Sinks are one way to satisfy Hygiene, but they're also used to bathe babies and wash dishes.
There are two types of sinks; Pedestals, freestanding, but must be placed against a wall, and Countertops, which must be placed on a counter.
Sims can drink from sinks, which satisfies Hunger but depletes Bladder.
Washing hands satisfies Hygiene. Sinks cannot max out Hygiene. If you want to completely fufil your Sim's Hygiene, use a shower or bathtub.
Babies can be bathed in sinks to satisfy their Hygiene.
Sims can take a sponge bath from a sink, but this is only done autonomously, and only if they are Neat/Sloppy 6 and their Hygiene is less than -50.
As with toilets, showers and tubs, sinks get dirty and can be cleaned, which increases the Cleaning skill. Also, like other Plumbing objects, sinks can break, requiring them to be repaired, which increases the Mechanical skill.
Superiative Sink by “The Greatest Designer Alive” [ edit | edit source ]
Superiative Sink by “The Greatest Designer Alive” Price §250 Need Effects Hygiene 5 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Countertop Room(s) Bathroom, Kitchen Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $37
Daily Depreciation: $25
Depreciation Limit: $100
Simple Sink from Krampft Industries [ edit | edit source ]
Simple Sink from Krampft Industries Price §275 Need Effects Hygiene 5 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Pedestal Room(s) Bathroom Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $41
Daily Depreciation: $27
Depreciation Limit: $110
Floral Sink Price §330 Need Effects Hygiene 5 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Countertop Room(s) Bathroom, Kitchen Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $49
Daily Depreciation: $33
Depreciation Limit: $132
Garden Fresh Pedestal Sink [ edit | edit source ]
Garden Fresh Pedestal Sink Price §355 Need Effects Hygiene 5 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Pedestal Room(s) Bathroom Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $53
Daily Depreciation: $35
Depreciation Limit: $142
Hydronomic CleenSheen Basin [ edit | edit source ]
Hydronomic CleenSheen Basin Price §410 Need Effects Hygiene 6 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Countertop Room(s) Bathroom, Kitchen Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $61
Daily Depreciation: $41
Depreciation Limit: $164
Imperial Plumbing Works Tivoli Basin [ edit | edit source ]
Imperial Plumbing Works Tivoli Basin Price §560 Need Effects Hygiene 6 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Countertop Room(s) Bathroom, Kitchen Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $84
Daily Depreciation: $56
Depreciation Limit: $224
Filigree Facebowl by Imperial Plumbing Works [ edit | edit source ]
Filigree Facebowl by Imperial Plumbing Works Price §610 Need Effects Hygiene 6 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Countertop Room(s) Bathroom, Kitchen Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $91
Daily Depreciation: $61
Depreciation Limit: $244
Imperial Lyon Basin Price §640 Need Effects Hygiene 6 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Pedestal Room(s) Bathroom Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $96
Daily Depreciation: $64
Depreciation Limit: $256
Victor Victorian Pedestal Sink [ edit | edit source ]
Victor Victorian Pedestal Sink Price §700 Need Effects Hygiene 6, Environment 2 Need Maximum Hygiene 90 Skill(s) Cleaning, Mechanical Type Pedestal Room(s) Bathroom Community Sort Miscellaneous, Shopping, Food Other info
Initial Depreciation: $105
Daily Depreciation: $70
Depreciation Limit: $280