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Table of Contents
Live Mode
- Walls
- Doors and Windows
- Flooring
- Wall Coverings
- Staircases
- Decks and Foundations
- Terrain
- Gardening
- Roofs
- Miscellaneous
- Small Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Entertainment
- TVs and Computers
- Audio
- Small Electronics
- Table Lamps
- Floor Lamps
- Wall Lamps
- Hanging Lamps
- Outdoor Lamps
- Miscellaneous
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Exercise
- Recreation
- Dressers
- Children
- Party
- Miscellaneous
- Community Lot Only
- Aspiration Rewards
- Career Rewards
- Other Objects
New Careers
Stuff Packs
Young Adults are the main age group addition to The Sims 2: University.
An age group between Teenager and Adult, this is only available to teenager sims that go to college. If they don't go to college they will go straight to Adulthood. They act much like Adults, but can't "try for a baby". Young adults only appear when you are at the university or when one of your neighborhood sims invites one over.
There are 3 ways to change an young adult to adult:
- Go through all 4 years of college.
- Drop out of college and return to the neighborhood.
- Set your Sim's purpose to "Move in" with an NPC young adult, who will then drop out of college and move in with your Sim.
The longer you spend in college, the more wants your young adult can have, up to 6 instead of the usual 4.
Go to top
- Scholarships and Enrolling
- Young Adults
- College Life
Table of Contents
Live Mode
- Walls
- Doors and Windows
- Flooring
- Wall Coverings
- Staircases
- Decks and Foundations
- Terrain
- Gardening
- Roofs
- Miscellaneous
- Small Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Entertainment
- TVs and Computers
- Audio
- Small Electronics
- Table Lamps
- Floor Lamps
- Wall Lamps
- Hanging Lamps
- Outdoor Lamps
- Miscellaneous
- Creativity
- Knowledge
- Exercise
- Recreation
- Dressers
- Children
- Party
- Miscellaneous
- Community Lot Only
- Aspiration Rewards
- Career Rewards
- Other Objects
New Careers
Stuff Packs
Hidden category: