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Table of Contents
Live Mode
- Walls
- Doors and Windows
- Flooring
- Wall Coverings
- Staircases
- Decks and Foundations
- Terrain
- Gardening
- Roofs
- Miscellaneous
- Small Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Entertainment
- TVs and Computers
- Audio
- Small Electronics
- Table Lamps
- Floor Lamps
- Wall Lamps
- Hanging Lamps
- Outdoor Lamps
- Miscellaneous
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Exercise
- Recreation
- Dressers
- Children
- Party
- Miscellaneous
- Community Lot Only
- Aspiration Rewards
- Career Rewards
- Other Objects
New Careers
Stuff Packs
New Aspiration Object[edit | edit source]
Kibble of Life[edit | edit source]
12,000 Aspiration Points[edit | edit source]
The Kibble of Life can be used to reverse your pet's current age. There is no chance of failure from using this object. Its powers can only be used five times, indicated by the five glowing lights on the bowl. Every time it is used, a green light changes to red, until all five green lights are red. After it has been used five times, its powers can be used no more, but it can still be used as a functioning eating bowl for your Sims' pets.
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Table of Contents
Live Mode
- Walls
- Doors and Windows
- Flooring
- Wall Coverings
- Staircases
- Decks and Foundations
- Terrain
- Gardening
- Roofs
- Miscellaneous
- Small Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Entertainment
- TVs and Computers
- Audio
- Small Electronics
- Table Lamps
- Floor Lamps
- Wall Lamps
- Hanging Lamps
- Outdoor Lamps
- Miscellaneous
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Exercise
- Recreation
- Dressers
- Children
- Party
- Miscellaneous
- Community Lot Only
- Aspiration Rewards
- Career Rewards
- Other Objects
New Careers
Stuff Packs
Hidden category: