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Structures[edit | edit source]

EMP Missile Launcher[edit | edit source]

ARM Stunner
Core Neutron
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Stunner ARM-MIDS EMP Missile Launcher 2300 350 0
Core Neutron COR-TRON Neutron Missile Launcher 2100 350 0
Build Cost
Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 52134 1802 111453
Core 52134 1708 150453
Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Energy/Shot Metal/Shot Damage Area of Effect Edge Effectiveness
ARM Atomic Blast Weapon VTOL (air) 32000 130 18000 1000 1800 512 0.80
Core Atomic Blast Weapon VTOL (air) 32000 180 150000 1800 2000 362 0.25

Units[edit | edit source]

Mobile Flak Vehicle[edit | edit source]

Core Copperhead
ARM Phalanx
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Phalanx ARM-MML5 Mobile Flak Vehicle 621 300 0
Core Copperhead KG-EHL Mobile Flak Vehicle 685 260 0
Build Cost
Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 10500 830 20380
Core 12487 886 23975
Side Energy Metal
ARM 0 0
Core 100 0
Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Edge Effectiveness
ARM Flak Cannon NOTAIR (ground/sea) 680 128 105 0.90
Core Flak Cannon NOTAIR (ground/sea) 720 .95 130 110 0.90
Side Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
ARM 1.21 0.012 0.03 511 12
Core 1.01 0.1 0.04 489 12

ARM Shooter[edit | edit source]

ARM Shooter
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Shooter BK-CD4 Sniper Kbot 320 290 0
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
14727 935 28137
Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Energy per Shot
Annihilator Weapon VTOL (air) 600 20 1230 8 1500
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
1.1 0.15 0.1 1216 22

Core Leviathan[edit | edit source]

Core Leviathan
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Sonar Distance
Core Leviathan ASD-SK Battle Sub 3052 490 658
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
19940 3850 38567
Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
Unguided Torpedo VTOL (air) 500 5.8 812 5
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Min Water Depth
1.9 0.016 0.03 72 1