Veronaville is the third neighbourhood included in The Sims 2. It is larely based on the works of William Shakespeare with the main storyline being based on Romeo and Juliet and other sims drawing names from Shakespeare plays including A Midsummers Night Dream, The Tempest, King Lear and Much Ado about Nothing.
Lots[edit | edit source]
Residential[edit | edit source]
The following is a list of residential lots is Veronaville including their value and residents if any.
Address | Residents | Value |
Capp Manor | Consort Capp, Tybalt Capp, Juliette Capp, Hermia Capp | $231,426 |
19 Chorus Court | None | $16,864 |
7 Chorus Court | None | $60,218 |
95 Bard Boulevard | None | $79,664 |
80 Bard Boulevard | None | $69,695 |
71 Bard Boulevard | Oberon Summerdream, Titania Summerdream, Puck Summerdream, Bottom Summerdream | $185,547 |
46 Bard Boulevard | None | $12,904 |
45 Bard Boulevard | None | $26,831 |
35 Bard Boulevard | None | $24,987 |
28 Bard Boulevard | None | $23,929 |
30 Poet Place | None | $17,234 |
50 Poet Place | None | $32,412 |
100 Via Veronaville | None | $28,794 |
84 Via Veronaville | None | $32,172 |
54 Via Veronaville | None | $51,652 |
40 Via Veronaville | None | $32,422 |
26 Via Veronaville | None | $23,595 |
20 Via Veronaville | None | $14,987 |
267 Avon Avenue | None | $50,511 |
111 Stradford Street | None | $49,170 |
Monty Ranch | Patrizio Monty, Isabella Monty, Mercutio Monty, Romeo Monty | $194,296 |
Old Silo Farm | None | $17,605 |
Community[edit | edit source]
There are four community lots in Veronaville
Name | Type | Features | Price |
431 Globe Street | Shop | Pinball, Magazines, Video Games, TV | $88,720 |
Veronaville Market | Shop | Groceries, Grill, Chess, Bar | $118,653 |
Stradford Strip | Shop | Clothes, Magazines, Video Games, Pinball, Grill | $168,544 |
5 Pentameter Parkway | Shop | Magazines, Groceries | $116,993 |
Sims[edit | edit source]
What follows is a profile of each initially playable sim in Veronaville.
Name | Age | Aspiration | Career | Skills | Personality |
Consort Capp | Elder (56 days old) | Fortune | CEO (Business) | Charisma 7, Logic 8, Creativity 6 | Scorpio, Neat 9, Outgoing 4, Active 6, Playful 4, Nice 2 |
Tybalt Capp | Teen (5 days left) | Popularity | Private School C- | Body 10, Logic 1 | Gemini, Neat 5, Outgoing 8, Active 6, Playful 4, Nice 2 |
Juliette Capp | Teen (9 days left) | Family | Private School A | Charisma 2 | Cancer, Neat 4, Outgoing 7, Active 3, Playful 7, Nice 4 |
Hermia Capp | Teen (12 days left) | Family | Private School C | Creatvity 2 | Virgo, Neat 6, Outgoing 3, Active 7, Playful 4, Nice 5 |
Patrizio Monty | Elder (9 Days Old) | Family | Retired Celebrity Chef (Culinary) | Charisma 5, Logic 6, Creativity 4, Cleaning 2 | Saggitarius, Neat 8, Outgoing 5, Active 4, Playful 4, Nice 4 |
Isabella Monty | Elder (1 Day Old) | Family | Retired Celebrity Chef (Culinary) | Cooking 10, Logic 8, Creativity 10, Cleaning 1 | Aries, Neat 4, Outgoing 6, Active 5, Playful 5, Nice 5 |
Mercutio Monty | Teen (6 days left) | Popularity | School C, Drive Thru Clerk (Culinary) | Body 1, Cleaning 1 | Sagittarius, Neat 3, Outgoing 7, Active 3, Playful 7, Nice 5 |
Romeo Monty | Teen (8 days left) | Romance | School B, Dishawasher (Culinary) | Charisma 3 | Aries, Neat 3, Outgoing 6, Active 5, Playful 5, Nice 6 |
Oberon Summerdream | Adult (27 days left) | Knowledge | Home Video Editor (Slacker) | Mechanical 4, Charisma 2, Creatvity 2 | Sqgittarius, Neat 4, Outgoing 7, Actvie 1, Playful 6, Nice 7 |
