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Amphibious Kbot[edit | edit source]

Core Gimp
ARM Pelican
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Pelican ARM-WKML Amphibious Kbot 800 290 0
Core Gimp KB-LM2 Amphibious Kbot 1150 290 0
Build Cost
Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 2468 255 5982
Core 2935 324 6820
Side Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Energy per Shot
ARM Energy Laser (Green) VTOL (air) 260 1.6 60 8
Missiles VTOL (air) 700 2 97 48
Core Plasma Cannon VTOL (air) 230 1.9 80 48
High Energy Laser (Blue) VTOL (air) 300 1.05 90 12 100
Side Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
ARM 1.5 0.15 0.1 400
Core 0.8 0.15 0.04 500 100

Mobile Radar Kbot[edit | edit source]

Core Voyeur
ARM Marky
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Marky ARM-MRB Mobile Radar Kbot 320 240 1250
Core Voyeur KB-MR4 Mobile Radar Kbot 350 240 1200
Build Cost
Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 1152 95 3800
Core 1283 93 3945
Side Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
ARM 0.94 0.018 0.045 505 0
Core 1 0.012 0.041 530 0

Gun-Slinging Kbot[edit | edit source]

ARM Maverick
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Maverick ARM-SS Gun-Slinging Kbot 870 290 0
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
10914 492 24850
Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
Gauss Cannon VTOL (air) 340 0.8 320 8
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
1.4 0.15 0.1 1016 0

Spy Kbot[edit | edit source]

Core Parasite
ARM Infiltrator
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Infiltrator ARM-KML Spy Kbot 270 280 0
Core Parasite ARM-KML Spy Kbot 340 250 0
Build Cost
Side Energy Metal Time
ARM 9219 128 22631
Core 13452 156 28247
Cloak Cost
Side Energy Cost Energy Cost Moving
ARM 210 800
Core 350 900
Side Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
ARM 1.9 0.15 0.2 1016 12
Core 1.9 0.15 0.2 1016 12

Medium Infantry Kbot[edit | edit source]

ARM Warrior
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
ARM Warrior ARM-KI2 Medium Infantry Kbot 850 250 0
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
2236 196 5709
Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
Light Cannon VTOL (air) 240 2.13 60 32
E.M.G. VTOL (air) 180 0.4 12 8
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
1.25 0.19 0.06 700 12

Fast Attack Kbot[edit | edit source]

Core Freaker
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
Core Freaker KB-LXS Fast Attack Kbot 630 280 0
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
2658 175 8541
Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect
Laser (Green) VTOL (air) 180 0.6 47 8
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
2.25 0.2 0.1 1111 22

Heavy Rocket Kbot[edit | edit source]

Core Dominator
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
Core Dominator KA-R3 Heavy Rocket Kbot 620 285 0
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
2107 388 5191
Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Edge Effectiveness
Heavy Rockets VTOL (air) 600 8 240 60 0.50
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
1.25 0.15 0.091552734 1003 21

Krogoth[edit | edit source]

Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
Krogoth ARM-KL Experimental Kbot 29918 255 0
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
116664 29489 382193
Name Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Energy per Shot
Gauss Cannon 300 1.6 480 8
Annihilator Weapon 700 4 2500 8 2000
Heavy Rockets 900 1.4 383 80
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
1 0.19 0.09 960 12

Mobile Mortar Kbot[edit | edit source]

Core Morty
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
Core Morty KA-PS6 Mobile Mortar Kbot 920 225 0
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
2865 321 7527
Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Edge Effectiveness
Plasma Cannon VTOL (air) 655 1.45 55 36
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
1.13 0.183105469 0.11 999 12

Adv. Armored Assault Kbot[edit | edit source]

Core Sumo
Name Designation Description Max Damage Sight Distance Radar Distance
Core Sumo KG-EHL Adv. Armored Assault Kbot 4950 245 0
Build Cost
Energy Metal Time
5987 844 4950
Energy Metal
100 0
Name Bad Target Range Reload Time Damage Area of Effect Energy per Shot
High Energy Laser VTOL (air) 300 1.05 290 12 100
Max Velocity Brake Rate Acceleration Turn Rate Max Water Depth
0.34 0.1 0.04 90 12