The objects in this category are specifically designed to be used at community lots, and can be used to build and design your own community lots. Such objects include special counters to place cash registers, shop signs, racks for purchasable objects, and clothing booths.
These counters are specially designed to have cash registers placed on them, but other table-top objects can be placed on them as well, including the countertop game display.
Whenever a Sim purchases an object, such as groceries or clothing, they'll bring it to the cash register, where an NPC will be standing by it, ready to serve your Sim.
Neukum Systems “Art of Darkness” Heavy Metal Wall Speaker[edit | edit source]
Neukum Systems “Art of Darkness” Heavy Metal Wall Speaker
Need Effects
Fun 2
Community Sort
Miscellaneous, Outdoor, Shopping, Food
Other info
Initial Depreciation: $60
Daily Depreciation: $40
Depreciation Limit: $160
These special wall speakers each play a specific music station and are not linked to a stereo, nor can the station be changed. The wall speakers are colour coded to distinguish themselves from each other. For example, this wall speaker plays Heavy Metal music and is black.
Neukum Systems “Bubblegum Sugar” Pop Wall Speaker[edit | edit source]
Neukum Systems “Bubblegum Sugar” Pop Wall Speaker
Need Effects
Fun 2
Community Sort
Miscellaneous, Outdoor, Shopping, Food
Other info
Initial Depreciation: $60
Daily Depreciation: $40
Depreciation Limit: $160
Neukum Systems “En Fuego” Salsa Wall Speaker[edit | edit source]
Neukum Systems “En Fuego” Salsa Wall Speaker
Need Effects
Fun 2
Community Sort
Miscellaneous, Outdoor, Shopping, Food
Other info
Initial Depreciation: $60
Daily Depreciation: $40
Depreciation Limit: $160
Neukum Systems “Glo Stik” Techno Wall Speaker[edit | edit source]
Neukum Systems “Glo Stik” Techno Wall Speaker
Need Effects
Fun 2
Community Sort
Miscellaneous, Outdoor, Shopping, Food
Other info
Initial Depreciation: $60
Daily Depreciation: $40
Depreciation Limit: $160
Neukum Systems “The Badunkadunk” Hip Hop Wall Speaker[edit | edit source]
Neukum Systems “The Badunkadunk” Hip Hop Wall Speaker
Need Effects
Fun 2
Community Sort
Miscellaneous, Outdoor, Shopping, Food
Other info
Initial Depreciation: $60
Daily Depreciation: $40
Depreciation Limit: $160
Neukum Systems “The Cold Train” R&B Wall Speaker[edit | edit source]
All community lots already have this object, which is used to summon a taxi to take your Sim home. However, you may add more of these to save your Sims a walk.
All clothes can be purchased from all racks. The only difference is their appearance. Clothes that are already owned by a Sim have a dresser icon on it. Different outfit categories cost different amounts. Sims can browse clothing racks for Fun. When trying on outfits, only outfits of the Sim's gender and age is shown. When an outfit is selected, the Sim will change in a nearby clothing booth. If there is also a mirror, the Sim will look in it. Only teens or older can purchase outfits, but they can buy outfits from other age and gender categories. Outfits are added to the shopping cart, so Sims can buy more than one outfit at a time.