Titania Summerdream | Adult (28 days left) | Family | Party DJ (Slacker) | Charisma 2, Creativity 1 | Sagittarius, Neat 3, Outgoing 8, Active 2, Playful 7, Nice 7 |
Puck Summerdream | Teen (10 days left) | Popularity | School B, Golf Caddy (Slacker) | Charisma 3, Cleaning 2 | Taurus, Neat 7, Outgoing 2, Active 6, Playful 2, Nice 8 |
Bottom Summerdream | Child (5 days left) | Grow Up | School C | Charisma 1 | Leo, Neat 3, Outgoing 6, Active 7, Playful 4, Nice 5 |
Albany Capp | Adult (10 days left) | Family | Unemployed | Charisma 2 | Aries, Neat 9, Outgoing 8, Active 6, Playful 1, Nice 1 |
Goneril Capp | Adult (21 days left) | Fortune | Unemployed | Charisma 6, Logic 4, Creativity 3 | Capricorn, Neat 8, Outgoing 4, Active 3, Playful 5, Nice 5 |
Miranda Capp | Teen (13 days left) | Romance | School B | None | Cancer, Neat 6, Outgoing 5, Active 3, Playful 3, Nice 8 |
Hal Capp | Child (4 days left) | Grow Up | School A- | None | Aries, Neat 4, Outging 6, Active 5, Playful 3, Nice 5 |
Desdemona Capp | Child (6 days left) | Grow Up | School A | None | Taurus, Neat 7, Outgoing 5, Active 4, Playful 5, Nice 4 |
Ariel Capp | Toddler (4 days left) | Grow Up | N/A | None | Sagittarius, Neat 2, Outgoing 5, Active 7, Playful 6, Nice 5 |
Cornwall Capp | Adult (20 days left) | Fortune | Unemployed | Charisma 1 | Virgo, Neat 8, Outgoing 4, Acive 7, Playful 2, Nice 4 |
Regan Capp | Adult (26 days left) | Fortune | Unemployed | Charisma 4, Logic 3, Creativity 2 | Virgo, Neat 8, Outgoing 3, Active 6, Playful 3, Nice 5 |
Kent Capp | Adult (28 days left) | Knowledge | Unemployed | Cooking 6, Logic 8, Creativity 7 | Aquarius, Neat 6, Ougoing 6, Active 2, Playful 4, Nice 7 |
Bianca Monty | Adult (23 days left) | Family | Unemployed | Cooking 3, Logic 3, Creativity 2 | Cancer, Neat 4, Outgoing 5, Active 6, Playful 4, Nice 6 |
Antonio Monty | Adult (18 days left) | Knowledge | Executive Chef (Culinary) | Cooking 5, Logic 6, Creativity 5 | Cancer, Neat 6, Outgoing 4, Active 7, Playful 3, Nice 5 |
Beatrice Monty | Child (4 days left) | Grow Up | School B | None | Pisces, Neat 3, Outgoing 4, Active 7, Playful 3, Nice 8 |
Benedick Monty | Child (4 days left) | Grow Up | School B- | None | Sagittarius, Neat 2, Outgoing 3, Active 8, Playful 6, Nice 6 |
Family Ties[edit | edit source]
Capp:The Capp family which is the largest of the three, consist of three groups. Consort who is the patriach lives with three of his orphaned grandchildren who are siblings; Tybalt who is the oldest of the three, Juliette who is the middle child & Hermia who is the youngest of the three. Goneril, the oldest child of Consort lives with her husband, Albany & their children; Miranda, Hal,Desdemona & Ariel. Kent, the youngest child of Consort lives with his sister, Regan & his brother-in-law, Cornwall.
Monty:The Monty family like the Capp family, consist of three groups. Patrizio who is the patriach & his wife, Isabella who is the matriach live with their orphaned grandsons who are brothers; Mercutio who is older & Romeo who is younger. Antonio, the older child of Patrizio & Isabella lives with his daughter, Beatrice & his son, Benedick whom both of them are twins. Bianca, the younger child of Patrizio & Isabella lives alone.
Summerdream:The two lovers, Oberon & Titania had an adopted son named Puck who is the older child & an adopted daughter named Bottom who is the younger child.