16 1030 35