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Revision as of 17:27, 30 March 2023 by Trig Jegman (talk | contribs)
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Table of Contents
Live Mode
- Walls
- Doors and Windows
- Flooring
- Wall Coverings
- Staircases
- Decks and Foundations
- Terrain
- Gardening
- Roofs
- Miscellaneous
- Small Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Entertainment
- TVs and Computers
- Audio
- Small Electronics
- Table Lamps
- Floor Lamps
- Wall Lamps
- Hanging Lamps
- Outdoor Lamps
- Miscellaneous
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Exercise
- Recreation
- Dressers
- Children
- Party
- Miscellaneous
- Community Lot Only
- Aspiration Rewards
- Career Rewards
- Other Objects
New Careers
Stuff Packs

The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff is the sixth stuff pack released for The Sims 2. It was released on November 5, 2007.
This pack revolves around giving objects that allow you to give your teens more personality. These objects revolve around three themes. Goth, Thrasher, and Socialite. Some objects are designed for one specific theme while others have design mode variations for each theme.
Other features that were introduced in other expansion packs include.
- Influence
- Lifetime Wants
- Attraction and Chemistry
- Turn Ons and Turn Offs
- Inventory
- Rename Lot Button
- Door Locking
- Game Encyclopaedia
- Collections Upgrade
- Build Mode Upgrades
- Expansion Pack Icons in Neighbourhood View
- Hair upgrades
Go to top
- The Sims 2
- Teen Style Stuff
- Comfort
Table of Contents
Live Mode
- Walls
- Doors and Windows
- Flooring
- Wall Coverings
- Staircases
- Decks and Foundations
- Terrain
- Gardening
- Roofs
- Miscellaneous
- Small Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Entertainment
- TVs and Computers
- Audio
- Small Electronics
- Table Lamps
- Floor Lamps
- Wall Lamps
- Hanging Lamps
- Outdoor Lamps
- Miscellaneous
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Exercise
- Recreation
- Dressers
- Children
- Party
- Miscellaneous
- Community Lot Only
- Aspiration Rewards
- Career Rewards
- Other Objects
New Careers
Stuff Packs
Hidden category: