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This is a list of jobs related to the science career including wages, requirements for promotion and chance card outcomes.

Level Job Name Working Hours Days Off Salary Required Skills Chance Card Outcomes
Friends Skill One (Cooking) Skill Two (Logic) Skill Three (Cleaning) Option A Option B
1 (T/E) Lab Glass Scrubber 3pm - 6pm Fri, Sun $64 0 0 0 0 1 Logic / -$170 Fired / -$320
1 (2) Test Subject 11am - 5pm (3pm - 6pm) Fri, Sun (Mon, Sat) $217 ($105) 0 (1) 0 0 (1) 0 $500 / Fired 1 Logic / -$127
2 (3) Lab Assistant 4pm - 10pm (3pm - 6pm) Sat, Mon (Sat, Sun) $322 ($115) 0 (2) 1 0 (1) 1 1 Logic / -$867 Promotion ($500)/ Demotion
3 Field Researcher 9am - 3pm Wed, Fri $448 0 1 1 3 $15,000 / -1 Logic Promotion / -1 Logic
4 Science Teacher 8am - 3pm Sat, Sun $525 1 2 1 5 2 Logic / -1 Logic 1 Logic, 1 Charisma / Demotion
5 Project Leader 10am - 5pm Mon, Thu $630 2 3 2 6 $7,500 / Demotion 2 Logic / Fired
6 Inventor 10am - 7pm Tue, Thu $756 3 4 4 6 $10,000 / 2 Cooking $7,000 / -3 Cleaning
7 Scholar 8am - 1 pm Sat, Sun $896 3 5 5 7 2 Logic, $5,000 / -2 Cleaning 2 Logic, 2 Charisma / Fired
8 Top Secret Researcher 10am - 3pm Tue, Thu $1036 3 6 8 7 Promotion / -2 Logic Promotion / -2 Logic
9 Theorist 10am - 2pm Sat, Sun, Mon $1522 5 7 9 9 $50,000 / Demotion $20,000 / Demotion
10 Mad Scientist 10pm - 2am Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon $2333 8 9 10 10 $55,000 / -$10,000 $25,000 / -$20,000