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Table of Contents
Live Mode
- Walls
- Doors and Windows
- Flooring
- Wall Coverings
- Staircases
- Decks and Foundations
- Terrain
- Gardening
- Roofs
- Miscellaneous
- Small Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Entertainment
- TVs and Computers
- Audio
- Small Electronics
- Table Lamps
- Floor Lamps
- Wall Lamps
- Hanging Lamps
- Outdoor Lamps
- Miscellaneous
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Exercise
- Recreation
- Dressers
- Children
- Party
- Miscellaneous
- Community Lot Only
- Aspiration Rewards
- Career Rewards
- Other Objects
New Careers
Stuff Packs

The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff, also known as The Sims 2: Fashion Stuff is the fifth stuff pack. It was released on June 5, 2007.
Its main features come from real-life company H&M. In the pack, all the clothing was influenced in part by this company. This stuff pack also comes with three pre-made H&M stores. Two of them were designed for specific neighbourhoods.
New objects in the game included new shop objects such as mannequins and signage. It also includes objects that can create a catwalk. However, this is not functional and is purely visual.
Other features were included but were released in earlier expansion packs. These were
- Influence
- Lifetime Wants
- Attraction and Chemistry
- Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs
- Inventory
- Rename Lot button
- Door Locking
- Game encyclopaedia
- Collections upgrade
- Build Mode enhancements
- Hair upgrades
Go to top
- The Sims 2
- H&M Fashion Stuff
- Comfort
Table of Contents
Live Mode
- Walls
- Doors and Windows
- Flooring
- Wall Coverings
- Staircases
- Decks and Foundations
- Terrain
- Gardening
- Roofs
- Miscellaneous
- Small Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Entertainment
- TVs and Computers
- Audio
- Small Electronics
- Table Lamps
- Floor Lamps
- Wall Lamps
- Hanging Lamps
- Outdoor Lamps
- Miscellaneous
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Exercise
- Recreation
- Dressers
- Children
- Party
- Miscellaneous
- Community Lot Only
- Aspiration Rewards
- Career Rewards
- Other Objects
New Careers
Stuff Packs
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