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New to Open for Business is crafting. A feature that allows sims to use a single object to make other objects and then sell them for a profit. This article reviews those objects.

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Crafting most objects produces this menu or one similar

So how does crafting work. Sims have seven different talents. Three of those talents are purely related to crafting objects. The level of these talent badges control many things.

  • What products can be crafted
  • The speed of crafting
  • The quality of the crafted object

An object can be crafted by clicking on the station and selecting Make One or Make Many and then choosing the desired object. The sim then spends time crafting the object. Once completed, the object stays on the bench or goes into the sims inventory. In some cases, the crafted object will be flawed or broken providing sometimes humourous results. Employees can also be directed to craft objects for your sims businesses. Those objects go straight into the owners inventory. They can then be set for sale in the usual way. Unlike other buy mode objects, restocking them requires that another copy of the object be in the owners inventory. Crafted objects can also be sold on non-businesses by simply selecting them from buy mode and deleting them. Usually, sold objects will cost more than they did to make them. In summary, interactions are:

  • Make One: Sim makes desired object based on station and talent badge.
  • Make Many: Sim makes multiple copies of the same object specified by the player.
  • Scrap: Sim stops making and clears the station.
  • Resume: Sim continues unfinished project.
  • Assign Job: Sim selects employee and assigns them to craft a specified object.

The "That Smells Great!" Floral Workstation from 'Craftin' It!' Industries[edit | edit source]

The "That Smells Great!" Floral Workstation from 'Craftin' It!' Industries
The "That Smells Great!" Floral Workstation from 'Craftin' It!' Industries.
Talent BadgeFlower Arranging
Community SortShopping
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $150
  • Daily Depreciation: $100
  • Depreciation Limit: $400

Flower stations cannot be set for sale on a sim-owned business. The objects that sims can make on the table are detailed below. The rate at which the flower arranging talent badge is gained can be boosted with the creativity skill.

Badge Object Cost to Make Value
None Daisy Bouquet $36 $40
Bronze Wildflower Bouquet
Tulip Bouquet
Silver Mixed Flower Bouquet
Rose Bouquet
Gold Snapdragon Bouquet $240 $300

The Crazy Fun Toybench from 'Craftin' It!' Industries[edit | edit source]

The Crazy Fun Toybench from "Craftin' It!" Industries
The Crazy Fun Toybench from "Craftin' It!" Industries.
Talent BadgeToy Making
Community SortShopping
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $225
  • Daily Depreciation: $150
  • Depreciation Limit: $600

Toy benches cannot be set for sale on a sim-owned business. The objects that sims can make on the bench are detailed below. The rate at which the toy making talent badge is gained can be boosted with the mechanical skill. When sims craft objects with the station there is a chance, boosted with low skill, mood, talent and aspiration score, that the object may be crafted 'evil'. These objects, when interacted with, can produce some humorous results. They also have the same value as the normal versions

Badge Object Cost to Make Value
None Sir Bricks-a-Lot $28 $35
Bronze Little Heroes Fire Truck
Silver Brinks' Kite
Twirl, Spin and Wobble!
Gold Wet 'n' Wild Water Wiggler $120 $450

The "Non-Deadly" Robot Crafting Station from 'Craftin' It!' Industries[edit | edit source]

The "Non-Deadly" Robot Crafting Station from 'Craftin' It!' Industries
Talent BadgeRobotics
Community SortShopping
Other info
  • Initial Depreciation: $300
  • Daily Depreciation: $200
  • Depreciation Limit: $800