There are several new appliances in The Sims 2: FreeTime and most of them are built just for cuisine. There are also several new interactions available on them.
Cooking[edit | edit source]
Apart from the usual Have Meal, Serve Meal and Clean interactions, all new appliances in the cooking category have the Make Food for Contest interaction. As well, grills can only make grilled food for the contest and stoves only make stove-only food.
Char-Pane Grill | |
Price | §900 |
Need Effects | Hunger 10 |
Hobbies | Cuisine |
Room(s) | Outside |
Community Sort | Food |
EliteChef Home Range | |
Price | §1,050 |
Need Effects | Hunger 10 |
Hobbies | Cuisine |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Food |
Refrigerators[edit | edit source]
This is a recap of all fridge interactions from the base game and its expansion packs.
- Have a Snack: Choose between cookies, chips, juice and the all-new protein shake for fitness sims.
- Have Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner: Choose meal based on cooking skill.
- Serve Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner: Choose meal based on cooking skill. Creates six servings. Sims can also choose Grandmas Comfort Soup as a meal. This meal gives hunger, comfort and cures any illness.
- Serve Dessert: Choose meal based on cooking skill.
- Grill: Available at lunch and dinner. Choose meal based on cooking skill.
- Check Food Supplies: Looks at all food points available allowing you to know when its time to buy groceries.
- Juggle Bottles: Sim gets fun. Doesn't detract from food points.
- Make/Make Many: Open for Business only. Sim chooses quantity than group or single serving then chooses any meal they want to make. This isn't restricted by the time of day.
- Get Leftovers: Seasons introduced. Sim must first have leftovers in the fridge before choosing. Put food in the fridge by clicking and selecting Put Away Leftovers.
- Make Food for Contest: Makes food. When prepared, food is placed in your sims inventory. It doesn't actually have to be entered into a contest. It just makes it easier.
- Serve Platter: Instantly make chips, cheese or appetiser platter. What's available depends on cuisine enthusiasm. Platters full up hunger faster than most food.
CryonicFresh | |
Price | §1,650 |
Need Effects | Hunger 10, Environment 2 |
Need Maximum | Fun 50 (Juggle Bottles) |
Hobbies | Cuisine |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Food |
This fridge can contain up to 200 food points.
Small Appliances[edit | edit source]
All small appliances improve cuisine enthusiasm including the juicer, hot chocolate, coffee and espresso machine.
Deluxe Coffee Maker by YouBrew | |
Price | §95 |
Need Effects | Bladder -1, Energy 3, Fun 1 |
Need Maximum | Fun 70 |
Hobbies | Cuisine |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Shopping, Food |
Must be placed on a counter. Interactions include
- Make Coffee: Sim makes eight cups of coffee.
- Drink Coffee: Sim drinks a cup of coffee giving hunger and energy but detracting from bladder. If sim continually drinks coffee, he or she may visibly shake.
- Juggle Mugs: Sim juggles mugs. Gives fun. Other sims may join in.
Timeless Toaster Oven | |
Price | §120 |
Need Effects | Hunger 1 |
Hobbies | Cuisine |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Food |
Only interaction is to have a meal. Foods are limited and include Toaster Pastry, Grilled Cheese, Salmon, Pork Chops and TV Dinners. Must be placed on a counter.
Frugal Fruitlover's Friend | |
Price | §180 |
Need Effects | Hunger 2 |
Hobbies | Cuisine |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Food |
Must be placed on counter. It only speeds preparation of food and has no interactions.
The Nanowaver | |
Price | §250 |
Need Effects | Hunger 2 |
Hobbies | Cuisine, Tinkering |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Food |
The nanowaver only can prepare a TV dinner. It can also be tinkered with. Finally there's a chance of breaking down in which case it must be repaired. Repairing carries the usual chance of electrocution.
Large Appliances[edit | edit source]
Large appliances all improve tinkering enthusiasm. They do not improve cuisine enthusiasm.
Gravitrash by Jackson Compaction | |
Price | §500 |
Hobbies | Tinkering |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Food |
The trash compactor is essentially a larger version of a rubbish bin. It also tucks away inside a counter meaning it takes up no space. Interactions include.
- Tinker: Gives fun. There's a chance of electrocution for low mechanical sims.
- Empty: Sim empties out trash compactor giving space for extra trash.
- Compost Contents: Seasons only. Removes trash for composting.
- Repair: If the compactor breaks, this interaction repairs it. Carries a chance of electrocution.
The Dish De-atomizer | |
Price | §850 |
Hobbies | Tinkering |
Room(s) | Kitchen |
Community Sort | Food |
The dishwasher speeds the process of removing dishes by provider a quicker alternative than using the countertop sink. This dishwasher won't wake up any sims sleeping in the same room. Interactions include.
- Repair: If the dishwasher breaks down, this interaction will repair it.
- Tinker: Improves tinking enthusiasm and gives fun. There's a chance of electrocution.