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The Sims 2: FreeTime also has objects that are just for toddlers. This article is for them.

Children[edit | edit source]

Several objects in this category now boost enthusiasm for a hobby. These are:

  • Toy Xylophone: Music & Dance
  • Block Set: Science
  • Lemonade Stand: Cuisine
Paw-crafted Teddy Bear
Need EffectsComfort 3, Fun 10
Need MaximumFun 90
Community SortMiscellaneous, Shopping

There are actually two identical copies of this teddy bear. They both share the same stats. The teddy bear contains the same interactions as the original one.

High Society High Chair
Need MaximumComfort 70
Room(s)Dining, Kitchen
Community SortMiscellaneous, Shopping

Contains the same interactions as the original high chair.

Lil' Angel Potty Chair
Need EffectsFun 10
Room(s)Kids, Bathroom
Community SortShopping

Contains the same interactions as the original potty chair.

Contained Fun Toybox
Need EffectsFun 7
Need MaximumFun 85
Community SortMiscellaneous, Shopping

Contains the same interactions as other toy boxes.

Teeny Tikes Activity Table
Need EffectsEnergy -1, Fun 6
Skill(s)Mechanical, Creativity
HobbiesTinkering, Arts & Crafts
Community SortMiscellaneous

The activity table is a new object that allows toddlers to socialise with each other as well as children. Its interactions are:

  • Play with Blocks: Toddler or child builds a block tower. The higher the sims mechanical, the more advanced the tower is. Builds mechanical skill and Tinkering. If another sim joins, then they both gain social and relationship.
  • Draw: Toddler or child draws a picture. After a while, the picture is complete. It can then be grabbed and hanged on the wall. They can also be sold but won't give you money. The higher the creativity, the more detailed the drawing. Drawing builds creativity and Arts & Crafts. Like paintings on the easel, drawings can be left if the need arises and resumed later. They can also be scraped. Up to four sims can draw a picture at a time.
  • Clean Up: Child or older cleans the table of blocks and uncompleted drawings.
Wonderland Sleigh Crib
Need EffectsEnergy 12
Room(s)Kids, Bedroom
Community SortMiscellaneous, Shopping

Contains the same interactions as other cribs.

Lil' Jailbird Canopy Crib
Need EffectsEnergy 12
Room(s)Kids, Bedroom
Community SortMiscellaneous, Shopping

Contains the same interactions as other cribs.

Good Times Changing Table
Need EffectsHygiene 10
Community SortMiscellaneous

Contains the same interactions as other changing tables.

Party[edit | edit source]

Several party objects boost enthusiasm for at least one kind of hobby. These are as follows.

  • Bars: Cuisine
  • Birthday Cake: Cuisine
  • Bonfire: Nature
  • Buffet Table: Cuisine
  • Fruit Juice Barrel: Cuisine
  • Toasting Set: Cuisine
  • Wedding Cake: Cuisine
Sweetening Fruit Nectar Bar
Need EffectsEnvironment 4
Room(s)Dining, Living, Kitchen
Community SortMiscellaneous, Food

The nectar bar allows you to drink finer drinks then those supplied in normal bars. Interactions are:

  • Drink: Choose from Grape, Peach or Berry nectar. Sims with Playful personalities will use the nectar bar more than other bars autonomously. As with normal drinks, nectar increases fun and hunger but depletes bladder.
  • Serve: Sim serves four glasses of the specified nectar.
  • Clean Up: Sim clears the nectar table.
Ultra Serious Fan Island Bar by Al Ike Spordz
Need EffectsFun 3
Need MaximumFun 80
Room(s)Dining, Living, Kitchen
Community SortMiscellaneous, Food

This bar contains the same interactions as normal bars. On community lots interactions are:

  • Order Drink: Orders a blended ($15) or poured ($10) drink from a bartender.
  • Be Bartender: Takes over job as bartender in exchange for money.
Need EffectsFun 3
Need MaximumFun 80
Room(s)Dining, Living, Kitchen
Community SortMiscellaneous, Food

This bar contains the same interactions as normal bars.