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Crystal Cracked[edit | edit source]

Crystal Cracked

Description: 20x20 Two land masses split by an inland filled sea.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Crystal 21 20 500-5000 112 200 0 3 40 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Crystal Isles[edit | edit source]

Crystal Isles

Description: 20x20 Crystal World ocean, dotted with reefs and islands.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Crystal 30 20 500-5000 112 200 0 3 40

Crystal Maze[edit | edit source]

Crystal Maze

Description: 10x10 Free-for-all in a maze of mountains.

Planet Tidal Strength Solar Strength Wind Speed Gravity Max Units Water Damage Surface Metal Moho Metal # Players
Crystal 20 20 500-5000 112 200 0 3 40 2, 3, 4, 5, 6